124 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Prestasi Akademik Antara Laki-laki Dan Perempuan Studi Di Wilayah YOGYAKARTA

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    The aim of the study is to find out the difference of academic achievement based on gender. The result shows that there is significantly difference on academic achievement between male and female in general. Female academic achievement shows greater score than male. For further discussion, Female in elementary school, senior high school, diploma and also undergraduate degree has greater score than male. Meanwhile, in junior high school, there is no difference between male and female in their academic achievement

    Upaya Peningkatan Persepsi Diri Melalui Pelatihan Pengenalan Diri = Effort to Increase Self-Perception Through Self?Effort to Increase Self-Perception Through Self Understandin

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    ABSTRACTRecently, public attention has been focused on ways of developing Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and also emotional maturity. This is because one\u27s success is not only determined by his IQ but also by his emotional maturity. A characteristic of one whose emotional maturity has developed when he possesses self-awareness so that he will be able to control his inner-drives. This research is intended to find out the influence of self-understanding training on the development of self-perception. It is also intended to find out whether there is a relationship between school and self-perception.The research is experimental correlational study,using self-understanding training and school achievement as its independent variables and self-perception as its dependent one. The subjects of the experiment are 20 fourth-grade pupils of the SDK Theresia, 9 to 10 years of age. Subjects were assigned randomly into experimental and control groups based on a pretest-posttest design. The data are analyzed using one- way anova. The subjects of the correlational study are 58 fourth-grade pupils of SDK Theresia, 9 to 10 years of age. The data are analyzed using product moment correlation.The results of the research showed: (1) there was a positive efffect of self-understanding training toward self-perception (2) There was no correlation between school achievement and self-perception. Key words: self-perception - self-understanding training - school achievemnet

    Harga diri remaja yang bertempat tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacurandan di luar lingkungan kompleks pelacuran

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    INTISARI Tujuan yang ingin dicapai penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya perbedaan harga diri antara remaja yang tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacuran dan remaja yang tinggal di luar kompleks pelacuran, dengan mengendalikan faktor inteligensi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja yang bertempat tinggal di Kelurahan Dupak Surabaya, sebanyak 102 orang. Subjek penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan teknik Random Sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah skala harga dill yang diadaptasi dare skala harga diri Coopersmith dan tes Standard Progressive Matrices (splp dari Raven. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan telazik Analisis Kovarians AB (Anakova AB). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara harga diri remaja yang tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacuran dan remaja yang tinggal di Juan lingkungan kompleks pelacuran, dengan nilai F = 22,139 dan p < 0,01

    PERAN STATUS IDENTITAS EGO DAN STATUS USIA REMAJA KEMBAR TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN SOSIAL The Role of Ego Identity Status and Age Status of Twin Adolescents on Social Deveropment

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    This research analyzes the role of ego identity status and age status of twin adolescents on social development which includes the peer group, friend and heterosexual relationship.The subjects of this research are members of Indonesians NakulaSadewa Twins Association resides in East Java and in Yogyakarta. Their ages were 12 to 21 years old. There are 34 subjects (17 pairs) of early adolescent (12-17 years old), and 22 subjects (11 pairs) of late adolescent twins (1821 years old).Instrument used in this research are questionaires concerning the ego identity, the relationship of peer group, friend and heterosexual.The data are analyzed by Two way Analysis of Variances, Chi Square with two way classification and Serial Corelation. The results showed that there were no role of ego identity status and age status of twin adolescent to peer group, friend and heterosexual relationship (F = 0,221F = 0,084= 1,404r = 0,257p > 0,05). Key words: ego identity status, age status, social development, adolescent twin

    Sintesis Bioaditif Gasoline Melalui Ketalisasi Gliserol Menggunakan Katalisator Padat

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    Utilization of glycerol side product from biodiesel as waste management application is required for reduced negative effect which possible emerged. Glycerol have three bond of hydroxyde, so its opportunity to utilize to be solketal as bio-additive of gasoline. Indion 225 Na ion exchanger resin is strong acid cation category and low prices, so its potency to use alternatively of solid catalyst to get efficient and economic process. The purpose of this research was focussed to search of the best condition by optimalization indion 225 Na performance as catalyst in glycerol ketalization reaction, by integrated of variables that have effected to reaction for maximize glycerol coversion. To get maximize of reactants molecular interaction and for optimalization indion 255 Na performance, observation conducted in the range variables which widely enough that were reactant ratio of 5:1-6:1 mole of acetone mole/mole of glycerol, diameter size catalyst of 20-40 mesh, catalyst concentration of 3-5% mass of acetone, and reaction temperature of 35-65oC. Result of the research showed that indion 225 Na catalyst have good performance, by glycerol conversion to reach of 51.89%. Glycerol conversion mentioned was obtained at reactant ratio of 6:1 mole of acetone/mole of gycerol, diameter size catalyst of 40 mesh, catalyst concentration of 4% mass of acetone, and reaction temperature of 65oC

