17 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to measure economic and environmental benefits, and also sustainability of Waste Bank in DKI Jakarta by conducting a field survey. The study found that Waste Bank activities have generated approximately IDR 11,628,433 (USD 1,199) of additional income to their members. The Waste Bank activities have also contributed to the reduction of waste volume by almost 4.55 tons or 15.2 m3 per month that equals to saving IDR 16,750,512/year (USD 1,727) of transportation cost and tipping fee. If the Waste Bank initiative can be scaled up to 5% of total households in Jakarta, the total economic benefits would be about IDR 17.27 billion (USD 1,78 million). As a social business, Waste Banks have also produced environmental benefits by increasing community awareness on 3Rs, thus, improving social cohesion and empowering society. In terms of sustainability, most Waste Banks are both financially and socially sustainable as business entities. While the economic benefits are relatively small, the environmental benefits are significant to the society.Keywords: Economic Benefit, Environmental Benefit, Jakarta Indonesia, Social Business, Waste Bank

    Behaviour of Face Masks Search for Covid-19 Prevention in Indonesia: Trend and Policy Analysis

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    The studies on the Google searching behavior of face masks can be counted as evidence of how far the netizens’ enthusiasm for increasing their knowledge of the proper use of face masks. This current study aimed to analyze the trends in online searching behavior for face masks to prevent Covid-19 in Indonesia. This was conducted quantitatively utilizing Google search trends regarding the comparison between face mask types, including cloth masks, medical masks, and N95 masks in Indonesia after the first case of Covid-19. The mapping of sub-regions with the largest Google Trends filter category was also illustrated in this study. A time-trend analysis was conducted from Google data by describing several policy implementations, including social distancing and transition periods. A correlation analysis was performed by comparing the number of searches for face masks and the total number of Covid-19 cases. It was found that searching for all types of face masks increased in the early stage of the pandemic in Indonesia, while the trend later decreased. After implementing the social distancing policy, the results suggest that searches for cloth masks ranked highest. The increasing number of Covid-19 confirmed cases reduced the tendency of searching behavior for face masks in the category of cloth masks (r2 = -0.1730), medical masks (r2 = -0.1736), and N95 masks (r2 = -0.4329) at p-value <0.05. This study illustrates that the existence of a mandatory policy to use masks will increase mask-seeking behavior in Indonesia

    KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT DESA ADAT SADE DALAM MENGHADAPI COVID-19: Local Wisdom of Sade Traditional Village Communities in Facing Covid-19

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    Local wisdom of indigenous village communities can be interpreted as ideas, principles of life, behavior, rules or norms, taboos, and punishments derived from the experience of hereditary ancestors, one of which is to deal with life problems, namely disasters. COVID-19 is a disaster that causes difficult conditions to arise in society because it has an impact on all aspects of life. Therefore, people should fight against not only COVID-19 virus attack, but also food scarcity, and hunger. This study refers to the theory of local knowledge suggested by Geertz (1983) stating that local knowledge is born from experiences that have been passed in dealing with disasters and is knowledge owned by local communities and managed locally, in which there is a "cultural" system that aims to unite members within it. With the local wisdom that Sade Village has as a traditional village, the people have their way of dealing with COVID-19. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the local wisdom of the Sade Village community in dealing with COVID-19. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method and the data is analyzed using triangulation. This study finds that local wisdom is used as a living strategy by optimally utilizing natural capital to deal with unexpected disasters. The tradition of togetherness, cooperation, and mutual assistance carried out by the people of Sade Village has made no one infected with the COVID-19 virus and can face food shortages, so this tradition needs to be followed by an example to deal with COVID-19. Another finding is the need to preserve agricultural work as a way of survival

    Santri's perception of cigarettes on smoking behavior in Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, East Java

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    Indonesia Basic Health Research Data in 2018 shows that smokers in the 10-18 years age group increased to 9.1%. The phenomenon of smoking in adolescents in Indonesia has touched on educational institutions such as pesantren, where students are found to have smoked from an early age. This study aims to review the influence of students' perceptions of cigarettes based on smoking habits, cigarette advertisements and the image of cigarette companies to the smoking behaviour in students at Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design using 40 students as research samples. We use modified structured questionnaire from the Smoke-Free Agents. Research shows 62.5% of students are active smokers. Based on the bivariate test, we found a relationship between perceptions of smoking habits and perceptions of cigarette advertising (p-value 0.05). This study found a high percentage of students who smoked in the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School. Students' perceptions of smoking habits and students' perceptions of cigarette advertisements are related to students' smoking behaviour. The denormalization of cigarette products needs to be carried out by Islamic Boarding School Management to control smokers among students and prevent adolescent’s smoker

