41 research outputs found

    Planar Cell Polarity Signaling in Collective Cell Movements During Morphogenesis and Disease

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    Collective and directed cell movements are crucial for diverse developmental processes in the animal kingdom, but they are also involved in wound repair and disease. During these processes groups of cells are oriented within the tissue plane, which is referred to as planar cell polarity (PCP). This requires a tight regulation that is in part conducted by the PCP pathway. Although this pathway was initially characterized in flies, subsequent studies in vertebrates revealed a set of conserved core factors but also effector molecules and signal modulators, which build the fundamental PCP machinery. The PCP pathway in Drosophila regulates several developmental processes involving collective cell movements such as border cell migration during oogenesis, ommatidial rotation during eye development, and embryonic dorsal closure. During vertebrate embryogenesis, PCP signaling also controls collective and directed cell movements including convergent extension during gastrulation, neural tube closure, neural crest cell migration, or heart morphogenesis. Similarly, PCP signaling is linked to processes such as wound repair, and cancer invasion and metastasis in adults. As a consequence, disruption of PCP signaling leads to pathological conditions. In this review, we will summarize recent findings about the role of PCP signaling in collective cell movements in flies and vertebrates. In addition, we will focus on how studies in Drosophila have been relevant to our understanding of the PCP molecular machinery and will describe several developmental defects and human disorders in which PCP signaling is compromised. Therefore, new discoveries about the contribution of this pathway to collective cell movements could provide new potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for these disorders

    Evolutionary conserved role of eukaryotic translation factor eIF5A in the regulation of actin-nucleating formins

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    Elongation factor eIF5A is required for the translation of consecutive prolines, and was shown in yeast to translate polyproline-containing Bni1, an actin-nucleating formin required for polarized growth during mating. Here we show that Drosophila eIF5A can functionally replace yeast eIF5A and is required for actin-rich cable assembly during embryonic dorsal closure (DC). Furthermore, Diaphanous, the formin involved in actin dynamics during DC, is regulated by and mediates eIF5A effects. Finally, eIF5A controls cell migration and regulates Diaphanous levels also in mammalian cells. Our results uncover an evolutionary conserved role of eIF5A regulating cytoskeleton-dependent processes through translation of formins in eukaryotes

    A high-throughput chemical screen in DJ-1β mutant flies identifies zaprinast as a potential Parkinson's disease treatment

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    Dopamine replacement represents the standard therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD), a common, chronic, and incurable neurological disorder; however, this approach only treats the symptoms of this devastating disease. In the search for novel disease-modifying therapies that target other relevant molecular and cellular mechanisms, Drosophila has emerged as a valuable tool to study neurodegenerative diseases due to the presence of a complex central nervous system, the blood-brain barrier, and a similar neurotransmitter profile to humans. Human PD-related genes also display conservation in flies; DJ-1β is the fly ortholog of DJ-1, a gene for which mutations prompt early-onset recessive PD. Interestingly, flies mutant for DJ-1β exhibit PD-related phenotypes, including motor defects, high oxidative stress (OS) levels and metabolic alterations. To identify novel therapies for PD, we performed an in vivo high-throughput screening assay using DJ-1β mutant flies and compounds from the Prestwick® chemical library. Drugs that improved motor performance in DJ-1ß mutant flies were validated in DJ-1-deficient human neural-like cells, revealing that zaprinast displayed the most significant ability to suppress OS-induced cell death. Zaprinast inhibits phosphodiesterases and activates GPR35, an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor not previously associated with PD. We found that zaprinast exerts its beneficial effect in both fly and human PD models through several disease-modifying mechanisms, including reduced OS levels, attenuated apoptosis, increased mitochondrial viability, and enhanced glycolysis. Therefore, our results support zaprinast as a potential therapeutic for PD in future clinical trials

    In silico validation of RNA-Seq results can identify gene fusions with oncogenic potential in glioblastoma

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    RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) can identify gene fusions in tumors, but not all these fusions have functional consequences. Using multiple data bases, we have performed an in silico analysis of fusions detected by RNA-Seq in tumor samples from 139 newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients to identify in-frame fusions with predictable oncogenic potential. Among 61 samples with fusions, there were 103 different fusions, involving 167 different genes, including 20 known oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes (TSGs), 16 associated with cancer but not oncogenes or TSGs, and 32 not associated with cancer but previously shown to be involved in fusions in gliomas. After selecting in-frame fusions able to produce a protein product and running Oncofuse, we identified 30 fusions with predictable oncogenic potential and classified them into four non-overlapping categories: six previously described in cancer; six involving an oncogene or TSG; four predicted by Oncofuse to have oncogenic potential; and 14 other in-frame fusions. Only 24 patients harbored one or more of these 30 fusions, and only two fusions were present in more than one patient: FGFR3::TACC3 and EGFR::SEPTIN14. This in silico study provides a good starting point for the identification of gene fusions with functional consequences in the pathogenesis or treatment of glioblastoma

