12 research outputs found

    Developing YouTube-Based Listening Materiasl for University Students

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    In teaching listening, teachers or lecturers should facilitate their learning instruction with good materials which can help learners improve their listening skill. However, sometimes they face difficulties to find out suitable materials related to the activities they are going to do in the classroom. YouTube can be a potential resource because we can freely download video clips and adapt them to meet some of the demands of listening instruction. This research tried to solve these difficulties by focusing on designing and developing an instructional material from YouTube for listening skill instruction by answering three research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of the materials designed for listening skill instruction, (2) What is the model of YouTube-based instructional materials for listening skill development, and (3) Do the YouTube-Based instructional materials for listening skill meet the criteria of acceptability. To get to these aims, the researcher implemented a research and development design by mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. The subjects of this research were lecturers and the second semester students of English Education in academic year 2013-2014. A subject matter expert was also involved to validate the product. This research was conducted in three phases, analysis phase, development phase, and evaluation phase. The data in these phases were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that 1) The characteristics of the materials designed for listening skill instruction are: (a) providing appropriate dialects, cultural background of the native speakers, and various genres, (b) facilitating the students’ academic and non-academic activities, (c) being presented in audio visual aids with bottom up or top down models, (d) implementing predicting, understanding vocabulary, listening, speaking, and repeating activities, and (e) providing some outclass assignment like watching TV and watching video from the internet; 2) The model of the YouTube-based instructional materials for Listening skill course has special characteristics where the materials and the instruction are supported by suitable topics, genres, content, media, strategy, media, source, and testing strategy; 3) The YouTube-based instructional materials for listening skills development skill meet the criteria of acceptability. It is concluded based on the result of expert’s validation, the students’ perception, and teachers’ perception which are obtained from the limited test and field test.RAFI’AH NUR. 2015. Developing YouTube-Based Listening Materiasl for University Students. (Supervised by Promoter, Haryanto A, and Co-promoters, Baso Jabu and Mansur Akil) In teaching listening, teachers or lecturers should facilitate their learning instruction with good materials which can help learners improve their listening skill. However, sometimes they face difficulties to find out suitable materials related to the activities they are going to do in the classroom. YouTube can be a potential resource because we can freely download video clips and adapt them to meet some of the demands of listening instruction. This research tried to solve these difficulties by focusing on designing and developing an instructional material from YouTube for listening skill instruction by answering three research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of the materials designed for listening skill instruction, (2) What is the model of YouTube-based instructional materials for listening skill development, and (3) Do the YouTube-Based instructional materials for listening skill meet the criteria of acceptability. To get to these aims, the researcher implemented a research and development design by mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. The subjects of this research were lecturers and the second semester students of English Education in academic year 2013-2014. A subject matter expert was also involved to validate the product. This research was conducted in three phases, analysis phase, development phase, and evaluation phase. The data in these phases were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that 1) The characteristics of the materials designed for listening skill instruction are: (a) providing appropriate dialects, cultural background of the native speakers, and various genres, (b) facilitating the students’ academic and non-academic activities, (c) being presented in audio visual aids with bottom up or top down models, (d) implementing predicting, understanding vocabulary, listening, speaking, and repeating activities, and (e) providing some outclass assignment like watching TV and watching video from the internet; 2) The model of the YouTube-based instructional materials for Listening skill course has special characteristics where the materials and the instruction are supported by suitable topics, genres, content, media, strategy, media, source, and testing strategy; 3) The YouTube-based instructional materials for listening skills development skill meet the criteria of acceptability. It is concluded based on the result of expert’s validation, the students’ perception, and teachers’ perception which are obtained from the limited test and field test


