65 research outputs found

    O papel do território no processo de inovação empresarial

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    Esta dissertação tem como objectivo investigar em que medida o território condiciona o processo de inovação empresarial. Partindo da questão conceptual que relaciona a inovação e o território, desenvolve-se um quadro teórico que integra três componentes. A primeira componente trata da génese do processo de inovação, procurando definir os conceitos que permitem considerar a inovação como um processo interactivo e sistémico, suportado por múltiplas dinâmicas de aprendizagem e formas de conhecimento. A segunda componente identifica as principais abordagens teóricas da inovação, nomeadamente aquelas que consideram os contextos internos como determinantes na inovação e as perspectivas que consideram a inovação como resultado da articulação dos contextos internos com os contextos externos. A terceira componente trata das redes enquanto dinâmicas de interacção, que procuram fazer a ligação entre os contextos internos e externos das empresas, dando especial relevo aos diversos canais e contextos de interacção e ao papel desempenhado pelos diferentes tipos de proximidade. Tendo estabelecido o quadro teórico de análise, determina-se o modelo empírico de investigação. Este modelo empírico incorpora um conjunto de hipóteses que serão testadas com recurso a diversas técnicas estatísticas e econométricas, utilizando informação constante de uma base de dados obtida através de um questionário às empresas. A base de dados tem 397 observações e está estratificada por nível de intensidade tecnológica, dimensão e região. Finalmente, identificam-se diferentes modos de inovar e faz-se uma breve análise à relação entre a crise internacional e a inovação. Termina-se com a apresentação das conclusões e algumas pistas de investigação futura.The purpose of this dissertation is to study to what extent the territory affects the process of business innovation. Based on the conceptual question that relates territory and innovation, it aims to develop a theoretical framework that integrates three components. As far as the genesis of the innovation process is concerned, it seeks to define of concepts that allow us to consider innovation as a systemic and interactive process, supported by multiple learning dynamics and forms of knowledge. The second item identifies the main theoretical approaches to innovation, especially those that consider the internal contexts as critical to it, and the perspectives that consider innovation as a result of the matching of internal with external contexts. Finally, the third part will address networks as a dynamics of interaction, seeking to make the connection between internal and external contexts for firms. A special emphasis will be placed on the various channels and contexts of interaction and on the role played by different types of proximity. Having established the theoretical framework, it determines the model of empirical research. This model incorporates a set of empirical assumptions to be tested using several statistical and econometric techniques, with information found in a database obtained through a business survey. The database has 397 observations stratified by levels of technological intensity, size and region. Finally, it identifies different modes of innovation and makes a brief analysis of the relationship between the international crisis and innovation. Finally, it ends with the presentation of conclusions and some clues for future research

    The cyberjournal as a teaching tool: from technique to practice

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    the interdisciplinary work that culminated in the creation of the cyberjournal Jornalismo- PortoNet (JPN) in March 2004. The primary purpose of JPN was to provide an academic training post for last term students, simulating the editorial office of a newspaper. Taking advantage of the interdisciplinary and human resources of the course, a scheme has been implemented for editing and publishing news material, involving teachers from particular fields of Design, Computer Science and Journalism. The idea was to make the most of the potentialities offered by internet, choosing news building structures to suit this new process (open, in tree, multilinear, and with parallel linkages), by means of text blocks hyperconnected to one another. The goals proposed in this initial phase of JPN which lasted until the first days in June were globally reached. Although JPN was not widely advertised, its visibility was good, reaching some twenty thousand visits in the two and half months of intensive work. In all, more than 900 articles and dozens of radio and television reports were prepared and transmitted. These results make the authors conclude that the cyberjournal is an excellent tool in Journalism teaching, considering its low production and distribution costs and the internet potentialities as medium of communication wherein all the other media converge

    Brat2Viz: a tool and pipeline for visualizing narratives from annotated texts

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    Narrative Extraction from text is a complex task that starts by identifying a set of narrative elements (actors, events, times), and the semantic links between them (temporal, referential, semantic roles). The outcome is a structure or set of structures which can then be represented graphically, thus opening room for further and alternative exploration of the plot. Such visualization can also be useful during the on-going annotation process. Manual annotation of narratives can be a complex effort and the possibility offered by the Brat annotation tool of annotating directly on the text does not seem suciently helpful. In this paper, we propose Brat2Viz, a tool and a pipeline that displays visualization of narrative information annotated in Brat. Brat2Viz reads the annotation file of Brat, produces an intermediate representation in the declarative language DRS (Discourse Representation Structure), and from this obtains the visualization. Currently, we make available two visualization schemes: MSC (Message Sequence Chart) and Knowledge Graphs. The modularity of the pipeline enables the future extension to new annotation sources, different annotation schemes, and alternative visualizations or representations. We illustrate the pipeline using examples from an European Portuguese news corpus

