33 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Trends Publications in Scopus Databased themed inulin sausages using R Studios

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    Inulin is a dietary fiber that can improve the quality of food products, such as texture, product nutrition, or as a disease-preventing functional food. Inulin has begun to be studied in various studies and applied to meat and poultry, but there have not been many studies assessing whether research on the application of inulin to sausage products is still relevant to be carried out and is still good novelist research, one way to assess the novelty of a research theme. Is to use bibliometric analysis. This study examines the publications in the Scopus database from 2001 to 2022 to measure the number of existing publications using the R method. Studied several aspects, namely 1. Annual Scientific Production 2. Most Relevant Author who has researched inulin sausage, 3. Country Production 4. Most Relevant Sources 5. Most Frequent Words 6. Word cloud related to inulin sausage. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that annual scientific publications show that article production growth has increased every year from 2001 to 2022; the highest was in 2019 with 11 articles. The most relevant Author who has written the most publications is Pollonio Mar, with six articles. Brazil is the country that produces the most articles, namely 28 articles, while the most relevant sources are the journal Meat science which produces six articles, and the most frequent words are inulin with 45 occurrences. Conclusions based on the analyzed data, research on inulin in sausages is still limited. And still very worthy of further research

    The Effect of HRM Practices on Organizational Performance: A Survey of Malaysian State Sports Councils’ Employees

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    Organizational performance can be evaluated through the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) practices implemented in the organization. However, the problem of improper and misguided implementation of HRM practices causes conflict between employees and organizations, influencing organizational performance. This study examines the effect between HRM practices and organizational performance among Malaysian State Sports Councils’ (MSSC) employees by adapting the Social Exchange Theory. This survey involved a total of 280 MSSC employees. This research instrument consists of 35 items that measure HRM practices and organizational performance. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. Based on the findings, there is a significant and direct effect between HRM practices and organizational performance among MSSC employees. In conclusion, the organization’s excellent structure of HRM practices enables employees to commit to work and perform tasks according to the organizational goals. Future researchers are recommended to extend the sample of study to other sports organizations or other public and private organizations in measuring HRM practices and organizational performance

    Formulasi Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) yang Memanfaatkan Tanaman Obat: Narrative Review

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    Pemanfaatan tanaman obat sebagai terapi pengobatan memiliki hambatan untuk sampai ke target aksi karena rendahnya kelarutan dan bioavaibilitas zat aktif dalam air. Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) merupakan salah satu metode yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kelarutan dan bioavaibilitas zat aktif termasuk ekstrak dari tanaman. Studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji formula SNEDDS yang memanfaatkan tanaman obat dengan mengulas informasi yang dikumpulkan dari original article yang relevan. Penelusuran referensi dilakukan pada website seperti Google Scholar, Pub-Med dan ScienceDirect. Beberapa tanaman obat yang diformulasikan menjadi sediaan SNEDDS yaitu sirsak, grapefruits, beetroot, kunyit, propolis, daun salam, sarang semut, daun papaya, buah parijoto, pegagan, temulawak, kelor, ketepeng dan manggis menghasilkan karakteristik yang baik. Sediaan SNEDDS dari tanaman herbal tersebut memiliki nilai transmitan dari rentang 72,74% hingga 100%, waktu emulsifikasi pada sediaan kurang dari 5 menit, zeta potensial -0,2 mV hingga -56 mV. Nilai polydispersity index kurang dari 0,4 dan ukuran partikel yang kurang dari 100 nm. SNEDDS memiliki kemampuan untuk memperbaiki bioavaibilitas dan kelarutan dari senyawa sehingga menghasilkan aktivitas farmakologis yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemberian ekstrak, fraksi maupun senyawa aktif yang tanpa menggunakan sistem penghantaran. Kemampuan SNEDDS dalam meningkatkan bioavaibilitas serta kelarutan senyawa dalam air yang menyebabkan aktivitas farmakologis menjadi semakin tinggi. Formulasi SNEDDS dapat meningkatkan aktivitas senyawa pada tanaman obat hal ini ditandai dengan peningkatan bioavaibilitas obat sehingga SNEDDS dapat menjadi alternatif untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penyembuhan suatu penyaki

