28 research outputs found

    Music skills of Spanish-speaking children with developmental language disorder

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    Background: According to temporal sampling theory, deficits in rhythm processing contribute to both language and music difficulties in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). Evidence for this proposition is derived mainly from studies conducted in stress-timed languages, but the results may differ in languages with different rhythm features (e.g., syllable-timed languages).Aims: This research aimed to study a previously unexamined topic, namely, the music skills of children with DLD who speak Spanish (a syllable-timed language), and to analyze the possible relationships between the language and music skills of these children.Methods and Procedures: Two groups of 18 Spanish-speaking children with DLD and 19 typicallydeveloping peers matched for chronological age completed a set of language tests. Their rhythm discrimination, melody discrimination and music memory skills were also assessed. Outcomes and Results: Children with DLD exhibited significantly lower performance than their typically-developing peers on all three music subtests. Music and language skills were significantly related in both groups.Conclusions and Implications: The results suggest that similar music difficulties may be found in children with DLD whether they speak stress-timed or syllable-timed languages. The relationships found between music and language skills may pave the way for the design of possible language intervention programs based on music stimuli.Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of UNE

    Do reading comprehension assessment tests result in the same reading profile? A study of Spanish primary school children

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    Background Detecting reading comprehension difficulties is challenging because many factors are involved in comprehension ability. Various reading comprehension tests can be used to detect difficulties but often do not yield the same results. Method Our aim was to analyse the agreement between three commonly used standardised reading comprehension tests (ECOMPLEC, ACL and PROLEC-R) in the detection of reading comprehension difficulties in Spanish. A total of 139 children (72 fifth graders and 67 sixth graders) at the same public-sector school participated in this study. The three reading comprehension tests were administered, together with word and nonword reading, vocabulary and nonverbal intelligence measures. Results Modest intercorrelations among the tests were found. The consistency of classification for each reading profile across the three reading comprehension tests was low. The results show different reading comprehension profiles depending on the test used. Conclusions It is important to use more than one instrument to diagnose reading comprehension difficulties, due to the complexity involved. Furthermore, knowledge of the characteristics of each reading comprehension test is essential to the choice of test. The educational implications of children being wrongly diagnosed are discussed

    The role of prosodic skills in developmental language disorder. A case study

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    Las autoras agradecen la participación de los niños en el estudio, así como la colaboración de sus padres.Diversos estudios señalan que la prosodia, o el subsistema de la fonología que abarca las características rítmicas y melódicas del lenguaje, es un aspecto clave para el procesamiento del lenguaje. De ahí que los últimos estudios se centren en los déficits en éste ámbito en los niños con trastorno del desarrollo del lenguaje (TDL). No obstante, los hallazgos de investigación reportados son contradictorios, y en el caso del español los estudios son muy escasos. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar el perfil de habilidades prosódicas, receptivas y expresivas, a través de una batería completa de prosodia y de una tarea de conciencia del acento léxico de un alumno con TDL. Este alumno tiene 8 años de edad y pertenece a un nivel socio-económico medio. Su rendimiento se comparó con el de un participante control de la misma edad cronológica y nivel socioeconómico, pero sin dificultades. Además, se evaluaron las habilidades de inteligencia verbal y no verbal, diversas habilidades lingüísticas, así como las habilidades lectoras. Los resultados muestran que el participante con TDL presenta dificultades en algunas habilidades prosódicas (Final de turno receptivo, Foco expresivo y en las tareas de Forma a nivel de palabra y de sintagma). Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados obtenidos de esta investigación cualitativa sobre la importancia de considerar las habilidades prosódicas en la evaluación del TDL. Futuros estudios con una muestra mayor son necesarios para corroborar estos hallazgos y seguir analizando el papel de la prosodia en el TDL en español.Several studies point out that prosody, or the phonology subsystem that encompasses the rhythmic and melodic characteristics of language, is a key aspect of language processing. Hence, recent studies show deficits in this area in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). However, the research findings that have been reported are contradictory, and in the case of Spanish the studies are very scarce. The aim of this case study is to analyze the profile of prosodic skills, receptive and expressive, through a full prosodic battery and a lexical stress sensitivity task of a child with a DLD. This participant is 8 years old and belongs to a medium socio-economic level. His performance was compared with that of a control participant of the same chronological age, socio-economic level and without difficulties. In addition, verbal and non-verbal intelligence skills, various language skills, as well as reading skills were assessed. The results show that the participant with TDL presents difficulties in some prosodic skills (Turn-End input, Focus Output, Short-item Discrimination and Expressive Long Item Imitation). The implications of the results obtained from this qualitative research on the importance of considering prosodic skills in the assessment of TDL are discussed. Future studies with a larger sample are needed to corroborate these findings and further analyze the role of prosody in TDL in Spanish