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    This research was finding out the learners’ writing performance through point-counterpoint strategy by using video blog. The aims of this research were: 1) to find out whether or not the point-counterpoint strategy through video blog elevate the learners’ writing performance, and 2) to find out the learners’ interest toward the use of video blog through point-counter-point strategy in teaching writing performance. Pre experimental design is carried out by the researcher in this research.   The sample of this research was XI IPA2 (33 learners). This sample was taken by the random sampling technique. This research applied two kinds of instruments were writing test and questionnaire in this research.The result of this research shows that the learners’ performance is better writing after they taught by using point-counter-point strategy through video blog at SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.  It was proved by the mean score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test (81.9668.03). So, the researcher stated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. And the researcher also found that the eleventh-grade learners at SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar were interested in teaching writing performance.  It was proved by the mean score of the questionnaire was 80.21 and it was classified in the interesting category.

    The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique with Musical Background in Comprehending Reading Text

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    This research studies the impact of the implementation of the Jigsaw technique with a musical background to comprehend reading at Senior high school in Sidrap, Indonesia. This research uses a quasi-experimental method to answer the question, "is the use of Jigsaw with a musical background as a technique able to improve the reading comprehension of senior high students at senior high school? This research also uses a random sampling technique to select the sample in the experimental and control class.  The data is analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The result of the calculation of students' scores from the post-test indicates that there is a significant improvement in students' comprehension achievement before and after learning reading by using the Jigsaw technique with background music. The result of this research finally shows that the use of the Jigsaw technique with background music improves the reading comprehension of the eleventh-grade students of senior high school in Sidrap, Indonesia. It is proved by the students' comprehension in the reading text that was 42.3 in their pre-test, but increasing in the post-test by mean score was 63.35. It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which the t-test value is more significant than the t-table value. In the post-test, the t-test value is 11.92, while the t-table value is 2.042. Based on the result of data analysis, the writer concludes that using the Jigsaw technique with background music is useful to improve the reading comprehension of the student in reading text


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    Al-qur’an sebagai kitab suci dan petunjuk bagi manusia memiliki peranan yang penting di dalam setiap sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia untuk memberikan petunjuk, solusi, serta penyelesaian masalah. Al-qur’an tidak bisa dimaknai atau diartikan secara langsung dari ayatnya saja karena hal tersebut bisa jadi akan salah paham dalam memaknai isi kandungan dalam al-qur’an. Bahasa al-qur’an yang begitu indah harus dimaknai dengan menggunakan suatu ilmu salah satunya adalah asbab al-nuzul. Tujuan penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui dan memahami asbab al-nuzul baik dari segi definisi, macam-macam, ungkapan, serta urgensi pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan historiografi. Bagian penting dari setiap penelitian kualitatif adalah tinjauan pustaka, yang mencakup pembacaan dan analisis berbagai karya terbitan mengenai subjek tersebut. Asbab alnuzul merupakan sebab-sebab turunnya ayat al-qur’an. Asbab al-nuzul dibagi menjadi dua yaitu ditinjau dari bentuk yang menjadi latar belakang dan jumlah sebab ayat diturunkan, seperti Ta'addud As-Sabab wa Nazil Al-Wahid dan Ta’addud an-Nazil wa al-Asbab Wahid. Asbab al-nuzul diungkapkan secara sarih (jelas) dan muhtamilah (tidak jelas/ragu-ragu). Dalam mempelajari asbab al-nuzul terdapat berbagai macam urgensi penting salah satunya untuk membantu memahami makna al-qur’an secara mendalam. Keterlibatan antara al-qur’an dan asbab al-nuzul dalam memahami ayat – ayat tentang kepemimpinan

    Menelusuri Asbabun Nuzul dalam kepemimpinan Islam

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    Al-qur’an sebagai kitab suci dan petunjuk bagi manusia memiliki peranan yang penting di dalam setiap sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia untuk memberikan petunjuk, solusi, serta penyelesaian masalah. Al-qur’an tidak bisa dimaknai atau diartikan secara langsung dari ayatnya saja karena hal tersebut bisa jadi akan salah paham dalam memaknai isi kandungan dalam al-qur’an. Bahasa al-qur’an yang begitu indah harus dimaknai dengan menggunakan suatu ilmu salah satunya adalah asbab al-nuzul. Tujuan penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui dan memahami asbab al-nuzul baik dari segi definisi, macam-macam, ungkapan, serta urgensi pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan historiografi. Bagian penting dari setiap penelitian kualitatif adalah tinjauan pustaka, yang mencakup pembacaan dan analisis berbagai karya terbitan mengenai subjek tersebut. Asbab al-nuzul merupakan sebab-sebab turunnya ayat al-qur’an. Asbab al-nuzul dibagi menjadi dua yaitu ditinjau dari bentuk yang menjadi latar belakang dan jumlah sebab ayat diturunkan, seperti Ta'addud As-Sabab wa Nazil Al-Wahid dan Ta’addud an-Nazil wa al-Asbab Wahid. Asbab al-nuzul diungkapkan secara sarih (jelas) dan muhtamilah (tidak jelas/ragu-ragu). Dalam mempelajari asbab al-nuzul terdapat berbagai macam urgensi penting salah satunya untuk membantu memahami makna al-qur’an secara mendalam. Keterlibatan antara al-qur’an dan asbab al-nuzul dalam memahami ayat – ayat tentang kepemimpinan

    Paradigm of International Exchange Students in Encountering Culture Shock Stages

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    Globalization can help people gain knowledge and improve learning about how a diversity of the cultures does not cause any conflict, misunderstand, and share knowledge across the culture peacefully. It can be termed as cross-cultural communication. Based on this paper's aims, this article discussed the theory of multiculturalism (cultural diversity), cross-cultural communication, the types of culture shock, the cases of culture shock experience such as the stages of culture shock and reverse culture shock. Thus, this study aims to discuss the theory of multiculturalism and an overview of culture shocks experienced by the student exchange program. As a result, shock culture experience is found by most of the people who live for some duration times. However, they will face reverse culture shock when returning to their home country, even though some returnees do not experience it

    Rosetta Stone CALL Software as A Vocabulary Teaching Media at Indonesian High Schools

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    Vocabulary is the basic aspect of language. The ability to master vocabulary holds an important part in learning a language, including English. That becomes one of the researcher's considerations to conduct this research when observing at one of Indonesia's high schools since the students show difficulties in vocabulary mastery. Modifying the teaching media can become a problem solving for students' lack of vocabulary mastery. In this case, using Rosetta Stone CALL software is suggested to overcome the problem. The research's objective was to determine whether or not the use of Rosetta Stone CALL software can improve the tenth-grade students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher applied a quasi-experimental method, with two group pre-test and post-test design. The research sample was forty students from two classes taken from the population of the 10th-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Barru. The data analysis result showed that the pre-test's mean score in the experimental class was 2.21, and the post-test was 3.04. It proves that the tenth-grade students' vocabulary mastery improved using Rosetta Stone CALL Software. After analyzing the data using SPSS version 21, the probability value in the post-test was 0.01, and the significance value was 0.05. It means that the probability value (0.01) was lower than the significance value (0.05). It was indicated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It revealed that the vocabulary mastery of the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Barru for the experimental and control groups was significantly different

    Rosetta Stone CALL Software as A Vocabulary Teaching Media at Indonesian High Schools

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    Vocabulary is the basic aspect of language. The ability to master vocabulary holds an important part in learning a language, including English. That becomes one of the researcher's considerations to conduct this research when observing at one of Indonesia's high schools since the students show difficulties in vocabulary mastery. Modifying the teaching media can become a problem solving for students' lack of vocabulary mastery. In this case, using Rosetta Stone CALL software is suggested to overcome the problem. The research's objective was to determine whether or not the use of Rosetta Stone CALL software can improve the tenth-grade students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher applied a quasi-experimental method, with two group pre-test and post-test design. The research sample was forty students from two classes taken from the population of the 10th-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Barru. The data analysis result showed that the pre-test's mean score in the experimental class was 2.21, and the post-test was 3.04. It proves that the tenth-grade students' vocabulary mastery improved using Rosetta Stone CALL Software. After analyzing the data using SPSS version 21, the probability value in the post-test was 0.01, and the significance value was 0.05. It means that the probability value (0.01) was lower than the significance value (0.05). It was indicated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It revealed that the vocabulary mastery of the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Barru for the experimental and control groups was significantly different


