19 research outputs found

    Diversity of Invasif Aliens Species in Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Grand Forest Park, Jambi

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    Research on invasive plant diversity in Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin Forest Park area has been done from July - sepetember 2017 by quadraticmethod. The plot is placed by purposive sampling consisting of 52 plots with a plot size of 5m x 5 m. The result of this research showed that invasiveplant composition was 7 families, 9 species and 1.775 individuals. Clidemia hirta has the highest important index value of 51.53% and Acaciamangium has the second highest important value index after Clidemia hirta is 34.46%. The diversity index of invasive plants is H '= 1.8. Clidemiahirta is a weed and invasive plant growing on agricultural land, logged over and an aggressive pioneer species due to its rapidly germination ofseeds, which invade open spaces, landslides, roadsides, paths, logged-over fields and humps forest and can grow fast and tolerant to shade. Acaciamangium is the second dominant species found after Clidemia hirta. Acacia mangium is known by the name of acacia, its rapid growth, good qualityof wood and its tolerant ability to various kinds of soil and environment

    Studi Hubungan Kerapatan Vegetasi Lamun dengan Laju Sedimentasi di Perairan Teluk Awur dan Bandengan Jepara pada Periode Juni – Juli 2012

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    Teluk Awur and Bandengan waters are located in Jepara which have different conditions and also the waters are still good for seagrass growth. Seagrass has one physical function as a sediment catcher in coastal waters. The sedimentation rate in the Teluk Awur and Bandengan waters affected by seagrass density, flow velocity, and sediment composition. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship of seagrass vegetation density with the rate of sedimentation in the Teluk Awur and Bandengan waters, Jepara. This reaserch was conducted in June-July 2012. in the Teluk Awur waters discovered 6 genus such as Enhalus, Thalassia, Thalassodendron, Cymodocea, Halodule, and Syringodium, with an average value of density 198.03 individu/m2. While Bandengan waters was found 7 genus such as Enhalus, Thalassia, Thalassodendron, Cymodocea, Halodule, Syringodium and Halophila, with average value of density 457.1 individu/m2. The results showed that the average value of sedimentation rate in the Teluk Awur waters 438.74 g/m2/week, while the Bandengan waters 667.42 g/m2/week. The R2 value of relationship between Seagrass density with the sedimentation rate in the Teluk Awur waters 0.566. While the R2 of Bandengan waters 0.073. The Teluk Awur waters contain a little lanau sediment so it has a little sedimenation. Bandengan waters contain higher lanau sediment so it has more sedimentation

    Eksplorasi Dan Karakterisasi Berbagai Kristal Ibuprofen

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    Ibuprofen is an analgesic anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal (AINS). Generally, ibuprofenhave a bad flowability because a high cohesivity. Another problem in manufacturingis the high tendency for sticking to the punches. Besides these disadvantageous properties,ibuprofen indicates bad dissolution behavior because of its hydrophobic structure.To improve the properties of ibuprofen can be used crystallization method withusing variation of solvents. In this experiment observed crystallization method bycooling, evaporation, and water presence, which used methanol, ethanol, and acetonesolvents. Of all the crystallization results are produced white prism-shaped crystalline.The selected method is cooling method, which is characterized using ScanningElectron Microscopy (SEM), powder X-ray diffraction, and Differential ScanningCalorimetry (DSC). These three characterizations indicate transformation of crystalform which compared with ibuprofen’s standard. The selected method also producesnon cohesive powder which have the size particle is 710-1180µm, compressibilityindex: IBMD 14.2%, IBED 16.6%, IBAD 17.1%; angles of repose: IBMD 28.1º,IBED 29.7º, IBAD 30.1º, and have higher solubility than the common crystal’ssolubility. The result indicates that crystallization method is able to improve flowrate,compressibility index, and dissolution rate properties of ibuprofen’s standard

    Desain Sistem Ordering Sebagai Alat Bantu Penentu Angka Reorder Berdasarkan Sales Trend Dan Minimum Order Quantity Pada Perusahaan Retail

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    Untuk menghindari hilangnya penjualan dan menjamin safety stock di Perusahaan ritel, kita perlu suatu metode untuk menghitung, kapan harus menyusun ulang. Ada beberapa metode untuk menghitung dan memutuskan kapan pengecer harus menyusun ulang dan berapa banyak yang akan dipesan. Salah satu metode tersebut adalah Reorder Point. Reorder adalah titik saat barang harus dipesan. Dan setelah ini pemesanan kembali dihitung, pengecer harus menghitung, berapa banyak unit yang akan dipesan. Dengan perhitungan yang tepat sehingga kedatangan baik akan tepat waktu. Seperti kuantitas minimum order dan lead time. Juga, harus sesuai dengan kondisi internal, seperti jumlah stok terakhir dan tren penjualan dalam periode tertentu.Sejalan dengan kondisi ini, penulis akan merancang sebuah sistem untuk proses menyusun ulang, menggunakan metode prototype dan pemrograman Visual FoxPro

    Market Basket Analysis Pada Perusahaan Retail Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori Dan Sales Forecasting

