3,394 research outputs found

    Sterilization Study: Vasectomy and Tubectomy

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    Birth planning for a couple from the first and subsequent births can be arranged so that the welfare of the community increases and other undesirable things can be anticipated from afar. The methods include using contraception or prevention of pregnancy and family planning. Sterilization is to spay a man or woman by operating (in general) so as not to produce offspring. Sterilization for men (vasectomy) and women (tubectomy). Procedurally, vasectomy in men is relatively simpler than tubectomy while the procedure for tubectomy is a bit complicated and complex

    Metode Pembelajaran Eksperimen Berbasis Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Dan Keterampilan Generik Sains Siswa SMA

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    Pelaksanaan penelitian menggunakan metode the matching-only pretest-posttest control group pada siswa SMA kelas XI. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan ujian pre dan pos terkait dengan pemahaman dan ketrampilan generic sains dan juga menggunakan angket untuk mengetahui responsiswa terhadap penggunaan metode inkuiri

    Molecular evidence in identifying parents of Garcinia mangostana L.

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    The obligate apomicts Garcinia mangostana L. (Clusiaceae) was described from Malaysia and hypothesized to have originated from the natural hybridization between G. malaccensis and G. hombroniana. One of the parents, i.e. G. malaccensis, was believed to be endemic in the state of Melaka. However, this was determined only through a comparison of their chromosome number and morphological characteristics. There is still the possibility of other species within the same section of G. mangotana as the possible parents. Thus, investigations were carried out using molecular markers from three different regions of the internal spacer, chloroplast and micorsatellite. The objective of this study was to identify the possible parents of G. mangostana by comparing its relationship to other species within the same section, based on the genetic analysis of the internal spacer, chloroplast and microsatellite regions. Meanwhile, comparisons of allele sizes between G. mangostana with G. malaccensis, G. opaca and G. hombroniana using six polymorphic primers which had previously been developed were also performed. For phylogenetic analysis ITS, trnL and accD-psaL primers were used to determine the relationships between the four Garcinia species in the Garcinia section with two other sections and the genus Clusia as an outgroup. From the genetic analysis, it was found that G. hombroniana shares no common allele with the other species, while G. opaca has similar allele sizes with G. mangostana and G. malaccensis. The phylogenetic tree also showed that the closest relative to G. mangostana is G. opaca and G. malaccensis. This proves that G. opaca is more likely to be the other parent of G. mangostana rather than G. hombroniana

    Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Terhadap Perubahan Fenotipik Tanaman Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    Padi (Oriza sativa L) ialah makanan pokok penduduk Indonesia. Penduduk Indonesia yang meningkat tiap tahun menuntut adanya pengembangan produktivitas tanaman padi khususnya padi gogo. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Perubahan fenotipik padi gogo akibat iradiasi sinar gamma dengan dosis 0 Gy (D0), 100 Gy (D1), 150 Gy (D2), 200 Gy (D3) dan 250 Gy (D4). Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Mei 2013 - Oktober 2013, iradiasi sinar gamma dilakukan di Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan radiasi, BATAN. Penyemaian benih dilakukan di Lab. Biotek FP Universitas Brawijaya, aklimatisasi bibit dilakukan di greenhouse BBPP (Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian), penanaman bibit dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan BBPP, Lawang, Malang, Jawa Timur. Benih padi gogo kultivar Wangkariri diiradiasi sinar gamma dengan lima taraf dosis, yaitu 0, 100, 150, 200 dan 250 Gy. D0 digunakan sebagai kontrol. Setiap dosis terdiri 100 tanaman (ulangan). Penelitian menggunakan metode Single Plant, pengamatan dilakukan pada setiap 100 tanaman per dosis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pengamatan rata rata karakter tanaman terjadi Perubahan fenotipik tanaman akibat iradiasi sinar gamma. Analisis ragam berpengaruh nyata pada semua karakter pengamatan kecuali pada karakter hasil total tanaman tidak berpengaruh nyata

    Perbaikan Genetik Gandum Tropis Toleran Suhu Tinggi dan Permasalahan Pengembangannya pada Daerah Dataran Rendah

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    Perbaikan genetik gandum melalui program pemuliaan di Indonesia diawali dengan mengintroduksi galur-galur elit dari berbagai negara yang dinilai cocok dengan agroekosistem tropis Indonesia karena Indonesia tidak memiliki plasma nutfah lokal. Keragaman genetik yang luas sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan varietas gandum tropis. Program peningkatan keragaman genetik gandum yang sudah berjalan ialah pemuliaan melalui persilangan dan mutasi (biji dan variasi somaklonal). Jenis gandum yang dapat ditanam di lingkungan tropis Indonesia ialah Triticum aestivum pada ketinggian > 1.000 m dpl. Pengembangan gandum tropis < 1.000 m dpl perlu didukung pemuliaan mulai dari pembentukan populasi sampai pelepasan varietas dengan metode shuttle breeding. Evaluasi galur-galur introduksi pada dataran rendah memperoleh beberapa galur dan varietas toleran (Oasis, Selayar) dan peka (Dewata, HP1744). Pada galur dan varietas tersebut selanjutnya dilakukan persilangan (single cross dan convergent breeding) dan mutasi dengan iradiasi sinar gama diikuti shuttle breeding. Single cross melalui shuttle breeding menghasilkan 30 galur adaptif < 1.000 m dpl, sementara dari convergent breeding diperoleh populasi F4. Pemuliaan melalui iradiasi sinar gama pada biji memperoleh 15 galur mutan M7, sementara melalui variasi somaklonal kultur jaringan menghasilkan populasi mutan M4. Hampir semua karakter agronomi yang dipelajari toleransinya terhadap cekaman suhu tinggi dikendalikan secara poligenik dengan aksi gen aditif dengan pengaruh epistasis duplikat maupun komplementer