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    Knowledge of English is very important nowadays. in the world of education, a teacher must be creative in choosing teaching materials. Therefore, this must be supported by the skills of the teacher and the suitability of the media in teaching. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of the learning house application can make it easier for teachers and increase students' interest. Rumah Belajar portal is a medium that can help teachers and students in the teaching and learning processThe data collection technique in this study is the process of collecting and processing information to evaluate results and use them for research. The research sample consisted of 20 students from eight grade. The results of the analysis The application of English learning material sources from the Rumah Belajar portal is very helpful for teachers in teaching English at SMP Satap 8 Baraka. This can be seen from the results of observations and interviews. The observation results show that teachers are successful in their performance to present their material, have a good influence on influencing students to follow their instructions, create good communication during sharing time, and make the class active. In addition, the results of the interviews showed that the teacher gave positive comments on the implementation of English subject matter sourced from The Rumah Belajar portal.Knowledge of English is very important nowadays. in the world of education, a teacher must be creative in choosing teaching materials. Therefore, this must be supported by the skills of the teacher and the suitability of the media in teaching. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of the learning house application can make it easier for teachers and increase students' interest. Rumah Belajar portal is a medium that can help teachers and students in the teaching and learning processThe data collection technique in this study is the process of collecting and processing information to evaluate results and use them for research. The research sample consisted of 20 students from eight grade. The results of the analysis The application of English learning material sources from the Rumah Belajar portal is very helpful for teachers in teaching English at SMP Satap 8 Baraka. This can be seen from the results of observations and interviews. The observation results show that teachers are successful in their performance to present their material, have a good influence on influencing students to follow their instructions, create good communication during sharing time, and make the class active. In addition, the results of the interviews showed that the teacher gave positive comments on the implementation of English subject matter sourced from The Rumah Belajar portal

    Applying Story Grammar Strategy Combined with Google Classroom as a Media in Teaching Reading at SMKN 3 Parepare

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    Reading comprehension is such very essential to life. The readers who understand how a text is structured find greater success in identifying important information and relationships between ideas in the text. Based on the preliminary test (preobservastion) at SMK Negeri 3 Parepare, the collected data showed that students were not satisfied with their learning, in this case, the subject of reading. They were inactive students in the classroom, especially because they became lazier in reading any kind of text because the teacher used the silent reading method. The hardest part is when they cannot get the whole point of the text, likewise when they have a task or assignment from their teacher to answer. Therefore, the researchers found that the students’ had difficulty understanding the context and getting the information in the text. Story Grammar Strategy is a good way to improve students’ reading comprehension combined with google classroom as a media. By using this method, the researcher’s objectives are to help the students recognize the elements of narrative text and use these elements to improve their comprehension of the story. The data of the research are Pre Experiment of Quantitative Research. The design of this research is one group pre-test and post-test design with 34 total samples. The instrument of the research was a reading test using reading text. The reading texts were taken from the Step by Step Book. The total number of the test was 10 numbers, with 5 test items for true-false test and 5 test items for the essay test. The findings of the research showed that the story grammar strategy combined with google classroom successfully improved the students’ reading comprehension. As a fact, based on the findings, most students have a very good score on the post-test., which was 90,88. While the mean score of the pre-test was 44,55. It means that the treatment was successful in improving the student’s reading comprehension, and the students gave positive responses in the learning process