6 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan LKS praktikum inkuiri terbimbing reaksi transesterifikasi pada konteks pembuatan biodiesel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu tahap studi pendahuluan (studi kepustakaan, survei lapangan, dan penyusunan produk awal) serta pengembangan model (sampai uji coba terbatas). Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar kimia SMA kelas XII (buku, LKS dan petunjuk praktikum) yang beredar, sepuluh SMA di Kota Bandung, 20 siswa kelas XII MIPA yang telah mempelajari materi prasyarat untuk topik lemak, serta sepuluh ahli yang terdiri dari tujuh guru kimia kelas XII SMA serta tiga dosen pendidikan kimia FPMIPA UPI. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar analisis LKS praktikum, pedoman wawancara, lembar optimasi, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri, pedoman penilaian jawaban siswa terhadap tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada LKS, angket respon siswa, serta lembar penilaian oleh guru dan dosen. Karakteristik LKS praktikum topik lemak yang beredar berdasarkan alat, bahan, prosedur serta komponennya termasuk ke dalam tipe cookbook. Hasil optimasi pembuatan biodiesel adalah sebagai berikut : 12 mL minyak kelapa sawit dimasukkan ke dalam labu Erlenmeyer yang telah berisi batu didih kemudian ditambahkan larutan 0,12 g KOH dalam 4,5 mL CH3OH. Labu Erlenmeyer ditutup dengan sumbat karet yang bagian tengahnya dilengkapi tabung reaksi berisi air sebaga pendingin lalu dipanaskan dalam penangas air bersuhu 45oC selama 5 menit sambil digoyangkan. Hasil reaksi ditampung dalam botol vial, lalu diamati. Keterlaksanaan praktikum berdasarkan uji keterlaksanaan tahap-tahap inkuiri dan skor jawaban siswa terhadap tugas-tugas dalam LKS termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Penilaian guru dan dosen terhadap aspek kesesuaian konsep, tata bahasa serta tata letak dan perwajahan termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Respon siswa terhadap pelaksanaan praktikum serta LKS yang dikembangkan termasuk ke dalam kategori baik.;---The aims of this research is developing and producing guided inquiry laboratory worksheet of transesterification reaction on biodiesel production context. This research used research and development methods that composed of two stage, preliminary study (literature study, survey, and initial product composing) and model development (until limited testing). The data sources of this research is chemistry learning material for XII grade students (cooks, worksheets, and laboratory guidlines), ten high school in Bandung, 20 students of XII science grade that have been learning prerequisite lipid topic, and ten expert that consist of seven chemistry teacher for XII grade students and three lecturer from chemistry education program of FPMIPA UPI. The instruments that used in this research is analysis sheets of laboratory worksheets, interview guidlines, optimization sheets, observation sheets of inquiry stages eligibility, rubric for scoring student’s answer for every tasks in the worksheet, sheets of assessment by teacher and lecturer, and student’s response questionnaires. The characteristics of available worksheet in lipid topic based on the aparatus, materials, procedures, and the components is cookbook type. The optimization of biodiesel production is: 12 mL of palm oil is added into Erlenmeyer flask that contained boiling stone, then added by 0,12 g KOH in 4,5 mL CH3OH solution. The Erlenmeyer flask then closed by rubber stopper with test tube in the middle of rubber stopper that filled with water as the condensor and heated at 45oC waterbath in 5 minutes by shaking the flask. The reaction product is poured into vial bottle. The eligibility of laboratory experiment based on the observation of inquiry stages and student’s scores of the tasks in the worksheet is categorized as very good. Teacher and lecturer assessment on the concept suitability, language, and the appearance of worksheet is categorized as very good. Student’s responses of laboratory activity and the worksheet is categorized as good
Pengaruh Lingkungan Ekonomi terhadap Kinerja Usaha Masyarakat Desa Paya Lombang, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai
Posisi usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dalam perekonomian nasional mempunyai peran penting dan strategis. Banyaknya pelaku usaha di Desa Paya Lombang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja usaha masyarakat dan keberlangsungan usaha dari apa yang seharusnya diuntungkan oleh pelaku usaha agar kinerja UMKM dapat berjalan dengan baik, sedangkan tidak berhasil karena kendala modal usaha. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, diskusi, dokumentasi dan pengamatan langsung untuk mengetahui jenis usaha masyarakat Paya Lombang. Hasil penelitian, desa Paya Lombang mempunyai jumlah usaha yang banyak sebanyak 2.133 unit yang terdiri dari 41,8% petani padi, 26,2% pengrajin batu bata, 7% petani ikan, 6% petani sayuran dan lain-lain seperti sembako, pedagang makanan, bengkel, peternak sapi/kambing 18,5%. dengan peternak ikan yang 150 unitnya atau 7% mempunyai persentase omzet terbesar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan
kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika antara siswa yang menggunakan
model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division dengan
pendekatan Realistic Mathematic Education dan siswa yang menggunakan
pembelajaran konvensional. Dalam penelitian ini rumusan masalahnya adalah
“Apakah terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika antara
siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan
pendekatan RME dan siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional di
kelas VII SMP Negeri 35 Pekanbaru?”.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi eksperimen dengan desain
Posttest-only Control Design. Peneliti berperan langsung sebagai guru dalam
proses pembelajaran. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN
35 Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 196 orang dan sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas
VII.5 yang berjumlah 40 orang (sebagai kelas eksperimen) dan kelas VII.4 yang
berjumlah 39 orang (sebagai kelas kontrol).
Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dokumentasi, lembar
observasi, dan tes. Dalam penelitian ini, pertemuan dilaksanakan sebanyak enam
kali, yaitu lima kali pertemuan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan RME dan satu pertemuan lagi
dilaksanakan postes. Untuk melihat hasil penelitian tersebut, digunakan uji
Liliefors untuk menguji normalitas data, kemudian digunakan rumus tes-t untuk
mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut, ada perbedaan pemahaman
konsep matematika siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kemampuan
pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang menggunakan model kooperatif tipe
STAD dengan pendekatan RME lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan
pembelajaran konvensional, sehingga diambil kesimpulan bahwa model
pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan RME memberikan
pengaruh terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa
Canva Training by Teaching Campus Students in Developing Digital Literacy Skills in Educational Environments
Training in using the Canva application is one of the most important things in developing digital literacy skills in the educational environment because Canva as a technology-based application provides a learning space for every educator and student to carry out learning. The aim of this activity is to improve participants' abilities in creating learning media and educational posters using Canva. The method used in this training activity is qualitative through descriptive analysis techniques. The training was carried out by providing material and direct practice using the Canva application. This activity was attended by 66 participants who were educators and students from three schools in different locations. The research results showed that Canva training provided participants with a positive experience in developing their digital literacy skills. Participants expressed an increase in their deeper understanding of graphic design and creating visual learning materials after participating in this activity
Optimization Experimental Procedure and Setup of a Guided Inquiry Laboratory Worksheet of Transesterification Reaction on Biodiesel Production
The aims of this research are producing an optimal experiment procedure and determining the feasibility of a guided inquiry laboratory worksheet of transesterification reaction on biodiesel production context. This research used research and development methods that composed of two stages, initial product preparation and model development (until limited testing). The data sources of this research are 20 students grade XII of science, seven chemistry teachers and three lecturers from chemistry education program of FPMIPA UPI. The instruments that used in this research are optimization and observation sheets of inquiry stages implementation, rubric of assessment students’ answer, sheets of assessment by teacher and lecturer, and student’s response questionnaires. The optimization of biodiesel production is: 12 mL of palm oil is added into erlenmeyer flask that contained boiling stone, then added by 0.12 g Potasium hidroxide in 4.5 mL methanol solution. The erlenmeyer flask then closed by rubber stopper with test tube in the middle of rubber stopper that filled with water and heated at 45oC in water bath for 5 mins by shaking the flask. The feasibility of laboratory experiment is categorized as very good. Teacher and lecturer assessment on the concept conformity, language, and the appearance of worksheet is categorized as very good. Student’s responses of laboratory activity and the worksheet are good
Thermodynamics Theoretical Investigation for Synthesis of Pyridine from Pyrylium Salt using Density Functional Theory
Pyridine is a heterocyclic compound that is widely used as an ingredient in medicines, vitamins, food flavors, pesticides, dyes, adhesives, and others. Currently, pyridine synthesis is carried out with coal tar as a raw material, which is a non-renewable natural resource. In this research, a theoretical study was carried out to evaluate the synthesis process of pyridine using pyrylium salt as an alternative raw material to displace coal tar. This study also aims to simulate the pyridine synthesis and the energy required or released in the process. Density Functional Theory (DFT) method was employed to calculate some thermodynamic properties of the species involved in the reaction such as enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy in a vacuum and solvated model in order to study the progress of the reaction and mechanism. Based on the calculation results, the lowest value of enthalpy, entropy, and free energy Gibbs is obtained when the reaction takes place in a vacuum. The change of entropy and free Gibbs energy of the reaction was not predominantly affected by the degree of polarity of the solvent. Meanwhile, the enthalpy of reaction simulated in water solvent is higher than in the ethanol solvent. The synthesis reaction of pyridine from pyrylium salt is exothermic and exergonic because it has a negative value of enthalpy change and Gibbs free energy at 298.15 K, which is potential to be done at room temperature without extreme condition control