566 research outputs found

    Monetary effects of inequality: lessons from the euro experiment

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    We propose a new explanation for the decoupling of official and perceived inflation based on relative consumption concerns. In presence of high inequality, when the consumers\u2019 reference point of consumption is more distant to reach, a tight budget constraint is likely to be misperceived as a currency\u2019s loss of purchasing power. Using data from a set of 15 European countries in the period 1990-2008, we estimate the effect of inequality on inflation perception. Our research design exploits the exogenous variation in inequality induced by the reduction in social expenditure that accompanied the implementation of the convergence criteria set up by the Maastricht treaty, in the years preceding the Euro changeover. Our results confirm that an increase in inequality significantly affects the deviation of inflation perceptions from actual inflation

    Components of Purity to Describe the Polarimetric State of a 3-D Field Within the Reverberating Chamber

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    Reverberating chambers (RCs) are electrically large microwave enclosures in which a random electromagnetic 3-D, i.e., nonplanar, field is generated. To characterize such 3-D fields, a proper polarimetric decomposition is requested. In this article, a new set of parameters, namely the components of purity (CP), first proposed to the electromagnetic compatibility community, is presented. The CP parameters, which stem for the so-called trivial decomposition, are able to classify any 3-D polarimetric field into two states: regular and nonregular. Such characterization is of practical relevance, e.g., for RC isotropy testing

    Long Process Incus necrosis in Revision Stapedotomy: Retrospective Clinical Study

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    Objectives: We describe our experience with long process incus (LPI) necrosis in revision stapedotomy and discuss the different management methods proposed in the literature to identify surgical techniques that can lead to satisfactory results over time. Methods: Twenty-two stapedotomy revisions, in 21 patients with the necrosis of the long process of the incus, are performed from 1997 to 2017. In cases of erosion or minimal necrosis of LPI, a new prosthesis of the same type or an angled prosthesis was applied higher on the residual incus stump. In cases of partial necrosis of LPI, a Donaldson type ventilation tube reshaped and placed on the residual incus stump to stabilize prosthesis, or glass ionomer bone cement was used. In cases of subtotal necrosis of LPI, a cup piston prosthesis in polycel was applied on incus residual stump. Pre- and postoperative (≥1 year) pure tone audiometry was performed for all cases. Air conduction threshold, bone conduction (BC) threshold, and air-bone gap (ABG) were documented according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Committee of Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines. Results: At 1-year follow-up, postoperative ABG was reduced to ≤10 dB in 13 (59%) cases and ≤20 dB in 19 (86.4%) cases. The mean postoperative ABG significantly decreased in each group. There was no significant change in postoperative BC thresholds, and there were no cases with postoperative SNHL. Conclusion: Excellent functional results can also be achieved in cases of long incus process necrosis. The choice of technique should be considered according to the degree of necrosis. Piston replacement with the same type or angled type prosthesis, in cases of erosion or minimal LPI necrosis, and modified Donaldson type ventilation tube, in cases of partial LPI necrosis, provided excellent hearing results

    On the Trade-Off Between Enhancement of the Spatial Resolution and Noise Amplification in Conical-Scanning Microwave Radiometers

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    The ability to enhance the spatial resolution of measurements collected by a conical-scanning microwave radiometer (MWR) is discussed in terms of noise amplification and improvement of the spatial resolution. Simulated (and actual) brightness temperature profiles are analyzed at variance of different intrinsic spatial resolutions and adjacent beams overlapping modeling a simplified 1-D measurement configuration (MC). The actual measurements refer to Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) data collected using the 19.35 and the 37.00 GHz channels that match the simulated configurations. The reconstruction of the brightness profile at enhanced spatial resolution is performed using an iterative gradient method which allows a fine tuning of the level of regularization. Objective metrics are introduced to quantify the enhancement of the spatial resolution and noise amplification. Numerical experiments, performed using the simplified 1-D MC, show that the regularized deconvolution results in negligible advantages when dealing with low-overlapping/fine-spatial-resolution configurations. Regularization is a mandatory step when addressing the high-overlapping/low-spatial-resolution case and the spatial resolution can be enhanced up to 2.34 with a noise amplification equal to 1.56. A more stringent requirement on the noise amplification (up to 0.6) results in an improvement of the spatial resolution up to 1.64

    Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG Counteracts Rotavirus-Induced Ion Secretion and Enterocyte Damage by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Through Specific Effects of Living and Postbiotic Preparations

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    Background: Administration of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) to children with gastroenteritis is recommended by universal guidelines. Rotavirus (RV) causes diarrhea through combined cytotoxic and enterotoxic effects. Aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanisms of efficacy of LGG in an in-vitro model of RV diarrhea in its viable form (LGG) and conditioned medium (mLGG). Methods: Ion secretion corresponding to the NSP4 enterotoxic effect, was evaluated by short circuit current (Isc) and the cytotoxic effect by transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) in Ussing chambers, upon exposure to RV in Caco-2 enterocyte monolayers treated or not with living probiotic or its culture supernatant. Mechanisms of enterotoxic and cytotoxic damage were evaluated including oxidative stress measured by reactive oxygen species, apoptosis evaluated by DAPI and nuclear staining, NFkβ immunofluorescence. Results: RV induced Isc increase and TEER decrease, respectively indicating ion secretion and epithelial damage, the two established pathways of diarrhea. Both probiotic preparations reduced both diarrheal effects, but their potency was different. Live LGG was equally effective on both enterotoxic and cytotoxic effect whereas mLGG was highly effective on ion secretion and showed minimal protective effects on cytoskeleton, apoptosis and NFkβ. Conclusions: LGG counteracts RV-induced diarrhea by inhibiting both cytotoxic and enterotoxic pathogenic mechanisms. Namely, LGG inhibits chloride secretion by specific moieties secreted in the medium with a direct pharmacologic-like action. This is considered a postbiotic effect. Subsequently, live bacteria exert a probiotic effect protecting the enterocyte structure

    Health-care organization for the management and surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children during pandemic in Campania region, Italy

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    Background: In comparison with adults, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children has a milder course. The management of children with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) needs to be appropriately targeted. Methods: We designed a hub-and-spoke system to provide healthcare indications based on the use of telemedicine and stringent admission criteria, coordinate local stakeholders and disseminate information. Result: Between March 24th and September 24th 2020, the Hub Centre managed a total of 208 children (52% males, median age, 5.2, IQR 2–9.6 years) with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Among them, 174 were managed in cooperation with family pediatricians and 34 with hospital-based physicians. One hundred-four (50%) received a final diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Application of stringent criteria for hospital admission based on clinical conditions, risk factors and respect of biocontainment measures, allowed to manage the majority of cases (74, 71.1%) through telemedicine. Thirty children (28%) were hospitalized (median length 10 days, IQR 5–19 days), mainly due to the presence of persistent fever, mild respiratory distress or co-infection occurring in infant or children with underlying conditions. However, the reasons for admission slightly changed over time. Conclusion: An hub-and-spoke system is effective in coordinate territorial health-care structures involved in management paediatric COVID-19 cases through telemedicine and the definition of stringent hospital admission criteria. The management of children with COVID-19 should be based on clinical conditions, assessed on a case-by-case critical evaluation, as well as on isolation measures, but may vary according to local epidemiological changes

    Effects of Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents on the Mental Health of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Prospective Observational Study

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    In chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients, interferon-based treatments showed toxicity, limited e cacy, and psychiatric manifestations. Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) agents appeared safer, though it remains unclear if they may exacerbate or foster mood symptoms in drug-naïve CHC patients. We evaluated 62 CHC patients’ mental status, before and 12 weeks after DAA therapy, by assessment scales and psychometric instruments. We subdivided patients into two groups, CHC patients with (Group A) or without (Group B) a current and/or past psychiatric history. After DAA treatment, Group A patients showed low anxiety and improved depression, no variation in self-report distress, but worse general health perceptions. No significant di erence emerged from coping strategies. Depression and anxiety improved in Group B, and no change emerged from total self-reported distress, except for somatization. Moreover, Group B increased problem-focused strategies for suppression of competing activities, and decreased strategies of instrumental social support. Contrarily, Group B reduced significantly emotion-focused strategies, such as acceptance and mental disengagement, and improved vitality, physical and social role functioning. DAA therapy is safe and free of hepatological and psychiatric side e ects in CHC patients, regardless of current and/or past psychiatric history. In particular, patients without a psychiatric history also remarkably improved their quality of life

    Association between Coagulation Profile and Clinical Outcome in Children with SARS-CoV-2 Infection or MIS-C: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

