25 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi dan Pendapatan USAha Pembibitan Karet pada PTPN III Kebun Rambutan Tebing Tinggi, Sumatera Utara

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    The objective of this research was to know the number of income and level of efficiency in rubbers seeding business at PTPN III Kebun Rambutan. This research was done in five rubber seeding blocks in PTPN III Kebun Rambutan. PTPN III Kebun Rambutan was chosen as the place of the research because this company was the only one company that sold its rubber seeds to local consumers. The results of this research was shown that the average of real R/C Ratio was 1,81 and the unreal was 1,85 the meaning was efficient . The average of PTPN III Kebun Rambutan real income was Rp 1.166.509.090,93/Ut/5 months and the unreal income was Rp,93/Ut/5 months. It means that PTPN III has been success in doing its business

    Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi dan Perilaku Peternak terhadap Curahan W Aktu Kerja pada USAhaternak Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kecamatan Selebar Kota Bengkulu

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    This research is aimed at describing the behavior and social economic status of chicken breeder and analysis the influence of social economic factor and behavior to working allocation. Descriptive analysis was use to explain behavior and social economic factors of breeder while multiple regression has applied to analysis the influence of the feeder. The research found that. Breeder\u27s attributes revolving age; household member experience and education are good indicating such as high allocation level and high experience furthermore, it is found that age. number of lobour and cost production are the main factors is founding working allocation and the high education and experience of breeder\u27s is the high working allocation

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alokasi Waktu Kerja dan Kontribusinya terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Nelayan (Kasus Nelayan Malabero Kecamatan Teluk Segara Kota Bengkulu)

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    Oceanic sector development basically represent an process to alter potency exist in sea region become an worthwhile to society. In general, fisherman in Bengkulu province is traditional fisherman owning simple equipments, capital a few and way of simple production. Fisherman also face the condition of less beneficial environment like situation waving sea enough strength, weather, and dicey climate, so that influence arrest time allocation. Thereby, fisherman look for alternative work utilize to fulfill requirements of his family.Research targets is knowing factors influencing in working allocation at the fishery catch sector and the outside, knowing how big contribution of the fisherman allocation work, knowing how big contribution of the fisherman time work at the fishery catch sector and the outside toward totalize in working, and knowing how big contribution of the fisherman earnings in working at the fishery catch sector and outside toward totalize earnings.The research location in Sub-District of Malabero District of Teluk Segara at Bengkulu City

    Analisis Perkembangan Produksi Penjualan Serta Penawaran Cpo di PT Agricinal

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    The objective of the research is to analyze the development of production, selling, and factor of supply of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) in PT. Agricinal. The location is determined by purposive method with consideration that PT. Agricinal is one of the biggest CPO manufacture in Bengkulu Province. The development of production and selling are analyzed by using the Ratio to Moving Average and to analyze several factors of supply of CPO is used Linier Regression. The result research shows that (1) production development of CPO and its sales in PT. Agricinal is fluctuating year by year during 2005 – 2009. It is caused by selling in PT Agricinal is not based on its mass production, moreover in asking or order from the CPO customer; (2) the CPO price is the only one variable that give an effect to CPO offering in PT. Agricinal simultaneously

    Analisis Curahan Waktu Kerja dan Hubungannya dengan Pendapatan Wanita Pedagang Pengecer Sayuran (Studi Kasus di Kota Bengkulu)

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    The research aim to know analize of working time and related wich the woman\u27s vegetable\u27s retailer income (case in market of Bengkulu city) the research executed on July\u27s 27 – Agus\u27t 27 2005.The objek of this research were to know: 1. The reason why the women work as vegetable\u27s retailer, 2.The factors that related with women\u27s working time, 3. The related between working time witht income of women as vegetable\u27s retailer, 4. Their contribution with household income. The location of this research determined with census method in Pasar Minggu, Pasar Baru Koto I, pasar Panorama, Pasar Pagar Dewa. The responden in this research determined with census method with respondent of 28 persons.The information, that used in this research, based on primary and secondary data. The analysis that used are deskriptive method, income analyze, Rang Spearman Corelation by using two tail of t test whit confidence level of 95% ( = 0.025) and contribution analyze. The result of the research showed that the reason why working as vegetable\u27 retailerbecause economic, social and culture motive. Related to working time the motivation and perception are factor relatec to working time. The result of analyses show that, the average of income was Rp 1.950.937,50 / month and the average of income\u27s contribution was 66,76 %

