5,066 research outputs found

    Simulation for position control of DC motor using fuzzy logic controller

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    The purpose of this project is to control the position of DC Motor by using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) with MATLAB application. The scopes includes the simulation and modelling of DC motor, fuzzy controller and conventional PID controller as benchmark to the performance of fuzzy system. The position control is an adaptation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system. Fuzzy Logic control can play important role because knowledge based design rules can be easily implemented in the system with unknown structure and it is going to be popular since the control design strategy is simple and practical. This make FLC an alternative method to the conventional PID control method used in nonlinear industrial system. The results obtained from FLC are compared with PID control for the dynamic response of the closed loop system. Parameters such as peak position in degree, settling time in second and maximum overshoot in percent will be part of the simulation result. Overall performance show that FLC perform better than PID controller

    Rak televisyen minimalis berkonsepkan bentuk geometri

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    Dengan peningkatan kadar populasi yang sangat tinggi berbanding keluasan tanah menyebabkan peningkatan permintaan terhadap pemilikan rumah adalah lebih tinggi berbanding jumlah rumah yang dibina. Ini secara langsung menyebabkan harga pemilikan sesebuah kediaman menjadi lebih tinggi ataupun mahal. Atas faktor ingin meningkatkan jumlah pemilikan rumah kediaman, beberapa inisiatif diperkenalkan oleh pihak kerajaan mahupun syarikat pembinaan perumahan di Malaysia. Antara inisiatif tersebut termasuklah pembinaan rumah kediaman bersaiz kecil (kos rendah) berbanding saiz kediaman sebelumnya. Sebagai contoh, saiz purata kediaman bagi sebuah pangsapuri yang mudah didapati di bandar-bandar utama seluruh Malaysia adalah 875 kaki persegi, dimana kebiasanya kediaman jenis ini adalah bersaiz 550 ke 1200 kaki persegi (Uittenbroek, 2016)

    Meja kopi modular untuk rumah minimalis moden

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    Peningkatan populasi di seluruh dunia adalah sangat tinggi. Di Malaysia, kadar pertumbuhan populasi rakyat Malaysia meningkat kepada 1.1% iaitu sebanyak 32.4 bilion (2018) berbanding 31.1 bilion (2015) (Mahidin, 2019). Peningkatan populasi ini meningkatkan permintaan dan bekalan terhadap keperluan asasi seperti makanan, pakaian, peluang pekerjaan dan juga ruang kediaman. Ini turut mempengaruhi reka bentuk dan saiz kediaman bagi menempatkan kesemua rakyat Malaysia dan juga pekerja asing yang berkerja di negara ini. Menurut Harian Metro Online, tanah yang semakin berkurangan menyebabkan unit kediaman sekarang banyak dibina dengan keluasan yang terhad antara 650 hingga 800 kaki persegi (Satibi, 2018). Justeru, pemilihan perabot memainkan peranan penting dalam usaha untuk menampakkan kediaman lebih luas dan selesa (Ismail, 2020)

    The motivational aspect: The low and high proficiency undergraduates of Islamic University College of Malaysia (IUCM) in using tell me more (TMM) language learning software

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    Many learners are excited to use language learning software when the software is introduced. However, it is believed that, the low proficiency users are less motivated compared to high proficiency users. This study compares the motivational level of low and high proficiency undergraduates of IUCM in using TMM language learning software. The data was collected by administering the modified Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) questionnaire (Keller, 1987) to the respondents and analyzed using SPSS software to arrive at the statistical figures. The analysis shows that there are not many discrepancies in terms of the motivational level between the two groups in using the software, thus indicating the strengths of the software in catering for both groups. However, there are also some weaknesses in the software that will be addressed in this paper. Finally, possible modifications to TMM software pertaining to the features related to the ARCS model (Keller, 1987) will also be put forth

