115 research outputs found

    Localizing the strategy for achieving rural water supply and sanitation in Nigeria

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    Water is essential for sustenance of life and determines the overall socio- economic development of any nation. In Nigeria, so many programmes to improve water supply and sanitation situation had been put in place by different administrations. Despite this, the hope of meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target of safe water supply by the year 2015 is still uncertain. The MDG in water supply and sanitation aims to half the proportion of people without access to potable water supply and basic sanitation. More recent statements of the MDGs refer to the right of communities to have access to an adequate supply of safe water. Safe rural water supply coverage in this context is taken to mean water that does not represent a significant health risk; that is of sufficient quantity to meet all domestic needs; that is available continuously to all of the people and is affordable. There is no gainsaying the fact that the objective of improved rural water supply generally is limited to improved health. This paper therefore examines the extent to which government, implementors, and users are adopting different but interrelated mechanisms to deal with water stress in Nigeria. The paper also identifies the challenges in governance, government policies and priorities as responsible for poor service delivery. More importantly, a policy/institutional framework for sustainable rural water supply and sanitation delivery is developed towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.Keywords: Rural water supply, sanitation, sustainable development, Millennium Development Goals, Nigeri

    Causes of Climate and Environmental Changes: The need for Environmental-Friendly Education Policy in Nigeria

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    Man cannot naturally be detached from his environment. From time to time, changes in climate and environmental conditions occur as a result of natural and human factors. Obviously, the natural factors are almost beyond human control. But, the human factors are to a very large extent under human control. Thus, this paper tried to discover natural and human factors that cause climate and environmental changes which have negative effects on the existence of man on earth. Such human factors include, air, water and land pollutions, production of greenhouse gases, deforestation, desertification, emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful gases. Natural factors include, volcanic eruption, ocean variations, solar variations, Plate Tectonics, Thermohaline circulations, etc. Amazingly, the paper discovered that there is a complete negligence of climate and environmental education in many countries education system, including Nigeria. This is proven by the fact of the absence of climate and environmental education stipulations, in the National policy of education, 2004 edition. It is based on this that the paper advocated for the inclusion of climate and environmental education in Nigeria education policy. There were suggested policy statements made that will enhance climate and environmental education which will enlighten people about the dangers of causing harm to the environment. When this done, there will be a drastic reduction in the negative effects of climate and environmental changes. Keywords: Climate, environmental changes, environmental-friendly education policy, Nigeria

    Groundwater Quality Assessment and Monitoring Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    The study evaluated the spatial variation of groundwater parameters in Port Harcourt metropolis using GIS. Thirty two (32) water samples were collected from boreholes from different parts of the study area into a treated and well labeled 1.5 litres plastic bootle. The water samples were then subjected to laboratory analysis for temperature, pH, Calcium (Ca2+), Chloride (Cl-), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Nitrate (NO3-), Sulphate (SO42-), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Salinity, and bicarbonate (HCO3-). Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to record the latitudes and longitudes of the sampled boreholes. The result from the laboratory was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis in order to determine the mean, range and standard error of each parameter with the use of SPSS. Thereafter the result was imported to ArcGIS to generate the spatial variability maps for some groundwater parameters through the use of kriging in geostatistic module. Surfer 8 was used to generate the 2D and 3D representation of the borehole depths while Idrisi for windows was used to generate the relationship between borehole depth and pH ; and borehole depth and Ca. The result showed that Cl had the highest concentration among the anions with a mean value of 161.49 mg/l and Ca had the highest concentration among the cations with a mean value of 6.53 mg/l. The mean values of the all the groundwater parameters were lower than the WHO standard. Moderately weak inverse relationship was observed between the borehole depth and groundwater pH concentration; and between borehole depth and groundwater calcium concentration. It is recommended that the use of GIS should be encouraged to periodically monitor and assess groundwater quality. Keywords: Borehole, Groundwater, GIS, Geostatistics, Port Harcour