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    Limited data on the coagulation profile in children affected by the SARS-CoV-2 infection are available. We aimed to evaluate the role of d-dimers as predictors of poor outcomes in a pediatric population affected by the SARS-CoV-2 infection or multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). We performed a retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study. Data from four different centers were collected. Laboratory tests, when performed, were collected at the time of diagnosis, and 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and beyond 120 h from diagnosis; blood counts with formula, an international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), D-dimers and fibrinogen values were collected. Data regarding clinical history, management and outcome of the patients were also collected. Three hundred sixteen patients with a median age of 3.93 years (IQR 0.62–10.7) diagnosed with COVID-19 or MIS-C were enrolled. Fifty-eight patients (18.3%) showed a severe clinical outcome, 13 (4.1%) developed sequelae and 3 (0.9%) died. The univariate analysis showed that age, high D-dimer values, hyperfibrinogenemia, INR and aPTT elongation, and low platelet count were associated with an increased risk of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission (p < 0.01). Three multivariate logistic regressions showed that a d-dimer level increase was associated with a higher risk of PICU admission. This study shows that D-dimer values play an important role in predicting the more severe spectrum of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, and was higher also in those that developed sequelae, including long COVID-19

    Minimally invasive approach for adrenal lesions: Systematic review of laparoscopic versus retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy and assessment of risk factors for complications

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    In the last decades, minimally invasive transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy has become the standard of care for surgical resection of the adrenal gland tumors. Recently, however, adrenalectomy by a mininvasive retroperitoneal approach has reached increasingly popularity as alternative technique. Short hospitalization, lower postoperative pain and decrease of complications and a better cosmetic resolution are the main advantages of these innovative techniques. In order to determine the better surgical management of adrenal neoplasms, the Authors analyzed and compared the feasibility and the postoperative complications of minimally invasive adrenalectomy approaches. A systematic research of the English literature, including major meta-analysis articles, clinical randomized trials, retrospective studies and systematic reviews was performed, comparing laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy versus retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy. Many studies support that posterior retroperitoneal adrenalectomy is superior or at least comparable to laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy in operation time, pain score, blood loss, hospitalization, complications rates and return to normal activity. However, laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy is up to now a safe and standardized procedure with a shorter learning curve and a similar low morbidity rate, even for tumors larger than 6 cm. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to objectively evaluate these techniques, excluding selection bias and bias related to differences in surgeons' experiences with this approaches. (c) 2015 IJS Publishing Group Limited. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dimeric ferrochelatase bridges ABCB7 and ABCB10 homodimers in an architecturally defined molecular complex required for heme biosynthesis

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    Loss-of-function mutations in the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter of the inner mitochondrial membrane, ABCB7, cause X-linked sideroblastic anemia with ataxia, a phenotype that remains largely unexplained by the proposed role of ABCB7 in exporting a special sulfur species for use in cytosolic iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster biogenesis. Here, we generated inducible ABCB7-knockdown cell lines to examine the time-dependent consequences of loss of ABCB7. We found that knockdown of ABCB7 led to significant loss of mitochondrial Fe-S proteins, which preceded the development of milder defects in cytosolic Fe-S enzymes. In erythroid cells, loss of ABCB7 altered cellular iron distribution and caused mitochondrial iron overload due to activation of iron regulatory proteins 1 and 2 in the cytosol and to upregulation of the mitochondrial iron importer, mitoferrin-1. Despite the exceptionally large amount of iron imported into mitochondria, erythroid cells lacking ABCB7 showed a profound hemoglobinization defect and underwent apoptosis triggered by oxidative stress. In ABCB7-depleted cells, defective heme biosynthesis resulted from translational repression of ALAS2 by iron regulatory proteins and from decreased stability of the terminal enzyme ferrochelatase. By combining chemical crosslinking, tandem mass spectrometry and mutational analyses, we characterized a complex formed of ferrochelatase, ABCB7 and ABCB10, and mapped the interfaces of interactions of its components. A dimeric ferrochelatase physically bridged ABCB7 and ABCB10 homodimers by binding near the nucleotide-binding domains of each ABC transporter. Our studies not only underscore the importance of ABCB7 for mitochondrial Fe-S biogenesis and iron homeostasis, but also provide the biochemical characterization of a multiprotein complex required for heme biosynthesis
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