5 research outputs found

    Melawan Stigma Diskriminatif: Strategi Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas di Desa Panggungharjo

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    This article is an analysis of the powerless stigma of people with disabilities that still occurs in social life. The study was conducted to find out the process and method specifically carried out by the village government of Panggungharjo in initiating the presence of an environment that is inclusive of persons with disabilities. The study was conducted qualitatively through in-depth interview techniques, observation, and secondary data collection.  As a result of the research shows that the village government of Panggungharjo can be changing the stigma of discrimination for people with disabilities more meaningful in their life. This acts as an empowerment strategy that can people with disabilities not only an object but also a subject of development programs. The people with disabilities were given the role of advancing village in the concern of artistic and cultural programs. The role creates people with disabilities to able independently in social life and accepted by village people. Therefore, the debate continues with the viewpoint of society that is the persons with disabilities identically stigma on an inability to work. This condition brings to the trouble of reaching their economic independence. Moreover, for the local community in rural areas, persons with disabilities are still often regarded as cursed creatures or carriers of disasters in the family which causes them to experience psychological disorders and difficulties in socializing. Hence, a draw of discrimination fend stigma it's needs of the strategy steps by the government village on sustainability.Artikel ini menganalisis stigma ketidakberdayaan penyandang disabilitas yang masih terjadi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses serta cara yang secara spesifik dilakukan pemerintah Desa Panggungharjo dalam menginisiasi hadirnya lingkungan yang inklusif bagi difabel. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Desa Panggungharjo mampu mengubah stigma diskriminatif bagi penyandang disabilitas kepada tindakan yang lebih bermakna. Tindakan ini sebagai strategi pemberdayaan untuk menjadikan penyandang disabilitas tak lagi sebagai obyek melainkan subyek pembangunan. Masyarakat penyandang disabilitas diberikan peran dalam memajukan desa dengan terlibat dalam program budaya dan kesenian. Peran ini menciptakan masyarakat penyandang disabilitas mampu mandiri untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup dan diterima oleh masyarakat desa. Namun perdebatan masih berlanjut tatkala cara pandang masyarakat yang kerap mengindentikkan penyandang disabilitas dengan ketidakmampuan untuk bekerja. Kondisi ini menyebabkan mereka sulit mencapai kemandirian secara ekonomi. Terlebih, untuk lingkungan masyarakat pedesaan, penyandang disabilitas masih sering dianggap sebagai kutukan dan aib keluarga. Hal ini menyebabkan mereka mengalami gangguan secara psikologis dan kesulitan untuk bersosialisasi. Untuk itu, tawaran menarik untuk menepis stigma diskriminatif tersebut membutuhkan langkah strategis pemerintah desa secara berkelanjutan.

    Strategi Resiliensi Museum dan Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

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    The implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy in order to reduce the number of transmission of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic cases in Jakarta leads several cultural heritage sites such as museums close the physical access to visits. In the midst of these limitations, the Antara Journalistic Museum and Photo Gallery made a breakthrough by establishing the museum digitization approach using Video Reality (VR) technology. This article was written to see how the strategy for the resilience of Cultural Heritage Sites in the Museum and Journalistic Photo Gallery is between maintaining some journalistic photo exhibition agendas amidst the lack of public interest in visiting museums plus the threat of a multidimensional crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was written using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The existence of this facility provides a new alternative for the public to continue visiting and accessing journalistic photo exhibition programs and activities which have been regularly held at the Antara Museum and Photo Journalistic Gallery so far. Having concern with the strength of the mission to preserve historical value as one of the broadcasting spaces for independence and to disseminate journalistic knowledge, especially related to the photojournalism to the younger generation and the strong encouragement of the community, the Antara Journalistic Photo Gallery and Museum is encouraged to survive and continue to operate in organizing activities that have been consistently scheduled yearly.