    Prediktor Permasalahan Perilaku Anak Usia Tk = Predictors of Behavioral Problems of Kindergarteners

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    ABSTRACT Behavior problem is often observed among kindergarteners. Perhaps it is a manifestation of a normal developmental process. Several factors have been identified as predictors of the problem, namely social maturity of the child, competence of the educator, and involvement of the parent. However, studies into the relative strength of each predictor, particularly in the social and cultural settings of Javanese societies, have been rarely. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1), to extend studies on the predictors of behavior problems among children of kindergartens in Yogyakarta(2), to identify the relative strength of the predictors(3), to understand the pattern of relationship between the predictorsand (4), to obtain an estimate of the distribution of behavior problems among kindergarten children of Yogyakarta. The writer\u27s hypotheses are stated as follows: There are negative correlations between educator\u27s competence in stimulating emotional and social development of children, social maturity of the child, and parental involvement in the children education, and their behavior problems. The characteristics of subjects are as follows: children of the age of 4 -6 yearshave neither physical disability nor diagnosable mental disorderand not of single parent family. Data were collected by the Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS), and analyzed using path analysis procedu res. Multiple regression analysis shows that educator\u27s competence corre- lated significantly with behavior problem (r = -0.46, p 0.01). It contributes to 21.45% of the variance of behavior problem. However, other variables were not significant predictors, with r = 0.02 and p = 0.45 for social maturity and r = -0.01 and p = 0.33 for parent involvement. Descriptive analysis shows that the conduct/ restless domain, which indicates aggressive tendencies, was more common than other domains of behavioral problems. It was followed by the emotional/miserable domainand the least was the isolated/ immature domain. Exploratory analysis shows that educator\u27s experience, as measured by how many years he or she has been in the profession, and educational background were not significantly correlated with competence. In addition, the age of the father and the mother and their respective ed ucation significantly correlated to parental involvement. Keywords : Behavior Problem, Social Maturity, Educator\u27s Competence, and Parental Involvement

    Studi Kinerja Katalisator Lewatit Monoplus s-100 pada Reaksi Esterifikasi antara Etanol dan Asam Asetat

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    Seringkali etil asetat dibuat dengan menggunakan katalisator asam sulfat.Walaupun konversi yang dihasilkan tinggi, penggunaan katalisator asam sulfat banyak menimbulkan masalah. Proses esterifikasi antara etanol dan asam asetat dengan katalisator padat berupa resin penukar ion lewatit monoplus s-100 diharapkan dapat memecahkan permasalahan tersebut. Proses pembuatan etil asetat dilakukan dengan cara batch, perbandingan pereaksi 1,2 gmol asam asetat /gmol etanol, waktu reaksi 60 menit, dengan pengadukan berbasis bed expansion 4% mengunakan magnetit stirrer, dan katalisator lewatit monoplus s-100. Variabel yang divariasikan adalah suhu reaksi dan konsentrasi katalisator. Etanol, asam asetat, dan katalisator dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor, kemudian ambil contoh untuk dianalisis etanol awal. Tutup reaktor dengan penutup lalu hotplate dinyalakan sambil pengadukan dijalankan. Setelah 60 menit ambil sampel untuk dianalisis konsentrasi etanol. Analisis dilakukan satu kali pada akhir reaksi yaitu 60 menit dengan mengunakan kromatografi gas. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan semakin besar suhu laju reaksi semakin meningkat, tetapi naiknya konsentrasi katalisator akan menyebabkan reaksi balik. Konversi tertinggi diperoleh pada 358K, dan konsentrasi katalisator 0,8 massa resin/massa etanol, dengan konversi sebesar 87,3%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja katalisator lewatit monopluss-100 cukup baik digunakan untuk proses esterifikasi antara etanol dan asam asetat. Kata kunci : asam asetat, esterifikasi, etanol, lewatit monoplus s-100 Sulfuric acid is common catalyst in producing ethyl acetate. Despite of high conversion, using sulfuric acid as catalyst is appearing a lot of problems. The use of solid catalyst is expected to solve the problem. Utilizing of lewatit monoplus s-100 in the esterification of ethanol and acetic acid was investigated in this work. The experiments were carried out in a reactor on the hot plate equipped with magnetic stirrer. The reactant ratio was 1.2 gmol acetic acid / gmol ethanol and lewatit monoplus s-100 as catalyst. Samples were taken at initial and after 60 minutes, then the samples were analyzed by using gas chromatograph. The same experiments were conducted at different temperatures and catalyst concentrations. Based on the experimental result, lewatit monoplus s-100 performed well as solid catalyst in the esterification. It was shown that the higher the temperature, the higher the reaction rate, meanwhile increasing the catalyst concentration, the conversion was lower. The highest conversion was 87.3%, when the temperature was 358 K, and a catalyst concentration was 0.8 g. resin /g. ethanol. Key words: acetic acid, esterification, ethanol, lewatit monoplus s-10