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    Sebuah Perusahaan retail biasanya memberikan sistem “time service”,atau waktu diskon khusus untuk menarik pelanggan. Salah satu time service adalah promosi penjualan khusus Sabtu Minggu, dimana Perusahaan retail memberikan tarif diskon khusus untuk produk-produk tertentu yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan tipe tertentu. Produk-produk yang terpilih dalam promosi ini harus tepat,sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan dan dipilih melalui perhitungan berdasarkan tren penjualan dan perkiraan penjualan yang benar.Produk-produk yang akan dipromosikan harus dipilih berdasarkan metode yang menggambarkan kebutuhan pelanggan berdasar trenpenjualan. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, Algoritma Apriori dipilih untuk perhitungan ini.Dan setelah proses pemilihan produk selesai, perkiraan penjualn dilakukan dengan menganalisa tren penjualan, tren profit dan perencanaan penjualan

    Integrasi, Pengaruh Dan Masa Depan Sistem Cerdas Dalam Sistem Pendukung Manajemen

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    Membangun sebuah Sistem Pendukung Manajemen adalah sebuah fase awal dalam pendukung keputusan dan pemecahan masalah. Lebih penting lagi, sistem ini harus dikenalkan kepada organisasi dan digunakan sesuai kebutuhan dan tujuan organisasi. Hal ini berarti integrasi sistem yang terkomputerisasi adalah bagian yang penting dari sebuah sistem secara keseluruhan dan dapat diaplikasikan pada seluruh level pengembangan sistem. Umpan Balik dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya kegunaan hasil pengolahan data, pengetahuan dan model pengambilan keputusan, di masa kini dan masa mendatan

    Dinamika Kekuasaan di Aras Lokal (Studi Kasus Kegagalan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Tanjung Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    Local elite feud ninik mamak along with the young scholars and inteiektual inTanjung City District Kampar Hulu, have awakened the two camps had a falling out inthe democratic process at the village level.Each village chief election Tanking KotoKampar District of Hulu, persists two opposing camps in mengalukan sating theirchosen candidate.The occurrence of two different groups in carrying elections VillageHead Cape Town Kampar District of Hutu, originated from disagreements betweentraditional leaders and religious leaders with educated young leaders, where the mamakninik keiompok who never received ideas or renewal brought by the intellectual ingeneral they are educated.The location of this research is in the village of Tanjung District of Hulu KotoKampar Kampar district in Riau province.Type of this research is descriptive researchmethod used in this research is a qualitative method.The results showed that the dynamics of power thatled to the failure of electionsin the village Village Head Tanking Koto Kampar District of Hulu period 2014-2020.Failure in Tanjung village chief election Koto Kampar District of Hulu period2014 s / d in 2020, due to non-fulfillment of the absolute requirement that candidateswho advanced at least 3 (three) persons under Regulation Kampar District No. 4 of2007 on Procedures for Nominations, Selection, Implementation, Dismissal of villagechief andThe Village .. This condition causes the failure of election head of the villageof Tanjung Keeamatan Koto Kampar Hulu period of 2014, s / d in 2020.Factors that influence the dynamics of power in the election of village chief in thevillage of Tanjung District of Koto Kampar Hulu period 2014-2020 is;emergencewarring factions Local Elites in Intervention in Tanjung village chief Koto KamparDistrict of Hulu in the elections of Administrative Barriers Tanjung Koto KamparDistrict of Hulu period 2014-20.The existence of the special requirements of NinikMamak against each candidate Head of Tanjung KecamatanKoto Kampar Hulu period2014-2020.Keywords: Local Politics, Local Eliteand Power

    Persepsi Stakeholders terhadap Kompetensi Siswa Peserta Praktik Kerja Industri Program Keahlian Akuntansi Smk Negeri 6 Surakarta

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    This research aims to review and analize whether there are differences in perception between internal stakeholders with external stakeholders on the competence of Accounting Skills Program of participant students in the apprenticeship SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta. The type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this research were all productive teachers of Accounting Skills Program SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta and instructors in the apprenticeship partners of Accounting Skills Program SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta at Surakarta area. Sampling method uses sample of population. Collecting data method uses questionnaire, documentation, and interview. This study uses the validity tests by using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation, reliability test by Cronbach Alpha method, and hypothesis test using independent sample t-test. The results are: (1) The existence of differences on the perception of stakeholders (internal and external) to the professional competence of industrial work practice student participants expertise Accounting Program SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta with a probability value (sig) 0.001<0.05,(2) The difference in the perception of stakeholders (internal and external) to the personal competence of industrial work practice participant students of Accounting Skills Program SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta with a probability value (sig) 0.025<0.05, (3) The differences in the perception of stakeholders (internal and external) to the social competence of industrial work practice participant students of Accounting Skills Program SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta with a probability value (sig) 0.008<0.05. The conclusion that “there is a significant difference on the perception between internal stakeholders with external stakeholders on the competence of Accounting Skills Program of participant students in the apprenticeship SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta". This difference is due to differences in the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholders as well as of monitoring intensities between internal stakeholders with external stakeholders

    Penyesuaian Pola Dasar Sistem Danckaerts pada Wanita Bertubuh Gemuk Pendek

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    The aim of research is to describe the weakness basic pattern of Danckaerts system on a short fat woman, how to fix the weaknesses of Danckaerts basic pattern system on a short fat woman and the adjustment one short fat woman. Then the kind of research is applied research. The object research is a basic pattern of Danckaerts system which it tailored to the short fat woman. The rated by 5 panelists the result who is experts in the field of pattern. The instrument used a questionnaire with Likert scale. Techique of analysis use descriptive statistics in the form of the calculation formula porsentase and SPSS. The results showed that the basic pattern adjustment Danckaerts system on a short fat woman is classified into categories is in accordance with the achievement scores by 95% of respondents