455 research outputs found

    Transforming research on morphology into teacher practice

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    Research suggests that the explicit teaching of morphological principles will improve children’s spelling. Despite the fact that reference is made to morphology in English policy documents, teachers make limited use of morphology when teaching spelling, relying more heavily on phonic and visual strategies. After attending a course on role of morphemes in spelling, teachers’ own awareness of morphology increased and this was reflected in their practice. This in turn caused their pupils to make significant gains in spelling, compared to a control group. This reinforces the proposition that explicit instruction about morphemes is helpful to children’s learning. It demonstrates the fact that research can be transformed into teacher practice, but it also illustrates the difficulties. Policy documentation alone is insufficient. Professional development can effect change but this may be hard to sustain. Children’s gains are contingent on teacher’s continuing to dedicate class time to focussed intervention

    A mixed reality neighborhood tour: understanding visitor experience and perceptions

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    Museums are increasingly turning to technology to improve their offerings. This presents an opportunity to surrounding neighborhoods to take advantage of the museum in order to connect with visitors and offer them a glimpse into their community. The work presented in this article contributes to advancing the state of the art in designing Mixed Reality (MR) entertainment experiences by presenting and discussing Yasmine’s Adventures (YA), a mobile application aiming to extend the museum visitor’s experience into the surrounding neighborhood. YA demonstrates the potential of MR in engaging visitors to explore neglected urban areas. This is achieved by incorporating the opinions of community members, and other contextual information, into a fictional story telling journey, delivered through a MR entertainment experience distributed in real space. Consequently, users are provided with opportunity to connect with enriched portraits of these spaces. Results from a quantitative and qualitative evaluation showed that participants’ perception of the neighborhood was positively affected by the experience, which fostered curiosity and willingness to explore the neighborhood both at the spatial and social levels. By taking the tour, participants increased their interest in interacting with locals and fostered greater knowledge of the area, which they were willing to share after experiencing it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SINAIS from Fanal: design and evaluation of an art-inspired eco-feedback system

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    In this paper we present the challenges exposed during the designing, implementing and assessment of a novel eco feedback system resulting from the intersection of human computer interaction (HCI), and Digital Art. We explore how a digital art mode of inquiry can contribute to expose existing challenges in eco-feedback technology. Our new art inspired eco-feedback visualization, maps electricity consumption to effects on natural elements of the local natural landscape. The feedback was piloted with eight local families for four weeks. Reactions of the users were assessed through interviews and quantitative measures. Our findings showed that users found the mapping of the eco feedback to artistic representations of elements of the natural environment somehow compelling, despite lacking of clear quantitative information. In conclusion, the conducted study provide useful findings and insights into future deployment of eco-feedback using artistic visualizations, information visualization and motivating behavior change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding the limitations of eco-feedback: a one-year long-term study

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    For the last couple of decades the world has been witnessing a change in habits of energy consumption in domestic environments, with elec tricity emerging as the main source of energy consumed. The effects of these changes in our eco-system are hard to assess, therefore encouraging researchers from different fields to conduct studies with the goal of understanding and im proving perceptions and behaviors regarding household energy consumption. While several of these studies report success in increasing awareness, most of them are limited to short periods of time, thus resulting in a reduced knowledge of how householders will behave in the long-term. In this paper we attempt to reduce this gap presenting a long-term study on household electricity consump tion. We deployed a real-time non-intrusive energy monitoring and eco feedback system in 12 families during 52 weeks. Results show an increased awareness regarding electricity consumption despite a significant decrease in interactions with the eco-feedback system over time. We conclude that after one year of deployment of eco-feedback it was not possible to see any significant increase or decrease in the household consumption. Our results also confirm that consumption is tightly coupled with independent variables like the house hold size and the income-level of the families.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HomeTree: an art inspired mobile eco-feedback visualization

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    This paper presents HomeTree a prototype of an art-inspired mobile eco feedback system. The system is implemented on a tablet PC and relies on a non intrusive energy-monitoring infrastructure to access consumption and power event information. Our prototype addresses an important problem in eco feedback, which is the fact that users loose interest about their energy consump tion after a period of several weeks. To accomplish this HomeTree implements a dual visualization strategy. Initially HomeTree presents users with a screensa ver that shows energy consumption mapped in a dynamic illustration of the lo cal forest. Through this strategy we leverage the emotional connection between the short-term energy consumption and the long-term effects on nature through the local depicted landscape. In a second mode of operation users can interact with HomeTree directly by checking the historical records of their consumption data, and check which days or weeks they have reduced or increased consump tion. Furthermore a comparison with a more objective baseline, such as the city of Funchal energy consumption is provided, in order to give users a sense of the level of their consumption in a wider context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Watt-I-see: design and evaluation of an interactive installation using eco-feedforward strategies