    Removal of nitrogen pollutant from domestic wastewater

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    Water as a medium for waste transport would be easily contaminated by human activities. Many methods have been proposed to treat contaminated water to protect human health and biodiversity (Z. Daud et al., 2017). Due to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant facilities, the typically advanced technologies have been proposed to remove many types of pollutant, effectively (Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel, 2004). The development of wastewater treatment plant needs to be considered leading economic indicators to have low operational and maintenance costs (Lewandowski, 2015; Shammas, Wang, & Wu, 2009). Aerobic digestion (AD) has been known since 1950 as biological wastewater treatment process to treat wastewater by removing the pollutants for instance colloids, organic compounds and suspended solids to avoid the excessive pollutants released into the receiving water (Shammas and Wang, 2007)

    Islamic Education Curriculum Management of SMK at Pesantren

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    Education has been the main strategy to fulfill diverse demands for reaching the quality of the future generation, comprising on the demands of culture, social and children growth. Muhadjir (2000) argues that educational institutions is expected to establish three educational foci (1) maintaining values of insani (human relation) and ilahi (God relation) (2) stimulating and growing the children creativity and (3) preparing productive educators that are competent to anticipate future challenges so as to contribute to the future workplace structure, not adjusting the estimation of economical needs. Educational function is philosophically educating learners through mental and rational process to achieve noble morals, while seeing at sociological perspective, it has two main functions, namely manifest and latent. In economic side, education function is providing contribution to the economic growth through the hike of employer productivity as the economic growth is not determined by capital investation only. The employers who posses high flexibility to empower new skills to counter new marketplace, in accordance with the changing of economic structure and marketplace. Pesantren, one of educational institutions-based society has established refurbishment for its educational components. Educational system of pesantren that is basically traditional, in its development, is more dynamic, adaptive, emansipative and responsive on the evolvement and society’s demand as well as government policies. Thus, pesantren will not let itself on its endless conventionality, but it will thrive on the adjusment and new value adoption, or innovation that has direct or indirect impacts to its educational system. If the innovations on pesantren milieu are meticulously analyzed, the curriculum materials taught and learning methodology as the innovative aspects in pesantren can be glaringly accentuated. Dhofir (1985) states that most of small pesantren was in vacum during 1950, but the other surviving pesantren are caused by the establishment of general education inside the pesantren curriculum. Therefore, more pesantren established non religion based curriculum as stipulated in Junior High School (SMP, Senior High School (SMA) and Vocational School (SMK). The establishment of vocational education is categorized as vocational school oriented to the skill education and workplace preparation for its graduates, while the orientation of Pesantren education is centered on the educational principles and values that are influential to its curriculum, such as theosentric not antroposentric, that is emphasized on searching knowledge as a worship, tawassut (moderate). Therefore, this paper is going to deeply discuss how the implementation of management functions on the curriculum practice and Islamic education learning on SMK in pesantren boundary