    Respon Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut Gracilaria sp. Terhadap Perbedaan Konsentrasi Pupuk Conwy

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    ABSTRACT: The present study aims to determine the effect of conwy fertilizer concentration on the growth of Gracilaria sp. cultivated on a laboratory scale. This research was conducted at the Multitrophic Laboratory of the Hasanuddin University Research Activity Center, Makassar. A completely randomized design was applied for 3 treatments: PC1 treatment (0.5 ml of conwy fertilizer); PC2 treatment (1 ml fertilizer conwy); and PC3 treatment (1.5 ml of conwy fertilizer) and 3 replicates for each treatment. The growth, performance, pigment and water quality were recorded. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The results obtained were PC 1 treatment was the treatment that had the highest growth with an average of 13.41%, followed by PC 2 treatment at 12.48% and the lowest treatment occurred in treatment to PC 3 with an average growth of 12.09%. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk conwy terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut Gracilaria sp. yang dibudidayakan dalam skala laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Multitrofik Pusat Kegiatan Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental RAL (Rangkaian Acak Lengkap) 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan, antara lain perlakuan PC1 (0,5 ml pupuk conwy); perlakuan PC2 (1 ml pupuk conwy); dan perlakuan PC3 (1,5 ml pupuk conwy). Parameter uji yang diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu pertumbuhan, pigmen dan kualitas air. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA). Data yang menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut W-Tukey. Hasil yang diperoleh perlakuan PC 1 merupakan perlakuan yang memiliki pertumbuhan yang paling tinggi dengan rata-rata 13,41%, diikuti pada perlakuan PC 2 12.48% dan perlakuan yang terendah terjadi pada perlakuan ke PC 3 dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata 12.09%

    Bibliometric Analysis of Trends Publications in Scopus Databased themed inulin sausages using R Studios

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    Inulin is a dietary fiber that can improve the quality of food products, such as texture, product nutrition, or as a diseasepreventing functional food. Inulin has begun to be studied in various studies and applied to meat and poultry, but there have not been many studies assessing whether research on the application of inulin to sausage products is still relevant to be carried out and is still good novelist research, one way to assess the novelty of a research theme. Is to use bibliometric analysis. This study examines the publications in the Scopus database from 2001 to 2022 to measure the number of existing publications using the R method. Studied several aspects, namely 1. Annual Scientific Production 2. Most Relevant Author who has researched inulin sausage, 3. Country Production 4. Most Relevant Sources 5. Most Frequent Words 6. Word cloud related to inulin sausage. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that annual scientific publications show that article production growth has increased every year from 2001 to 2022; the highest was in 2019 with 11 articles. The most relevant Author who has written the most publications is Pollonio Mar, with six articles. Brazil is the country that produces the most articles, namely 28 articles, while the most relevant sources are the journal Meat science which produces six articles, and the most frequent words are inulin with 45 occurrences. Conclusions based on the analyzed data, research on inulin in sausages is still limited. And still very worthy of further research

    Hubungan Kecemasan Dengan Kualitas Tidur Mahasiswa Keperawatan UMS Tahun 2022 Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

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    Objectif Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an assessment model used in health sciences which is to evaluate the skills and clinical competence of students which can be one of the stressors of the emergence of anxiety where anxiety is one of the causes of poor sleep quality. This research to know and figure anxiety and sleep quality disorder and to know asossiation about them. The study used a cross sectional design. The respondents were 257 FIK UMS nursing students. The questionnaire uses the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety or HaRS-A as a measure of anxiety and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index or PSQI as a measure of sleep quality. Analyzed using the chi-square test with a meaning value of <0.05. Result is Students with mild anxiety were 184 (71.6%), moderate anxiety were 48 (18.7, severe anxiety were 25 (9.7%) students. Students with good sleep quality were 75 (29.2%) students, then in poor sleep quality as many as 182 (70.8%) students. The results of the Chi-square test showed a significance value of 0.043 <0.05.This indicates that the level of anxiety of students has a significant correlation with the quality of sleep they experience

