6 research outputs found

    Menelisik Perkembangan PAD Kabupaten Buleleng Pascapandemi Covid-19

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    Purpose: This study is to analyze how the development of PAD in Buleleng Regency after the Covid-19 pandemic Research Methods: This study uses a quantitative descriptive that is supported by interviews which describes the post-pandemic development of PAD in Buleleng Regency based on explanations of the results of calculations and interviews according to the methodology used. Findings: The development of PAD in Buleleng Regency unstable from 2019-2020 with percentage -12.7% while in the post-pandemic period in 2021 PAD increased 22.9% with the local tax sector as the most dominant revenue sector. There are obstacles in optimizing PAD originating from the occurrence of the co-19 pandemic, lack of community participation in optimizing PAD, and lack of BPKPD apparatus. Implications: There is need equity in increasing sources of the PAD revenue, through: maintaining management of regional treasury management accordance with Regent Regulation No. 10 of 2021 Chapter III Part One Article 17, improving services to the community, seeking new potentials for regional revenue and implementing relevant program innovations, and adding BPKPD apparatus for optimal PAD management.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menganalisis bagaimana perkembangan PAD di Kabupaten Buleleng pascapandemi Covid-19. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang dikuatkan oleh wawancara dengan mendeskripsikan perkembangan PAD Kabupaten Buleleng pascapandemi berdasarkan penjelasan hasil perhitungan dan wawancara sesuai metodologi yang digunakan. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Perkembangan PAD Kabupaten Buleleng mengalami ketidakstabilan dari tahun 2019-2020 dengan persentase pertumbuhan -12,7% sedangkan di periode pascapandemi tahun 2021 keadaan PAD meningkat 22,9% dengan sektor pajak daerah sebagai sektor penerimaan yang paling dominan. Terdapat kendala dalam pengoptimalan PAD yang berasal dari terjadinya pandemi Covid-19, kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengotimalan PAD, dan belum tercapainya jumlah aparatur BPKPD yang memadai. Implikasi: Perlu adanya pemerataan peningkatan sumber penerimaan PAD tersebut melalui: mempertahankan manajemen pengelolaan kas daerah sesuai Peraturan Bupati No 10 Tahun 2021 Bab III Bagian Kesatu Pasal 17, meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, mencari potensi-potensi baru untuk penerimaan daerah dan melakukan inovasi program yang relevan dilaksanakan, dan menambah jumlah aparatur BPKPD untuk pengelolaan PAD yang optimal

    Financial Performance of Sustainable Farmers Cooperative (Koptan) in Bali: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Participation, Budget and TQM

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    This paper deals with financial performance of Koptan include leadership,participation budget, organizational culture and total quality management (TQM). Theresearch objective is to determine the effect of non financial factors on financial performanceKoptan. The study was conducted in Bali, with a focus on Koptan business by consideringthat the business activity is the driving force in the agribusiness sector of the economy. Thedevelopment of this sector will boost the economy of the community so as to create Koptansustainability. Samples are 11 Koptan, with the number of respondents of 97 people. Dataanalysis technique used PLS. The results of this study indicate that, leadership, participation,budget and organizational culture positive and significant impact on TQM Koptan, withthe R-square of 0.63. The effect of leadership, participation, budget and organizationalculture positive and significant impact on the financial performance of Koptan, where asTQM positive and significant impact on the financial performance. It can be concluded that,firstly; leadership, participation budgets, organizational culture and total quality management(TQM) positive and significant impact on the financial performance. Secondly, leadership,participation budgets and organizational culture positive and significant impact on totalquality management (TQM) of Koptan in the region

