12 research outputs found


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    The author highlights the research results on exploring the scheme of application of enzyme probiotic Cellobacterine-T produced by Biotrof enterprise in St. Petersburg. This probiotic is a complex of cellulolytic and lactic acid bacteria isolated from rumen of ruminants and selected on the parameter of high ability to decompose cellulose. This allows to use the specimen in poultry ratio with high concentration of wheat, barley, sunflower protein meal and seed cake. Cellobacterine-T acts like a probiotic when it contributes to stable poultry digestion. The researchers offer to apply Cellobacterine-T dosed 1 kg/t for chickens aged 3 months and increase the dose on 50% - 1.5 kg/t when ovogenesis organs are being formed; at the peak of egg-laying capacity – 2 kg/t; at the final stage to use standard dose 1 kg/t. Feed accessibility and digestibility are high and this contributes to better feed conversion, reduces palatability on 8-140 g per each laying hen. Egg laying capacity of experimental hens which were fed with Cellobacterine-T dosed 2 kg/t for two months has reached 98% against 61, 66, 71% in the control group. Feeding laying pullets with Cellobacterine-T improves poultry evenness to the beginning of fertile period, which increases egg laying capacity on 8-12% and reduces feed costs on 5-7%. Cellobacterine-T increases average daily growth on 3-10% and feeding costs on growth on 9-15%. Cellobacterine-T increases application of sunflower protein meal in growth and finish ratios up to 20-30% regardless reducing livestock parameters.Изложены результаты исследований по изучению схемы применения ферментативного пробиотика Целлобактерин-Т производства ООО «Биотроф» г. Санкт-Петербург, который представляет собой ассоциацию целлюлозолитических и молочно-кислых бактерий, выделенных из рубца жвачных и отселекционированных на высокую способность к расщеплению целлюлозы. Это позволяет использовать препарат в рационах птицы с большим содержанием пшеницы, ячменя и подсолнечных шротов и жмыхов. Целлобактерин-Т выступает и в роли пробиотика, что обеспечивает стабильную работу пищеварительной системы птицы. Нами предложено в первые три месяца жизни цыпленку применять Целлобактерин-Т в стандартной дозировке 1 кг/т, при формировании органов яйцеобразования увеличить дозу на 50 % –1,5 кг/т, во время пика яйценоскости –2 кг/т, и в финале – возвращение к стандартной дозировке 1 кг/т. Из-за хорошей усвояемости кормов улучшилась конверсия корма, сократилась поедаемость на 8–10 г на каждую кур-несушку. Яйценоскость кур опытной группы, которым два месяца задавали с кормом 2 кг/т Целлобактерина-Т, достигла 98 % против 61, 66, 71 % в контрольных. Скармливание Целлобактерина-Т яичной молодке улучшает выравненность стада к началу продуктивного периода, что обеспечивает повышение яйценоскости на 8–12 % и уменьшение затрат корма на продукцию на 5–7 %. Целлобактерин-Т дает увеличение среднесуточного прироста на 3–10 % и снижение затрат корма на прирост на 9–15 %. Целлобактерин-Т позволяет увеличить ввод подсолнечного шрота в ростовые и финишные рационы до 20–30 % без снижения зоотехнических показателей

