110 research outputs found

    Cost Model for end-milling of AISI D2 tool steel

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    In this research paper, user-friendly and accurate mathematical model for estimating the cost of end-milling of AISI D2 tool steel using Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN) cutting tool inserts is developed. Initially, the different components of machining cost were identified, followed by establishment of equations to determine their values. Then, the required experimental and non-experimental data were collected and the bottom-up approach was adopted for evaluating the cost of machining corresponding to each of fifteen experimental runs. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to develop the model in which the cost of machining is given as a function of the machining parameters; cutting speed, feed per tooth, and depth of cut, and expressed in Ringgit Malaysia per cubic cm (RM per cm)3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was utilized to check the adequacy of the developed model. The developed model was found to be statistically adequate

    Physicochemical and microbiological quality of selected commercial and traditional honey in Klang Valley Market, Malaysia

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    This study was intended to determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of commercial and traditional honey in Klang Valley. Eleven honey samples from different origins were obtained and examined. Commercial honey samples were labelled as A, B, C, D, E and F and traditional honey samples consisted of Yemeni Sidr honey, Red Tualang honey, Black Tualang honey, Acacia honey and Fraser Hills Tualang honey. Physicochemical quality such as sugar content moisture content, water activity, pH and colour were measured. The pH value for commercial honey reached from pH 3.48 to 3.97 while the pH value for traditional honey reached from 3.07 to 4.72. The moisture content of commercial honey ranged from 17.53% to 18.93% compared to moisture content for traditional honey ranged from 18.03% to 20.67%. The water activity for commercial and traditional honey was in the range 0.56 to 0.62 aw and 0.52 to 0.62aw, respectively. Total sugar content obtained for commercial honey varied from 79.27 to 81.73 g/mL while total sugar content obtained for traditional honey were slightly higher, from 80 to 83.77 g/mL. Colour revealed that commercial honey, D, has the darkest colour compared to other honey (*L=2.11±0.08, *a=-0.02±0.21, *b=1.63±0.15). Standard plate count and yeast and mould were carried out to determined microbiological quality of honey. Generally, honey samples A, B, C, D and Acacia honey were considered safe, as no growth was detected on standard plate count. Less than 10 CFU/g was detected in Honey E, Black Tualang honey and Fraser Hills Tualang honey. There was no growth of yeast and mould count except for Red Tualang honey with not more than 10 CFU/g. Results in this study are within the limits of standards and are comparable with previous reports on honey from various countries

    Simplified channel authentication algorithm for secure quantum key distribution

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) is characterized by the implementation of the principles of quantum mechanics in distributing the symmetric cryptographic key between two communicating stations. The quantum channel through which a light beam travels and then examined quantum-mechanically is governed by several quantum cryptographic protocols. This paper presents a simplified algorithm of the quantum authentication process (QAP) of the six-state deterministic quantum protocol (6DP). The proposed setup replaces the nonlinear crystal BBO which is responsible for the second harmonic generation process with a simple polarization splitting using Glan Thompson Polarizer (GTP)

    Development of mathematical cost model for preheated end-milling of AISI D2 tool steel

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    Mohamed Elhadie1, A. N. Mustafizul Karim1, A. K. M. Nurul Amin1 Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur 53100, Malaysia M. A. Lajis2 Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor Bahru 86400, Malaysia Abstract In this research paper, reliable mathematical model for estimating the cost of preheated end-milling of AISI D2 tool steel using TiAlN coated carbide tool inserts is developed. Initially, the different components of machining cost were identified, followed by establishment of equations to determine their values. Then, the required experimental and non-experimental data were collected and the bottom-up approach was adopted for evaluating the cost of machining corresponding to each of fifteen experimental runs. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to develop the model in which the cost of machining is given as a function of the machining parameters; cutting speed, feed per tooth, and preheating temperature, and expressed in RM per cm3. ANOVA output was utilized to check the adequacy of the developed model. The developed model was found to be statistically adequate and this was confirmed by the small prediction errors made by the model. Keywords: machinin

    Numerical solution and spectrum of boundary-domain integral equation for the Neumann BVP with variable coefficient

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Taylor & Francis.In this paper, a numerical implementation of a direct united boundary-domain integral equation (BDIE) related to the Neumann boundary value problem for a scalar elliptic partial differential equation with a variable coefficient is discussed. The BDIE is reduced to a uniquely solvable one by adding an appropriate perturbation operator. The mesh-based discretization of the BDIEs with quadrilateral domain elements leads to a system of linear algebraic equations (discretized BDIE). Then, the system is solved by LU decomposition and Neumann iterations. Convergence of the iterative method is discussed in relation to the distribution of eigenvalues of the corresponding discrete operators calculated numerically.The work was supported by the grant EP/H020497/1 "Mathematical analysis of localised boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with variable coefficients" of the EPSRC, UK


