329 research outputs found

    Inversion of SAR data in active volcanic areas by optimization techniques

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    The inversion problem concerns the identification of parameters of a volcanic source causing observable changes in ground deformation data recorded in volcanic areas. In particular, this paper deals with the inversion of ground deformation measured by using SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) interferometry and an inversion approach formulated in terms of an optimization problem is proposed. Based on this inversion scheme, it is shown that the problem of inverting ground deformation data in terms of a single source, of Mogi or Okada type, is numerically well conditioned. In the paper, two case studies of inverting actual SAR data recorded on Mt Etna during eruptions occurring in 1998 and 2001 are investigated, showing the suitability of the proposed technique

    Quantal Response and Nonequilibrium Beliefs Explain Overbidding in Maximum-Value Auctions

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    We report an experiment on a simple common value auction to investigate the extent to which bidding can be explained by quantal response equilibrium, in combination with different assumptions about the structure of bidder beliefs|the cursed equilibrium model and models that posit levels of strategic sophistication. Using a structural estimation approach, we find a close correspondence between the theoretical predictions of those models and experimental behavior. The basic pattern of average bids in the data consists of a combination of overbidding for low signals, and value-bidding for higher signals. The logit QRE model with heterogeneous bidders fits this pattern reasonably well. Combining quantal response with either cursed beliefs (CE-QRE) or a level-k of strategic sophistication (LK-QRE, CH-QRE) leads to a close match with the data. All these variations on quantal response models predict minimal differences of average bidding behavior across different versions of the game, consistent with the experimental findings. Finally, we reanalyze data from an earlier experiment on the same auction by Ivanov, Levin and Niederle (2010). While their data exhibit much more variance compared with ours, nonetheless, we still find that these models also fit their data reasonably well, even in the presence of extreme overbidding observed in that experiment. Overall, our study indicates that the winner curse phenomenon in this auction is plausibly attributable to limits on strategic thinking combined with quantal response

    Modelling ground deformations in volcanic areas by using SAR interferograms

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    The inversion problem dealt with is the identification of the parameters of a magma-filled dike which causes observable changes in ground deformation data. It is supposed that ground deformation data are measured by using the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) Interferometry technique. The inversion approach, which is carried out by a systematic search technique based on the Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization algorithm, guarantees a high degree of accuracy. The results given in the paper are supported by experiments carried out using an interactive software tool developed ad hoc, which allows both direct and inverse modeling of SAR interferometric data related to the opening of a crack at the beginning and throughout a volcanic activity episode

    Denoising gravity and geomagnetic signals from Etna volcano (Italy) using multivariate methods

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    Abstract. Multivariate methods were applied to denoise the gravity and geomagnetic signals continuously recorded by the permanent monitoring networks on the Etna volcano. Gravity and geomagnetic signals observed in volcanic areas are severely influenced by meteorological variables (i.e. pressure, temperature and humidity), whose disturbances can make the detection of volcanic source effects more difficult. For volcano monitoring it is necessary, therefore, to reduce the effects of these perturbations. To date filtering noise is a very complex problem since the spectrum of each noise component has wide intervals of superposition and, some times, traditional filtering techniques provide unsatisfactory results. We propose the application of two different approaches, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to remove noise effects from gravity and geomagnetic time series. Results suggest a good efficiency of the two proposed approaches since they are capable of finding and effectively representing the underlying factors or sources, and allow local features of the signal to be detected

    Denoising gravity and geomagnetic signals from Etna volcano (Italy)

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    Multivariate methods were applied to denoise the gravity and geomagnetic signals continuously recorded by the permanent monitoring networks on the Etna volcano. Gravity and geomagnetic signals observed in volcanic areas are severely influenced by meteorological variables (i.e. pressure, temperature and humidity), whose disturbances can make the detection of volcanic source effects more difficult. For volcano monitoring it is necessary, therefore, to reduce the effects of these perturbations. To date filtering noise is a very complex problem since the spectrum of each noise component has wide intervals of superposition and, some times, traditional filtering techniques provide unsatisfactory results. We propose the application of two different approaches, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to remove noise effects from gravity and geomagnetic time series. Results suggest a good efficiency of the two proposed approaches since they are capable of finding and effectively representing the underlying factors or sources, and allow local features of the signal to be detected

    Technical Solutions and Standards Upgrade for Photovoltaic Systems Operated over 1500 Vdc