    Increasing Cigarette Excise Tax Prevents Smoking Initiation in Children and Finances National Health Insurance in Indonesia

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    AbstractIndonesia has ranked third among countries with the highest number of smokers in Asia because the price of cigarettes in those countries is still affordable. The strategy to make the price of cigarettes is not affordable is increasing cigarette excise tax. This instrument is considered the most effective way to control cigarette consumption. The purpose of this study was to find out how the public perceive the increase of the cigarette excise tax to cover the National Health Insurance (NHI) deficit and to identify the factors which affect such perception. This study used mobile phone survey and the sample were 1000 respondents. The list of potential respondent’s mobile phone numbers was selected using the systematic random sampling method with an interval of 100,000 to 200,000. The result showed that 87.9% respondents agree to increase cigarette price so that the children do not start to smoke. The majority of respondents (86.2%) also agree to increase the price of cigarettes to finance the JKN deficit. Perceptions of respondents who agreed to increase the price of cigarettes to prevent smoking initiation in children also tended to accede the increase in cigarette prices for financing the JKN deficit.  Abstrak Indonesia menempati peringkat ketika jumlah perokok tertinggi di Asia karena harga rokok masih terjangkau. Strategi agar harga rokok tidak terjangkau adalah menaikkan cukai rokok. Instrumen tersebut dinilai paling efektif untuk mengendalikan konsumsi rokok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi masyarakat terhadap kenaikan cukai rokok untuk pembiayaan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) dan mengidentifikasi faktor yang memengaruhi persepsi tersebut. Metode penelitian menggunakan survei melalui telepon dengan sampel 1000 responden. Daftar nomor telepon seluler calon responden dipilih dengan cara systematic random sampling interval 100.000 sampai 200.000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 87,9% setuju harga rokok dinaikkan agar anak-anak tidak mulai merokok. Mayoritas responden (86,2%) juga setuju mengenai kenaikan harga rokok untuk pembiayaan defisit JKN. Persepsi responden yang setuju terhadap kenaikan harga rokok agar mencegah inisisasi merokok pada anak-anak juga cenderung setuju terhadap kenaikan harga rokok untuk pembiayaan defisit JKN.

    Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok di DKI Jakarta: The Compliance Within Implementation Of Non-Smoking Areas in DKIJakarta

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    Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu provinsi yang telah menge-luarkan kebijakan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok (KDM) sejak tahun 2005. Akan tetapi, pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut belum berjalan dengan maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 88 Tahun 2010 dan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 terhadap kepatuhan pelaksanaan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok (KDM) pada mal dan pasar tradisional di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain potong lintang pada 28 lokasi pengambilan data yang dilakukan pada 17 sampai 19 Juni 2019. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Data survei dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari delapan indikator pelaksanaan kebijakan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok, indikator tempat khusus untuk merokok di dalam gedung tidak ditemukan pada satu pun lokasi penelitian. Sementara tujuh indikator lainnya, sebagian lokasi sudah menerapkan dan sebagian lainnya belum. Indikator KDM yang paling banyak dilanggar, yaitu adanya orang yang merokok, ditemukan puntung rokok di dalam gedung, dan tidak ada sarana pengaduan. Menurut batas kepatuhan penelitian ini, hanya 42,9% lokasi yang sudah melaksanakan sebagian besar indikator Kawasan Dilarang Merokok. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu adanya kerjasama dan komitmen dari berbagai pihak untuk menegakkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok sehingga tujuan pembatasan tempat merokok di mal dan pasar tradisional dapat tercapai


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    The Covid-19 pandemic affects almost all aspects of human life, from the education, transportation, political and economic sectors. Online taxi drivers are the informal sector that has been economically impacted by a decline in income. This study aims to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economic aspects of the resilience of online taxi drivers since the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR) as regulated in Governor Special Capital Region Regulation of Jakarta No. 33/2020. The regulation made them experience a decrease in the number of passengers, thus affecting their income. This study uses a qualitative model with a case study design. Data collection was carried out by focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with a total of 4 informants obtained from purposive sampling, then analyzed using content analysis. They experienced a significant decrease in income of up to 60-70 percent per day, compared to before the pandemic. The decline in income and recommendations for social distancing affect the socio-economic aspects of family resilience from online taxi drivers as informal sectors. Therefore, they must look for other income alternatives. Therefore, they need various alternative jobs and assistance

