3 research outputs found

    Glycerine associated molecules with herbicide for controlling Adenocalymma peregrinum in cultivated pastures

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    The weed Adenocalymma peregrinum that is popularly known in Brazil as “ciganinha”, belongs to the family Bignoniaceae. The only way to control this plant species in crop fields is by the application of herbicides on the stump or directly on the stem. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of glycerine in controlling A. peregrinum (MIERS) L.G.Lohmann when applied on the stem. The glycerin used as a spray application of herbicide, underwent pre-purification processes with different concentrations of phosphoric acid (85%) and was characterized for water content, sulphated ash, total glycerol, matter organic non-glycerol (MONG), methanol and pH. For the analysis of the chemical composition of the stem lignin, holocellulose, extractives, calorific value and elementary quantitative determination of C, N, H, S were determined, as well as the total content of oxygen from the stem. The field work was installed at the town of Alvorada-TO, following the randomized complete block design with six treatments and four replications. Results show that the stem of A. peregrinum contains a significant amount of nitrogen, compared to other species, and high lignin content which makes it the most resistant species. The use of glycerin combined to the herbicide (picloram and triclopyr), was not efficient when compared to diesel oil. It was observed that the glycerin has potential as a vehicle for applying herbicides, leaving much to the development of new studies to make changes in its physicalchemical characteristics.Key words: Weeds, pastures, management, Adenocalymma peregrinum

    Physical attributes of a Gleysol kept under two systems: Cattle and Ovinocaprino, located in the southern state of Tocantins

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    O pisoteio animal excessivo aliado à falta de práticas conservacionistas e manejo adequado do solo torna este compactado, tendo um aumento significativo na densidade, ocasionado pelas cargas ou pressões aplicadas neste solo. O estado do Tocantins é caracterizado pela criação animal, principalmente de bovinos, no entanto, existem produtores que criam pequenos animais, como ovinocaprinos. Na literatura existem poucos relatos sobre o efeito do pisoteio sobre as características físicas de um gleissolo. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de dois sistemas de criação animal, bovino e ovinocaprino, sobre os atributos físicos de um gleissolo no sul do estado do Tocantins. Para isso foi avaliado a macro e micro-porosidade, densidade e resistência à penetração de ambos os sistemas, separados por compartimentos. Como resultado observou-se uma diferença significativa para a variável densidade, macro e micro-porosidade e resistência mecânica, sendo que esta variou em função da profundidade do perfil do solo.The excessive animal trampling, together with the lack of conservation practices and adequate soil becomes compacted this, having a significant increase in density, caused by loads or pressures applied in this soil. The Tocantins state is characterized by livestock, particularly cattle, however, there are producers who create small animals such as ovinocaprinos. In literature there are few reports on the effect of trampling on the physical characteristics of an gleysol. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of two systems for livestock, Cattle and ovinocaprino on the physical attributes of an gleysol, located in the southern state of Tocantins. For it was rated the macro and micro-porosity, density and penetration resistance of both systems, separated by compartments. As a result there was a significant difference for the variable density, macro-and micro-porosity and mechanical strength, and it varied depending on the depth of the soil profile

    Produção de biomassa e de óleo essencial de três quimiotipos (I, II e III) e quatro acessos de erva-cidreira [Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown] no sul do Estado do Tocantins

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    This study aimed to evaluate the production of essential oil from three chemotypes for experiment 1 and four accessions of L. alba from different municipalities in southern Tocantins for experiment 2, with these three repetitions, the design of randomized blocks. The essential oil was obtained via hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus. Were evaluated: dry weight, content and yield of essential oil per plant. In experiment 1 there was no statistically significant difference in any of the variables analyzed. In the second experiment, there was significant difference between treatments in Gurupi / Cariri in relation to access to Figueirópolis / Alvorada with regard to oil content, which did not differ on the characteristics analyzed for dry mass, when analyzed if the yield per plant was a significant difference between the fits of Gurupi and Cariri in relation to access to Figueirópolis and Alvorada.  Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a produção de óleo essencial de três quimiotipos para o experimento 1 e quatro acessos de L. alba de diferentes municípios do sul do Tocantins para o experimento 2, com essas três repetições, o delineamento de blocos casualizados. O óleo essencial foi obtido por hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger. Foram avaliados: peso seco, teor e rendimento de óleo essencial por planta. No experimento 1, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em nenhuma das variáveis ​​analisadas. No segundo experimento, houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos em Gurupi / Cariri em relação ao acesso a Figueirópolis / Alvorada em relação ao teor de óleo, que não diferiram nas características analisadas para massa seca, quando analisado se o rendimento por planta foi diferença significativa entre os acessos de Gurupi e Cariri em relação ao acesso a Figueirópolis e Alvorada