25 research outputs found


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    One of the purposes of the unconditional cash transfer program (Bantuan Langsung Tunai/BLT) was to help the poor and near-poor households to fulfill their basic needs. This study attempted to identify the impact of the BLT on cigarette consumption in society; as it is well known that smoking has more disadvantages than benefits. The study used data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2000 and 2007 to capture the impact of the BLT on the cigarette consumption of households. By controlling for the characteristics of the respondents, and using the fixed effect at household and village level as an estimation technique, the empirical results showed that in general there was a changing pattern of cigarette consumption in Indonesian society, to which the BLT program has contributed. By influencing the savings of households, the BLT program has significantly decreased cigarette consumption in Indonesia. It could be explained by the permanent income hypothesis, where the BLT transfer can be categorized as a transitory income in that hypothesis. This study can be an input and consideration for the transfer policy’s implementation in Indonesia in particular


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    This research aimed to conduct a study for tax dispute cases in Indonesia, which refers to the behavior of the Supreme Court’s verdict and indication of hidden action done by taxpayer in an effort to win tax disputes and to analyze the taxation regulations especially on the case of tax disputes. The research data are Supreme Court’s verdicts 2004-2010 on the tax disputes cases.This research uses descriptive and logistic regression analysis. The result shows the Supreme Court’s verdict has different way of treating tax year, the length of processingdisputes, and the difference of calculation between taxpayers and tax apparatus. The analysis indicates that hidden action is done by taxpayers in an effort winning the tax disputes. The higher difference of calculation, the higher probability for taxpayers to win the tax disputes. The longer processing time of tax disputes on the level of Supreme Court the higher probability for taxpayers winning the disputes. This indicates the public functionary’s involvement in hidden action by taxpayers. The hidden action done can be in the form of corruption, collusion, and bribery. The analysis of taxation regulation indicates that Indonesian taxation regulations have not been implemented well anddeviation is still found.From this research result and the reference to the previous researches, it is identified that the Indonesian government is required to do things such as: 1) promoting the qualityof tax apparatus either intellectually or through moral behavior; 2) promoting the obedience of taxpayer by promoting the benefits of paying tax especially for taxpayers; 3) inviting citizens/societies and social institution to fight against corruption; 4) promoting the obedience to the taxation regulation for taxpayers and tax apparatus; 5) designing a better taxation institution; 6) shortening the time for the process of disputes.Keywords: hidden action, corruption, the Supreme Court’s verdict, taxpayers

    Relationship Between Non-Formal Credit and the Welfare of Indonesian Households

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    This study used Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data and applied the fixed effect estimation method. This study showed that informal credit had a more negative impact on household welfare compared to the use of formal credit. In addition, the use of semi-formal credit caused a more negative impact on household welfare compared to the use of formal credit. It can be due to higher interest rates in the use of informal credit compared to semi-formal and formal credit. This study also indicated that credit used for productive purposes brought about a more positive impact than credit used for consumptive purposes. The higher the amount of credit used, the more positive the impact on household welfare is compared to the use of fewer loans. This research results can be the basis for the government to concern about the policy of credit interest rates to the public. Keywords: formal credit, semi-formal credit, informal credit, interest rat


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    Empirical studies onthe theory ofnewinstitutional economics(NIE) in particulartransaction cost analysisin the studyof taxationmainlyland and building taxcansayno. The emergence ofacceptance   phenomenon of transaction costs inthe United Nations. In DistrictBalanganencourageresearchers toconductthis study. Indications ofhiddenactionas a resultofthe incompatibility ofthe UNdata objectsdefinedby the government(through the Directorate General of Taxation) withthe datain the fieldthat occursin the process ofrealization ofthe UN, indicateinefficiencies inBalanganregency    governmentinstitutions, especially in the realization ofthe UNadmission. This articleusesa transactioncost analysisto determine theefficiency ofgovernmentinstitutionsBalanganregency. The purpose ofthe studyis to identifythe amount oftransaction costs involvedin maximizingrevenue realizationUNBalanganregency, identifythe type oftransaction costsaffect therealization ofthe UNacceptanceBalanganregency, analyzethe efficiency ofgovernmentinstitutionsin thedistrictBalanganminimizetransactioncostsandmaximize therealization ofthe proceedsof the UN, andidentifythe type oftransactioncoststhat most affect therealization ofthe UNacceptanceBalanganregency. Withtransactioncost analysisit is known thatinstitutionalinefficiencyinBalanganregency governmentactionandarehiddenin the realization ofthe UNacceptanceBalanganregency. From theregressionanalysisthatkind of transaction costssignificantly influence therealization ofthe UNacceptanceisthe cost of verificationanddata collection. While thecost ofthe giftandthe cost ofmonitoringandevaluationdoes not significantly influencethe realization ofthe UNadmission. There aresomepoliciesthat need to beimplementedbythe DistrictBalangantoimprove theeffectivenessandefficiency ofinstitutionalBalanganCounty Governmentin its efforts tothe realization ofthe UNadmission