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    This paper deals with photovoltaic (PV) systems with operating voltage increased over the value 1500 V in DC, which represents the limit of the current solutions and the actual standard for the PV plant at utility-scale level. The increase of the DC voltage is aimed at reducing the cable energy losses, the number of components and to optimise the layout of the plants, increasing the competitiveness of Medium Voltage PV (MVPV) solutions with rated powers of hundreds of megawatt. The analysis carried out has identified the possible solutions to adopt in order to reach this target and has remarked that today the International Standards are not covering all the aspects of the technical solutions to be introduced in a MVPV plant. This paper indicates the key issues to be addressed by new Standards on some components in order to enable the deployment of MVPV solutions. Finally, the characteristics of an installation at 1500 V DC and some results of tests carried out on the isolation system of a 1500 V PV plant are discussed

    Early lean mass sparing effect of high-protein diet with excess leucine during long-term bed rest in women

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    Muscle inactivity leads to muscle atrophy. Leucine is known to inhibit protein degradation and to promote protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. We tested the ability of a high-protein diet enriched with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to prevent muscle atrophy during long-term bed rest (BR). We determined body composition (using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) at baseline and every 2-weeks during 60 days of BR in 16 healthy young women. Nitrogen (N) balance was assessed daily as the difference between N intake and N urinary excretion. The subjects were randomized into two groups: one received a conventional diet (1.1 ± 0.03 g protein/kg, 4.9 ± 0.3 g leucine per day) and the other a high protein, BCAA-enriched regimen (1.6 ± 0.03 g protein-amino acid/kg, 11.4 ± 0.6 g leucine per day). There were significant BR and BR × diet interaction effects on changes in lean body mass (LBM) and N balance throughout the experimental period (repeated measures ANCOVA). During the first 15 days of BR, lean mass decreased by 4.1 ± 0.9 and 2.4 ± 2.1% (p < 0.05) in the conventional and high protein-BCAA diet groups, respectively, while at the end of the 60-day BR, LBM decreased similarly in the two groups by 7.4 ± 0.7 and 6.8 ± 2.4%. During the first 15 days of BR, mean N balance was 2.5 times greater (p < 0.05) in subjects on the high protein-BCAA diet than in those on the conventional diet, while we did not find significant differences during the following time intervals. In conclusion, during 60 days of BR in females, a high protein-BCAA diet was associated with an early protein-LBM sparing effect, which ceased in the medium and long term

    Resezioni polmonari limitate “intenzionali” versus lobectomie nel trattamento dei tumori polmonari periferici non microcitomi allo stadio IA

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    Scopo del presente studio è valutare, attraverso l’analisi retrospettiva della nostra casistica e la revisione della letteratura, se le resezioni polmonari limitate siano equivalenti alla lobectomia nel trattamento dei tumori polmonari non microcitomi (NSCLC) periferici allo stadio IA (T1N0M0), in termini di radicalità oncologica, sopravvivenza e tasso di recidive locali, regionali e sistemiche.Viene inoltre preso in considerazione l’impatto delle resezioni limitate, rispetto alle resezioni lobari, sulla funzionalità polmonare postoperatoria. Pazienti e metodi. Abbiamo analizzato una serie consecutiva di 36 pazienti, 28 uomini e 8 donne, di età compresa fra 61 e 81 anni (media 73 anni), sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico, nel periodo compreso fra gennaio 2000 e dicembre 2003, per NSCLC periferici T1N0M0; sono state effettuate 11 resezioni limitate e 25 lobectomie. Sono state analizzate comparativamente sopravvivenza e recidive (follow-up 3-5 anni), nonché le prove di funzionalità respiratoria ad un anno dall’intervento. Risultati. La sopravvivenza a 3 e 5 anni è stata pari all’88% ed all’82% nel gruppo dei pazienti sottoposti a resezioni limitate, al 93% e all’88% nel gruppo dei pazienti sottoposti a lobectomia. Si è verificata una recidiva locale (9%) nel primo gruppo, una (4%) nel secondo. Ad un anno dall’intervento si sono osservati un moderato decremento del volume espiratorio forzato in 1 secondo (FEV1) e della capacità di diffusione per monossido di carbonio (DLCO) nei pazienti sottoposti a resezione lobare, e un sostanziale mantenimento dei parametri funzionali preoperatori, eccezion fatta per la DLCO, nei pazienti sottoposti a resezione limitata. Conclusioni. La nostra circoscritta esperienza, in accordo con le tendenze attuali della letteratura, indica che l’intervento di resezione polmonare limitata, in pazienti selezionati, con NSCLC periferici allo stadio IA, rappresenta una valida alternativa alla lobectomia in termini di sopravvivenza e tasso di recidiva, determinando altresì un minor decremento della funzionalità polmonare postoperatoria. La segmentectomia può essere dunque considerata, in tali casi, procedura chirurgica di scelta, anche in pazienti in grado di tollerare una resezione maggior
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