    Anti-diabetic effects of Campomanesia xanthocarpa (Berg) leaf decoction

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    The objective of this research was to identify the effects of 3-week treatment of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats using a leaf decoction of Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg. (20 g/L) on physiological, biochemical and histological parameters. Streptozotocin (STZ, 70 mg/kg in citrate buffer, pH 4.5) was administered IP to induce experimental diabetes one week prior to the treatment. STZ caused typical diabetic symptoms: polydypsia, polyuria, polyphagia, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia and histopathological modifications in the pancreas, liver and kidney. The treatment of diabetic rats using the decoction decreased blood glucose levels, inhibited hepatic glycogen loss, and prevented potential histopathological alterations in the pancreas and kidneys. No differences were found between the control rats treated with the decoction and the control rats maintained on water only. In conclusion, these results suggest that C. xanthocarpa leaf decoction (20g/L) might be useful for diabetes mellitus management, but further pharmacological and toxicological studies are needed.O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os efeitos do tratamento com o decocto das folhas de Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg. (20 g/L), durante 3 semanas, sobre parâmetros fisiológicos, bioquímicos e histológicos de ratos normais e diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina. O diabete melito foi induzido uma semana antes de iniciar o tratamento experimental, pela administração IP de estreptozotocina (STZ, 70 mg/kg em tampão citrato, pH 4.5). Os ratos tratados com STZ apresentaram sintomas típicos de diabete: polifagia, polidipsia, hiperglicemia, hipertrigliceridemia e alterações histopatológicas no pâncreas, fígado e rim. O tratamento dos ratos diabéticos com o decocto diminuiu os níveis de glicose sanguínea, inibiu a degradação do glicogênio hepático e preveniu possíveis alterações histopatológicas no pâncreas e no rim. Nos ratos controles tratados com o decocto não foram verificadas diferenças significativas em relação aos controles tratados com água. Em conclusão, os resultados sugerem que o tratamento com o decocto das folhas de C. xanthocarpa leaf decoction (20 g/L) possa ser útil para o manejo do diabete melito, porém estudos farmacológicos e toxicológicos ainda são necessários


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    This text deals with the design of virtual reality systems. Infrastructure includes providing a powerful adaptive or cognitive learning to use the different levels of complexity that will be adapted for each student, empowering those who present more difficulties for learning. Smart devices and intelligent technologies create learning environments that respond to each learner’s profile and needs and offer conditions for realizing personalized and adaptive learning

    Staminate flower of Prunus s. l. (Rosaceae) from Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine)

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    The late Eocene ambers provide plethora of animal and plant fossils including well-preserved angiosperm flowers from the Baltic amber. The Rovno amber from NW Ukraine resembles in many aspects the Baltic amber; however, only fossilized animals and some bryophytes have yet been studied from the Rovno amber. We provide the first detailed description of an angiosperm flower from Rovno amber. The flower is staminate with conspicuous hypanthium, double pentamerous perianth and whorled androecium of 24 stamens much longer than the petals. Sepals are sparsely pubescent and petals are densely hirsute outside. The fossil shares important features with extant members of Prunus subgen. Padus s. l. (incl. Laurocerasus, Pygeum and Maddenia), especially with its evergreen paleotropical species. It is described here as a new species Prunus hirsutipetala D.D.Sokoloff, Remizowa et Nuraliev. Our study provides the first convincing record of fossil flowers of Rosaceae from Eocene of Europe and the earliest fossil flower of Prunus outside North America. Our record of a plant resembling extant tropical species supports palaeoentomological evidences for warm winters in northwestern Ukraine during the late Eocene, as well as suggesting a more significant role of tropical insects in Rovno amber than inferred from Baltic amber

    Technology-based methods in the improvement of therapy compliance among ambulatory cardiac patients: one-year follow-up data

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    Aim. To assess the impact of automatic telephone survey with a differentiated reminder text, as well as of the survey combination with the self-control dairy, on the compliance with lipid-lowering and antihypertensive therapy and on therapy effectiveness during the longterm ambulatory follow-up. Material and methods. The study included 604 patients: 323 individuals with high or very high cardiovascular risk levels by SCORE scale and 281 participants with coronary heart disease (CHD). The patients were divided into two groups, according to their agreement to participate in the automatic telephone reminder survey (“Survey” and “Refusal”). All participants were also given a self-control diary. At baseline and one year later, the patients underwent general clinical examination, office blood pressure (BP) measurement, blood biochemistry assessment, and the measurement of therapy compliance (Morisky-Green test), anxiety, and depression levels (HADS scale). Results. The reduction in diastolic BP levels was significantly larger in the Survey group (p=0,04). This group also demonstrated a significantly larger decrease in the levels of total cholesterol (TCH) (p=0,0003) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-CH) (p=0,001), as well as a significantly larger increase in the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-CH) (p=0,04). The therapy compliance, assessed by the Morisky-Green test, improved in both groups; however, among CHD patients, a significant improvement was observed only in the Survey group (p<0,00001). The percentage of patients submitting their self-control diaries was higher for the Survey group (p<0,0001). Conclusion. The automatic telephone reminder method provides an opportunity to significantly increase the therapy compliance

    Staminate flower of Prunus s. l. (Rosaceae) from Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine)

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