149 research outputs found

    Improvement of Students’ History Learning Competence through Quantum Learning Model at Senior High School in Karanganyar Regency, Solo, Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    The aims of this research are: (1) To analyze effectiveness of the application of Quantum Learning Model compared to the Expository Model upon the achievement of History Learning Competence of Class-X Students of Karanganyar Government Senior High School; (2) To analyze the difference of influence in learning interest to history learning competence  of Class-X Students during the Semester II of Government Senior High School in Karanganyar Regency;  and (3) To analyze  the influence interaction between  the application of learning model and students’ learning interest to the achievement of history learning competence of Class-X Students of Government Senior High School during Semester II in Karanganyar Regency. This research applies the Experiment Method. Population in this research are the whole students of Class-X of “SMA Negeri I Karanganyar” and  those of “SMA Negeri Karngpandan” Government Senior High Schools. Samples are taken by using the multi stage cluster random sampling technique from 75 respondents, consisting of 40 students for experiment and 35 students for the control group. Data collecting technique applies the questionnaire on History learning interest and a test on History Competence Achievement. Validity and Reliability Testing is carried out before instrument is used.  Data is analyzed by using the 2-Way Varian Analysis Technique (ANAVA), continued with Multiple Comparison Test. Outputs of this research are as follows: (1) Quantum Learning Model is effective to improve the History Learning Competence compared to Expository Model; (2) Students with high learning interest have the History learning competence better than students with low learning interest; (3) There is an interaction influence between the Learning Approach and the Learning Interest upon the History Learning Competence. It means that there is an interaction between Influence in the Use of Learning Approach and Learning Interest upon the Achievement of History Learning Competence. Keywords: Quantum Learning Model, Expository Learning Model, Learning Interest, History Learning Competence


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    etslactt A good learning system determines the creation of effe*ive learning. The components include lecfiirerc, safien*, MethoL Media, Materials, and Environmental objectives. Lecareris one ofth" ,o^)onrn3 tnit i"i"iii, i" creation ofeffective learning. For the implementation of effective learning, the teacher shiuld be able to plan a good Iearntng by empowering all components in an higher edu,cation tearning Selection of an appropriate learning model determines the level of effectiveness of the leirning process. Collabirative tearning model can be chosen as an alternativelearning modelfor improving the active participation of studen*. Collaboritive learning modet, n"eaio ie implemented in college. Collaborative learning model encourages students to be activeand interactive as well as cooperationln completing academic tasks inthe classroom. Collaborative learningisfundamentally dffirentftom the conventional approach, a more traditional "direct-transfer" or oone-way transmission" model. Learningis more collaborative learning process viewed as a "learner-centered" and not "teacher-centered". Knowledgeis seen is asocial construcl facilitated through peerintsraction, evaluation and cooperation. Therefore, changing thi role oflearmng in the information (transferring knowledge), "the stage on the stage" to be a facilitator oisetf-learners to construct \2wledee, "the guide on the side. Benefits that can through collaborative iearning, no^rty, lj tni ,"i"i"ti"" ,f differences, 2) recognition ofthe individual 3) a sense of responsibility,4) promoteiooperation tn achieve common goals,S) help each other and under stand the problemsthey face ana jina-situtions, 6) gavea positive response to the otherparty, T) developmentofcommonvisionforcollaborativeworl<,and 8) asense ofiiirdependencewith each other. Keywordsi modek ofcollaborative learning, activeparticipationof studen

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kolaboratif untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Sosial Siswa

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    Collaborative learning is a philosophy and lifestyle interaction that makes cooperation as an interaction structure. This structure is designed to facilitate achieve common goals collectively. In every situation, when several people are in a group, the collaboration was a way to deal with mutual respect and appreciate the capabilities and contributions of each member of the group. In it there is division of authority and revenue responsibilities among the group members to carry out the action of group. The main idea underlying the collaborative learning is a consensus built up through cooperation among group members as opposed to a competition which put the benefits of the individual. The collaborative learning practitioners utilize this philosophy in the classroom, in committee meetings, in various communities, in families and is widely as a way of living with and interacting with others.Collaborative learning needs to be applied in schools. Collaborative ways of learning is more moving or encourage students to a active and interactive as well as cooperation in completing academic tasks in the classroom. Thus, collaborative learning is fundamentally different from conventional-traditional approach has been done, the better, "direct-transfer, or" one-way transmission "model. In this case the student becomes the sole source of knowledge or skills. Learning view more collaborative learning process as, "learner-centered" and not,, "teacher-centered." Knowledge is seen as a social construct, facilitated through the interaction between peer groups, evaluation and cooperation. Therefore, the role of learning changed from the information transmitter (transferring knowledge), "the stage on the stage" to be a facilitator in self-learners to construct knowledge,, "the guide on the side". There are some benefits of collaborative and cooperative learning are implemented in schools in order to prepare future students. The benefits that we can take through the learning of collaboration and cooperation, namely in terms: a) the recognition of difference, 2) individual recognition, 3) sense of responsibility, 4) develop cooperation to achieve common goals, 5) mutual aid and understanding the problem- problems faced and find solutions, 6) gave a positive response to the other party, 7) development of common views in collaborative work, and 8) the existence of mutual dependence on one another