    O ciberjornal como instrumento de ensino: Da teoria à prática

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    Nesta comunicação, pretende-se apresentar o trabalho interdisciplinar que resultou na criação, em Março de 2004, do ciberjornal JornalismoPortoNet (JPN). O objectivo imediato do JPN foi proporcionar um estágio académico interno a 15 dos alunos finalistas do curso, simulando o trabalho de uma redacção. Aproveitando as sinergias e os recursos humanos do curso, foi desenvolvida uma plataforma de edição e publicação de material noticioso, envolvendo docentes das áreas de Design, Informática e Jornalismo. No trabalho desenvolvido, procurou-se tirar o máximo partido das potencialidades que a Internet oferece, apostando em estruturas de construção de notícias adequadas a este novo meio (abertas, arbóreas, multi-lineares e de ligações paralelas), através de textos hiperligados entre si. Os objectivos propostos nesta fase-piloto do JPN, que se prolongou até ao início de Junho, foram globalmente atingidos. Apesar de não ter sido feita grande divulgação, a visibilidade do JPN foi muito boa, atingindo cerca de 20 mil visitas nos dois meses e meio de trabalho intensivo. Ao todo, foram elaboradas e difundidas mais de 900 notícias e dezenas de reportagens de rádio e televisão. Estes resultados levam os autores a concluir que o ciberjornal é um instrumento óptimo de ensino do Jornalismo, dados os baixos custos de produção e distribuição e as potencialidades da Internet enquanto meio em que convergem todos os outros.During this presentation we intend to show the interdisciplinary work that culminated in the creation of the cyberjournal JornalismoPortoNet (JPN) in March 2004. The primary purpose of JPN was to provide an academic training post for last term students, simulating the editorial office of a newspaper. Taking advantage of the interdisciplinary and human resources of the course, a scheme has been implemented for editing and publishing news material, involving teachers from particular fields of Design, Computer Science and Journalism. The idea was to make the most of the potentialities offered by internet, choosing news building structures to suit this new process (open, in tree, multilinear, and with parallel linkages), by means of text blocks hyperconnected to one another. The goals proposed in this initial phase of JPN which lasted until the first days in June were globally reached. Although JPN was not widely advertised, its visibility was good, reaching some twenty thousand visits in the two and half months of intensive work. In all, more than 900 articles and dozens of radio and television reports were prepared and transmitted. These results make the authors conclude that the cyberjournal is an excellent tool in Journalism teaching, considering its low production and distribution costs and the internet potentialities as medium of communication wherein all the other media converge

    Physical soil properties after seven years of composted tannery-sludge application

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    This study was performed to investigate the effects of composted tannery sludge (CTS) on the physical properties of tropical sandy soil after seven years of CTS application. CTS was applied to a Fluvisol at five rates (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 Mg ha-1) in experimental plots (sized 20 m2) with four replications. Water infiltration into the soil was determined in the field with the concentric-ring infiltrometer method. Bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, and microporosity were determined in the soil samples. The permanent CTS application altered the physical properties of the soil and led to a decrease in bulk density. The total porosity, microporosity and macroporosity values in the CTS-applied soil ranged from 44.1–51.7, 34.6–39.4, and 9.1–12.8%, respectively. Water-infiltration rates were significantly influenced by CTS. The cumulative infiltrated water in the soil varied from 21.3–34.7 cm. The basic infiltration rate was lower in the unamended soil and increased with an increase in the rate of CTS application. This study confirmed that the physical soil parameters improved after the permanent CTS application. Therefore, this application may be a suitable strategy for improving physical soil properties over time

    Projeto TURARQ - Turismo Arqueológico para Territórios de Baixa Densidade do Médio Tejo

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    Apresentação do projeto TurArq, que tem como objetivo principal promover o turismo científico e cultural em territórios de baixa densidade do Médio Tejo português (municípios de Abrantes, Constância, Mação, Tomar e Vila Nova da Barquinha), gerando riqueza e novos empregos, apostando no usufruto presencial do património arqueológico e nos meios de divulgação digital. O projeto pretende contribuir para uma gestão patrimonial integrada na região, a fixação de capital humano, a mobilização de recursos dedicados à sua capacitação e a valorização do património existente. Visa ainda promover o desenvolvimento comunitário, a coesão do território e a sua preservação, numa lógica de sustentabilidade.Os autores agradecem ao projeto “Contratação de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados - Territórios do interior - Entidades Não Empresariais do Sistema I&I” (Centro-04-3559-Fse-000158), financiado pelo Fundo Social Europeu e pelo Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. Trabalho financiado por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Fct), no âmbito dos projetos Uid/00073//2020 (Cgeo), Uid/05488/2020 (Techn&Art) e Uid/05567/2020 (Ci2)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio