11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning dengan Metode Eksperimen Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Fisika Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 19 Mataram Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    This research is a quasi-experimental aims to find the impact of problem based learning model with experimental methods on the learning outcomes physics science of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram in academic year 2014/2015. The population of this research is students of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram with 144 students, while the sampling of this research is grade as VIIA as experimental group and VIIB as the control group. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The research design used is untreated control group design with pretest and posttest. Pre-test results obtained by the average value of experimental group is 25.36 while the control group is 28.54. Post-test results for experimental group is 75.13, while for the control group is 65.41. Research hypotheses were analyzed by t-test two tail using formulas polled variance t-test given the result that thint is greater than ttable, In addition, an increase on learning outcomes analyzed using N-gain test given the result that experimental group has increased higher than the control group.so that can be concluded that the model of problem-based learning with experimental method given positive impact on learning outcomes physics science of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram in academic year 2014/2015

    Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Dengan Metode Eksperimen Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Fisika Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 19 Mataram Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    This research is a quasi-experimental aims to find the impact of problem based learning model with experimental methods on the learning outcomes physics science of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram in academic year 2014/2015. The population of this research is students of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram with 144 students, while the sampling of this research is grade as VIIA as experimental group and VIIB as the control group. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The research design used is untreated control group design with pretest and posttest. Pre-test results obtained by the average value of experimental group is 25.36 while the control group is 28.54. Post-test results for experimental group is 75.13, while for the control group is 65.41. Research hypotheses were analyzed by t-test two tail using formulas polled variance t-test given the result that thint is greater than ttable, In addition, an increase on learning outcomes analyzed using N-gain test given the result that experimental group has increased higher than the control group.so that can be concluded that the model of problem-based learning with experimental method given positive impact on learning outcomes physics science of grade VII SMPN 19 Mataram in academic year 2014/2015

    Membangun Desa Daenaa Melalui Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Hasil Pertanian dan Limbahnya dalam Mendukung Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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    Village development is one of the duties and responsibilities of higher education which is manifested in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service. Gorontalo Province is an area where most people work as farmers with low incomes. The people of Daenaa Village are corn farmers. Corn production is only sold in the form of raw dry corn materials without going through processing into products of nutritional value with high selling prices. Lack of understanding and not knowing the right technology to process raw corn materials into processed food products that are creative and have economic value. Processing of corn and its waste is aimed at increasing its usefulness and selling value. The implementation of the MBKM KKN Program is a solution to help the community and village government in building sustainable villages or Sustainable Development Goals, creating and increasing community knowledge, and encouraging the realization of independent villages. The method used is the method of training and mentoring, through four stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, the monitoring and evaluation stage, and the reporting stage

    Connection Self-Control with Academic Procrastination in Faculty Students Engineering at Medan Area University