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Tambakberas Jombang

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    Guru merupakan orang yang sangat dominan dan paling penting, karena bagi siswa guru dijadikan tokoh tauladan (Panutan), bahkan cenderung dijadikan tokoh identifikasi diri. Dalam proses belajar mengajar, guru adalah salah satu faktor yang menentukan berhasilnya proses belajar mengajar tersebut. Oleh sebab itu guru harus mempunyai kompetensi (kemampuan) dibidangnya untuk mengorganisasi ide-ide yang dikembangkan di kalangan peserta didiknya sehingga dapat menggerakkan gairah dan semangat belajar siswa. Seorang guru juga dituntut menjadi seorang guru yang profesional dan berkompeten, baik itu kompetensi personal, sosial maupun kompetensi professional. Serta kompetensi berupa pengetahuan (knowledge), pemahaman, kemampuan (skiil), nilai, sikap dan minat (interest). Sehingga indikator pencapaian tujuan pendidikan berupa peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa bisa terwujud. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan kompetensi guru dalam proses belajar mengajar di Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember, dan untuk mendiskripsikan upaya peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam proses belajar mengajar di Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah termasuk dalam penelitian diskriptif kualitatif. Dan dalam perjalanan mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan metode Observasi, Interview, Dokumentasi dan Angket. Sedangkan untuk analisisnya, penulis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif yaitu berupa penggambaran dengan kata-kata atau kalimat yang di pisah-pisahkan menurut kategori data penelitian guna mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan, gambaran dengan kata-kata atau kalimat dengan cara induktif. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dapat disampaikan disini, bahwasannya guru Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember sudah berkompeten dan profesional dalam bidangnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari tingkat pendidikannya berkualifikasi pada pendidikan S-I, sebagai syarat mengajar untuk jenjang SMA/MAN. Dalam proses belajar mengajar guru Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember sudah mengajar sesuai dengan keahlian/bidangnya, mempersiapkan pengajaran, menyusun persiapan pembelajaran, mencarikan materi pelajaran yang sesuai dengan tujuan dalam kurikulum (GBPP), menggunakan metode pengajaran yang cocok, serta menggunakan media pembelajaran. Sedangkan upaya yang dilakukan guru Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya diantaranya dengan mengikuti musyawarah guru bidang studi (MGBS). Mengikuti penataran, seminar, diskusi serta memanfaatkan media cetak atau media massa. Adapun upaya kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru Madrasah Aliyah Roudlotut Tolibin Sukorambi Jember adalah dengan melakukan supervisi (pengawasan), mendukung ide-ide baru dari guru, mengadakan rapat, membahas masalah proses belajar mengajar, mengawasi tugas guru dan mengadakan penilaian terhadap guru

    The Role of the Arabic Teacher in the Spread of Islam in Nusantara

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    The entry of the people of the archipelago into Islam is the ability of Islamic broadcasters to use attractive packaging, especially by emphasizing conformity with Islam or continuity with local beliefs. This continuity does not mean changes in local religious beliefs or practices but adjustments through teaching. There are many methods used by Islamic broadcasters to get the people of the archipelago to accept Islamic teachings, such as a recitation teacher who teaches Arabic either directly or indirectly. Because the Al-Qur'an, the Prophet's Hadith and Islamic teachings use Arabic, the teachers try to teach Arabic well and professionally. Arabic was first taught with the aim that Islamic teachings could be understood and practiced properly. By practicing Islamic teachings properly and correctly, it becomes an attraction for people who have not embraced Islam. After the teachings of Islam have been well and correctly accepted, the aim of teaching Arabic has changed, namely to communicate with other nations

    Supervisi Pembelajaran Kepala Madrasah Dalam Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 Dengan Multiple Intellegences Dan Emotional Intelligence Pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    One of the principal's responsibility as an instructional supervition toward the teachers at Islamic Secondary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) is to improve teacher's competencies in implementing thematic-scientifi approach in teaching learning process. Supervisor must held supervition well.Generally the principals of Madrasah as supervisor had not implemented the principles of supervitin yet in implementing an instructional supervition. Beside that he/she didnot also used persuasive approach. Therefore toimprove the quality of persuasive, the supervisor should to understand about multiple intellegences dan belong to hight Emotional Intelligence becouse the activities of supervition were related to the oportunity of the teachers and students to develop the interest, talent and social interaction beetwen supervisor and teachers of islamic secondary school. This article is to describe about the principal instructional supervition of islamic secondary school (ISS) in implementing the curriculum 2013 with using multiple intellegences and emotional intelligence at ISS. ThePrincipal of Islamic Secondary School who had understood the multiple intellegences well and belong to the hight emotional Intelligence more success in implementing instructional supervition and be able to develop the interpersonal, intrapersonal intellegences and can also develop selfmotivation and the teachers of ISS to implement thematic-scientifi approach well

    Paradigma Kurikulum Program Studi Umum Pada Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam

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    The in cease in science and technology department in the Islamic higher education (IHE) is one of the impact of criterion of a success madrasah and school which evaluated and measured with the achievement of score on the lessons of National Examination (NE) and the motivation of the student to choose the science and technology department that relevant to field of work. This will impact negative in the future if the curriculum of program in the science and technology department in the Islamic higher education is not developed based on the historical foundation and body of knowledge of IHE. One of the curriculum model is an integrated curriculum model that implemented through integrated learning model
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