    Overcoming reading comprehension difficulties through a prosodic reading intervention: A single-case study

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    Apart from speed and accuracy, prosody has recently been included as another component of skilled reading, as its role in reading comprehension is being increasingly recognized. Prosodic reading refers to the use of prosodic features of language during reading, including suitable pauses, stress and intonation and appropriate phrasing. The aim of this research was to examine the impact of a prosodic reading intervention on the reading comprehension of a fourth-grade primary child with specific reading comprehension difficulties. An AB single-case design was used with baseline (A) and treatment (B) phases. The intervention, in 17 sessions, was based on repeated reading with a focus on expressiveness. Results pointed to improved reading fluency and reading comprehension scores over baseline scores. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to show conclusive evidence for improved comprehension as a result of prosody intervention. The implications of prosodic reading interventions for literacy development are discussed

    Prosodic Skills of Spanish-speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder

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    Background Phonological difficulties in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are well documented. However, abilities regarding prosody, the rhythmic and melodic characteristics of language, have been less widely studied, particularly in Spanish. Moreover, the scant research findings that have been reported are contradictory. These considerations justify our new research into the question, focusing on Spanish-speaking children with DLD. Aims To examine a wide range of prosodic skills among Spanish-speaking children with DLD. To analyse the relationships between prosody and other language measurements. Methods & Procedures Prosodic skills were assessed through the Spanish version of the Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication (PEPS-C) battery. The performance of 19 children aged 5–11 years with DLD was compared with that of a chronological age-matched control group of 19 typically developing children. Language skills were also assessed. Outcomes & Results There were significant differences between the group with DLD and the control group in terms of skills involving prosody functions and forms: turn-end and chunking signalling, contrastive focus and affect expression and understanding, discriminating and the imitation of prosodic patterns in both words and phrases. Conclusions & Implications Spanish-speaking children with DLD present impairments not only when prosody interacts with language but also in the processing of prosody alone. The study results suggest that prosody is related to lexicon and grammar in children with DLD. The prosodic impairments of Spanish-speaking children with DLD could produce a negative impact on their language functioning and could also relate to their emotional and social difficulties. Consideration should therefore be given to focusing future interventions on prosodic skills in Spanish-speaking children with DLD

    Intervención en un paciente con Enfermedad de Alzheimer: anomia léxica

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    La Enfermedad de Alzheimer es la demencia más frecuente entre las personas mayores, causando pérdidas de memoria y problemas de lenguaje. Esta enfermedad tiene un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes impidiendo que puedan realizar autónomamente las actividades de la vida diaria. En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de un programa de intervención, desarrollado específicamente para este estudio, para la disminución de la anomia léxica en un paciente de 79 años diagnosticado con Enfermedad de Alzheimer en fase inicial. Se utilizó un diseño de caso único A-B. Los resultados muestran que, en comparación con la fase A al finalizar el programa (Fase B) el paciente mejora en denominación léxica, concretamente en la evocación de palabras. Además, el tiempo de respuesta del paciente es menor en la intervención con respecto a la línea base. Se plantea la necesidad de aumentar el número de sesiones para mejorar el programa, perfeccionar el diseño ampliando la línea base, así como realizar un seguimiento en el pacient

