346 research outputs found

    La "reparación del mundo" y de la historia judía brasileña en O ciclo das águas de Moacyr Scliar

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    Nafkah Madliyah Anak Pasca Perceraian:Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 608/K/AG/2003

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    This article aims to describe the review of Islamic law on the obligations of a father who abandoned the maintenance of the child in the decision of the Supreme Court number 608/K/AG/2003 and describing a living madliyah children after divorce based on the protection of children's rights in Law Number 23 Year 2002 on the Protection of Children. The result showed that the duty of a father to meet child support does not become payable if the elapsed time, but it could be due to maintenance if there is a decision of the judge. This imposition on the grounds that the father in condition to be able to work deliberately remiss. Supreme Court Decision Number 608/K/AG/2003 does not conflict with Islamic law. Every parent has an obligation to be responsible for nurturing, nurture, educate, and protect children. Deliberateness of a father neglects the obligation to provide maintenance, so that children can not get their rights and suffer a loss, then it can be described as acts of negligence as regulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 on the Protection of Children.Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap kewajiban seorang ayah yang telah melalaikan nafkah terhadap anak dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung RI nomor 608/K/AG/2003 dan mendeskripsikan nafkah madliyah anak pasca perceraian ditinjau dari aspek perlindungan hak anak dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa kewajiban seorang ayah untuk memenuhi nafkah anak tidak menjadi hutang jika telah lewat masanya, namun nafkah tersebut dapat menjadi hutang jika ada keputusan hakim. Pembebanan ini dengan alasan bahwa ayah dalam kodisi mampu untuk bekerja sengaja melalaikan kewajibannya. Keputusan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor: 608/K/AG/2003 tidak bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Setiap orang tua memiliki kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab untuk mengasuh, memelihara, mendidik, dan melindungi anak. Kesengajaan dari seorang ayah melalaikan kewajiban dalam memberikan nafkah, sehingga anaktidak dapat memperoleh haknya dan mengalami kerugian, maka hal tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai tindakan penelantaran sebagaimana diatur dalam UndangUndang Nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak.This article aims to describe the review of Islamic law on the obligations of a father who abandoned the maintenance of the child in the decision of the Supreme Court number 608/K/AG/2003 and describing a living madliyah children after divorce based on the protection of children's rights in Law Number 23 Year 2002 on the Protection of Children. The result showed that the duty of a father to meet child support does not become payable if the elapsed time, but it could be due to maintenance if there is a decision of the judge. This imposition on the grounds that the father in condition to be able to work deliberately remiss. Supreme Court Decision No. 608/K/AG/2003 does not conflict with Islamic law. Every parent has an obligation to be responsible for nurturing, nurture, educate, and protect children. Deliberateness of a father neglects the obligation to provide maintenance, so that children can not get their rights and suffer a loss, then it can be described as acts of negligence as regulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 on the Protection of Children. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap kewajiban seorang ayah yang telah melalaikan nafkah terhadap anak dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung RI nomor 608/K/AG/2003 dan mendeskripsikan nafkah madliyah anak pasca perceraian ditinjau dari aspek perlindungan hak anak dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa kewajiban seorang ayah untuk memenuhi nafkah anak tidak menjadi hutang jika telah lewat masanya, namun nafkah tersebut dapat menjadi hutang jika ada keputusan hakim. Pembebanan ini dengan alasan bahwa ayah dalam kodisi mampu untuk bekerja sengaja melalaikan kewajibannya. Keputusan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor: 608/K/AG/2003 tidak bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Setiap orang tua memiliki kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab untuk mengasuh, memelihara, mendidik, dan melindungi anak. Kesengajaan dari seorang ayah melalaikan kewajiban dalam memberikan nafkah, sehingga anak tidak dapat memperoleh haknya dan mengalami kerugian, maka hal tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai tindakan penelantaran sebagaimana diatur dalam UndangUndang Nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak

    Persuasive language in Maybelline Advertisement

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    In promoting a product, an advertiser should recognize the persuasion term in order to show its purpose and good value. It is because the persuasion can arise the persuasiveness of a product and through it, such an interactive and communicative action exist between the advertiser and prospects. This case is so happen to Maybelline advertisement. Maybelline is an American cosmetic brand. It has been taking place in Indonesia since 1979. Thus, this researcher aims to analyze how Maybelline stands for the selling activity in long ages, seen from the way it promotes its products in every ad it makes. It starts by questioning; 1. What types of rhetorical discourse are found in Maybelline advertisement, 2. How persuasive meanings constructed through the features of rhetoric. The theories applied are rhetoric discourse by Herrick (2000) and feature of rhetoric by Gill and Karen (1996). This research is designed in a qualitative approach using content analysis method. The data are amounting to 68 utterances in 17 Maybelline advertisements. The researcher analyzed the data by determining the data, identifying the data, categorizing the data, analyzing the data, and concluding the data. The result shows there are 13 data enrolled into argument, 31 data are enrolled into arrangement, and 19 data are enrolled into aesthetic type. The result also shows the construction of persuasive meanings that are brought by feature of rhetoric through argument, metaphor, and iconicity. Thus, this research found that types of rhetoric discourse used are argument, arrangement, and aesthetics. And the persuasive meanings are constructed by three features; argument, metaphor, and iconicity