    Variabel-variabel yang Mempengaruhi Inflasi di Indonesia

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    Inflation is one of the economy's most important indicators and an economic challenge that is a concern for developing countries such as Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of several variables that are suspected of having an influence on inflation in Indonesia. The independent variables include the money supply, BI rate, exchange rate, Gross Domestic Product, and imports. Data were obtained from the Bank Indonesia and Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) from 2010 to 2020. This study uses the Error Correction Model (ECM) to determine the effect of the independent variables in the short and long term. The study concluded that the money supply had a positive but not significant effect in the short term, but in the long term had a significant effect on inflation. The BI and exchange rates have a significant and positive effect on long-term and short-term inflation. Gross Domestic Product does not have a significant positive effect on inflation in both the long and short term. Imports show a positive but not significant with inflation in the long and short term

    The Impact of Infrastructure of South Cross Road Line Toward Land Value

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    Land is one of the production factors in an economical activity. The demand for a new property is never low, while its existence is limited. This research was conducted in Purwosari Sub-district, Gunungkidul Regency, DIY Province. The researcher chose four villages to did this research, they are Giriasih Village, Girijati Village, Giripurwo Village, and Giricahyo Village. Those villages located in the Sewu Mountain area, Gunungkidul, near Parangtritis Beach. They are passed by JJLS infrastructure project. The purpose of the research is to identify the impact of JJLS project on the pattern of the land value surround 2016. Furthermore, the researcher aims to find the factors behind. Explorative research is used as the research design in this research. The primary data source gained from a measurement using Google Earth software. The secondary data is based on property purchase transaction recording from BKAD Gunungkidul. Thus, the data type is cross-sectional of the land transaction in 2016. This was done by using convenience sampling. The findings of the research show that there is a weakening of 1.5% per kilometers for property which is far away from JJLS. The highness price of the land influenced by some factors, such as land area (4,68%), the distance to CBD (0,0535%), the type of field land (3,65%), and the adequate accessibility (2,96%)


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    The tourism village development strategy is essential for villages that still need natural tourism. This is intended so that the developed tourism villages can survive and continue to increase over time. If the Tourism Village is adequately managed, it is hoped that it will help increase the income of the Village and especially the managing community members and the community around the Tourism Village. The objectives of the Community Partnership Program activities in the Desa Wisata Tani’s Community are 1) Increasing community participation in the Farmer Tourism Village area and 2) Increasing the effectiveness of tourism village activities through community participation. The method of this service activity is 1) program planning activities, 2) implementation or implementation activities, 3) and supervision. This activity succeeded in bringing together the community around the tourist village and the tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis) Regul, which manages Wisata Tani Betet (WTB). The results of this activity are the formation of management and organizational structure, the implementation of farmer festival activities, and the availability of tourist village facilities and infrastructure to a good monitoring system.  ---   Strategi pengembangan Desa Wisata sangat penting bagi desa yang tidak mempunyai wisata alami. Hal ini ditujukan agar Desa Wisata yang dikembangkan dapat bertahan dan terus meningkat seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Jika Desa Wisata dikelola dengan baik, maka diharapkan akan membantu meningkatkkan pendapatan Desa dan terutama warga masyarakat pengelola serta masyarakat sekitar Desa Wisata. Tujuan diadakaanya kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat pada Masyarakat Desa Wisata Tani adalah : 1) Meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat kawasan Desa Wisata Tani, 2) Meningkatkan efektifitas kegiatan desa wisata melalui partipasi masyarakat. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah 1) kegiatan perencanaan program, 2) kegiatan pelaksanaan atau implementasi, 3) pengawasan. Kegiatan ini berhasil menghimpun masyarakat sekitar desa wisata dan kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis) Regul, yang mengelola Wisata Tani Betet (WTB). Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya pengurus dan struktur organisasi, terselenggaranya kegiatan festival tani, tersedianya sarana dan prasarana desa wisata hingga sistem pengawasan yang baik