    Revealing Covid 19 Effects on Malaysian Domestic Tourism Acceptance Towards Destination Competitiveness

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    Tourism destination competitiveness has been demonstrated as one of the significant components to improve the country's travel industry goal. This paper study the relationship of domestic tourism acceptance towards tourism destination competitiveness. The data was drawn from a sample of 227 respondents, and a simple random sampling method was used. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The questionnaires are distributed by online survey and face to face method. Results showed that natural resources, cultural heritage, and special events had significant relationships between domestic tourism acceptance and tourism destination competitiveness in Malaysia. As an emerging tourist attraction, several measures should be considered to improve destination competitiveness while maintaining the future development of Malaysia as a tourism destination

    Changes in the mouth morpho-histology of hybrid Malaysian mahseer (Barbonymus gonionotus♀× Tor tambroides♂) during the larval development

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    Tor tambroides is a highly sought after food, sport and ornamental fish in Southeast Asia. However its natural population is drastically declining while its aquaculture is still considered small relying mostly of the wild fry as its hatchery bred fry supply is low due to its partial spawning behavior. To reduce the pressure on its fisheries, a new hybrid of Malaysian mahseer was produced by crossbreeding Malaysian red mahseer Tor tambroides male and silver barb Barbonymous gonionotus female through induced breeding for possible introduction into the aquaculture industry. This 23-day study was carried out to observe the morphology, functional capabilities and histological of the mouth development of hybrid Malaysian mahseer larvae. Newly hatched larvae were reared in three 75 L aquaria with the stocking density of 10 larvae per liter. Larval mouth development was observed daily using light and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Histological analysis of the mouth was also carried out. The results showed that the larval mouth was closed at hatching and started to open and move at 3 DAH with an estimated opening of 111.01 ± 5.91 μm Ø and 173.11 ± 10.98 μm Ø at 45° and 90°, respectively. The taste buds started to function as early as 3 DAH and increased its number as fish grew. The exogenous feeding began in conjunction of the mouth opening. The mouth became terminal as early as 6 DAH with the presence of numerous taste buds at the mouth cavity. The mouth gap and total length showed strong polynomial relationship throughout the 23-day larviculture. From the mouth gap size, live foods such as rotifer and microworms seemed to be suitable for the first feeding of the hybrid fish larvae while Artemia nauplii could be given starting from 5 DAH

    Medicinal uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological properties of Piper aduncum L.

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    Piper aduncum L., commonly known as ‘spiked pepper’, has various uses in traditional medicine that include treating wounds, skin boils, infections, and diarrhoea. Its properties as an anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antitumor, and anticancer agent indicates that it could have further therapeutic potential in treating infections and cancers. The aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive summary of the traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of P. aduncum. Data were collected from electronic databases from 1978 to 2019. The plant is traditionally used for treating diarrhoea in Peru and for its wound-healing properties in Brazil and Papua New Guinea. Phenolics, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and chromene have been found in the P. aduncum plant, and these bioactive compounds contribute to its anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antitumor, and anticancer properties. Several pharmacological activities of P. aduncum have been reported, most notably in the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. However, information regarding its safety and efficacy in humans is lack

    Harnessing Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Digital Twin Technology for Advanced Robotics in Manufacturing: Challenges and Future Directions

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    This paper digs into robots’ revolutionary role in the industrial landscape, highlighting present uses and future trends while addressing ongoing problems. It investigates how machine learning is altering industrial processes, increasing efficiency and production while simultaneously highlighting the challenges of data needs and model interpretability. The evaluation investigates the promise of blockchain technology in enhancing industrial security and transparency, while also recognizing the hazards of possible attacks and smart contract vulnerabilities. The transformational influence of additive manufacturing, particularly 3D printing, is discussed, as well as the constraints connected with printing speed, product quality, and material availability. The study emphasizes the potential of new materials such as bio-based polymers and 2D heterostructures in the advancement of robotic systems. Despite these encouraging achievements, the assessment finds gaps in existing research and suggests future strategies for maximizing the potential of these technologies in the industrial industry