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui minat dan pestasi belajar matematika setelah dilakukan quantum learning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subyek penelitian siswa dan guru,. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan tes. Alat analisis data yang digunakan dengan analisis per siklus. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan model quantum learning dapat meningkatkan minat dan prestasi belajar matematika konsep bilangan berpangkat tiga pada siswa kelas VI SDN Purwosuman 1 Sidoharjo Sragen. Kata Kunci: Quantum Learning, minat belajar, prestasi belajar


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    The effects of current globalization bring people of Indonesia lost their identity. Character education is the key to the progress of a nation. This research discussed the implementation of the internalization characters in a study at school. The objectives of this research are: (1) to know the implementation of the internalization characters in a study of IPS, (2) to know problems were encountered and also the way to overcome, and (3) to know the result of implementation of the internalization characters in a study of IPS. This research was conducted in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, Wonogiri in 2012. Methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Sampling using purposive sampling because it adapted to the purpose and to identify problems. The data were colleceted using observation technique, interview, questionnaires, and document analysis. The data validation used triangulation of sources and triangulation of techniques. The results of research were analysed using data analyzed technique by : data collecting, data reduction, data presentation, then conducted by data analysis and got the conclusion that (1) the implementation of the internalization characters in a study of IPS at SMP Negeri 2 Sidoharjo, Wonogiri in 2012 has walked but it was not maximal yet, (2) the problems are lack of allocation of fund for the implementation of the internalization characters, lack of teacher’s comprehension toward character-based learning model and there was no policy about assesment toward the internalization characters in the teaching-learning, (3) the result of implementation of the internalization characters generally were visible however specially there is no reference of permanent assesement yet. To overcome the problems, school has done the following efforts : (1) offering of fund to the goverment and school commitee, (2) performing the socialization of the charactered-education, workshop the method and model of character-based learning and also the way of assessment and the instrument


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    This research aim: 1. Describe how teacher use the teaching material in Social Subject in Junior High School 1 Purwantoro up until now. 2. Describe the constraint and how to overcome it. 3. Describe the usage result of the teaching material in study of Social for Junior High School in Purwantoro 1 Junior High School. This research takes place in Purwantoro 1 Junior High School, Wonogiri Regency. This research metod is descriptive research of qualitative. This research wants to describe and expose the usage of teaching material in study of Contextual Based Social for Junior High School in Purwantoro 1 Junior High School according to the condition and the situation at the moment. Strategies utilized in this research are interviewing, question airing, observing, and documenting. The result of this research concludes that teaching material in Study of Contextual Based Social for Junior High School in Purwantoro 1 Junior High School, evaluated from its form covered : a). Printed teaching material consist. b). Heard Teaching Material (audio) consist. c) Visual and Listening Teaching Material consist. d). Interactive teaching material like compact disc (doesn’t yet able to be executed) e). Environment teaching material (geography, history, and economics) still applied in class theory level. Current result achieved from the use of teaching materials in learning of Social for Junior High School in Purwantoro Junior High School are: 1) Provide better learning environment for teachers and students. 2) Help students and make them easy to learn Social. 3) Improve student’s learning achievement proved with 79,895 average score (it exceeds current KKM set by the teachers: 72) Keywords : The Use of, Teaching Materials of Contextual Based Social for Junior High School


