7 research outputs found


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    Problematika keluarga dengan pola karir ganda mendeskripsikan mengenai kebidupan keluarga dengan pola karir ganda di Wilayah Mangir, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul, Y ogyakarta yakni keluarga dengan komposisi suarni istri yang sarna-sarna bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui latar belakang keluarga dengan pola karir ganda memilih pola karir ganda dalam kehidupan keluarga tersebut; 2) Mengetahui berbagai problematika yang dihadapi; 3) Mengetahui cara mengatasi berbagai macarn problematika yang dihadapi. Penelitian berikut menggunakan metode kualitatif. Narasumber penelitian adalah anggota keluarga berserta pihak ketiga jika dalam keluarga tersebut memiliki pembantu atau kerabat yang tinggal bersarna. Subjek penelitian diarnbil dengan purposive sampling. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur , observasi non partisipasi, pencatatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan instrumen berupa pedoman wawancara dan pedoman observasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Teknik dalarn analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Latar belakang keluarga memilih pola karir ganda dalarn keluarganya memang pada awalnya suarni istri sudah sarna-sarna bekerja serta berikutnya karena ada prinsip atau keinginan untuk mendapatkan pasangan yang sudah bekerja; 2) Problematika yang terjadi bermacam-macarn diantaranya (a) tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalarn kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan, (b) keterbatasan kemampuan orang tua mendarnpingi perkembangan proses belajar anak, (c) pengeluaran tidak terduga terkait dengan sumbangan untuk kegiatan hajatan rekan di masyarakat dan di kantor, (d) tidak dapat diselesaikannya pekerjaan rumah tangga dengan baik, (e) aturan waktu bekerja setiap saat/ tidak menentu, (f) mis komunikasi untuk "hubungan" suarni istri, (g) krisis percaya diri terhadap peran seorang ibu, istri dan seorang pekerja, (h) terbentumya agenda pekerjaan di temp at kerja dengan kegiatan yang lain, (i) pendarnpingan khusus untuk anak yang menyebabkan pekerjaan tidak maksimal, (j) lelah atau stress terhadap padatnya pekerjaan, (k) kurangnya kontrol orang tua; 3) Upaya atau cara yang dilakukan untuk menyiasati berbagai problematika adalah (a) komunikasi, (b) menggunakan jasa pihak ketiga, (c) salah satu pihak mengalah, (d) meminta saran kepada pihak lainnya. Selain itu ditemukan beberapa temuan pada keluarga dengan pola karir ganda dalam penelitian ini yakni: (a) dalam sebuah keluarga dengan pola karir ganda pekerjaan menjadi salah satu faktor utama pertimbangan dalarn menentukan jurnlah keturuman dalarn keluarga (b) masih melekatnya penempatan perempuan pad a subordinat di bawah kaum laki-laki. Kala Kunci: Keluarga, Pola, Karir, Ganda, Problematika

    Negotiation and compromise in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated technological transformation in education. Online learning has become a new culture in education that brings significant changes in the intersubjective relationship between educational actors, which was originally full of warmth but has now turned into formality due to distance meetings. This research aims to reveal the ways of relationship that occur between teachers and students and their consequences in online learning practices. The study used a phenomenological approach by collecting data through interviews with 11 teachers and 11 students and observing the online learning process conducted through various applications. The results of the study showed a weakening of the intersubjective relationship between teachers and students. Distance meetings have turned into mere formalities and emptiness. The closeness and warmth between teachers and students are diminishing and filled with emptiness. The interactions that exist are filled with deceit and fraud. In online learning, teachers and students negotiate and compromise on the learning to be conducted amidst all the limitations of distance learning. The consequence is widespread pragmatism towards technology, with students feeling lonely and isolated, and academic dishonesty increasing. In the end, there is a restriction of relationships and a tendency to prioritize mechanisms of silence as a compromise for the loss of true reality in the teacher-student relationship