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    117 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji secara empiris Hubungan Kontrol Diri Dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Faklutas Teknik Di Universitas Medan Area. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian korelasional merupakan penelitian yang memiliki kegunaan untuk mencari hubungan antar dua variable. Populasi dan sampel menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 102 orang yang diambil dari populasi.Kontrol Diri dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan aspek-aspek menurut Tangney, baumeister dan boone (2004) yaitu: self-discipline, deliberate/nonimpulsive, healthy habits, work ethic, reliability. Porokrastinasi Akademik dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan Aspekaspek menurut Tetonika (dalam Wicaksono, 2017) yaitu: Perceivedtime (Gagal Menepati Deadline), Intencition-Action Gap (Celah Antara Keinginan Dan Prilaku), Emotional Distress (Tekanan Emosi), Perceived Ability (Kepercayaan Terhadap Kemampuan Yang Dimiliki). Metode analis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah product moment dari part whole. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang diperoleh ada hubungan negative antara kontrol diri dengan prokrastinasi akademik, dengan hasil rxy= -0.485, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai >0.05. Artinya hipotesis yang diajukan dinyatakan diterima.Koefisien determinan (r2) dari hubungan antara variabel bebas X dengan variabel terikat Y adalah sebesar r2 = 0,235 Ini menunjukkan bahwa kontrol diri terhadap prokrastinasi akademik sebesar 23,5%. sedangkan 76,5% sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor yag tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kontrol diri tergolong sedang dengan nilai mean hipotetik sebesar 80 dan mean empiric sebesar 79,60. Prokrastinasi akademik tergolong tinggi karena mean hipotetik 75 dan mean empiriknya sebesar 108,34. This study aims to determine and empirically test the relationship between self-control and academic procrastination in engineering students at the University of Medan Area.. The type of research used is a quantitative approach. Correlational research is research that has a purpose to find the relationship between two variables.Population and sample using purposive sampling technique with a sample of 102 people taken from the population. Self-control in this study was measured based on aspects according to Tangney, Baumeister and Boone (2004),namely:self-discipline, deliberate/nonimpulsive, healthy habits, work ethic, reliability.Academic procrastination in this study was measured based on aspects according to Tetonika (in Wicaksono, 2017), namely:Perceivedtime (Failed to Meet Deadline), IntencitionAction Gap (Emotional Pressure), Perceived Ability (Belief in One's Abilities). The data analysis method used in this study is the product moment of the whole part.Based on the results of the analysis obtained, there is a negative relationship between self-control and academic procrastination, with the results of rxy = -0.485, this indicates that the value is >0.05. This means that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between the independent variable X and the dependent variable Y is r2 = 0.235. This indicates that self-control on academic procrastination is 23,5%. while the remaining 76,5% is explained by factors not disclosed in this study.Based on the description above, it can be concluded that selfcontrol is classified as moderate with a hypothetical mean value of 80 and an empirical mean of 79.60. Academic procrastination is high because the hypothetical mean is 75 and the empirical mean is 108.34


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    Sistem pendidikan di indonesia mengalami perubahan, terutama pada sisi kurikulum. Implementasi kurikulum ini berpotensi untuk meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa dengan pembelajaran yang tidak membosankan. Dengan itu, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa kelas IV di MI Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas IV di MI Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong. Sedangkan tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi dar kurikulum merdeka belajar di sekolah tersebut sudah berjalan selama satu bulan setengah, dan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa kelas IV di MI Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong. Adapaun hasil dari analisis menggunakan rumus korelasi produst moment dimana (0,599 ≥ 0,329). Dengan Kriteria keputusan, r_hitung≥r_(tabel ), H_0 ditolak H_a diterima 0,599 ≥ 0,329. Dengan kriteria ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif dari implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa kelas IV di MI Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong tahun ajaran 2023/2024

    A Calm Soul in Surah Al-Fajr 27-30 Al-Azhar Tafsir Perspective

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    Humans consist of those whose daily lives demonstrate the unity of body and soul. Positive words and happiness go hand in hand when people interact. In this case, a person's condition for doing good deeds or actions that will result in heart disease is also influenced by their spirit. The heart is the estuary of joy and sorrow. A heart that feels satisfied and honest in worshiping solely to Allah SWT is said to have a healthy heart (qolbun salim). He can only be calm if he remembers Allah alone. The aim of this research is to study how to purify the soul according to Tafsir Al-Azhar and the meaning of the Muthmainnah lafadz in Surah Al-Fajr. Researchers use qualitative research methods, namely research that starts from the problems raised and the data to be collected, this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is research of the type of library research (library research). Library research is research in which all data comes from written materials in the form of books, manuscripts, documents and other library data related to this research. One way to achieve inner peace is to entrust everything to God and consistently remember God. Positive outcomes of inner peace include the ability to make wise decisions, worry less, and live a life with balance. However, if the inner state is not calm, doubts and anxiety may arise and actions that are not wise will arise because they are influenced by desires

    Recovery of cobalt and nickel from spent lithium ion batteries with citric acid using leaching process: Kinetics study

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    Lithium ion batteries are commonly used as power sources for mobile phone, but by using it continually will degrade their capabilities. Battery replacements will cause a lot of waste in environment. Spent lithium ion batteries cathode contain heavy metals, such as cobalt and nickel. However it is also included as valuable metals thus recovery process is necessary. In this research, hydrometallurgical leaching process has been done for recovery of cobalt and nickel from spent lithium ion batteries using citric acid as a leaching agent by varying citric acid concentration (0.5-1 M), reaction temperature (50-80) and reaction time (5-20 minutes). The spent lithium ion batteries were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The result showed that the leaching of lithium ion batteries using citric acid was depend on citric acid concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time. Based on kinetics study, the leaching reaction of cobalt and nickel from cathode powder using citric acid was chemically controlled process and the activation energy of cobalt and nickel were 67.12 kJ/mole and 58.22 kJ/mole. The reaction order of leaching cobalt and nickel using citric acid was first-order reaction

    Acid leaching and kinetics study of cobalt recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries with nitric acid

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    Relentless development of technology triggers the smartphone production. The increasing number of smartphone use is followed by escalation of its waste, where its battery is usually left unrecycled. The analysis of the battery content shows that it is consist of a considerable amount of cobalt that can be reutilized based on its relatively high economic value, which valued USD 61/kg. Leaching as a form of hydrometallurgy was used in this research to recover cobalt using HNO3 as leaching agent and H2O2 as reducing agent. Process optimization was done by varying concentration of nitric acid and reaction temperature. The result showed that the optimum leaching condition was earned in 30 minutes of leaching reaction using 3.0 M HNO3 at the reaction temperature of 90°C, resulting 98.01% of cobalt leaching efficiency. Reaction kinetics study was also done in this research and the result demonstrates that recovery of cobalt from spent lithium-ion battery by nitric acid leaching was controlled by diffusion through product layer with activation energy value of 44.67 kJ/mol

    Recovery of cobalt and nickel from spent lithium ion batteries with citric acid using leaching process: Kinetics study

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    Lithium ion batteries are commonly used as power sources for mobile phone, but by using it continually will degrade their capabilities. Battery replacements will cause a lot of waste in environment. Spent lithium ion batteries cathode contain heavy metals, such as cobalt and nickel. However it is also included as valuable metals thus recovery process is necessary. In this research, hydrometallurgical leaching process has been done for recovery of cobalt and nickel from spent lithium ion batteries using citric acid as a leaching agent by varying citric acid concentration (0.5-1 M), reaction temperature (50-80) and reaction time (5-20 minutes). The spent lithium ion batteries were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The result showed that the leaching of lithium ion batteries using citric acid was depend on citric acid concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time. Based on kinetics study, the leaching reaction of cobalt and nickel from cathode powder using citric acid was chemically controlled process and the activation energy of cobalt and nickel were 67.12 kJ/mole and 58.22 kJ/mole. The reaction order of leaching cobalt and nickel using citric acid was first-order reaction

    Acid leaching and kinetics study of cobalt recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries with nitric acid

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    Relentless development of technology triggers the smartphone production. The increasing number of smartphone use is followed by escalation of its waste, where its battery is usually left unrecycled. The analysis of the battery content shows that it is consist of a considerable amount of cobalt that can be reutilized based on its relatively high economic value, which valued USD 61/kg. Leaching as a form of hydrometallurgy was used in this research to recover cobalt using HNO3 as leaching agent and H2O2 as reducing agent. Process optimization was done by varying concentration of nitric acid and reaction temperature. The result showed that the optimum leaching condition was earned in 30 minutes of leaching reaction using 3.0 M HNO3 at the reaction temperature of 90°C, resulting 98.01% of cobalt leaching efficiency. Reaction kinetics study was also done in this research and the result demonstrates that recovery of cobalt from spent lithium-ion battery by nitric acid leaching was controlled by diffusion through product layer with activation energy value of 44.67 kJ/mol