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    Abstrak. Media pembelajaran berbasis ICT yaitu media pembelajaran yang mana semua komponen elektronika yang terdiri dari perangkat keras dan lunak serta segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan data baik manipulasi, pengambilan, pengumpulan (akuisisi), pengolahan, penyimpanan, penyebaran, dan penyajian informasi/data dengan menggunakan komputer dan telekomunikasi. media pembelajaran berbasis ICT dapat dikategorikan sebagai teknologi komputer, multimedia, telekomunikasi dan teknologi jaringan komputer. Adapun fungsi ICT dalam media pembelajaran adalah sebagai alat bantu dalam media pembelajaran, sarana/tempat belajar, sebagai sumber belajar, dan sebagai sarana peningkatan profesionalisme.Terdapat banyak model Pengembangan media berbasis ICT yang dapat dipilih. Diperlukan niat dan kesungguhan agar dapat mengembangkan media pembelajaran ini dengan maksimal.Kata-kata kunci: pengembangan media, media pembelajaran, informasi dan teknologiAbstract. Learning media based on ICT is a media which all electronic components consisting software and hardware and which all activities related to data analysis comprising data manipulation, data collection, data analysis, data saving, sata spread, and information presentation using computer and telecommunication. This learning media could categorized as a technology of computer, multimedia, telecommunication, and computer networked technology. The use of ICT in learning media is a tool to help, learning facility, learning source, and a base of professional improvement.Keywords: media development, learning media, information and technologyDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v10i22016p18


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    In general, this research aims to the development of musem visualization-based instructional media, and objects of cultural heritage on the subjects of history in order to enhance the students' understanding of the value of history. In particular, the purpose of research in the first year, namely: (1) Describe how teachers are using media in teaching social studies at the school during this., (2) Describe the relationship of instructional media IPS with the results of research on museums visualization-based instructional media IPS and cultural heritage material that is, (3) Describe the constraints faced in the use of museums visualization-based instructional and cultural heritage objects of IPS media and how the solution adopted by the teacher, and (4) describe the procedure development of museums visualization-based instructional and cultural heritage objects of IPS media in order to improve historicity understanding of students The experiment was conducted at the Junior High School in the city of Surakarta in 2012. The method used in this study is the first year descriptive qualitative method. samples taken by using purposive. The data obtained by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. Validate data using triangulation of sources and triangulation methods The results in the first year are: (1) learning media IPS used in Junior High School in the city of Solo, still use conventional media, such as images, maps, and written. But teachers have taken advantage of IT in the form of computer-based learning, VCD, Radio, Tape, OHP and objects around the school such as school supplies, classrooms, office space, cafeteria, gardens, etc. (2) Linking the learning media IPS with the results of previous research on developing the learning media IPS-based Visualization History museum and cultural heritage material does not exist, (3) the obstacles often faced by teachers in the use of factors such as the limited ability of teachers, time and cost factors. Because it is through the development of models of Audio Visual media is expected to overcome these constraints, as done in a collaborative development model that involves teachers as developers and users in the field (4) The procedure of learning the history of the development of media-based visualization of museums and cultural heritage material to increase understanding junior high school students the value of history refers to the development procedures according to Borg & Gal


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    The study aims to describe: Characteristics of the professionalism of teachers; efforts to increase professionalism; inhibiting factors, and solutions. Qualitative descriptive research. Data were collected by observation, observation, interview and documentation. The validity of data and review the data triangulation techniques informant. Data analysis with interactive techniques. Results: Characteristics of the professionalism of teachers RSBI: self competence; motivation, innovative attitude, self-discipline, pprestasi work, and an understanding of the curriculum; improvement efforts: include teacher training and seminars, supervision, and additional teaching hours; Limiting Factors: Teachers are more like using an instant learning products, threats to remind learners, store props, do not want to learn to make scientific work; Solution: practice solving problems based on scientific concepts, change attitudes and bad traits. Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan: Karakteristik profesionalitas guru; Upaya peningkatan profesionalitas; Faktor penghambat; dan solusinya. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Validitas data dengan teknik trianggulasi data dan review informan. Analisis data dengan teknik interaktif. Hasil penelitian: Karakteristik profesionalitas guru RSBI: kompetensi diri; motivasi kerja, sikap inovatif, disiplin pribadi, pprestasi kerja, dan pemahaman terhadap kurikulum; Upaya peningkatannya: mengikutkan guru dalam diklat dan seminar, supervisi, dan penambahan jam pelajaran; Faktor penghambat: Guru lebih senang menggunakan produk pembelajaran yang instan, ancaman untuk mengingatkan peserta didik, menyimpan alat peraga, tidak mau belajar membuat karya ilmiah; Solusi: berlatih memecahkan masalah berdasarkan konsep ilmiah, merubah sikap dan sifat yang buruk. Kata Kunci: Professional Teacher, RSB
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