75 research outputs found

    Both High Cognitive Load and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over the Right Inferior Frontal Cortex Make Truth and Lie Responses More Similar

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    [EN]Deception scholars have argued that increasing the liar’s cognitive system artificially can produce deception cues. However, if too much load is imposed, the truth tellers’ performance can also be impaired. To address this issue, we designed a veracity task that incorporated a secondary task to increase cognitive load gradually. Also, because deception has been associated with activity in the inferior frontal cortex (IFC), we examined the influence of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the IFC on performance. During stimulation, participants truthfully or deceptively indicated whether each of a number of statements shown on screen was true or not. Higher load decreased recall but not general compliance or response times (RTs). Truthful trials yielded higher compliance rates and faster RTs than deceptive trials except for the highest load level. Anodal right stimulation decreased compliance in truthful trials when participants were not overloaded. Truth telling was more vulnerable to cognitive load and tDCS than lying

    The relative role of executive control and personality traits in grit

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    Although grit is predictive of wellbeing, educational achievement, and success in life, it has been conceptualized as largely distinct from cognitive ability. The present study investigated the link between grit and executive functions since regulation abilities might underlie the expression of grit. A hundred thirty-four people were administered personality questionnaires (grit, impulsiveness, and mindfulness) and four experimental tasks tapping into Miyake’s and Braver’s models of executive functioning (including measures of flexibility, inhibition, working memory, and control mode dimensions). Multivariate analyses showed that two composite scores (trait and executive functioning) were reliably predictive of grit, although it was the trait composite (characterized by low impulsivity and high mindfulness) that explained more variance. Importantly, gritty participants did not demonstrate enhanced executive functioning. Instead, they exhibited a different pattern of performance that might be reflecting a cautious profile of control, characterized by paying attention to all available information, less reliance on previous contextual cues but sensitive to conflicting information of the current context. These findings converge with Duckworth’s idea that high grit people do not necessarily have a greater cognitive capacity. Rather, they use it in a different way.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Andalusian Government (Fondos FEDER) grants: doctoral research Grant ES-2016-078667 to NA; PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P, A.CTS.111.UGR18 and PGC2018-093786-B-I00 to TB; and PSI2015- 65502-C2-2-P to CG-A. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Electrophysiological correlates of dispositional mindfulness: A quantitative and complexity EEG study

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    While growing evidence supports that dispositional mindfulness relates to psychological health and cognitive enhancement, to date there have been only a few attempts to characterize its neural underpinnings. In the present study, we aimed at exploring the electrophysiological (EEG) signature of dispositional mindfulness using quantitative and complexity measures of EEG during resting state and while performing a learning task. Hundred twenty participants were assessed with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and underwent 5 min eyes-closed resting state and 5 min at task EEG recording. We hypothesized that high mindfulness individuals would show patterns of brain activity related to (a) lower involvement of the default mode network (DMN) at rest (reduced frontal gamma power) and (b) a state of ‘task readiness’ reflected in a more similar pattern from rest to task (reduced overall q-EEG power at rest but not at task), as compared to their low mindfulness counterparts. Dispositional mindfulness was significantly linked to reduced frontal gamma power at rest and lower overall power during rest but not at task. In addition, we found a trend towards higher entropy during task performance in mindful individuals, which has recently been reported during mindfulness meditation. Altogether, our results add to those from expert meditators to show that high (dispositional) mindfulness seems to have a specific electrophysiological pattern characteristic of less involvement of the DMN and mind-wandering processes.The current research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Andalusian Government (Fondos FEDER) grants: doctoral research grant ES-2016-078667 to NA, PSI2015-65502-C2-2-P to CG-A and A-CTS-111-UGR18, PGC2018-093786-B-I00, and PID2021-127728NB-100 to TB. Funding for open acces charge: Universdad de Granada / CBUA

    The influence of school time in the academic achievement: a comparative study in educational systems of Europe and Latin America