    Geo-technical Investigation and Characterization of Sub-soils in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Central Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    This study aims at establishing the sub-soil types and profile to ascertain the geotechnical characteristics of the underlying soils in parts of Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria and recommend appropriate foundation design and construction of projects in the area. Four boreholes were drilled using hand auger and representative disturbed samples were taken at regular intervals of 1.0m depth, and also when a change in soil type was observed. Standard laboratory procedures were used in the analysis of the samples. Water levels recorded in the site BH-1 (1.50m), BH-2 (1.50m), BH-3 (4.00m) and BH-4 (1.00m), respectively. Geotechnical result reveal that the area is underlain predominantly by medium to firm silty clay (although) in BH-1, silty sand and medium to fine silty clay in BH-2 and medium to firm silty clay at the top, silty sand (middle) and fine to medium sand at the bottom of BH-3 and BH-4, respectively. Water level (WL) recorded in the site for BH-1 (1.50m), BH-2 (1.50m), BH-3 (4.00m) and BH-4 (1.00m), respectively. The soil material presented average Moisture Content (MC) of 27%; 35% average Liquid Limit (LL); 22% average Plastic Limit (PL); 13% average Plasticity Index (PI) with average Liquidity Index of 0.387. Average Hydraulic conductivity K (Permeability) obtained from grain size analysis for BH-3 and BH-4: 3.2 x 10-3m/s and 1.8 x 10-3 m/s respectively, with an average of K = 2.5 x 10-3m/s. BH-3 and BH-4 were considered for sieve analysis only because of the appreciable sand presence which were not available in BH-1 and BH-2. The hydraulic conductivity values are high within the typical permeability values for fine to medium sand to gravel. The implication of high K values is that the aquifer system in the area is prolific. It is recommended that studies on the geotechnical characteristics of the area be carried out as it provides valuable data that can be used for foundation design and other forms of construction for civil engineering structures in order to minimize adverse effects and prevention of post construction problems. Key Words: Geotechnical, Hydraulic conductivity, Sub-soil, Yenagoa, Niger Delta.

    An Investigation of Lecturers’ and students’ use of ICTs in Nigerian university education as a panacea for national development

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    The importance of ICT in boosting human capacity development and self realization prompted an investigation into lecturers’ and students’ use of ICTs in Nigerian university education as a panacea for national development in Rivers State. The study carried out in the two State owned Universities in Rivers State, Nigeria adopted the survey research design. Random sampling technique was employed in the selection of 1154 subjects (i.e. 146 lecturers and 1008 students). A 40 item and 20 item self structured test titled: “Information and communication Technology Usage Scale” (ICTUS) and National Development Inventory (NDI) validated by experts and with a reliability coefficient (ra) of 0.763 was used to analyze the data using t-test and regression analysis. The study revealed that the gender of university lecturers did not predict their usage of ICT while it also revealed that ICT usage contributed to national development. It was recommended among others that the National universities Commission (NUC) should commence an urgent review of the course content of university education, with a view at compulsorily incorporating ICT usage as a standard for all teaching, learning and examinations. Keywords: lecturers, students, ICT, university education, national development, Rivers State

    Utilizing the tool of gis in oil spill management - a case study of Etche LGA, Rivers State, Nigeria

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    This study is concerned with creating an environmental resource database for Etche Local Government Area in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. The study reveals the techniques that could be employed in oil spill management. The study was aimed at identifying the different activities and socio-economic component (infrastructures) that can cause oil spill in the study area and attempt at inventorying landuse/landcover that are likely to be affected by any oil spill in the area and build a viable database for oil spill management in the area. Data were collected and imported into GIS environment for analysis using ArcInfo 3.5.1 and ArcView 3.5. Results indicate that about 47.21%, almost half of the study area is cultivated. However, three (3) different buffer zones were created. The waterbodies in the area were identified as the major oil spill distributor. Out of total area of 391.2 km2 covered by the buffer region, cultivated land occupies the highest areal extent of 35.59%, while rubber plantation has the least arealextent of about 0.64%. This confirms that cultivated land is more affected than any other landuse/landcover class in case of any spill in the area. Moreover, the study ranks waterbody as the most highly sensitive landuse/landcover category with ESI-I, with heavy mangrove forest followed by ESI-2 and ESI-3, respectively. The study has therefore demonstrated the effectiveness of GIS in the creation of a spatial database for monitoring and modeling oil spill in the area. The study also recommends that consistent ESI maps of the area should be prepared, and that such information should be made available when the need arises.KEYWORDS: Geographic Information Systems, oil spill monitoring, oil spill management, environmental sensitivity index, contingency plannin