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    Abstrak: Desa Wisata Lembah Asri (Dlas) Serang merupakan cikal bakal embrio pengembangan Desa Wisata Serang  di Kabupaten Purbalingga  sejak tahun 2010 didirikan.   Bearada dibawah  kelembagaan BUM Desa Serang Makmur Sejahtera, Desa Wisata Lembah Asri menginisiasi lahirnya atraksi wisata serta ragam penghidupan baru bagi masayarakat desa yang nyaris 90 persennya adalah petani. Bila banyak diwilayah lainnya, masyarakat pertanian tersingkir atau beralih profesi setelah adanya desa wisata ataupun kegiatan pariwisata. Maka di Desa Serang, Pariwisata justru menjadi penyangga kehidupan rumah tangga petani.   Kehadiran pariwisata  memberikan kontribusi terhadap kehidupan rumah tangga petani dilihat dari lima modal penyusun penghidupan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana modal penghidupan berkelanjutan menopang kehidupan masyarakat desa yang notabenenya sebagian besar bekerja sebagai petani di Desa Wisata Serang. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Kerangka kerja penghidupan berkelanjutan yang dikemukakan oleh Scoones akan menjadi acuan kerja penelitian ini untuk memahami serta menelaah kerumitan interaksi antar berbagai hal yang mendukung bagaimana cara masyarakat desa  bertahan hidup dengan terlibat dalam desa wisata.   Kata Kunci: Berkelanjutan; Desa; Penghidupan; Serang; Wisata

    Effect of Traffic Lights Countdown Timer and Motorcycle Lanes as an Approach to the Red Box for Motorcycles in Bali Island

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    The development of red boxes for motorcycles in Indonesia was initially adopted from the advanced stop line (ASL) for bicycles. The bike box concept was adopted for motorcycles in Indonesia. To date, red boxes have been fully implemented in 21 cities in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of traffic light countdown timers and motorcycle lanes as an approach to the red box for motorcycles at signalized intersections. There were four locations studied in Denpasar Bali, i.e., red boxes with countdown timer only (Condition 1), red boxes with motorcycle lane only (Condition 2), red boxes with countdown timer and motorcycle lane (Condition 3), and red boxes without countdown timer and without motorcycle lane (Condition 4). The analysis results based on motorcycle volume data indicate that a countdown timer has a significant effect in increasing motorcycle acceleration when the green light starts, reducing the possibility of motorized vehicles other than motorcycles stopping in the red box area and reducing stop line violations while waiting during a red light. Meanwhile, the presence of a motorcycle lane as an approach lane to enter the red box area has a significant influence on increasing the occupancy of the red box by motorcycles. In addition, the correlation test shows that the countdown timer has a strong correlation with the occupancy of the red box to capacity and to stop line violation. Meanwhile, the level of traffic flow is strongly correlated with the countdown timer and motorcycle lane

    Effect of Traffic Lights Countdown Timer and Motorcycle Lanes as an Approach to the Red Box for Motorcycles in Bali Island

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    The development of red boxes for motorcycles in Indonesia was initially adopted from the advanced stop line (ASL) for bicycles. The bike box concept was adopted for motorcycles in Indonesia. To date, red boxes have been fully implemented in 21 cities in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of traffic light countdown timers and motorcycle lanes as an approach to the red box for motorcycles at signalized intersections. There were four locations studied in Denpasar Bali, i.e., red boxes with countdown timer only (Condition 1), red boxes with motorcycle lane only (Condition 2), red boxes with countdown timer and motorcycle lane (Condition 3), and red boxes without countdown timer and without motorcycle lane (Condition 4). The analysis results based on motorcycle volume data indicate that a countdown timer has a significant effect in increasing motorcycle acceleration when the green light starts, reducing the possibility of motorized vehicles other than motorcycles stopping in the red box area and reducing stop line violations while waiting during a red light. Meanwhile, the presence of a motorcycle lane as an approach lane to enter the red box area has a significant influence on increasing the occupancy of the red box by motorcycles. In addition, the correlation test shows that the countdown timer has a strong correlation with the occupancy of the red box to capacity and to stop line violation. Meanwhile, the level of traffic flow is strongly correlated with the countdown timer and motorcycle lane