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    Los sistemas educativos están estructurados a tenor de múltiples factores que lo condicionan y determinan. Entre los diferentes aspectos, el tiempo juega un papel clave al marcar la duración de cada una de las diferentes etapas educativas y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje durante las mismas. Partiendo de esta realidad, este trabajo pretende analizar el tiempo escolar y su influencia en el rendimiento académico, considerándolo un factor clave de la calidad educativa. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio comparativo entre varios países europeos (Finlandia, Austria, Francia y España) y latinoamericanos (Chile, México y Colombia) que han participado en el Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de los Alumnos (PISA). A partir de los resultados académicos de PISA, pretendemos analizar cómo influyen las horas de instrucción obligatoria (Primaria y Secundaria) en el rendimiento académico del alumnado. Entre los resultados obtenidos, podemos destacar que el simple incremento de la carga horaria en las diferentes etapas educativas no influye positivamente en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Por el contrario, cobra mayor relevancia la forma de abordar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (lo que hacemos como profesionales de la educación en el aula) que el tiempo que se emplee en ello.Educational systems are structured under multiple factors that condition and determine. Between different aspects, the time plays a key role to set the duration of each of the different educational stages and the teaching-learning process for them. Starting from this reality, this paper analyzes the school time and its influence on the academic performance, as one of the main factors in the quality of education. For this, it has been carried out a comparative study of several European countries (Finland, Austria, France and Spain) and Latin American countries (Chile, Mexico and Colombia) have participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). From the academic results of PISA, we analyze how influences the hours of compulsory education (Primary and Secondary) in student performance. Between the results obtained, we can stand out that simply increasing the number of hours in the different educational stages no positive effect in student performance. Inversely, becomes more important the way of approach the teaching-learning process (whatever we as professional education in the classroom) that the time used in it

    Score-based Bayesian network structure learning algorithms for modeling radioisotope levels in nuclear power plant reactors

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    Radioactive corrosion products released into the primary coolant loop dominate the final shutdown radiation fields of pressurized water reactors. Thus, reducing the concentration of these corrosion products is a paramount duty in the optimization process of the reactor performance. However, the complexity and uncertainty present in this process make it difficult to predict their evolution in a theoretical way. We propose the application of structural learning of Bayesian networks to discover the complex relations between the corrosion products and the most relevant variables in the primary loop, giving rise to probabilistic models that obtain accurate and reliable predictions of the corrosion products. Our analysis of 5 power plants demonstrates that our approach results in simpler and more reliable models. Additionally, we conclude that the learned structures may represent an interpretable tool for power plant technicians since they reveal useful information that can be directly employed to improve the reactor operationThe authors from the UAM have been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant reference PID2021-125943OB-I00, MCIN /AEI /10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE). The work has been conducted in the context of a signed collaboration agreement between AUDIAS-UAM and ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas S.

    Handheld colorimeter for determination of heavy metal concentrations

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    A portable instrument that measures heavy metal concentration from a colorimetric sensor array is presented. The use of eight sensing membranes, placed on a plastic support, allows to obtain the hue component of the HSV colour space of each one in order to determinate the concentration of metals present in a solution. The developed microcontroller-based system captures, in an ambient light environment, an image of the sensor array using an integrated micro-camera and shows the picture in a touch micro-LCD screen which acts as user interface. After image-processing of the regions of interest selected by the user, colour and concentration information are displayed on the screen

    Neuropsychological impairment in post-COVID condition individuals with and without cognitive complaints

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    COVID-19; Cognitive function; Neuropsychological testCOVID-19; Función cognitiva; Test neuropsicológicoCOVID-19; Funció cognitiva; Test neuropsicològicOne of the most prevalent symptoms of post-COVID condition is cognitive impairment, which results in a significant degree of disability and low quality of life. In studies with large sample sizes, attention, memory, and executive function were reported as long-term cognitive symptoms. This study aims to describe cognitive dysfunction in large post-COVID condition individuals, compare objective neuropsychological performance in those post-COVID condition individuals with and without cognitive complaints, and identify short cognitive exams that can differentiate individuals with post-COVID symptoms from controls. To address these aims, the Nautilus project was started in June 2021. During the first year, we collected 428 participants' data, including 319 post-COVID and 109 healthy controls (18-65 years old) from those who underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery for cognitive assessment. Scores on tests assessing global cognition, learning and long-term memory, processing speed, language and executive functions were significantly worse in the post-COVID condition group than in healthy controls. Montreal Cognitive Assessment, digit symbol test, and phonetic verbal fluency were significant in the binomial logistic regression model and could effectively distinguish patients from controls with good overall sensitivity and accuracy. Neuropsychological test results did not differ between those with and without cognitive complaints. Our research suggests that patients with post-COVID conditions experience significant cognitive impairment and that routine tests like the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, digit symbol, and phonetic verbal fluency test might identify cognitive impairment. Thus, the administration of these tests would be helpful for all patients with post-COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of whether cognitive complaints are present or absent