    Prosodic skills and reading acquisition in Spanish primary school children: analysis using the PEPS-C test

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    Background: Although previous studies have considered the relationship between prosody skills and the acquisition of reading skills, few have performed comprehensive, simultaneous assessments of different oral language prosody skills and, to our knowledge, none have been carried out in Spanish. Our study analyses the relationship between prosody and reading skills. Method: Sixty-one second-grade Spanish schoolchildren participated in this study. Prosodic skills were assessed using the Spanish version of the Profi ling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication battery, available in different languages. Reading comprehension, word/ non-word reading skills, phonological awareness and vocabulary were also evaluated. Results: The results show that prosody was signifi cantly related to word and non-word reading, but phonological awareness was the only signifi cant predictor of these reading outcomes. Prosodic skills contribute to explaining reading comprehension even after controlling for the effect of vocabulary and phonological awareness. Conclusions: The results highlight the role of prosodic skills in reading acquisition in Spanish. Comparison with previous studies in English-language populations demonstrates the existence of cross-linguistic differences

    Mental health symptoms and verbal fluency in elderly people: Evidence from the Spanish longitudinal study of aging

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    Objectives: Depression and loneliness are highly prevalent in old age. Moreover these mental health symptoms adversely affect the verbal fluency of the elderly. We examined the relationship between depression and loneliness with verbal fluency in people aged 50 years or older. Method: Research data were collected during the pilot study of the Longitudinal Aging Study in Spain (ELES) in which a representative sample of non-institutionalized Spanish older people was assessed. Here, the cross-sectional data for 962 participants were analysed using hierarchical regressions, controlling for age, education level, overall cognitive functioning, social networks and satisfaction with family. Results: Higher levels of cognitive functioning were associated with higher verbal fluency. Females showed higher levels of phonological fluency. Neither depression nor loneliness were significant predictors of phonological fluency but loneliness was a significant predictor of semantic fluency. For mild levels of loneliness, the rate of decline in semantic fluency slows in the oldest ages. In contrast, for severe loneliness the rate of decline in semantic fluency increases in the oldest ages. Conclusions: Depressive symptoms, loneliness and cognitive impairment are all prominent in ageing and therefore their impact on ageing needs to be better understood. Early detection of loneliness, along with the implementation of intervention for individuals diagnosed with loneliness is advisable in order to avoid negative repercussions for the verbal fluency of these individuals

    Intervención en atención temprana: enfoque desde el ámbito familiar

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    Widespread consensus exists on the importance of early care during childhood, especially for children with developmental disorders or those who are at risk of developing such a disorder. Early intervention programs have been developed, which involve a relatively recent intervention model. The home environment has recently become the focus of attention and has acquired a key role in care programs during the first years of life. However, a variety of professional practices have arisen in this regard and questions remain in relation to their function. This article analysed the development of early care intervention, its role, and intervention programs, and examined the role of the family in early care for children. The most relevant studies are reviewed and new lines of action are proposed.Existe un gran consenso sobre la importancia de prestar una adecuada atención durante los primeros años a la población infantil, con problemas en el desarrollo o con riesgo de padecer algún trastorno. En este contexto tienen lugar los programas de Atención Temprana, cuya disciplina supone un modelo de intervención relativamente reciente. En los últimos años se ha situado el entorno familiar en el foco de atención, adquiriendo éste un papel clave en los programas de atención durante los primeros años de vida. No obstante, se observan prácticas profesionales diversas y aún quedan algunas interrogantes en relación a su función. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la evolución que ha tenido la Atención Temprana su papel en la actualidad, los programas de intervención, así como el papel de la familia dentro del marco de la Atención Temprana. Se revisan los estudios más relevantes en el área y se proponen nuevas líneas de actuación