    Penerimaan Diri Pada Lanjut Usia Ditinjau Dari Kematangan Emosi

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    The goal of this research is to know the correlation between emotional maturity and self-acceptance of the old people. The dependence variable of this research is self-acceptance, which is measured by self-acceptance scale. The independence variable is emotional maturity, which is measured by emotional maturity scale. This research is applied to the 32 old people, the minimal age is 65, retired, can still response to the items, and does not live in the Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha. The quantitative analysis, the correlation analysis of the emotional maturity score and self-acceptance score, show that there is a positive correlation between emotional maturity and self-acceptance of the old people. Keywords: emotional maturity, self-acceptance, old peopl

    Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri dari Limbah Daun Cengkeh

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    Clove leaf so far considered as waste only and not fully utilized, for that the necessary effort to utilize the waste into another product that is more efficient. The clove leaf has essential oil 1 - 4%, with this compound is possible to do an oil distillation. One of the essential oil distillation is the distillation with steam. Steam distillation has the advantage because can be produced more maximal of essential oil. In this research, the extraction process used steam distillation, with clove leaf are 1500 g, a pressure variation of 0.5 and 1.5 bar, and distillation time 5-7 hours. Analysis performed after treatment are refraction index and density. Research results show that at 0.5 bar oil density increases with increasing operating time, but instead at a pressure of 1.5 bar oil density decreases with increasing operating time. But refractive index decreased with increases operating time. But the characteristic of both fulfill SNI standard. Keyword :Clove leaf, essential oil , steam distillatio

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Asam Terhadap Pemisahan Logam dari Abu Layang Batubara Sebagai Bahan Dasar Sintesis Zeolit

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    Fly ash is a by-product in the form of solid waste generated from the burning process of coal in power plants, which contains mostly silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), and iron oxide (Fe2O3) compounds. Fly ash has the potential to be used as a base for zeolite synthesis. The presence of impurities in fly ash such as Fe and Ca will affect the purity level of the zeolite obtained. Therefore, this study aims to see the effect of using hydrochloric acid (HCl) on the separation of Fe and Ca metals from fly ash as a basic material for zeolite synthesis. The method used to separate Fe and Ca metals using HCl from fly ash is reflux. In this study, HCl was made with a concentration variation of 4 M; 8 M; and 12 M and X-Ray Fluoerescence (XRF) analysis was performed on fly ash. Based on the results obtained from XRF, it showed that fly ash using 4 M, 8 M and 12 M HCl obtained Fe metal content of 16.29%; 14.03%; 11.98% and Ca 3.59%, 3.30%, and 2.96%. So it can be concluded that the separation of Fe and Ca metal content decreases from fly ash with the greater the HCl concentration. &nbsp; Key words: fly ash; hydrochloric acid; zeoliteAbu layang merupakan produk samping berupa limbah padat yang dihasilkan dari proses pembakaran batubara pada pembangkit tenaga listrik, yang mengandung sebagian besar senyawa silika (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), dan oksida besi (Fe2O3). Abu layang berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan dasar sintesis zeolit.&nbsp; Adanya pengotor pada abu layang seperti Fe dan Ca akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemurnian zeolit yang diperoleh. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan asam klorida (HCl) terhadap pemisahan logam Fe dan Ca dari abu layang sebagai bahan dasar sintesis zeolit. Metode yang digunakan untuk pemisahan logam Fe dan Ca menggunakan HCl dari abu layang adalah dengan menggunakan refluks. Pada penelitian ini, HCl dibuat variasi konsentrasi 4 M; 8 M; dan 12 M dan dilakukan analisis X-Ray Fluoerescence (XRF) terhadap abu layang. Kandungan logam Fe dan Ca sebelum perlakuan asam adalah 34.28% dan 21.60%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis XRF, abu layang dengan perlakuan asam HCl 4 M, 8 M dan 12 M menunjukkan penurunan kandungan Fe menjadi 16,29%;&nbsp; 14,03%; 11,98%&nbsp; dan penurunan Ca menjadi 3,59%, 3,30%, dan 2,96%.&nbsp; Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemisahan kandungan logam Fe dan Ca kadarnya semakin berkurang dari abu layang dengan semakin besar konsentrasi HCl. &nbsp; Kata kunci: abu layang; asam klorida; zeolit
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