    Flipped classroom en tiempos de COVID-19: una perspectiva transversal

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    COVID-19 has generated a series of changes in the different spheres of our lives. These changes have been particularly visible in the education field, where it has been necessary to urgently rethink the training processes in terms of non-face-to-face. Based on this situation, this work presents a Flipped learning experience carried out with the first year’s students of the Degree in Pedagogy of the University of Valencia. An analysis of student’s prior conception of this methodology and its perception after completion of its implementation is also proposed, offering a transverse view. To this end, the information of the 107 participants has been collected through a validated instrument to analyze the usefulness of resources and methodologies based on three dimensions: communicative, instrumental and pedagogical. The results suggest that the perception of usefulness on the part of students is higher in the post-test than in the pre-test in all three dimensions. It also points out that, while in the pre-test the highest score was associated with the instrumental dimension, in the post-test the highest usefulness is linked to the pedagogical dimension, materializing the importance of the participant’s experience and the impact of flipped classroom on their learning.La COVID-19 ha generado una serie de cambios en las diferentes esferas de nuestras vidas. Estos cambios han sido especialmente visibles en el ámbito educativo, donde ha sido necesario repensar los procesos formativos de forma urgente en términos de no presencialidad. En base a esta situación, el presente trabajo presenta una experiencia de Flipped learning llevada a cabo con los estudiantes del primer curso del Grado en Pedagogía de la Universitat de València. Asimismo, se propone un análisis sobre la concepción previa de los estudiantes sobre esta metodología y su percepción tras finalizar su implementación, ofreciendo una visión trasversal. Para ello, se ha recogido la información de los 107 participantes a través de un instrumento validado para analizar la utilidad de recursos y metodologías en base a tres dimensiones: comunicativa, instrumental y pedagógica. Los resultados apuntan a que la percepción de utilidad por parte de los estudiantes es mayor en el post-test que en el pre-test en las tres dimensiones. Asimismo, destaca que, mientras que en el pre-test la mayor puntuación se asociaba a la dimensión instrumental, en el post-test la mayor utilidad se vincula a la dimensión pedagógica, materializando la importancia de la experiencia de los participantes y el impacto del flipped classroom en su aprendizaje

    Jovens e uso problemàtico de tecnología durante a pandemia: Uma preocupaçao familiar

