26 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kondisi Optimum Ekstraksi Ion Timbal(II) Menggunakan Teknik Emulsi Membran Cair

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    A research on the extraction of lead(II) ion has been done using emulsion liquid membrane technique. This research used a laboratory experiment method by using benzoyl acetone as a carrier, paraffin liquid as the membrane, a solution of nitric acid as an internal phase, Span-80 as surfactant, and a solution of lead(II) as the sample solution. This research was conducted to determine the optimum extraction condition of lead(II) ions in solution which includes a volume ratio of emulsion to external phase and extraction capacity of lead(II) ion by emulsion liquid membrane technique. The volume ratio of emulsion to external phase used was 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, and 1:8. While the variation of concentration of lead(II) used was 220 ppm, 434 ppm, 695 ppm, and 817 ppm. The determination of the concentration of lead(II) ions in external phase is done by using a spectrophotometer SpectroDirect. The results of this research showed that the volume ratio of emulsion to external phase were in the maximum extraction percentage; 1:6 ratio. Moreover, the concentration of lead(II) were in maximum extraction percentage of 220 ppm with extraction percentage of 56.36%

    Pemanfaatan Biji Kelor (Moringa Oleifera L.) sebagai Pasta Gigi

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    Moringa seed (moringa oleifera L.) is a kind foodstuffs that contains calcium. Calcium is a mineral that is needed by our bodies in all ages, for the infants to the elderly. Calcium is useful in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. The aim of this study is to determine the concentration calcium (Ca) in moringa seed (moringa oleifera L.) and its utilization as the fabrication of toothpaste. The method used in this study was a laboratory experiment using a flame photometer. The results showed that the concentration of calcium in moringa seeds with three repetitions was 131.67 ± 12.58 mg/100g. The appropriate composition of materials to make toothpaste from moringa seeds including the roughness tests of toothpaste and based on the fondness of panelists was 25:5 (morinanga seed:NaHCO3). Furthermore, the test of freshness, aroma, and colour with comparison of glycerin, mint leaves, betel leaves and food coloring 7.5: 5: 5: 2

    Pemanfaatan Daun Palado (Agave SP) Dalam Proses Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco)

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    VCO lately has been used in medical area especially as a medicine for diabetes mellitus, obesity, cholesterol, heart, osteoporosis and can be used to cure diseases that caused by microbial and fungal. VCO also acts as antibiotic because it contains lauric and oleic acid. The availability of VCO materials in Indonesia is abundant, therefore to be developed as a medicine substance, the process of VCO making should be without any chemical material and high heating. The aim of this research is the utilization of palado leaves in the making process of VCO as well as to determine its quality. The method used in this research is the preparation of palado leaves fiber sample, preparation of cream coconut milk with coconut, the making of VCO fermentative for 20 hours and quality test for the VCO made with extra palado leaves by using parameters of colour, smell, the acid number, peroxide number, water content, refractive index and specific gravity, as a comparison is a commercil VCO (Celebes brand). Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The research result shows that VCO made with extra palado leaves has clear colour, normal smell, savory taste, while its acid number is 0.4 mg/g, peroxide number is 1 meq/g, water content is 1%, refractive index is 1.44804 and density is 0.888 g/ml. On the other hand, VCO Celebes has clear colour, normal smell and savory taste, while its acid number is 0 mg/g, peroxide number is 0 meq/g, water content is 0%, refractive index is 1.44803 and density is 0.892 g/ml. The conclusion of this research is that the palado leaves can be used in the making process of VCO and the VCO produced is suitable to APCC standard

    Ekstrak Enzim Protease dari Daun Palado (Agave Angustifolia) dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Proses Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil

