631 research outputs found

    Effect of different topography to the yield performance of the oil palm / Nur Farhana Arifin

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    This case study presents about the yield productivity of the oil palm in different types of topography between two different area. Different type of topography consists of flat area, undulating area and also hilly area. Three years data is use in this case study from July 2014 until June 2016.The objectives of this case study are to determine the difference in yield productivity in the three types of topography between two areas and evaluate the yield production of the oil palm in different types of topography (flat, undulating and hilly area). This case study showed that there is a significant difference of the yield per hectare in the three types of topography for both areas. In Area 1 and area 2 , undulating area has the highest mean productivity of yield which are 498.91 mt/ha and 386.72mt/ha. Followed by hilly area which is 129.78 mt/ha and in third place was flat area, 55.875 mt/ha for Area 1. In Area 2, second place is flat area which is 169.64 mt/ha and followed by hilly area, 122.21 mt/ha. Then, there are significant difference between the yield productivity and types of topography in flat and undulating area where the P-value is 0.000 less than 0.05 (P≤0.05) but there is no significant different in hilly area because the P-value is 0.492 more than 0.05 (P-value≥0.05

    Determinants of Malaysian stock returns in oil and gas industry

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    This research paper documents the determinants of Malaysian stock return in oil and gas industry by eight factors that influence the stock return namely dividend-price ratio, earningsprice ratio, price-to-book ratio, asset growth, company size, capital structure, unsystematic risk, and systematic risk using Pearson Correlation analysis and Standard Multiple Regression analysis model in the Malaysia stock market (Bursa Malaysia). The existence of these relationships is examined in terms of fourteen oil and gas public companies in Malaysia that are listed in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, and their performance throughout a recent five consecutive years (2010-2014). Through Pearson Correlation analysis, the researcher reports a strong relationship and high significance level between asset growth and stock return; capital structure and stock return; and price-to-book ratio and stock return. While a weak relationship and low significance level between systematic risk and stock return; unsystematic risk and stock return; company size and stock return. Capital structure and unsystematic risk are variables that have inverse relationship with stock return while other variables indicate positive relationship with stock return. Overall, asset growth shows the highest significance level and variance in stock return while the systematic risk shows the lowest significance level and variance in stock return. Through Standard Multiple Regression analysis, dividend-price ratio, earnings-price ratio, price-to-book ratio, asset growth, and capital structure correlate substantially with stock return. The Durbin-Watson statistics reports the existence of positive serial correlation, significant difference and small effect size in the study. Asset growth reports the strongest unique contribution variable in explaining the stock return


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    This interim report is to finalize the Final Year Project II on the production enhancement from sand control management. The main objective of this report is to investigate the effectiveness of sand control, the classification and types of sand production, important factors that influencing the sand control selections and stimulate the process of sand control techniques in Tukau field using PROSPER software. Sand control is the limitation of sand production to an acceptable level. The purpose of sand control techniques are to control and manage sand production. The methodology of this project is by an enhanced gravel pack stimulation model and the screening of the sand control method. The project will do screening on the Tukau Field reservoir to find whether further study of sand control on mentioned field should be done. Initial model of using gravel pack is tested on some model as reference before applying to Tukau field model. This report will conclude the whole work done though out the semester

    The impact of corporate social responsibilities of corporate social responsibilities implement towards IOI Loders Croklaan Asia employee organization citizenship behavior / Siti Nur Farhana Mohamad

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    The study aims to identify the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Program impact towards IOI Loders Croklaan Asia employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior. It is very important for an organization to ensure that the CSR program implement are beneficial or not to employee organizational citizenship behavior. In this research, the researchers choose four factors which are CSR program to employee, CSR program to customer, CSR program to environment and CSR program to society and government. 398 respondents were chosen from the total population from f 13 departments in the organization by using simple random sampling. The findings of the study are, two independent variables have significant relationship with employee's motivation. The researchers also found CSR program to employee is the most significant predictor variable. Overall, the researchers able to answer all objective

    The relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment among academicians in Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang Kampus Jengka / Nur Farhana Mohd Nafi

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    The research purpose to study The Relationship between Employee Empowerment and Organizational Commitment among Academicians in UiTM Pahang Cawangan Jengka. The limitation of study was focused on employees in UiTM and this study use corrective method. From the Krejcie and Morgan table (1970), the scopes are focused on 150 number of population. The sample sizes taken are 108 people are referred sized for a given population. The questionnaire were distributed to 108 respondents in UiTM Pahang Cawangan Jengka and divided into three sections. The sections were known as section A, B, and C. The significant of study were empowerment has enables employees to improve their tasks capabilities. Employee empowerment could bring positive result and increase the level of satisfaction to the employees and this positively affect the organization. This study focus on the effect of employee empowerment and the organizational commitment. The levels of commitment are divided in three sections, which is affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment

    Pemahaman konsep tauhid asas keharmonian kepelbagaian agama

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    Efforts in forming harmonious existence among religious believers have produced two important responses and approaches as reaction to religious diversity. The first type views religious diversity as a need for implementing active tolerance attitude among religious believers although this does not proceed to relativism and the second type of view acknowledges the unity of religious truths. Essentially, Islam has many models and systems in dealing with religious diversity. In evidence, the essence of Islamic teachings is the obligation of Muslims to act in justice and peaceful to all human beings regardless of their religious beliefs. This has also been described in Al-Faruqi’s discourse on meta-religion. However, the Islamic teachings that emphasize on respect to other religious believers should not exceed the basic tenets of Islamic creed and faith. This study found that the concept of tawhid in Islam can be a strong argument in cultivating tolerance and harmony among people of different religions

    The influence of store image on customer satisfaction: case study of Pemasaran Melaka Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Fatin Farhana Roslan and Nur Hazirah Hasri

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    Pemasaran Melaka Sdn Bhd is a company that market Melaka products. During the first few years of its establishment, the customer accepted Pemasaran Melaka positively by the local authority. This can be indicated when many local entrepreneur want to supply the product in Pemasaran Melaka and the monthly sales by Pemasaran reached RM100k – RM200k. In the recent years, the sales by Pemasaran Melaka were slightly reduced. According to managing director of PMSB, this could due to the decreasing level of customer satisfaction towards store image at PMSB compared to when it was first established. Thus, this research is to study the influence of Pemasaran Melaka store image on customer satisfaction. The objectives of this study is to determine the element of store image conducted by PMSB that influence customer satisfaction, to rank the store image element, to examine the element of store image towards level of customer satisfaction and to give the recommendation to the company on what most effective element of store image they can use in time to come. In this study, the researcher design, descriptive, exploratory and conclusive research had been used. For the sampling technique, convenience sampling has been used where the researcher will distribute 100 questionnaires to customer of PMSB. Reliability test, frequency analysis, pearson correlation and multiple regression had been used in this study to get the data from the questionnaire. The findings showed service quality is the most effective element while product assortment is the least effective tool. The research also provides some recommendation to PMSB to improve their store image to become more effective. All the data gathered from the questionnaire has been analyzed using Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0

    Kajian Sensitiviti Agama: Tinjauan Awal di Sabah [Religious Sensitivity in Sabah: An Overview Study]

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    Sabah merupakan sebuah negeri yang kaya dengan kepelbagaian budaya, etnik, kaum, adat, pantang larang, agama dan kepercayaan yang berbeza-beza. Walaupun wujudnya perbezaan-perbezaan tersebut dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat di Sabah. Ia tidak menjadi penghalang kepada pembentukan hubungan baik dan toleransi yang tinggi dalam kalangan masyarakat Sabah. Keadaan ini jelas dilihat menerusi sikap keterbukaan masyarakat Sabah dalam beradaptasi dengan kepelbagaian adat dan budaya yang wujud dalam kalangan masyarakatnya serta penerimaan terhadap budaya kahwin campur merentasi kaum, agama, kewarganegaraan yang tinggi sehingga membentuk hubungan kekeluargaan yang mempunyai pelbagai anutan agama di Sabah. Suasana kehidupan masyarakat Sabah ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa wujudnya toleransi yang tinggi serta suasana harmoni dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat di negeri itu. Namun, sejak kebelakangan ini timbul pelbagai isu-isu sensitif agama yang dianggap mampu menyentuh sensitiviti keagamaan bagi masyarakat di negeri Sabah jika tidak dikendalikan dengan cara yang betul. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menganalisis tahap hubungan, faktor pembentukan serta cabaran dalam pembentukan hubungan antara agama di Sabah. Selain itu, menganalisis isu-isu sensitif agama serta pihak bertanggungjawab dalam menguruskan konflik antara agama di Sabah. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan iaitu dengan merujuk artikel, jurnal, tesis yang mempunyai hubungkait dengan tajuk perbincangan kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap hubungan antara agama di Sabah adalah tinggi. Namun masyarakat beragama di Sabah turut berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran dalam mengekalkan hubungan baik antara agama di Sabah. Antaranya, cabaran dari aspek politik, Media Massa serta sikap individu yang pentingkan diri sendiri. Namun kebangkitan isu keagamaan yang berbangkit di Sabah melibatkan isu teologi, isu tuntutan hak sosial dan isu sosial dalam kalangan masyarakat beragama di Sabah. Sabah is a state rich in cultural diversity, ethnicities, races, customs, taboos, religions and different beliefs. Despite the existence of these differences in community life in Sabah, they do not become an obstacle to the formation of good relations and high tolerance among the Sabahan community. This situation is clearly seen through the openness of the Sabahan community in adapting to the diversity of customs and cultures that exist among the Sabahan community as well as the acceptance of the culture of intermarriage across races, religions, and high citizenships until the formation of family relationships that have various religious affiliations in Sabah. The atmosphere of life in Sabah clearly shows that there is a high tolerance and an atmosphere of harmony in community life in the state. However, in recent times, various sensitive issues have arisen that are considered capable of touching the religious sensitivities of the state of Sabah if not handled in the right way. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the level and challenges in interfaith relations in Sabah. In addition, analyzing religiously sensitive issues and parties responsible for managing inter-religious conflicts in Sabah. This study uses the bibliographic method by referring to articles, journals, theses that are related to the scope of the study discussion. The results of the study found that there is a good relationship between religions in Sabah. However, religious communities in Sabah are also faced with political challenges, mass media, individual attitudes that are self-important in maintaining the relationships that have been formed. The rise of religious issues in Sabah involves theological issues, social rights claims issues and social issues among religious communities in Sabah.             &nbsp

    [Subjective Norm Factors Affecting The Practice of Religious Tolerance among Muslims and Non-Muslims in Malaysia: Case Study in Klang Valley]

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    Religious tolerance is a crucial element to provide balance and well-being in the relationship of multi-religious communities in Malaysia. Even so, there are still issues of religious sensitivity raised by a handful of parties until the emergence of rights claims that do not reflect tolerance. As a result, it leads to adverse effects and perceptions in the plural society in Malaysia. Thus, this study aims to analyze the factors of religious tolerance practice based on the theory of organized behavior among Muslims and Non -Muslims, especially in the area of Factors that will be focused on in the discussion: the subjective norm factor (surrounding influence). This study is a quantitative study involving 384 respondents from Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. The study data results were analyzed using descriptive statistical tests such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study results found that Muslims and Non -Muslims in the Klang Valley have a positive attitude towards the practice of religious tolerance. In particular, the feeling of being comfortable doing good to other believers, doing community activities, going to school, studying, and working together in a multi-religious society. In the context of subjective norms, the influence of others, religious leaders, and the family are the main factors that encourage individuals to implement religious tolerance. Meanwhile, social media and interaction limitations were identified as significant obstacles in implementing religious tolerance for religious believers in the Klang Valley. Toleransi beragama merupakan elemen utama untuk memberi keseimbangan dan kesejahteraan dalam hubungan masyarakat pelbagai agama di Malaysia. Meskipun begitu, masih terdapat isu-isu sensitiviti agama yang ditimbulkan oleh segelintir pihak sehingga munculnya tuntutan hak yang tidak menggambarkan toleransi. Bahkan, membawa kepada kesan dan persepsi negatif dalam masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor pengamalan toleransi beragama berdasarkan teori tingkah laku terancang dalam kalangan Muslim dan Bukan Muslim khususnya di kawasan Faktor yang akan difokuskan dalam perbincangan adalah faktor norma subjektif (pengaruh sekeliling).  Kajian ini berbentuk kuantitatif yang melibatkan seramai 384 orang responden daripada penganut agama Islam, Buddha, Hindu, dan Kristian. Hasil data kajian dianalisis menggunakan ujian statistik deskriptif seperti frekuensi, peratusan, min, dan sisihan piawai. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Muslim dan Bukan Muslim di kawasan Lembah Klang mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap pengamalan toleransi beragama. Terutamanya, perasaan senang untuk berbuat baik kepada penganut lain agama, selesa melakukan aktiviti kemasyarakatan, bersekolah, belajar, dan bekerja bersama-sama dalam masyarakat berbilang agama. Dalam konteks norma subjektif,  pengaruh orang sekeliling pula, pemimpin agama dan keluarga merupakan faktor  utama yang mendorong individu melaksanakan toleransi beragama. Manakala,  media sosial dan limitasi interaksi dikenal pasti sebagai halangan utama dalam pelaksanaan toleransi beragama bagi para penganut agama di kawasan Lembah Klang.  &nbsp

    The customers' perception toward Secret Recipe's reputation by using the Reptrak™ model

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    Reputation is a key feature of a successful business. To be among the most precious intangible assets to a small business, the excellent reputation is taken into account. However, in order to assess the company reputation, the variety of dimensions of corporate reputation can be perceived in different ways by different customers. This study perceives that these differences are significant to find out customers’ perception toward the Secret Recipe’s reputation specifically by using seven key dimensions of the Reptrak™ model. Thus, a survey research was applied in this study. The survey was carried out in three different outlets of Secret Recipe. The questionnaire was comprised of 23 attributes which are divided in 7 key dimensions of the Reptrak™ model while four questions have been asked in order to measure good feeling, trust, esteem, and admiration that customers feel toward a company. This study concluded that by analyzing corporate reputation dimensions, the company would have a better understanding and decide on which reputation dimensions to focus besides ensuring that they still have a place in the customer’s heart as well as enhancing their reputation