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    La situación de confinamiento, derivada de la pandemia mundial por la COVID-19, ha supuesto un cambio drástico en nuestras conductas en las diferentes esferas de nuestra vida. Así, el desempeño de las actividades laborales, el afrontamiento de las responsabilidades académicas y la ocupación del tiempo de ocio se han visto condicionadas por una limitación de la movilidad y una mayor permanencia en el hogar. El confinamiento se ha vinculado a un mayor consumo de tecnología en sus diferentes formatos, generando una preocupación en el entorno familiar por un uso excesivo de ellas, así como de las posibles consecuencias que podrían derivarse. Bajo esta perspectiva, el presente estudio pretende conocer la percepción de 147 estudiantes de la Universidad de Málaga sobre la preocupación de sus familias respecto al uso de la tecnología (internet, móvil, videojuegos, mensajería instantánea y redes sociales) antes y durante el confinamiento. Los datos, recogidos mediante un instrumento validado, arrojan que hay una mayor preocupación familiar por la utilización de las diferentes tecnologías durante el confinamiento y que hay diferencias en función del género, siendo mayor la preocupación por el consumo del móvil y la mensajería instantánea en las mujeres y por los videojuegos en los hombres.The situation of confinement, derived from the global pandemic caused by COVID19, has led to a drastic change in our behaviors in the different spheres of our life. Thus, the performance of work activities, the realization of academic responsibilities and the occupation of leisure time have been conditioned by limited mobility and a greater stay in the home. Confinement has been linked to a greater consumption of technology in its different formats, generating concern in the family environment for an excessive use of them, as well as the possible consequences that could result. Under this perspective, this study aims to know the perception of 147 students from the University of Malaga about the concern of their families regarding the use of technology (internet, cell phones, video games, instant messaging and social networks) before and during confinement. The data, collected through a validated instrument, show that there is a greater family concern about the use of technologies during the confinement and that there are gender-based differences, with greater concern about the use of cell phones and instant messaging in women and video games in men.A situação de confinamento, derivada da pandemia global causada pela COVID-19, significou uma mudança drástica no nosso comportamento nas diferentes esferas das nossas vidas. Assim, o desempenho de actividades de trabalho, a assunção de responsabilidades académicas e a ocupação de tempos livres foram condicionados por uma mobilidade limitada e uma maior permanência em casa. O confinamento tem estado ligado a um maior consumo de tecnologia nos seus diferentes formatos, gerando uma preocupação no ambiente familiar pela sua utilização excessiva, bem como as possíveis consequências que poderiam ser derivadas. Sob esta perspectiva, o presente estudo visa conhecer a percepção de 147 estudantes da Universidade de Málaga sobre a preocupação das suas famílias relativamente ao uso da tecnologia (internet, telemóvel, jogos de vídeo, mensagens instantâneas e redes sociais) antes e durante o confinamento. Os dados, recolhidos através de um instrumento validado, mostram que existe uma maior preocupação familiar sobre a utilização de diferentes tecnologias durante o confinamento e que existem diferenças de acordo com o sexo, com maior preocupação sobre a utilização de telemóveis e mensagens instantâneas nas mulheres e jogos de vídeo nos homens

    Key Competences and Teacher Training: Perception of the Students of Pedagogy

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    El análisis de la formación del profesorado permite aproximarse a las fortalezas y debilidades de los docentes en ejercicio y diseñar acciones para la mejora de sus competencias desde el rol pedagógico. Bajo esta perspectiva, el presente estudio se aproxima a la percepción de los futuros pedagogos sobre la importancia que tienen las diferentes competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente en la formación inicial y continua del profesorado. La muestra está compuesta por 109 estudiantes del Grado en Pedagogía de la Universitat de València que, mediante una escala Likert valoran la importancia de las ocho competencias clave. Mediante un análisis cuantitativo, se ha analizado estadísticamente la relevancia otorgada a cada competencia, indagándose igualmente sobre posibles diferencias en función del sexo. De forma complementaria, se ha abordado la reflexión sobre la competencia digital mediante un análisis de contenido, que ha permitido conocer las motivaciones por las que se le concede una importancia mayor o menor. Los resultados arrojan que los participantes otorgan una importancia superior a la competencia personal, social y de aprender a aprender, así como a la competencia ciudadana, habiendo diferencias significativas en función del género en la mayor parte de ellas. Asimismo, los estudiantes que priorizan la competencia digital aluden al contexto digital en que nos desenvolvemos y los que no la priorizan postulan por una relevancia superior de otras competencias o a un aprendizaje diario que no requiere accione formativas definidas.The analysis of teacher training allows us to approach the strengths and weaknesses of practising teachers and to design actions for the improvement of their competences from the pedagogical role. From this perspective, the present study focusses on the perception of future pedagogues on the importance of the different key competences for lifelong learning in initial and continuous teacher training. The sample is composed by 109 students of the Pedagogy’s Degree at the University of Valencia who, through a Likert scale, have assessed the importance of each key competence. Through a quantitative analysis, the relevance given to each competence was statistically analysed, and possible differences according to gender were also investigated. In a complementary way, reflection on digital competence has been approached through a content analysis, which has allowed us to find out the motivations for attaching greater or lesser importance to it. The results show that participants attach greater importance to personal, social and learning to learn competences, as well as to citizenship competences, with significant differences according to gender in most of them. Likewise, the motivations for the participants who prioritise digital competence are linked to the digital context in which we live and those who do not prioritise it postulate a higher relevance of other competences or a daily learning that does not require defined training actions