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    Virgin coconut oil (VCO) can be made in several ways, namely through a heating process at low temperature, freeze-drying, fermentation, enzymatic, mechanical pressure or centrifugation. VCO with an enzymatic method is the making of VCO fromcoconut milk by using enzyme. The protein-oil bonds in the emulsions in coconut milk can be broken down into protease enzyme. The purpose of this research is to extract the protease enzyme in palado leaves and utilize the enzymes in the manufacturing process as well as determining the quality of VCO. This research method passed through some processes. Firstly enzyme extracts from palado leaves are prepared and coconut milk from coconut cream is made, then it is tested qualitatively the presence of protease enzyme with ninhydrin color reagent. Furthermore, the making of VCO enzymatically is undertaken by varying the ratio of the volume of coconut cream and enzyme extracts of 24 hours. VCO quality is analysis by using the parameters of smell, flavor, color, moisture content, levels of FFA (free fatty acid) and peroxide. The testing result with ninhydrin reagent gave a positive reaction (blue-purple) showing that there is enzymes alleged a class of protease in the palado leaf. The result of VCO made with the comparison of coconut cream and enzyme extracts from palado (10 : 1) has generate a VCO with a yield of 25.4%. However, from the analysis of VCO quality test results, it is obtained the smell of distinctive flavor oils, fragrance, the clean color, water content of 0.5% , FFA content of 0.25% and the peroxide number of 0 meq/kg

    Antioksidan dari Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum)

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    Research on the antioxidant activity testing has been done using red betel (Piper crocatum) leafs in Palu, Central Sulawesi. This research was conducted to determine the IC50 value and antioxidant activity of red betel leafs extracts which has the ability as a natural antioxidant. This research was conducted with an experimental method using an extraction maceration technique, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil) as free radicals, vitamin C as a positive control, UV-Vis spectrophotometer as an antioxidant test equipment with red betel leafs extracts as samples. Samples of red betel leaves were used as much as 30 grams, and the solvent were absolute ethanol. Various concentrations of the red betel leafs extracts were 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, and 80 ppm. Testing of antioxidant activity was done by using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and IC50. The results showed that the IC50 value of the red betel leafs (Piper crocatum) extracts was 47.45 ppm. The red betel leafs extract was categorized into a very powerful antioxidant based on IC50 value, where the optimum percentage of red betel leaf extract activity in inhibiting free radical was 81.82%

    Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleivera) sebagai Alternatif untuk Menurunkan Kadar Gula Darah pada Mencit

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    Moringa is a plant use as a traditional medicine. The leaves of moringa (moringa oleivera) is part of the plant that could reduce the blood sugar levels. This research aims to determine the extract (infusion) of moringa leaves (moringa oleivera), to reduce the blood sugar level in mice and to determine the most effective concentrations of moringa leaves extract (infusion) to reduce the blood sugar levels in diabetic mice. Bioactifive compounds of moringa leaves was identified by using reagent dragendorff to test alkaloids while reagent chloroform, acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid to test steroids/terpenoids. The study was a clinical trial by using animal testing, 15 mice which was divided to 5 group of treatments: P1 (food + EDTA + glucose, 10% of moringa leaves infusion, Na-CMS), P2 (food + EDTA + glucose, 20% of moringa leaves infusion, Na-CMS), P3 (food + EDTA + glucose, 40% of moringa leaves infusion, Na-CMS), P4 (food + EDTA + glucose, glibenklamid, Na-CMS), and P5 (food + EDTA + glucose, Na-CMS). Blood glucose levels measured with GlukoDr instrument. The measurement data was analyzed by ANOVA test with the 95% confidence level followed by Duncan test to determine the significant different of each treatment to obtained the significant data. The result showed that moringa leaves extract consist of alkaloid and steroid which plays an important role to reduce blood sugar level and the concentration of the moringa leaves extract 20% was effective to the reduce the blood sugar level of diabetic mice

    Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw di Kelas X SMA Negeri 9 Palu pada Materi Stoikiometri