    Emerging collaboration amid the COVID-19 within the context of traditional-state dualism governance in Bali

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    Collaboration between government and communities in disaster management has been demonstrated to create disaster risk reduction initiatives. However, implementing such collaboration poses challenges within regions characterised by dualism in governance. This study aims to investigate the disaster management system for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the context of dualism governance, where the state holds administrative control. Traditional authority (Adat) simultaneously regulates various facets of human life in Bali, Indonesia. The study used a qualitative approach, and data were gathered through in-depth interviews with 10 informants, 3 rounds of focus group discussions, and participant observations. The findings reveal that the dualism governance in Bali is manifested through responses to vulnerabilities within the community, Adat versus state laws, and the communication systems established between state administrative and traditional authorities during the COVID-19 response. Contribution: This study highlights the significant role of traditional governance in enhancing community resilience amid the limitations of state capacity in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite conflicting interests with the state, traditional government plays a crucial role in fostering collective community action to address vulnerabilities. The study underscores the importance of greater involvement of Adat actors in disaster management within the context of dualism in governance, spanning from mitigation planning to preparedness, response and recovery. This involvement has the potential to bolster community resilience

    The Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases after being Exposed to the Urban Flood; A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Risk mapping for the various types of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which lead to the cause of death due to the impact of the urban flood, is rarely conducted. The study aimed to conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and meta-analysis of the risk of various NCDs after the community experienced the urban flood disaster. Methods: The data was taken from PubMed, ScienceDirect, Taylor and Francis, and ProQuest from June 2010 to June 2020 by searching for the words of flood and NCDs that only occurred in urban areas. This study refers to the guideline that is widely used to conduct meta-analysis research, namely PRISMA. The procedure was started by searching, screening, and validating the original articles through meta-analysis using R Studio. Result: Twenty-six original articles were selected for SLR, and only two articles were not eligible for meta-analysis. Mental illness (0.53, 95% CI, 0.33-0.68), heart problems (0.39, 95% CI -0.11-0.73), and respiratory problems (0.53, 95% CI, 0.02-0.82) are the NCDs categories occurring after the community, predominantly female and the community aged >40 years, was exposed to the urban flood. This risk magnitude finding complements the previous studies that only did a literature review. The heterogeneous result (tau^2 p-value>0.05) and bias effects of publication (Egger test p-value>0.05) indicated that immediate assistance for victims is essential to prevent the onset of NCDs. Conclusion: Without early prevention and urban planning, the urban flood disaster can contribute to mental illness, heart problems, and respiratory problems


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    Perkembangan wilayah perkotaan terjadi setiap tahunnya dan berimplikasi terhadap kebutuhan fasilitas dan utilitas yang berada disekitarnya. Perkembangan jumlah masyarakat/penduduk yang tidak diikuti dengan perkembangan fasilitas serta utilitas yang memadai tentu akan mengakibatkan defisit dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut. Terdapat isu terkait terbatasnya penawaran (supply) air yang ada di wilayah DKI Jakarta yang disebabkan oleh bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, terbatasnya supply air baku dari luar kota DKI Jakarta, tingginya tingkat pencemaran sebagai sumber air permukaan, eksploitasi air secara besar-besaran, dan berkurangnya daerah tangkapan air akibat menurunnya jumlah wilayah serapan. Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa bagaimana kualitas air minum yang ada di Jabodetabek berdasarkan data sekunder yang didapatkan dari Susenas (Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) dan keterkaitannya dengan kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan demografi rumah tangga. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan sumber data berasal dari data sekunder (Data Susenas). Analisis menggunakan Regresi Logistik Multinomial. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 93,92% rumah tangga Jabodetabek terdapat mengakses air minum layak pada tahun 2017. Namun masih terdapat 55,755 rumah tangga (6,08%) di wilayah Jabodetabek yang tidak mendapatkan akses air minum layak. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi Rumah tangga dengan karakteristik tidak dapat mengakses air minum layak secara fisik adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki sebagai kepala rumah tangga, anggota rumah tangga yang berjumlah kurang dari 4 (4, pekerjaan dari kepala rumah tangga, pendidikan terakhir, dan faktor jenis kelamin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketersediaan air minum layak secara fisik di wilayah Jabodetabek.