    Analisis Pendapatan USAhatani pada Kopi Tradisional dan Kopi Sambung di Desa Lubuk Kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong

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    This research was conducted in the Desa Lubuk kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Prov. Bengkulu. The purpose of this study are: 1) to calculate revenue on the traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and 2) to determine the condition of efficiency in traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and their difference. The amount of 68 farmers of coffee were chosen by using the accidental sampling method. The respondents of farmers\u27 group consist of 34 farmers. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that the average income of traditional coffee farming is Rp. 7,369,461,00/hectar/year, while the average farm income of grafting coffee farming of Rp. 18,792,149/hectar/ year. The average value of R/C ratio in traditional coffee farming was 3.37, while in grafting coffee farming was 3.85. These indicataed that coffe farming, both on traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming, were eficient

    Motivasi Petani dalam Mempertahankan Sistem Tradisional pada USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Parbaju Julu Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Propinsi Sumatera Utara

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    This research aims to identify factors correlated significantly to the motivation of farmers in perseving traditional rainfed farming systems, such as using local seeds and planting once a year. The population of this study is farmer who still perform the traditional paddy farming system in the Village of North Tapanuli Parbaju Julu County North Sumatra Province. As much as 48 respondents randomly selected from 160 farmers. A descriptive analyse and Spearman rank correlation are applied in this study. The study showed that formal education, farmers' perception of the traditional system of rice farming are correlated significantly to farmer motivation in preserving tradional farming system while non-formal education, the traditional system of farming experience, farm size, number of family members are not. Factors that correlated significantly to farmer motivation in maintaining local seed is non-formal education, farming experience, while the traditional system of formal education, farmers' perception of traditional rice farming system, farm size, number of family members are not correlated significantly. Furthermore, the number of family members is merely factor that correlated significantly to the farmers motivation in maintaining once a year plantings while others factors are not correlated


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    This study is aimed  at determining the revenue, efficiency and marketing of watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) farming in Kampung Tempuran, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung District, Lampung Province with a total of 27 respondents who were selected by using census method. Revenue is obtained bydeducting the total income by  the total cost, efficiency is the ratio (ratio) between income and total cost. Watermelon marketing is analysed by identifying marketing channel from the producer to the end consumer  and by estimating the marketing margin of watermelon on each marketing channel. Marketing margin is estimated by subtracting the selling price with buying price. The results showed that the average farm income of at Rp.237.506.694/Ut/MT watermelon or watermelon farm efficiency Rp.34.852.801/Ha/MT. Revenue Cost Ratio is obtained 3.81meaning that  melon farming is  efficient or profitable.  There are three marketing channels.  Based on one of marketing channels studied, it is found that marketing margin of watermelon from farmers as  producers  to  wholesalers s is Rp. 784/Kg. From the wholesaler to the retailer, the marketing margin   is Rp. 1500, - / Kg.Keywords: farm income, efficiency, marketing channels, marketing margins


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    The research aim to know analize of  working time and related wich the woman’s vegetable’s retailer income (case in market of Bengkulu city) the research executed on July’s 27 – Agus’t 27 2005.The objek of this research were to know: 1. The reason why the women work as vegetable's retailer, 2.The factors that related with women's working time, 3. The related between working time witht income of women as vegetable's retailer, 4. Their contribution with household income. The location of this research determined with census method in Pasar Minggu, Pasar Baru Koto I, pasar Panorama, Pasar Pagar Dewa. The responden in this  research determined with census method with respondent of 28 persons.The information, that used in this research, based on primary and secondary data. The analysis that used are deskriptive method, income analyze, Rang Spearman Corelation by using two tail of t test whit confidence level of  95% ( = 0.025) and contribution analyze. The result of the research showed that the reason why working as vegetable' retailerbecause economic, social and culture  motive. Related to working time the motivation and perception are factor relatec to working time. The result of analyses show that, the average of income was Rp 1.950.937,50 / month and the average of  income's contribution was 66,76 %.  Key words : working time, vegetable’s retailer incom