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The purpose of this study was to identify obtaining information about the obstacles to the online teaching and learning process at home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is entitled "effectiveness of online learning during the covid19 pandemic" to find out how student innovations increase the effectiveness of online learning and create conducive learning, this research is a research that uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques and uses interviews with informants who come from from the student side, namely the university of uin ar - raniry, the determination of the informants using random sampling technique, in this study the respondents were 15 students at the uin ar - raniry university, the interview method used the semi-structured interview method, a list of questions prepared for the interview was developed based on the related literature, the results of this study there are students who still have obstacles in online learning activities, namely, lack of mastery of technology, additional internet quota fees, additional work to help parents, lack of socialization between students

    Mitigation of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms From Chronic Terror Attacks on Southern Israel

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    Since 2000, the southern Israeli town of Sderot and neighboring rural region, Otef Aza, have been frequently exposed to nearly identical terror attacks by Hamas. While only a small minority of Otef Aza residents have been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), more than a third of Sderot residents have been so diagnosed. Factors such as social cohesion and ideology may be the unique factors that protect Otef Aza residents from PTSD; however, a gap in the literature exists as to how these same factors might affect PTSD symptomology in Sderot residents. Orthodox religiosity has also been associated with reduced PTSD symptoms in Sderot; however, previous research on religiosity analyzed demographic characteristics and did not use a measure specifically assessing dimensions of religiosity. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the impact of community, ideology, and religiosity on PTSD symptoms among Sderot residents. A survey was distributed to a convenience sample of Sderot residents that 118 participants successfully completed. Standard multiple linear regression revealed that ideology, intrinsic religiosity, nonorganizational religious activity, and fulfillment of needs dimension of sense of community were significant predictors of PTSD symptomatology. Study findings suggested protective factors which could help a large portion of the population. The implications for positive social change for Sderot residents include increased positive interactions, sense of well-being, meaning, and value in their lives

    Quantitative Forecasting of Risk for PTSD Using Ecological Factors: A Deep Learning Application

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    Forecasting the risk for mental disorders from early ecological information holds benefits for the individual and society. Computational models used in psychological research, however, are barriers to making such predictions at the individual level. Preexposure identification of future soldiers at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other individuals, such as humanitarian aid workers and journalists intending to be potentially exposed to traumatic events, is important for guiding decisions about exposure. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate a machine learning approach to identify individuals at risk for PTSD using readily collected ecological risk factors, which makes scanning a large population possible. An exhaustive literature review was conducted to identify multiple ecological risk factors for PTSD. A questionnaire assessing these factors was designed and distributed among residents of southern Israel who have been exposed to terror attacks; data were collected from 1,290 residents. A neural network classification algorithm was used to predict the likelihood of a PTSD diagnosis. Assessed by cross-validation, the prediction of PTSD diagnostic status yielded a mean area under receiver operating characteristics curve of .91 (F score = .83). This study is a novel attempt to implement a neural network classification algorithm using ecological risk factors to predict potential risk for PTSD. Preexposure identification of future soldiers and other individuals at risk for PTSD from a large population of candidates is feasible using machine learning methods and readily collected ecological factors

    TextAdaIN: Paying Attention to Shortcut Learning in Text Recognizers

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    Leveraging the characteristics of convolutional layers, neural networks are extremely effective for pattern recognition tasks. However in some cases, their decisions are based on unintended information leading to high performance on standard benchmarks but also to a lack of generalization to challenging testing conditions and unintuitive failures. Recent work has termed this "shortcut learning" and addressed its presence in multiple domains. In text recognition, we reveal another such shortcut, whereby recognizers overly depend on local image statistics. Motivated by this, we suggest an approach to regulate the reliance on local statistics that improves text recognition performance. Our method, termed TextAdaIN, creates local distortions in the feature map which prevent the network from overfitting to local statistics. It does so by viewing each feature map as a sequence of elements and deliberately mismatching fine-grained feature statistics between elements in a mini-batch. Despite TextAdaIN's simplicity, extensive experiments show its effectiveness compared to other, more complicated methods. TextAdaIN achieves state-of-the-art results on standard handwritten text recognition benchmarks. It generalizes to multiple architectures and to the domain of scene text recognition. Furthermore, we demonstrate that integrating TextAdaIN improves robustness towards more challenging testing conditions. The official Pytorch implementation can be found at https://github.com/amazon-research/textadain-robust-recognition.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to ECCV 202

    Microbial Changes during Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy

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    Several healthy developmental processes such as pregnancy, fetal development and infant development include a multitude of physiological changes: weight gain, hormonal and metabolic changes, as well as immune changes. In this review we present an additional important factor which both influences and is affected by these physiological processes- the microbiome. We summarize the known changes in microbiota composition at a variety of body sites including gut, vagina, oral cavity and placenta, throughout pregnancy, fetal development and early childhood. There is still a lot to be discovered; yet several pieces of research point to the healthy desired microbial changes. Future research is likely to unravel precise roles and mechanisms of the microbiota in gestation; perhaps linking the metabolic, hormonal and immune changes together. Although some research has started to link microbial dysbiosis and specific microbial populations with unhealthy pregnancy complications, it is important to first understand the context of the natural healthy microbial changes occurring. Until recently the placenta and developing fetus were considered to be germ free, containing no apparent microbiome. We present multiple study results showing distinct microbiota compositions in the placenta and meconium, alluding to early microbial colonization. These results may change dogmas and our overall understanding of the importance and roles of microbiota from the beginning of life. We further review the main factors shaping the infant microbiome- modes of delivery, feeding, weaning, and exposure to antibiotics. Taken together, we are starting to build a broader understanding of healthy vs. abnormal microbial alterations throughout major developmental time-points