9 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pola Tanam Tumpangsari Dalam Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L.)

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    Kacang hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L) umumnya dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan pangan dan industri pakan. Saat ini permintaan pasar akan kacang hijau terus meningkat, sedangkan produksinya terus menurun. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan penurunan produksi kacang hijau adalah serangan hama. Petani umumnya melakukan pengendalian hama dengan menggunakan pestisida sintetik tanpa mempertimbangkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan konsumen. Sitem tanam tumpangsari merupakan salah satu cara budidaya yang ramah lingkungan yang berpotensi menurunkan kerusakan tanaman akibat hama, akan tetapi informasi cara budidaya tersebut pada tanaman kacang hijau masih terbatas. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kemiringan lahan dan terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu: P1 (Monokultur kacang hijau (kontrol)); P2 (Tumpangsari kacang hijau + bawang daun); P3(Tumpangsari kacang hijau + bunga matahari); P4 (Tumpangsari kacang hijau+bunga matahari + bawang daun). Variabel pengamatan pada penelitian adalah kelimpahan jenis serangga, fungsi ekologi serangga, persentase tanaman terserang dan produksi kacang hijau. Data dianalis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bahwa nilai kelimpahan serangga pada semua perlakuan tidak berbeda, akan tetapi persentase serangan hama terendah terdapat pada perlakuan P4, sedangkan jumlah populasi musuh alami, penyerbuk dan produksi tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P4

    Keanekaragaman, Dominasi, Persebaran Spesies Penggerek Batang Padi Dan Serangannya Pada Berbagai Tipologi Lahan Di Provinsi Jambi

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    Diversity, domination, and distribution of rice stem borer species and its damage in various land typologies in Jambi Province. The research was conducted to analyze the diversity, domination, species distribution of rice stem borers (RSB) and its damage on various land typologies in Jambi Province. The research was carried out using survey method, from December 2010 until June 2011. Samples of RSB were collected from tidal swamp in Tanjung Jabung Timur District, swampy area in Muaro Jambi District, rainfed lowland in Sarolangun District, irrigated lowland in Merangin District, and irrigated upland in Kerinci District and Sungai Penuh District. The results showed that there were five spesies of RSB found in Jambi Province. Scirpophaga incertulas Walker (yellow stem borer) was the most dominant of RSB, followed by Sesamia inferens Walker (pink stem borer), Chilo suppressalis Walker (striped stem borer), Chilo polychrysus Meyrick (dark-headed stem borer), and Scirpophaga innotata Walker (white stem borer). The distribution of S. incertulas, S. inferens, C. suppressalis and C. polychrysus were in all of rice field in Jambi Province, but that of S. innotata was limited over tidal swamp and rainfield lowland area. The RSB damage rate was lower than economic thereshold

    Study The Integrated Pest Management on Chili Cultivation to Control Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci

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    This study was carried out to build an IPM model on chili plants to control Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci. The study was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jambi University from May to September 2018. The study was designed with two treatments, namely; The application of the chili IPM model to control A. gossypii and B. tabaci and conventional chili cultivation (chili cultivation practice by farmers), each on an area of ​​0.25 ha. Observation parameters were: population of A. gossypii, population of B. tabaci, attack of A. gossypii and B. tabaci and attack of virus . The data obtained were tabulated and calculated the percentage of A. gossypii and B. tabaci attacks, virus attacks on chili and analyzed descriptively. The results of the study showed that: 1) the initial investment of A. gossypii and B. tabaci in chili plants both on IPM and conventional land was seen in chili plants 4 weeks after planting (WAP); 2) Populations of A. gossypii and populations of B. tabaci on chili plants with the application of the IPM model up to 7 WAP  end to increase, but after 7 WAP the pest population is depressed and tends to decrease rapidly. It can be concluded that the IPM model with components of chili seed selection from the field, planting corn as hedges and planting refugia can suppress the development of A. gossypii, B. tabaci and virus attacks on chili plants.&nbsp

    Biological control in Indonesian oil palm potentially enhanced by landscape context

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    Oil palm plantation expansion is occurring at a rapid pace. However, substantial yield losses from pest attacks are becoming major threats to the oil palm industry, while the potential role of conservation biological control, a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for pest control, is still largely unknown. The type of vegetation surrounding oil palm plantations is likely to influence pest predation, and we tested this in Indonesia (Sumatra), the world's largest palm oil producer. We studied six different vegetation types adjacent to oil palm plantations: another oil palm plantation (control), weedy oil palm, weedy rubber, scrub, jungle rubber, and secondary forest. Each border type was replicated eight times. We quantified predation rates and predator occurrences using dummy caterpillars and mealworms 20 m inside of the adjacent vegetation (OUT 20) as well as 20 m (IN 20) and 50 (IN 50) m inside the oil palm plantation. Ants and bush crickets were the most prominent predators in the plantations, whereas birds, bats, monkeys, beetles, and molluscs played a minor role. Mean percentage of ant and cricket predation rate in control border OUT 20 were 16.39% and 7.16% respectively, IN 20 were 16.03% and 6.1%, and IN 50 were 14.47% and 7.48%, while for other borders other than control, mean percentages OUT 20 m were 28.90% and 12.26% respectively, IN 20 m were 26.61% and 12.40%, and IN 50 m were 22.93% and 10.58%. Predation rates were ∼70% higher in non-oil palm habitat, indicating the need for improved vegetation diversification inside plantations. Overall predation rates in oil palm decreased slightly but significantly with distance to the border. Our results suggest that maintaining non-oil palm vegetation in the areas adjacent to plantations and promoting weedy strips within the plantations are potentially effective management tools for conserving and developing biological control in oil palm in the future

    The role of ants, birds and bats for ecosystem functions and yield in oil palm plantations

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    One of the world's most important and rapidly expanding crops, oil palm, is associated with low levels of biodiversity. Changes in predator communities might alter ecosystem services and subsequently sustainable management but these links have received little attention to date. Here, for the first time, we manipulated ant and flying vertebrate (birds and bats) access to oil palms in six smallholder plantations in Sumatra (Indonesia) and measured effects on arthropod communities, related ecosystem functions (herbivory, predation, decomposition and pollination) and crop yield. Arthropod predators increased in response to reductions in ant and bird access, but the overall effect of experimental manipulations on ecosystem functions was minimal. Similarly, effects on yield were not significant. We conclude that ecosystem functions and productivity in oil palm are, under current levels of low pest pressure and large pollinator populations, robust to large reductions of major predators