10 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pendidikan Kewirausahaan dalam Menumbuhkan Keterampilan pada Peserta Didik Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    Changes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 require adjustments and active efforts from educational institutions and the government to ensure that students are ready to face challenges and opportunities in the future. Critical, creative and innovative thinking skills, as well as positive character development, are very important in this era. Therefore, entrepreneurship education can be one of the efforts to help students develop the skills and character needed in the current industrial revolution era. Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education aims to develop skills, attitudes, souls and the ability to create something of value to oneself and others. Being creative, innovative, independent, leadership, good at managing money, and having an unyielding spirit are some of the entrepreneurial attitudes that need to be instilled in children from an early age. This needs to be instilled early on considering that the various economic challenges faced by Indonesia are getting bigger. These entrepreneurial values become important points in the formation of life skills in children. Besides through education in the family, entrepreneurship education can be implemented in an integrated manner with learning activities in schools. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students can be trained to develop entrepreneurial attitudes, souls and abilities through various creative activities that can be integrated with the applicable curriculum. Various strategies and methods can be used by teachers to cultivate good values from the character of a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship education taught since MI is expected to be able to reduce consumptive patterns in children by training them to create something of value and bringing the next generation to create jobs in the future. So in this case, teachers and parents have an important role to play in developing children's life skills and fostering interest and potential in children through entrepreneurship

    Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan; Tinjauan Teoritis Dalam Islam

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    In the historical perspective of leadership from an artistic perspective, it can be said that leadership is an art that is as old as humans on earth, which has been practiced throughout human history. Islamic leadership prioritizes the values that are put forward by Islam and also everything that is done because it expects the pleasure of Allah. Islamic leadership is more than part of the goals pursued while in organizational leadership in general, supports the strengthening of the establishment of Islamic order in the organization. Islamic leadership supports absolute leadership or authoritative leadership, this leadership has its own characteristics from leadership in general. The leadership style according to Islam is divided into 5 styles namely Bureaucratic, Permissive, Participatory, Laissez-faire, and Autocratic

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi dalam Suatu Organisasi

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    Leadership is one’s ability to influence or motivate others to do something in accordance with a common goal. Leadership encompasses the process of influencing in determining the organization’s goals, motivating the behavior of its followers to the goals, influenced to improve the group and its culture. Motivation is a combination of desire and energy to a specific goal. Influencing someone’s motivation means making them do what we want them to do. Since the primary function of leadership is to lead, the ability to influence people is important. Leadership and motivation are two different things, although they have links in the work context and interpersonal organizational interactions. Keith Davis argued that without leadership, organizations are just a chaotic, disorderly group of human beings, and will not be able to generate purposeful behavior. Leadership is the human factor that binds a group together and gives it motivation toward specific goals, both in the short and long term. This means that between leadership and motivation there is a strong link

    Peran Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru PAI dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius Profil Pelajar Pancasila di SMP Karang Arum Kecamatan Cilengkarang Kabupaten Bandung

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    The teacher has a strategic position at the forefront of efforts to build the nation, in this case the field of education, as their performance in all educational activities is determined by how well they perform at the institutional, instructional, and experimental levels. This study aims to investigate the extent to which the personality competence of PAI teachers at Karang Arum Middle School in Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency, play a role in the development of the religious character of their students' profiles. The results of this research show a substantial positive association between the dependent variable in this study, the formation of the students' religious character, and the teacher's personality competence as an independent variable. With it, Personality Competence significantly aids in the development of its students' religious character. In conclusion, for those in charge of making decisions, it is unquestionably necessary to develop the personality skills of the teachers if you want to raise the caliber of students' religious character

    Evaluasi Pendidikan Menuju Insan Kamil dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

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    This article aims to explore the methods for conducting a thorough assessment using a scientific philosophical approach. Given that inconsistencies in educational assessment practices can yield suboptimal outcomes upon examination, it becomes imperative to employ appropriate techniques for a comprehensive review. The author has crafted this article using a research approach, gathering source materials from various repositories including library books, research reports, newspapers, books, theses, dissertations, and both printed and digital scientific journals. In the context of Islamic education, the objective of evaluation is to nurture al-Insan al-Kamil, or a well-rounded human being. Similarly, the primary goal of education is to instill faith, foster piety, cultivate a religious mindset, impart knowledge, and encourage the application of acquired knowledge in adapting to broader community life. Evaluation also serves as a means to furnish students with feedback regarding their accomplishments, as well as the depth of their perspectives and knowledge acquired throughout the learning journey. Furthermore, philosophy plays a pivotal role in educating individuals to think critically, gain insights, and reason comprehensively, enabling them to approach events or problems from multiple angles and ultimately arrive at correct solutions

    Sistem Pendidikan Karakter Sosial Santri Ditinjau dari Perspektif Perilaku Manusia dalam Organisasi : Studi kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al-Qohhariyyah Desa Sukatani Kecamatan Pacet