    Preliminary Determination of Subsurface Soil Profiles in Akenfa Community, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    This study aims at establishing the sub-soil types and profile to ascertain the geotechnical characteristics of the underlying soils in Akenfa in Yenagoa, Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, Nigeria and recommend appropriate foundation design and construction of projects in the area. Three (3) geotechnical boreholes were drilled at the site to obtain baseline data on geotechnical properties of the soil and water level monitoring, the boreholes were advanced with the use of a cable percussion boring rig and were terminated to a maximum depth of 30m. The particle size distributions of a number of representative samples of the cohesionless soils were determined by sieve analysis. The results show that the samples are low to medium plasticity silty clay. The lithology revealed intercalations of clay and sand in thin layers to a depth of 2.0m below the existing ground level. Underlying this clay is a stratum of loose to medium dense sand and dense sand. The sand is well sorted grading from fine to medium as the borehole advances. The laboratory analysis showed that the silty clay has undrained shear strength of 48 kPa. The loose sand has a maximum SPT (N) value of 12 while the medium dense sand has maximum SPT (N) value of 28. Considering the nature of the civil structures to be sited in the area, it is anticipated the load and the moderate compressibility of this near surface silty clay and the underlying loose silty sand be supported by means of raft foundation founded within the clay layer. It is recommended that studies on the geotechnical characteristics of the area be carried out as it provides valuable data that can be used for foundation design and other forms of construction for civil engineering structures in order to minimize adverse effects and prevention of post construction problems. Keywords: Subsoils, geotechnical, foundation, engineering structures, Akenf


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    This research work assessed the gully erosion susceptibility of Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria using the GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation approach. The objectives were to identify susceptible areas, examine and evaluate the causes as well as the impacts and recommend possible control measures. The multicriteria evaluation approach of pairwise comparison by Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to calculate and assign criteria weights to the 5 erosion factors. The pairwise comparison matrix was tested using Saaty Consistency Ratio to ensure accuracy. The five erosion controlling factors were analyzed in the GIS environment and prioritized as rainfall erosivity (R factor, 36%), soil erodibility (K factor, 30%), slope (LS factor, 19%), vegetative cover (C factor, 9%) and conservation practice (P factor, 6%) in order of importance. The susceptibility map was produced and validated by ground truthing. Gully initiations are widespread in the study area. Dormant gullies at Umulu, Ihim and Amuro are well-vegetated with bambusa vulgaris. The active gullies at Elemaga-Ibere and Amaegbu-Ariam are within the moderate to high susceptible areas. The major anthropogenic causes of erosion in the study area include sand mining, bad farming practices, lumbering, poor drainage system and abandoned road constructions. The impacts included the destruction of roads and houses, isolation of communities, loss of farmlands and silting of streams. Tree planting and regrassing, engineering and structural designs to channel runoff, proper road design, improved farming practices and engaging in sensitization of all stakeholders targeted on early stage preventive measures were recommended. The GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation approach has proved both useful an

    Investigation of Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater In Port Harcourt City, Nigeria: Implication for Use and Vulnerability

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    A hydrogeochemical evaluation of groundwater in Port Harcourt City, Southern Nigeria has been carried out. Thirty two (32) groundwater samples were analysed for their physical, chemical and microbiological properties. The average temperature of the groundwater samples is 29 \ub0C, The water is slightly acidic with pH values between 4.28 \u2013 7.72. Elevated Electrical Conductivity (EC) values in some coastal wells suggest possible pollution by seawater. The study also reveals saltwater contamination in the area as Chloride contents in some boreholes are up to 710.00mg/l. Besides of the major chemical compositions, ionic ratio (HCO3/Cl, Na/Ca, Ca/Cl, Mg/Cl and Ca/SO4) was used to delineate saline water intrusion. Iron and Manganese concentrations are above the World Health Organization guide value in majority of the boreholes studied, with maximum value up to 1.60mg/l in Abuloma area. Constituents of the heavy metals as shown in this study reveal that, in some locations, values are slightly higher than the permissible levels. Microbial analysis of the water samples to determine the presumptive coliform count of the water indicates the presence of coliform bacteria in majority of the analysed samples, indicating anthropogenic contamination of groundwater. The water is generally classified as soft and fresh based on its hardness and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), which ranges from 2.50mg/l \u2013 142mg/l and 2.60mg/l \u2013 401mg/l, respectively. The analytical results present the abundance of the ions in the following order: Mg > Ca > Na > K = Cl > SO4 > HCO3 > NO3. Chloride is the dominant anion found in the groundwater of the study area. Piper trilinear diagram for the study area shows that there is a mixture of two types of water with variable concentrations of major ions. These are Ca \u2013 Mg \u2013 Cl \u2013 SO4 type and Na + K \u2013 Cl \u2013 SO4 type water. The second water type is also influenced by NO3. This means that groundwater in the area is mainly made up of mixtures of earth alkaline and alkaline metals and predominantly Cl- - SO4 2-water type. Most of the water samples are made up of mixtures of the two water types. The study provides the basic tool for sustainable groundwater management in the area in the context of quality assessment
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