8 research outputs found

    Masih ada harapan: Eksplorasi pengalaman pemuda yang menangguhkan bunuh diri

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    AbstractSuicide is a global crisis that cannot be resolved. Trends show that suicide began mostly by adolescents and more than 51% were committed by age <45 years. Previous research found that individuals who have experienced suicide attempts have a negative and pessimistic view of life. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the meaning of individual experiences in deferring suicide. Five survivors (3 women) participated through snowball sampling. Data collection was done by phenomenological interviews and observations of participants. Data were analyzed using the descriptive phenomenological analysis to bring out the essence of suicidal experiences. This study derives 4 themes that can facilitate reducing suicidal ideation: connectedness, spirituality, hope, and shame. This study implies that suicide prevention can consider this finding as a protective factor for individuals at risk of suicide and build a support network for suicide survivors.Keywords: Suicide attempt; protective factors; phenomenology. AbstrakBunuh diri merupakan krisis global yang belum dapat diselesaikan. Tren menunjukkan bahwa bunuh diri mulai banyak dilakukan oleh remaja dan lebih dari 51% dilakukan oleh kelompok usia kurang dari 45 tahun. Penelitian terdahulu mencatat individu yang memiliki pengalaman percobaan bunuh diri memiliki pandangan yang negatif sekaligus pesimis terhadap kehidupan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan makna pengalaman individu dalam menangguhkan bunuh diri. Lima penyintas bunuh diri (3 wanita) berpartisipasi melalui snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara fenomenologi dan observasi terhadap partisipan. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa analisis fenomenologis deskriptif untuk memunculkan esensi pengalaman bunuh diri ke dalam bentuk tema-tema fenomenologis. Studi ini memperoleh 4 tema yang dapat memfasilitasi dalam mengurungkan keinginan bunuh diri: keterhubungan, spiritualitas, harapan, dan malu. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah upaya pencegahan bunuh diri dapat mempertimbangkan temuan ini sebagai faktor protektif bagi individu yang memiliki risiko bunuh diri dan membangun jaringan pendukung bagi penyintas bunuh diri.Kata kunci: bunuh diri; faktor protektif; fenomenologi

    The Characteristics of Suicide in Gunungkidul Indonesia

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    Background: The suicide incidents in Gunungkidul did not decrease according to previous reports. This research was conducted to described suicide trends in Gunungkidul from 2012 to 2019 and their characteristics. Method: The research used retrospective approach by analyzing suicide data from local police based on demography (sex, occupation, age, residence) and the methods of suicide. We analyzed the suicide trends in the last 8 years. Results: The result of the descriptive analysis shows that suicide in Gunungkidul has the following characteristics: 1) mostly done by male than female, 2) farmers, 3) elderly (>60 years old) and adults (36-60 years old), and 4) hanging as the popular method to completed suicide. Conclusion: This research suggests that suicide prevention should be done to people with suicide risks, especially the elderly, and promotes suicide prevention to society. We proposed implementing community-based to reduce the accessibility of lethal methods of suicide

    Etiology and Perception of Suicide: Cultural Explanation of Suicide from Javanese Perspective

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    The suicide rate in Java is increasingly worrying. Furthermore, there is still a limited exploration of suicide in Javanese culture. This qualitative research intended to explore the perception of suicide in the Javanese with Arthur Kleinman’s explanatory model framework. We interviewed 21 Javanese, of which 28.5% had a history of attempted suicide. Grounded theory analysis found that the Javanese have various terms for suicide based on how suicide is conducted, emotional nuances, and influences of taboo. Suicide is believed to be influenced by suffering, loss of hope, alienation, mental frailty, and low religiosity. It is important to consider cultural characteristics in suicide prevention campaigns and suicide management programs. This article encourages cultural sensitivity for clinicians and health authorities to accommodate the Javanese belief in suicide prevention programs as well as the delivery of effective interventions