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    This study aims to determine the influence of implementation a scientific approach through cooperative-jigsaw learning model on Stoichiometry to the learning achievement of students in class X at SMAN 9 Palu. The method was a quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The population was students of class X SMA Negeri 9 Palu, where the sample was class XB as the experimental group (n = 29) and class XA as the control group (n = 27), determined by purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using nonparametric statistical Mann-Whitney U-Test analysis. The results showed output “Rank” for the mean value of the experimental class was greater than the control class, 33.14 ˃ 23.52. The output of “Test Statistics”, Sig. 2-Tailed (0,026) ˂ 0.05 and Zcount(-2.23) ˂ Ztable (-1.96), as well as each classical completeness and absorption for experimental class were 79% and 83%, while for the control class were 59% and 75%. This study concluded that scientific approach through cooperative-jigsaw model on Stoichiometry influenced positively to the learning achievement of students in class X at SMA Negeri 9 Palu

    Indikator Asam-Basa dari Bunga Dadap Merah (Erythrina Crista-galliL.)

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    Dadap red (erythrina crista-galli L.) is belonged to the legumes (fabaceaea) family which, is one of the flowering shade plants that often used as an ornamental plant. This plant has a bright red flower, a taproot with root nodule bacteria nitrogen fixation and compound leaf consists three strands on each stem. This research is climed to proves that the extract of dadap red flower can be used as acid-base indicators. Dadap red flowers was macerated using methanol then filtered. The filtrate was ready to use as an acid-base indicator. The extract is tested in an acid-base, buffer solutions, and was compared with phenolphthalein for a strong acid with a strong base while a methyl orange a weak base with a strong acid. Based on the result, indicator of dadap red flower extrat in the strong acid was red colour, while in the weak acid was pink, and also in the strong base was dark green and in the weak base was purple. Furthermore, in the buffer solution, the indicator of dadap red flower extract gave four groups of colour change, namely red color at pH 1 to pH 6, colorless at pH 7 to pH 9, brown at pH 10 and blue at pH 11 to pH 12. Additionally, to attain the end point of titration, the indicators of dadap red flower extract gives a similar results with the comparison indicators. The results showed that the indicator of dadap red flower extracts can be used as an alternative indicator

    Pemanfaatan Nasi Basi Sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair Dan Aplikasinya Untuk Pemupukan Tanaman Bunga Kertas Orange (Bougainvillea Spectabilis)

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    Stale rice is the production result of inapproprite food to consume due to have bad smell and taste, mucus appearance, grown with yellow or orange fungus and sour taste because microorganism living in it. It is only throw by the household as the waste. Thus, it needs a process that it becomes useful and quality product. One of the product is the making of liquid organic fertilizer (POC). This study aims to create a POC and determine the amount of nitrogen in the POC. The research method is the preparation of stale rice, followed manufacture of POC through fermentation and determination of N-Total with destruction. POC later applied for fertilization in plants of orange paper flower (bougainvillea spectabilis), then performed observations shoot height of plants , leaves number, leaves shape, leaves colour , flowers number and the analysis of one of ingredients N-total POC in stale rice. N-total in POC of stale rice obtained wet destruction method as much as 92 mg/L (92 ppm). The liquid organic fertilizer from stale rice can accelerate the growth of orange paper flowers (Bougainvillea spectabilis) is indicated by the number of shoots, leaves and flower petals

    Analisis Kadar Timbal (Pb) dalam Daging Kerang Bakau (Polymesoda Erosa) dan Kerang Darah (Anadara Granosa) di Perairan Salule Pasangkayu Sulawesi Barat

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    Bivalve os one marine animals that can efficiently accumulate to heavy metal. This is due to they livein the base layer of the sediment in the aquatic and they are moving very slowly. Therefore, it has beendone a research about the analysis of consentration of lead (Pb) in the bivalve polymesoda erosa sp andthe bivalve anadara granosa at the aquatic of Salule Pasangkayu West Sulawesi has been reported byusing direct spectro. The research's aim was to analyze concentration of Pb as heavy metal in the bivalvepolymesoda erosa and the anadara granosa sp, The results obtained that concentration of Pb at muddyplaces was higher than at sandy area. Level of Pb showed that Pb exceeds quality standard in both clamswhere in the blood clam was 3.75 mg/Kg and 3.857 in dry weight, while the Mangrove calm showedthe result of 5,00 mg/Kg and 5.25 mg/Kg in dry weight