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    This study investigates the Social Character Education System at Pondok Pesantren Al-Qohhariyyah in Pacet, Cianjur Regency. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive, involving key informants such as the head of Madrasah Aliyah, the council of teachers, the head of the male boarding school, administrators, and students. Data was gathered through observation, interviews, and document analysis, utilizing triangulation. Findings indicate that the pesantren combines tradition and modern approaches in social character education. There are two main models: the Salafi pesantren, which maintains the teaching of classical texts, and the Khalafi pesantren, which incorporates general education into the madrasah curriculum. Character education is delivered through various methods like sorogan, wetonan, bandongan, and mudzakarah. Majelis ta'lim also engages the local community in religious education. This system positively impacts the formation of students' social character by integrating traditional and modern values, creating a dynamic and creative learning environment

    Metode Pembelajaran Pembentukan Karakter dalam Perspektif Teori Perilaku Organiasi : Studi Kasus di Sekolah Alam SD Fathia

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    Natural school is an alternatve school regarding the school system with the concept of universe-based education. One of the strategies for building alternative education is to organize a factual and conceptual learning processes, orgenaize education with educational enviromental conditions, organize environment-based learning processes, orgenaize learning that build cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities, foster creative, and so on. The idea of this natural school was initiated by Lendo Novo based on his concern that the cost of education which is increasingly out of reach for the community. To get to know natural school, the author conducted a mini research into a natural school in the city Sukabumi, namely SD Islam Alam Fathia which is located at Ciberuem Sukabumi City, West Java. This study aims to determine the Character-buliding, learning method inn the perspective of organizational behavior theory at SD Fathia’s natural School. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative methode. Where the researcher tested the validity of the data by triangulation of sources, namely by conducting interviews, observation and documentation. The finding of this study. Researchers found a new concept in learning, namely by learning with nature and making nature a medium for unlimited creativity for children. School such us the Alam Fatihia Islamic Elementary School are school that are indeed being sought by paraents, in order to make their children knowleadgeable and have character based on faith, science and nature

    Metode Pembelajaran Pembentukan Karakter dalam Perspektif Teori Perilaku Organiasi : Studi Kasus di Sekolah Alam SD Fathia

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    Natural school is an alternatve school regarding the school system with the concept of universe-based education. One of the strategies for building alternative education is to organize a factual and conceptual learning processes, orgenaize education with educational enviromental conditions, organize environment-based learning processes, orgenaize learning that build cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities, foster creative, and so on. The idea of this natural school was initiated by Lendo Novo based on his concern that the cost of education which is increasingly out of reach for the community. To get to know natural school, the author conducted a mini research into a natural school in the city Sukabumi, namely SD Islam Alam Fathia which is located at Ciberuem Sukabumi City, West Java. This study aims to determine the Character-buliding, learning method inn the perspective of organizational behavior theory at SD Fathia’s natural School. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative methode. Where the researcher tested the validity of the data by triangulation of sources, namely by conducting interviews, observation and documentation. The finding of this study. Researchers found a new concept in learning, namely by learning with nature and making nature a medium for unlimited creativity for children. School such us the Alam Fatihia Islamic Elementary School are school that are indeed being sought by paraents, in order to make their children knowleadgeable and have character based on faith, science and nature

    Evaluasi Pendidikan Menuju Insan Kamil dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

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    This article aims to explore the methods for conducting a thorough assessment using a scientific philosophical approach. Given that inconsistencies in educational assessment practices can yield suboptimal outcomes upon examination, it becomes imperative to employ appropriate techniques for a comprehensive review. The author has crafted this article using a research approach, gathering source materials from various repositories including library books, research reports, newspapers, books, theses, dissertations, and both printed and digital scientific journals. In the context of Islamic education, the objective of evaluation is to nurture al-Insan al-Kamil, or a well-rounded human being. Similarly, the primary goal of education is to instill faith, foster piety, cultivate a religious mindset, impart knowledge, and encourage the application of acquired knowledge in adapting to broader community life. Evaluation also serves as a means to furnish students with feedback regarding their accomplishments, as well as the depth of their perspectives and knowledge acquired throughout the learning journey. Furthermore, philosophy plays a pivotal role in educating individuals to think critically, gain insights, and reason comprehensively, enabling them to approach events or problems from multiple angles and ultimately arrive at correct solutions

    Sistem Pendidikan Karakter Sosial Santri Ditinjau dari Perspektif Perilaku Manusia dalam Organisasi : Studi kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al-Qohhariyyah Desa Sukatani Kecamatan Pacet

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    This study investigates the Social Character Education System at Pondok Pesantren Al-Qohhariyyah in Pacet, Cianjur Regency. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive, involving key informants such as the head of Madrasah Aliyah, the council of teachers, the head of the male boarding school, administrators, and students. Data was gathered through observation, interviews, and document analysis, utilizing triangulation. Findings indicate that the pesantren combines tradition and modern approaches in social character education. There are two main models: the Salafi pesantren, which maintains the teaching of classical texts, and the Khalafi pesantren, which incorporates general education into the madrasah curriculum. Character education is delivered through various methods like sorogan, wetonan, bandongan, and mudzakarah. Majelis ta'lim also engages the local community in religious education. This system positively impacts the formation of students' social character by integrating traditional and modern values, creating a dynamic and creative learning environment