    Health, Safety, Incentives and Motivation in Employee Performance at Aneka Lovina Villas & Spa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of health & safety on motivation, the effect of incentives on motivation, the effect of health & safety on employee performance, the effect of incentives on employee performance, the effect of motivation on employee performance at Aneka Lovina Villas & Spa. This study uses a quantitative approach, the population in this study are all employees of various lovina villas & spas. The sample was 79 respondents who were determined by questions in the form of a questionnaire to the respondents. The technique uses saturated samples. The data analysis technique used in this research is the SPSS model. The results showed that health & safety had a positive and significant effect on motivation, incentives had a positive and significant effect on motivation, health & safety had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, incentives had a positive and significant impact on employee performance, and motivation had a positive and significant effect on performance. employee

    Pengaruh Citra Toko, Diskon Harga Dan Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada UD Pande Kertiasih Di Desa Sawan, Kecamatan Sawan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh citra toko, diskon harga dan saluran distribusi terhadap volume penjualan pada UD Pande Kertiasih. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, t-test dan uji f-test. Perolehan hasil penelitian ini adalah : 1) citra toko berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan berdasarkan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 3,065 serta nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05), yang artinya lebih < 0,05. 2) diskon harga berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap volume penjualan dengan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 2,101 serta nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05) yang artinya < 0,05. 3) saluran distribusi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap volume penjualan dengan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar sebesar 2,646 dengan nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05) yang artinya < 0,05. Kemudian hasil uji statistik F dalam penelitian ini adalah se Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh citra toko, diskon harga dan saluran distribusi terhadap volume penjualan pada UD Pande Kertiasih. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, t-test dan uji f-test.Perolehan hasil penelitian ini adalah : 1) citra toko berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan berdasarkan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 3,065 serta nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05), yang artinya lebih < 0,05. 2) diskon harga berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap volume penjualan dengan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 2,101 serta nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05) yang artinya < 0,05. 3) saluran distribusi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap volume penjualan dengan nilai t hitung yang diperoleh adalah sebesar sebesar 2,646 dengan nilai signifikansi (0,004 < 0,05) yang artinya < 0,05. Kemudian hasil uji statistik F dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar 60,070 dengan nilai signifikansi yaitu 0,000 yang artinya < 0,05 serta perbandingan antara F hitung sebesar 60,070. Kata Kunci : Citra Toko, Diskon Harga, Saluran Distribusi, Volume Penjualan

    Pengetahuan, Modal Minimum Dan Motivasi Terhadap Minat Berinvestasi Mahasiswa STIE Satya Dharma Singaraja

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel independent terhadap variabel dependen yaitu pengetahuan, modal minimum dan motivasi terhadap minat berinvestasi Mahasiswa STIE Satya Dharma Singaraja. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 134 responden dengan menggunakan analisis pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode analisis Metode regresi, analisis koefisien kolerasi, analisis koefesien determinasi dan uji hipotesis. Pada penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa pengetahuan, modal minimum dan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berinvestasi Mahasiswa. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Modal Minimum, Motivasi, Minat Berinvestasi Mahasisw

    Influence of human capital, social capital, economic capital towards financial performance & corporate social responsibility

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    The study was intended to determine the influence of human capital, social capital, and economic capital on LPD financial performance in Buleleng regency as well as their influence of financial performance on corporate social. The sampling technique was used purposive sampling, primary data collection (questionnaire) and secondary data (LPD financial report) 50 respondents. Data analysis method in the present research was a descriptive statistic and inferential statistic analysis. Data processing techniques were used in Smart PLS applications. Based on the research result was obtained human capital construct relationship value (1,858) <t table (1,96), with a coefficient value of 0,193 means that the relationship was positive but not significant. Social capital construct relationship (2.667)> t table (1.96) with a coefficient value of 0.194 means that the relationship was positive and significant. The economic capital construct relationship of (5,853)> t table (1,96) with a path coefficient of -0,697 means the relation was negative and significant. The construction of financial performance relation of (3,797)> t table (1,96) with a path coefficient of 0,669 means that the relationship was positive and significant. Regarding its determination coefficient of financial performance, construction was explored by the construct of human capital, social capital, the economic capital was 80%, whereas, the construct of corporate social responsibility was elaborated by the construct of financial performance was 44.80% and the rest was influenced other variables not listed in this research