    Transcriptional Activity and Nuclear Localization of Cabut, the Drosophila Ortholog of Vertebrate TGF-β-Inducible Early-Response Gene (TIEG) Proteins

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    BackgroundCabut (Cbt) is a C2H2-class zinc finger transcription factor involved in embryonic dorsal closure, epithelial regeneration and other developmental processes in Drosophila melanogaster. Cbt orthologs have been identified in other Drosophila species and insects as well as in vertebrates. Indeed, Cbt is the Drosophila ortholog of the group of vertebrate proteins encoded by the TGF-ß-inducible early-response genes (TIEGs), which belong to Sp1-like/Krüppel-like family of transcription factors. Several functional domains involved in transcriptional control and subcellular localization have been identified in the vertebrate TIEGs. However, little is known of whether these domains and functions are also conserved in the Cbt protein.Methodology/Principal FindingsTo determine the transcriptional regulatory activity of the Drosophila Cbt protein, we performed Gal4-based luciferase assays in S2 cells and showed that Cbt is a transcriptional repressor and able to regulate its own expression. Truncated forms of Cbt were then generated to identify its functional domains. This analysis revealed a sequence similar to the mSin3A-interacting repressor domain found in vertebrate TIEGs, although located in a different part of the Cbt protein. Using β-Galactosidase and eGFP fusion proteins, we also showed that Cbt contains the bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) previously identified in TIEG proteins, although it is non-functional in insect cells. Instead, a monopartite NLS, located at the amino terminus of the protein and conserved across insects, is functional in Drosophila S2 and Spodoptera exigua Sec301 cells. Last but not least, genetic interaction and immunohistochemical assays suggested that Cbt nuclear import is mediated by Importin-α2.Conclusions/SignificanceOur results constitute the first characterization of the molecular mechanisms of Cbt-mediated transcriptional control as well as of Cbt nuclear import, and demonstrate the existence of similarities and differences in both aspects of Cbt function between the insect and the vertebrate TIEG proteins

    Review Article Drosophila Models of Parkinson’s Disease: Discovering Relevant Pathways and Novel Therapeutic Strategies

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    Copyright © 2011 V. Muñoz-Soriano and N. Paricio. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and is mainly characterized by the selective and progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons, accompanied by locomotor defects. Although most PD cases are sporadic, several genes are associated with rare familial forms of the disease. Analyses of their function have provided important insights into the disease process, demonstrating that three types of cellular defects are mainly involved in the formation and/or progression of PD: abnormal protein aggregation, oxidative damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These studies have been mainly performed in PD models created in mice, fruit flies, and worms. Among them, Drosophila has emerged as a very valuable model organism in the study of either toxin-induced or genetically linked PD. Indeed, many of the existing fly PD models exhibit key features of the disease and have been instrumental to discover pathways relevant for PD pathogenesis, which could facilitate the development of therapeutic strategies. 1

    A stress-responsive miRNA regulates BMP signaling to maintain tissue homeostasis

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    Adult organisms must sense and adapt to environmental fluctuations. In high-turnover tissues such as the intestine, these adaptive responses require rapid changes in gene expression that, in turn, likely involve posttranscriptional gene control. However, intestinal-tissue-specific microRNA (miRNA)-mediated regulatory pathways remain unexplored. Here, we report the role of an intestinal-specific miRNA, miR-958, that non-cell autonomously regulates stem cell numbers during tissue homeostasis and regeneration in the Drosophila adult midgut. We identify its downstream target cabut, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian KLF10/11 transcription factors, which mediates this miR-958 function by promoting paracrine enterocyte-to-stem-cell bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. We also show that mature miR-958 levels transiently decrease in response to stress and that this decrease is required for proper stem cell expansion during tissue regeneration. In summary, we have identified a posttranscriptional mechanism that modulates BMP signaling activity within Drosophila adult intestinal tissue during both normal homeostasis and tissue regeneration to regulate intestinal stem cell numbers

    Disease-modifying effects of vincamine supplementation in Drosophila and human cell models of Parkinson's disease based on DJ-1 deficiency

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder caused by the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Current therapies are only symptomatic and are not able to stop or delay its progression. In order to search for new and more effective therapies, our group carried out a high-throughput screening assay, identifying several candidate compounds that are able to improve locomotor ability in DJ-1β mutant flies (a Drosophila model of familial PD) and reduce oxidative stress (OS)-induced lethality in DJ-1-deficient SH-SY5Y human cells. One of them was vincamine (VIN), a natural alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Vinca minor. Our results showed that VIN is able to suppress PD-related phenotypes in both Drosophila and human cell PD models. Specifically, VIN reduced OS levels in PD model flies. Besides, VIN diminished OS-induced lethality by decreasing apoptosis, increased mitochondrial viability, and reduced OS levels in DJ-1-deficient human cells. In addition, our results show that VIN might be exerting its beneficial role, at least partially, by the inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels. Therefore, we propose that these channels might be a promising target in the search for new compounds to treat PD and that VIN represents a potential therapeutic treatment for the disease