49 research outputs found

    Integrating Technology into Science Field Investigations

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    One of the most valuable results of environmental education is the clear association between understanding of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) concepts after participation in outdoor programs, as outlined in the National Science Foundation’s Environmental Science and Engineering for the 21st Century report (NSF, 2000). One component of STEM is technology. Technology can assist in “problem solving, consensus building, information management, communication, and critical and creative thinking”, the main goals and missions of environmental education as stated by the NSF report. These tools allow students to participate in science as a scientist would. By using appropriate technology, and developing technological skills along the way, students will be better prepared for career paths to be created in the future that will inevitably utilize technology. In order to maximize potential gains of using both technology and environmental education, technology must be used in concert with outdoor hands-on experiences, and not just as an afterthought (Willis, Weiser, & Kirkwood, 2014). This paper aims to share best practices of methodology for field investigations, along with examples of technology integration for each portion (preparation, action, and reflection)

    Enhancing Climate Education for a Changing Chesapeake Bay

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    The Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERR), located at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), coordinates Climate Education for a Changing Bay (CECB), a program providing meaningful watershed educational experiences (MWEEs) that are fully integrated and systemic into the classroom curriculum for ninth grade students in Gloucester and Mathews County, Virginia. CECB also provides interrelated professional development opportunities for teachers in the region. The overall objective of CECB is to improve climate literacy within local high schools by advancing the use of locally relevant environmental data and information in classroom curriculum, field experiences, and professional teacher training. Students have three experiences with CBNERR Education staff: a classroom visit will be the students’ initial exposure to climate change science and the impacts that it will have on natural ecosystems, coastal communities, and local issues; a field experience on the schoolgrounds outlined in the activity; and a field experience at VIMS. Throughout the program, salt marshes are used as a model ecosystem to study the impacts of climate chang

    Understanding Changes in Seagrass Communities

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    Seagrass is an incredibly valuable habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. Students will use mock seagrass patches, modeled after a research transect along Goodwin Island, Virginia, to analyze change in seagrass percent cover during, and following, a major die-off event in 2010. Students also analyze water quality graphs from the same time period to help them determine why the die-off may have occurred

    Assessing Short-Term Learning and Long-Term Impacts of Non-Formal Education Programs

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    Non-formal education programs, such as summer camps, offer opportunities for immersive learning and increased experiential science. Summer camps at the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia provide hands-on marine science experiences for 1st–8th grade students. This article assesses the short-term learning gains and long-term impacts of attending a marine science summer camp. Across all age groups, there is evidence of short-term learning, high numbers of new experiences for campers, and increased scientific confidence in many campers. The longitudinal study revealed that these impacts may last until at minimum college, influencing career choice, extracurricular activities, and course enrollment

    Assessing Resiliency in the Face of Sea-Level Rise

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    The ocean is inextricably linked to human societies. Climate change and its associated impacts to the aquatic environment pose problems for human communities as well. It is important for students and citizens to understand the changes they can expect to see on a local level, and prepare to respond to those impacts due to climate change. In this lesson, high school earth science students participate in a mock “stakeholder meeting” activity, where they role-play as land planners, emergency responders, and watermen, using climate change projections and county elevation information to create resilience plans for their communities in the year 2050

    Enhancing Collaborative Learning Through Design for Learning

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    As K-12 educators work toward targeted, small group instruction together with college and career readiness skills, many implement collaborative learning experiences within their classrooms. Collaborative learning can help students develop deeper understandings of content while building critical life-long skills, and using a design for learning approach provides teachers with a useful framework for planning, implementing, and reflecting on student learning. Together, these approaches support one another by helping teachers engage in three practical implementation tasks: designing collaborative learning environments, overcoming barriers to collaborative practices, and designing successful learning tasks. We recommend that teachers use design for learning techniques to purposefully create collaborative learning environments and tasks that engage students while scaffolding students’ learning

    Left and right displaced abomasum and abomasal volvulus: comparison of clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in 1982 dairy cows.

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    BACKGROUND: Although left and right displacement of the abomasum and abomasal volvulus are well-known disorders of cattle, a comparative evaluation of the clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings of these types of abomasal displacements has not been undertaken. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare these conditions in a large population of cows. The medical records of 1982 dairy cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA, n = 1341), right displaced absomasum (RDA, n = 338) and abomasal volvulus (AV, n = 303) were searched for the results of clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic evaluations. RESULTS: The main clinical findings were an abnormal demeanour in 48.2% of the cows, reduced rumen motility in 89.7% and decreased intestinal motility in 61.1%. Ballottement and simultaneous auscultation and percussion and simultaneous auscultation were positive on the left side in 96.9% of the cows with LDA and on the right in 98.5% of the cows with RDA and in 99.3% of the cows with AV. Ultrasonography was useful for diagnosing LDA in 97.9% of the cows and RDA/AV in 90.2% of the cows. The laboratory findings characteristic of abomasal reflux syndrome varied in severity; 83% of the cows had hypokalaemia, 67% had increased rumen chloride concentration, 67% had an increased base excess and 50% had haemoconcentration. Based on the clinical signs, a definitive diagnosis was made in 75.0% of the cows with LDA and in 22.5% of the cows with RDA/AV. Ultrasonography was required for a definitive diagnosis in another 22.0% of the cows with LDA and in 53.0% of the cows with RDA/AV. Laparotomy or postmortem examination was required for reliable differentiation of RDA and AV. CONCLUSIONS: LDA, RDA and AV differ with respect to the severity and the frequency of several abnormal clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings as well as the methods required for a diagnosis

    Quantitation of Guggenheimella bovis and treponemes in bovine tissues related to digital dermatitis

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    Digital dermatitis is an inflammation of uncertain aetiology in the skin of the foot of cattle. In 2005, a novel microorganism, Guggenheimella bovis, was isolated from the advancing front of digital dermatitis lesions, suggesting a possible role in pathogenesis. In the present study, tissue samples of 20 affected cows were examined by quantitative PCR for G. bovis, treponemes and the total eubacterial load. High numbers of eubacteria and treponemes were found in most lesions, whereas only a few lesions contained Guggenheimella, and only at low concentrations. The results argue against the relevance of G. bovis in the aetiology of digital dermatitis in cattle, but are consistent with a role for treponeme