36 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Disiplin dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Oto Multi Artha Cabang Pekanbaru

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    The research was conducted at PT. Oto Multiartha pekanbaru branch road Tambusai Pekabaru lord , this study aimed to determine the effect of discipline and work environment variables simultaneously or partially on work performance of employees of PT. Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch . The sampling method using census method with a sample size of 62 people . Data collection methods used were interviews directly to parties - parties involved with the issues that are being discussed and gave questionnaires to employees in accordance with the research conducted . Data were analyzed using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Methods that use that formula Descriptive Statistics, Test Data Quality , Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Testing, with the help of software SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions ) . The results showed that simultaneous Discipline of Work and Work workplace significant effect on Employee Job Performance in PT.Oto Multiartha Pekanbaru Branch , partially Variable work Discipline and Working Environment significant effect on employee performance PT . Oto Multiartha Pekanbaru Branch . regression coefficient is positive ( + ) indicates a unidirectional relationship , in other words Discipline and work environment will improve employee work performance at PT. Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch. Correlation or relationship between the discipline and the work environment Work with employees at PT . Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch is strong at ( r = 0.743 ) and the coefficient of determination or R square figures amounted to 0.55

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Proyek Pltn Smr di Indonesia dengan Mempertimbangkan Variabel Ketidakpastian

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    ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL PROYEK PLTN SMR DI INDONESIA DENGAN MEMPERTIMBANGKAN VARIABEL KETIDAKPASTIAN. SMR merupakan salah satu alternatif mengatasi ketergantungan wilayah Luar Jawa Bali terhadap PLTD. Masalah yang sangat krusial dalam proyek PLTN (termasuk SMR) adalah finansial, terkait dengan sifat padat modal pada proyek ini. Selain itu, pada proyek PLTN SMR juga dimungkinkan terjadinya beberapa variabel ketidakpastian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis kelayakan finansial proyek PLTN SMR dengan mengakomodasi kemungkinan terjadinya variabel ketidakpastian tersebut. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah analisis probabilistik yang dilakukan dengan teknik Monte Carlo. Teknik ini mensimulasikan keterkaitan antara variabel-variabel ketidakpastian dengan indikator kelayakan finansial proyek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pendekatan probabilistik proyek PLTN SMR dinilai layak pada “most probable value” harga jual listrik sebesar 15 cents/kWh, ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata NPV yang positif (US$ 135.324.004) dan rata-rata kedua nilai IRR yang lebih dari MARR (IRR proyek = 10,65%, IRR Equity = 14,29%, sementara MARR = 10%). Probabilitas ditolaknya proyek PLTN SMR adalah sekitar 20%. Tiga variabel utama yang paling berpengaruh dalam proyek adalah: harga jual listrik, biaya investasi dan tingkat inflasi

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Ekstrak Tanaman Meniran (Phillanthus Niruri L.) dalam Melarutkan Kalsium

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    Research on the solubility of calcium has been conducted using meniran (phillanthus niruri L.) plant extracts by varying concentrations. This research was conducted by laboratory experiments using meniran plant extracts as samples in dissolving calcium phosphate as a substitute for kidney stones. Meniran is a type of acidic herbal plant extract which contains flavonoids and potassium, so it can dissolve calcium. This study was conducted to determine the most effective concentration of meniran plant extracts from the variation concentration (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%) in dissolving calcium, and also to determine the effectiveness of this extract compared to Batugin Elixir and distilled water. Determination of the concentration of dissolved calcium in meniran plant extracts was done by a flame photometer. The results showed concentration of 10% of meniran plant extract was effective in dissolving calcium whichwas equal to 46.1 ppm. However, Batugin Elixir was more effective in dissolving calcium with a concentration equal to 58.2 ppm, while distilled water can dissolve the calcium only equal to 4.8 ppm

    Ekstraksi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) Menggunakan Variasi Pelarut Serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Indikator Asam-Basa

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    Purple sweet potato (ipomoea batatas L.) is one source of carbohydrate. Purple sweet potato contains vitamins and minerals that needed by humans such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. The sweet potato with purple flesh is widely used as natural dyes which are called anthocyanins. The study aim was to determine a suitable solvent to extract the purple sweet potato. Variation of solvent used namely methanol, methanol acidified with HCl 1% and solvent fractionation (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol). The extraction phase was divided into two, for flesh and for the skin of the purple sweet potato. The extraction results were then compared with phenolphthalein indicator and a methyl orange on acid-base titration. The results showed that the methanol acidified with HCl 1% provided a more stable color changes in acid-base testing, and the testing of phosphate buffer pH 1-12. Purple sweet potato extracts can be used as an acid-base indicator because it gave similar results with comparative indicators, phenolphthalein, and methyl orange