    The Impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Employment in Indonesia

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    This research was conducted to find out the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on employment in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data in the form of literature review and analyzed with content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the 4.0 industrial revolution has hit the world, including Indonesia. The basis of the 4.0 Indonesian Revolution lies in the progress in communication and connectivity compared to technology. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 was marked by the emergence of technological breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nano technology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Thing (IoT), 3D printing, and autonomous vehicles. This revolution creates opportunities and of course saves the various challenges that must be faced. The industrial revolution has significantly affected labor aspects. The policies that can be taken by the government to improve labor capabilities are: First, harmonization of standardization and competency certification through cross-sectoral, cross-regional, and cross-country business partner cooperation, within the framework of market openness. Second, the development of partnership programs between the government and business / industry and between the central government and regional governments to improve the quality of the workforce. Third, improving governance in organizing training programs to accelerate worker certification. Fourth, expanding economies of scale towards sectors / sub-sectors with high productivity. The conclusions of this research: increasing the workforce and decreasing unemployment, as well as the increasing number of young people who succeed in digital business, shows that Indonesia has successfully exploited the opportunities of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Keywords: Industrial Revolution 4.0, Technology, Labo

    Peningkatan produktivitas kerajinan tangan pirografi berbasis digital

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    Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah  (UMKM) di Indonesia berkembang sangat pesat. Battosae Kertosono adalah UMKM  yang bergerak di bidang kerajinan tangan pirografi. Namun, UMKM ini memiiki beberapa kendala antara lain, masih manualnya peralatan yang digunakan, media pemasaran yang monoton dan masih rendahnya pemahaman tentang financial technology. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah, kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian yaitu: 1) Penambahan alat produksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha; 2) Penambahan variasi metode pemasaran; 3) Manajemen Usaha dan Pengenalan financial technology.  Penambahan alat produksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha. Penambahan alat produksi diwujudkan melalui pengadaan printer laser kayu engraving dan computer untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas, kerapihan dan efisiensi waktu pengerjaan sehingga produk yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih baik. Kegiatan peningkatan variasi metode pemasaran diwujudkan melalui penggunaan sosial media dan marketplace.  Pemanfaatan media sosial dan marketplace menurunkan biaya pemasaran dan mampu memperluas pasar.  Sedangkan kegiatan peningkatan managemen usaha dan pengenalan financial technology dilakukan dengan pelatihan dan diskusi bersama pemilik usaha. Melalui kegiatan ini pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pengrajin Battosae Kertosono semakin baik karena dapat memberikan kemudahan transaksi dan pelayanan kepada konsumen

    The Effect of the Operational Exit Tolls on the Welfare of the Local Community

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    Infrastructure is a part of accelerating economic growth. The construction of toll roads can provide positive and negative impacts. The existence of toll roads can reduce transportation and production costs, which will increase domestic and international market efficiency. However, the construction of toll roads is feared can kill small businesses. Studies of the effect of operational exit tolls on welfare are still limited in Indonesia. This study was conducted to identify the impact of toll roads on community welfare in the Pandaan-Malang exit tolls area. Using paired t-test and the cluster analysis method showed that the positive and negative impacts of toll roads construction on the community in the exit tolls area are varied for each cluster. This study can be used as the basis for formulating policies for communities affected by operational exit tolls, in particular. Creating new economic centers in the exit tolls based on local uniqueness can minimize the negative impacts on communities.How to Cite:Dwiputri, I.N., Allo, A.G., Yusida, E. & Seprillina, L. (2022). The Effect of the Operational Exit Tolls on the Welfare of the Local Community. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 11(1), 73-82. https://doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v11i1.22108