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    Themainpurposeofthisstudywastoexaminetherelationshipbetweenperfectionism and burnout among university students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation had an impact on students which they ought toundergo online distance learning (ODL) from home. Some students may find it difficult to obtain appropriate guidance outside of the normal academic setting. Besides, thisstudy also determines whether coping self-efficacy mediates the relationshipbetween perfectionism and burnout. A sample of 176 University students participated in this study. Survey methods with the use of FrostMultidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey(MBI-SS), and Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) were used in this study. The results wereanalyzed using SPSS version 27.0. Bivariate and multiple regression were used to test allhypotheses for this study. The findings of this study show that perfectionistic strivings have a positiverelationshipwithburnout. Meanwhile,perfectionisticconcernshave a negativerelationshipwithburnout.The findingsalsoshowedthatbothperfectionisticstrivings and concerns positively related to coping self-efficacy (mediator). Lastly, theresults also showed that coping self-efficacy could partially mediate the relationshipbetweenperfectionism and burnout

    Neutron radiation effects on the electrical characteristics of InAs/GaAs quantum dot-in-a-well structures

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    This paper studies the effects of neutron radiation on the electrical behaviour and leakage current mec hanism of quantum dot-in-a-well (DWELL) semiconductor diodes with fluence ranging from 3 to neutron/cm . After neutron irradiation, the forward bias and reverse bias le akage currents showed significant rise approximately of up to two orders of magnitude which is believed to be attributed to the presence of displacement damage induced traps. The ideality factor of the forward bias leakage current corresponding to all neutron fluenceirradiationswerefoundtobecloseto2,suggestingthatthe forward bias current mechanism is large ly due to trap-assisted generation-recombination (TAGR )ofcarriers.Subsequently,it is also observed that the capacit ances reduced after irradiations which were further shown to be due to th e deep carrier trapping effects and the Neutron Transmutation Doping effects (NTD). From the temperature dependence measurements, it is found that the reverse bias leakage curren tmechanismsoftheirradiated samplesareprimarilyattributedtotwoprocess;TAGRofcarriers with emission from the traps assisted by the Frenkel-Poole (F-P).The traps due to both mechanis ms were derived and shown to increase with neutron fluence

    E-Wallet Models: An Appraisal of Shariah Related Issues

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    This paper aims to evaluate the existing e-wallet business models and to provide a preliminary analysis of Sharia issues, specifically related to the relationship of the involved parties in the contract (operators, customers, and third parties). As e-wallet is also a critical enabler to increase financial inclusion among the different levels of society members (richer and poor), thus there is an increasing need to analyze the existing e-wallet models and their practices. The final aims are to preserve all parties’ rights and support the policymakers to structure e-wallet parameters that comply with Islamic law. This paper adopts qualitative research approaches, specifically content analysis and interviews. The data collection includes, among others, document reviews, interviews, and observations. The paper evaluates four e-wallet models in Malaysia and analyzes arising Sharia issues from those models. In the models, several Sharia issues can be found, which are related to the contracts used, the status of funds held by e-wallet providers, deposits in banks, and revenue generation. Findings from this paper serve as a basis for scholars and policymakers to provide guidelines for Sharia-compliant e-wallets. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi model bisnis dompet elektronik yang ada dan memberikan analisis awal tentang masalah syariah, khususnya terkait dengan hubungan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak (operator, pelanggan dan pihak ketiga). Karena dompet elektronik juga merupakan faktor penting untuk meningkatkan inklusi keuangan di antara berbagai tingkat anggota masyarakat (kaya dan miskin), maka ada peningkatan kebutuhan untuk menganalisis model dompet elektronik yang ada dan praktiknya. Tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk menjaga hak semua pihak dan mendukung pembuat kebijakan untuk menyusun parameter dompet elektronik yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Tulisan ini mengadopsi pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, khususnya analisis isi dan wawancara. Pengumpulan data meliputi telaah dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi. Tulisan ini mengevaluasi empat model dompet elektronik di Malaysia dan menganalisis masalah syariah yang muncul dari model tersebut. Ada beberapa masalah syariah yang dapat ditemukan dari model-model tersebut, yaitu terkait dengan akad yang digunakan, status dana yang dipegang oleh penyedia dompet elektronik, status simpanan di bank dan perolehan pendapatan. Temuan dari makalah ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar bagi para sarjana dan pembuat kebijakan untuk memberikan pedoman dompet elektronik yang sesuai syariah

    Facile synthesis of fibrous Faujasite Y supported Ni (Ni/FFY) catalyst for hydrogen production via glycerol dry reforming

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    In this study, the dendritic structure of Ni-supported Fibrous Faujasite Y (Ni/FFY) catalyst was successfully synthesized by employing a hydrothermal-assisted microemulsion system and subsequently tested in glycerol dry reforming to produce syngas. FFY possesses high porosity due to the formation of radial wrinkle fibre observed from TEM analysis. This provides a huge amount of interparticle pores that facilitate the absorption of the molecules within the material under a minimum hindrance, hence boosting the interior surface accessibility of Ni/FFY. This exclusive morphology contributed to the enhancement in the amount of accessible Ni active sites, resulting in the good activity of Ni/FFY (C3H8O3 conversion = 56.28 %, CO yield = 70.14 %, and H2 yield = 49.80 %). The extraordinary physicochemical properties of Ni/FFY and outstanding catalytic performance in glycerol dry reforming proved its capability as a sustainable catalyst in transforming waste byproduct (glycerol) and greenhouse gas (CO2) to clean energy (H2). This finding presents a pioneering fibrous zeolite catalyst for hydrogen generation in glycerol reforming