    Keefektifan Limbah Tanaman Brassicaceae Untuk Pengendali Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne Spp.) Pada Mikroplot Di Lapangan

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    Effectivenes of Brassicaceae plant wastes to control the root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) at a field microplot scale. Meloidogyne spp. is a soil borne pathogen that infects plant roots and causes root galls. Root knot nematodes can reduce crop production by 15 to 95%, so that the control measures are needed. One of the control methods is using plants as biofumigant. Plants of the family Brassicaceae were reported contain glucosinolate (GSL). During decomposition, GSL is hydrolized to isothiocyanates (ITS) which is a highly toxic compound to soil organisms, including nematodes. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of five Brassicaceous plant wastes, namely cabbage (B. oleracea var capitata), radish (Raphanus sativus), broccoli (B. oleracea var italica), chinese cabbage (B. chinensis) and pakcoy (B. rapa var parachinensis) to suppress root knot nematodes (RKN). The experiment was conducted on microplot scale in the field. The experimental design used was a 4x5 factorial CRD. The first factors are waste of Brassica and the second factors are the amount of Brassica wastes per microplot. The experiments were made in 6 replications. Application of 5 Brassica plant wastes at all doses tested effectively reduced the number of root knot by 45.65% to 94.43% and increased the average number of tomato fruits. Tomato plants grew better at microplots when treated with chinese cabbage and pakcoy wastes

    Managing knowledge workers' commitment in small construction professional firms

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    Construction professional services (CPS) rely heavily on knowledge workers as their main resources in delivering their services. One of the main concerns in managing these workers is the development and maintenance of organisational commitment. Smaller firms, with more informal human resource management systems and practices are more likely to face challenges in managing their knowledge workers’ commitment. Arguably, the intrinsic characteristics of the construction industry mean that this effort of managing knowledge workers’ commitment will require an appropriate management framework for its successful implementation. This research seeks to develop a framework for informing the management of knowledge workers in a way that fosters organisational commitment in small CPS firms. Interviews with the employers of small CPS firms were conducted to explore some of the important issues such as the strategies and challenges associated with effectively managing knowledge workers’ organisational commitment. The findings reveal that employers associate commitment with loyalty and high quality work. Many strategies are used to influence commitment such as performance-based compensation, close working relationship, training, employee involvement in decision making and two-way communication. Meanwhile, the provision of job security and career advancement were seen as the biggest challenges in managing knowledge workers’ commitment. Finally, we conclude with limitations and implications of the findings that provide directions for future research

    Finite Element Modelling of Creep Rupture on Grade 91 Steel using Monkman-Grant Ductility based Damage Model

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    Failure strain is a main parameter used in the ductility exhaustion based damage model in which the accuracy of the prediction is dependent on its input value. The experimental measured has indicated that the value of strain at fracture is extensively scattered, therefore may affect the prediction. This paper presents the result of creep rupture time using a modified creep damage model incorporating Monkman-Grant (MG) failure strain as an alternative to strain at fracture. Both strains at fracture and MG failure strain are separately employed in the damage model to predict the failure time of uniaxial smooth specimen and notched bar with different acuity ratios of 3.0 and 20. The FE model of the specimen is loaded under different stress values and the multiaxial failure strain at each stress level is estimated using Cock and Ashby void growth model. The predicted creep rupture time that is compared to the experimental data (in a range of 40-1000 hours) showing a good agreement within the scatter band of +/- factor of 2. Both approaches using strain at fracture and MG failure strain can be used in predicting the creep failure under uniaxial and multiaxial features. The advantage of using MG strain is that the laboratory creep testing can be interrupted prior to specimen fractured or once the secondary creep deformation occurs. Meanwhile, the determination of strain at fracture needs longer test duration where the test can be stopped only when the specimen broken

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Untuk Meningkatkan Interaksi Sosial Dan Prestasi Belajar Pada Materi Kelarutan Dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan Kelas XI Mia 4 SMA Negeri 1 Teras Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan interaksi sosial dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI MIA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Teras tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Solving pada materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Pada setiap siklusnya terdapat empat tahapan yang terdiri dari perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Teras tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Sumber data adalah siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, angket, dan tes. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Solving dapat meningkatkan interaksi sosial dan prestasi belajar siswa pada materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Pada siklus I, persentase ketercapaian interaksi sosisal siswa sebesar 67% yang kemudian meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 93%. Persentase ketercapaian prestasi belajar untuk aspek pengetahuan pada siklus I mencapai 57% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 77%, untuk aspek sikap persentase ketercapaian pada siklus I sebesar 82,5% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 92,75%. Sedangkan untuk prestasi belajar aspek keterampilan hanya dilakukan pada siklus I karena seluruh siswa telah mencapai ketuntasan