    Inovasi Media Pembelajaran Sosiologi Melalui Video Pembelajaran Bagi Guru SMA

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    The community service is training for Sociology’s teachers in Bantul. This activity is to equip teachers about learning media knowledge and application of instructional media. There are many activities which are conducted to be applied and practiced in sociology classes so that sociology learning becomes interesting and not boring for learners. Training is done through varied lecture methods, discussions, and frequently asked questions. Various lecture methods are used to convey concepts that are important to be understood and mastered by the participants. The material given is the type and characteristics of instructional media. Learning media is devoted to learning videos. Question and discussion methods to provide opportunities for participants to consult in understanding the making of learning media and video learning. Making learning videos using the Windows Movie Maker program. From the training process the teacher is able to produce the learning video of class X, XI, XII. Video learning can be used in learning. Activity is supported by several factors. These factors are First, the existence of adequate experts from the Department of Education Sociology FIS UNY, the two participants are enthusiastic, the three principals who support the activities, and the four fa. The obstacles faced were the different basic abilities of participants and time management participants due to the various tasks of the school that caused their focus not to total training materials. Keywords :Learning innovation, Video learning, Sociology, Senior high schoo


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    The article describes the strategy of environmental development as a tourist village area conducted in Sendangsari. Research background of the emergence of UU Desa and UU Keistimewaan DIY. That underlies various rural areas in developing the environment. In Sendangsari, the environmental management strategy is carried out as a form of tourism development. The data obtained through research conducted by qualitative descriptive method and data collection technique through observation, interview and documentation. The informants involved in the research process are the Village Head, the village management board ie LPMD, PKK, Karang Taruna and the Tourism Actors, the Head of the Sadar Wisata Group. It also involves the Office of Culture and Tourism of Bantul Regency as a government stakeholder. The result of the research shows that the strategy implemented by Sendangsari Village in the effort of environmental management as the implementation of UU Desa and UU Keistimewaan DIY are 1) Environmental mapping in the form of village potency; 2) Social empowerment to optimize tourism potential; 3) Utilization of environment as Tourism Village development area; 4) The carrying capacity of the government in the management of the Tourism Village. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang strategi pengembangan lingkungan sebagai kawasan desa wisata yang dilakukan di Sendangsari. Penelitian dilatarbelakangi munculnya UU Desa dan UU Keistimewaan DIY sehingga mendasari berbagaikawasan perdesaan dalam mengembangkan lingkungan. Di Desa Sendangsari strategi pengelolaan lingkungan dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengembangan pariwisata. Data-data diperoleh melalui penelitian yang dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif serta teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan yang terlibat dalam proses penelitian adalah Kepala Desa, pengurus lembaga desa yakni LPMD, PKK, Karang Taruna dan Pelaku Pariwisata yakni Ketua Kelompok Sadar Wisata. Selain itu juga melibatkan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul sebagai stakeholder pemerintah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi yang dilaksanakan Desa Sendangsari dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan sebagai implementasi UU Desa dan UU Keistimewaan DIY adalah 1) Pemetaan lingkungan berupa potensi desa; 2) Pemberdayaan sosial untuk optimalisasi potensi wisata; 3) Pemanfaatan lingkungan sebagai kawasan pengembangan Desa Wisata; 4) Daya dukung pemerintah dalam pengelolaan Desa Wisata. Keywords: Environment, Sendangsari, Tourism Villag

    INOVASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS SUMBERDAYA LOKAL (Studi di SD Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    Education through the school comes as the knowledge reduction process by learning process for people. It needs to create an innovation or approach in learning process according to the learning theory to design the delight and attractive learning environment. This innovation will get challenge to develop the education related to the learning environment that able to give more space and good learning process until all students can more enthusiastic, fun, and success to develop their potency. As a school institution, SD Sendangsari catches the discomfort indication inside the learning process. Finally, by utilize the natural potency, the school starts to use the environment with all potencies to be the learning objects, implements the local wisdom as part of the local resources in Desa Sendangsari, guides the students to be creative inside the learning process towards the learning method based on local resources. The continuity of the innovation in learning model based on local resources in SD Sendangsari will be analyzed in this research as substantive study. Using qualitative research method, the data collection method is using the non-participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The informants are the students, teachers, and worker