598 research outputs found

    Simuliidae da Amazonia II*) Descrição de Simulium goeldií sp. n. (Diptera Nematocera)

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    The authors present descriptions of the male and female pupa and larva of Simulium goeldii sp. n. from material grown in the laboratory, and considered associated with larvae und pupae of Siruulium amazonicum Goør,or, 1905, gathered over a period of three years from six streams in and around the city of Manaus, Amazonas. Attention is called to the faòt that during the period of field investigations no adult of this species was ever found

    Observações preliminares sobre a transmissão de oncocercose no rio Toototobi, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Em dezembro de 1975 os autores estudaram vários fatores que influenciam a transmissão de Onchocerca volvulus ao norte do Amazonas, no rio Toototobi. Observaram que a densidade de microfilarias de O. volvulus era maior no tronco do que nos membros de dois índios Yanomama examinados. Foram capturados três espécies antropófilas de Simuliidae, provisoriamente denominados Simulium sp. A, S.sp. B e S.sp. C. A primeira espécie foi coletada em grande número no começo da tarde, atacando o homem. O encontro de larvas salsichóides em espécimes naturalmente infetados e o sucesso da infecção experimental de espécimes selvagens com microfilarias de O. volvulus que desenvolveram até o final do estágio salsichóide, sugerem que o provável vetor de oncocercose nesta área é o Simulium sp. A.Preliminary studies on various factors influencing the transmission of onchocerciasis were made in December 1975 on the river Toototobi in northern Amazonas. Microfilariae of O. volvulus were more abundant in the trunk than in the limbs of two Yanomama indian volunteers. Three anthrophilic species of Simuliidae were captured and have been temporarily nemaed as Simulium sp.A., sp.B., sp.C. until a definitive identification is made. Only the former species was abundant biting mainly in the early afternoon. The finding of sausage larva in a naturally infected fly and the successful experimental infection of wild flies with microfilariae of O. volvulus, which subsequently developed to the late sausage stage, suggest that Simulium sp.A is a probable vector of onchocerciasis in the area

    Impactos ecológicos das represas hidrelétricas na bacia amazônica brasileira;;

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    Light regimes in three aquatic ecosystems of different physico-chemical properties. 1. Attenuation, irradiance reflectance and comparison between downwelling, upwelling and scalar irradiances (PAR)

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    In two tropical lakes, one of the white water floodplain with an amount of suspended solids (tripton) of 100 mg/l, and one of the black water floodplain stained by humic substances (gilvin) of 130 - 170 HAZEN, situated in Central Amazonia, measurements of the light regime were made. Mainly two types of collectors were used measuring the hemispherical (cosine) and the spherical (scalar) incident solar radiation in the PAR wave band (photosyntethetically active radiation). From these data the coefficients for the irradiance reflectance, extinction for downward irradiance, and the depth of the euphotic zone were calculated for the so-called Várzea (white water) and lgapó (black water) lakes and all values compared to those obtained in the water body of an oligotrophic lake in Northern Germany. Besides comments concerning methodological details, remarks are given on the consequences of the very extreme light regimes for the biota in the two tropical lakes

    BRSGO 7460RR: cultivar de soja transgênica.

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    A paradigm to be discarded: Geological and paleoecological data falsify the HAFFER & PRANCE refuge hypothesis of Amazonian speciation

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    All geological data from Amazonian landforms imply continuous humid weathering throughout late Tertiary and Quaternary times, with all claims for arid land processes shown to be in error. Sand dunes exist only where thick deposits of sand prevent stable vegetative cover. A ground truth survey shows that proposed dune fields in the Pantanal do Mato Grosso do not in fact exist and that dunes in Pantanal Setentrional continue to be active. All available Amazonian pollen data, without exception and including new data, imply biome stability: no pollen data suggest increased coverage of savanna in glacial times, claims to the contrary being demonstrably in error. Amazonian climate is not monolithic, with secular climatic changes across the basin not in phase. New evidence shows that vegetation response to lowered temperatures, lowered CO2, and fluctuating dry seasons produced by MILANKOVITCH forcing resulted only in population changes within plant communities without biome replacements. Diversity between habitats within the forest provides vicariance for alternative evolutionary models. The "aridity with refuges paradigm" now impedes Amazonian research and should be discarded

    Evaluation Of Glueball Masses From Supergravity

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    In the framework of the conjectured duality relation between large NN gauge theory and supergravity the spectra of masses in large NN gauge theory can be determined by solving certain eigenvalue problems in supergravity. In this paper we study the eigenmass problem given by Witten as a possible approximation for masses in QCD without supersymmetry. We place a particular emphasis on the treatment of the horizon and related boundary conditions. We construct exact expressions for the analytic expansions of the wave functions both at the horizon and at infinity and show that requiring smoothness at the horizon and normalizability gives a well defined eigenvalue problem. We show for example that there are no smooth solutions with vanishing derivative at the horizon. The mass eigenvalues up to m2=1000m^{2}=1000 corresponding to smooth normalizable wave functions are presented. We comment on the relation of our work with the results found in a recent paper by Cs\'aki et al., hep-th/9806021, which addresses the same problem.Comment: 20 pages,Latex,3 figs,psfig.tex, added refs., minor change

    Cultivares de soja: macrorregiões 3, 4 e 5 Goiás e Região Central do Brasil.

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    Grupo de maturidade relativa. Indicação de cultivares por região edafoclimática. Mancha olho-de-rã. Cancro da haste. Oídio. Nematóides de galhas. Manejo de mofo-branco em soja. Soja Louca II. Peso médio de sementes. Cultivares de soja convencional. Cultivares de soja transgênica (RR).bitstream/item/76085/1/catalogo-SojaGO-2012-FINAL.pdfCatálogo 02/2012

    Influência da época de semadura na duração dos estádios reprodutivos de cultivares de soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influencia de quatro épocas de semeadura sobre os estádios reprodutivos de 14 cultivares e quatro linhagens de soja, na safra 2010/2011. O trabalho foi realizado na área experimental Fazenda Retiro, da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Goiânia, GO. Os ensaios foram instalados sob delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Foram coletadas as durações, em dias, dos estádios R1 a R8, da escala de Fehr e Caviness (1977). Observou-se tendência de redução do ciclo total, do período vegetativo (Vê até R1), do florescimento (de R1 até R2) e R6, grãos cheios, com o afastamento da semeadura em relação à época recomendada (novembro)