    Peranan kesepian sebagai moderator antara distres psikologis dengan kesejahteraan psikologis mahasiswa selama pandemi COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic threatens students' psychological well-being. Distress and loneliness are prevalent psychological problems related to mobility restriction and "stay-at-home" instruction. University students are vulnerable to dealing with mental health problems and experience a decrease in psychological well-being during the pandemic. This study was to examine whether loneliness plays a moderating role in relationships between distress and psychological well-being. This research was conducted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluated how loneliness and distress affect students' well-being since then. A total of 747 students (female = 566, Mage = 20,2 years) participated through the purposive technique. We used three instruments: the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (α=0,926), the UCLA Loneliness Scale (α=0,722), and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (α=0,932). Our moderation analysis showed that psychological distress significantly decreased psychological well-being (F = 306, p < 0,01). The role of loneliness as a moderator in the relationship between distress and psychological well-being also showed a significant moderation model (F = 161, p < 0,01). Loneliness contributes to a decrease in students' psychological well-being who experience psychological distress. Keywords: Psychological well-being, loneliness, psychological distress, university students Abstrak Pandemi COVID-19 mengancam kesejahteraan psikologis mahasiswa. Distres psikologis dan kesepian merupakan masalah psikologis yang berkaitan dengan pembatasan mobilitas dan instruksi stay at home. Selama masa pandemi, mahasiswa rentan terhadap masalah psikologis dan mengalami penurunan kesejahteraan psikologis. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji apakah kesepian berperan sebagai moderasi dalam hubungan antara distres dan kesejahteraan psikologis mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada konteks pandemi COVID-19 dan berupaya melihat bagaimana pengaruh kesepian dan distres pada kesejahteraan psikologis mahasiswa. Sebanyak 747 mahasiswa (perempuan = 566, Musia = 20.2 tahun) berpartisipasi secara purposive sampling. Tiga instrumen digunakan: Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (α=0,926), UCLA Loneliness Scale (α=0,722), dan Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (α=0,932).  Analisis moderasi menunjukkan bahwa distres psikologis memiliki peran signifikan dalam menurunkan kesejahteraan psikologis (F = 306, p < 0,01). Peran kesepian sebagai moderator dalam hubungan antara distres terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis juga menunjukkan model yang signifikan (F = 161, p < 0,01). Kesepian berkontribusi pada penurunan kesejahteraan psikologis pada mahasiswa yang mengalami distres psikologis. Kata kunci: Kesejahteraan psikologis, kesepian, distres psikologis, mahasiswa &nbsp

    Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help: Adaptation and Evaluation of ATSPPH-SF using the Rasch Model

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    The availability of instruments for seeking professional help is crucial in identifying potential delays and failures to seek mental health help. The current study aims to adapt an Indonesian version of the Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help-Short Form (ATSPPH-SF) scale and evaluate its psychometric properties using a Rasch modeling approach. Adaptation of the Indonesian scale was carried out in collaboration with a panel of experts under the guidelines of the International Translating Commission. The psychometric evaluation involved 951 respondents (M = 243, F = 708) who participated through an online survey. The results of the Rasch modeling showed that the items of the Indonesian ATSPPH-SF had a good fit with the model. The response categories worked well and reliability was sufficient (item=1, respondent=.59, Cronbach's alpha=.67). This paper highlighted that the ATSPPH-SF Indonesia version is suggested to be valid and reliable. We concluded that ATSPPH-SF can be used in mental health professional help-seeking research in Indonesia

    I’m not Alone: A Phenomenological Study of Psychological Help Sources in Suicide Crisis

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    This research was conducted to explore the experiences of suicide survivors in seeking psychological help for their crisis. A descriptive phenomenological study was chosen to get the dynamics of mental health help-seeking. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with youth participants who had previously experienced a suicide crisis. Seven participants (5 women; mean age 26 years-old) were involved voluntarily through the snowball technique recruitment. Descriptive phenomenological analysis was applied to get the synthesis and meaning of experiences in psychological help-seeking. This study found psychological help sources: self-help, close relationships, socio-cultural, and institutional. This article highlighted that social relations played a crucial role in the success of seeking help. Suicide prevention should be carried out by campaigning for self-disclosure to seeking help by utilizing various available psychological help sources