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    In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of Watt-I-See (WISE), a tangible interactive installation aimed at probing awareness in two target audiences (children and adults) about renew able energy resources that could inform eco-feedforward strategies. Our system combines a tan gible interface representing five different energy sources, with a set of Lego™ blocks used to manipulate different weather conditions that affect the available energy mix. Through the evalu ation of WISE, our main goal was to expose users to the effort necessary to produce the energy used in our day-to-day lives. We evaluated the installation separately for children and adults. The focus on children was due to their importance in the overall household consumption and their role in future scenarios where consumers will have to adapt to the availability of renewable energy sources. The focus on adults was to observe the impact of such information in their decision mak ing regarding their routines. Our findings highlight the success of the interface in engaging chil dren and adults, creating awareness between weather conditions and energy production and the fossil-fuel energy baseline in the grid. Overall, the study highlights the importance of providing a close point-of-interaction feedback as it enables a better understanding of energy-related decisions, reactions, and availability of resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo apresenta o acirramento do debate acerca dos métodos de História de Vida e de Narrativa no sentido de destacar o conceito de Narratividade como uma perspetiva dos estudos epistemológicos até as primeiras décadas do século XXI. O levantamento bibliográfico das diferentes trajetórias investigativas destaca o alinhamento aos propósitos a serem alcançados. Com isso, incide-se luz ao discurso científico no tocante à conservação e as mudanças entre os métodos investigativos no conitnuum histórico, no qual as ciências estão posicionadas em primeiro plano e sempre em interface com os fatores sociais, económicos e políticos que influenciam, evidentemente, os interesses das Ciências em suas áreas do conhecimento humano e social

    Evaluation of yasmine’s adventures: exploring the socio-cultural potential of location aware multimedia stories

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    This paper describes Yasmine’s Adventures, a location aware multi‐ media story designed as a location based service for a museum. Yasmine’s Adventures follows a young local girl (Yasmine) through a series of short animated adventures, tailored specifically to engage visitors in exploring the rela‐ tively neglected streets of the area in which the museum is situated. Yasmine’s perceptions of the landmarks, identified by community members themselves, reflect the real concerns of the community. Results from the evaluation of the user’s experience suggest location connection and perception changes when loca‐ tive media narratives include learning, understanding and discovery elements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This article sought an overview of theories of needs and discussed them in the context of consumerism, consumption and business opportunities. This study examines the development of Abraham H. Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs (including updates to the levels of his Pyramid), studying authors and their views on the topic, with the intention of better identifying consumer needs. Authors provide an overview of the theories of needs seeded through motivational theory, also with the aim of discovering the differences and being needs (sometimes known as growth needs) then linking them to business strategies, a better understanding of the consumer and best exploitation on the market. The methodology used in this article was exploratory qualitative academic research. A bibliographic research was carried out in primary sources, aiming at collecting data in appropriate and targeted publications from different authors, theorizing on the same subject. Seeking to substantiate the hypotheses. It was noticed in the accomplishment of the research and in the readings for the execution of the article, that although the needs have a different degree of importance of the structure by Maslow, in the 50's, that the man has vital needs and according to his family experience, his social groups, life stage, can set different priorities. With the accomplishment of this research, it was possible to better understand the consumer decision-making process, allowing marketers to develop more efficient and effective strategies to help consumers in the process to a resolution that is mutually beneficial.Este artículo buscó una visión general de las teorías de las necesidades y las discutió en el contexto del consumismo, el consumo y las oportunidades comerciales.  Los autores brindan una descripción general de las teorías de las necesidades sembradas a través de la teoría motivacional, también con el objetivo de descubrir las diferencias y las necesidades (a veces conocidas como necesidades de crecimiento) y luego vincularlas a las estrategias comerciales, una mejor comprensión del consumidor y la mejor explotación en el mercado. La metodología utilizada en este artículo fue la investigación académica cualitativa exploratoria. Se realizó una investigación bibliográfica en fuentes primarias, con el objetivo de recolectar datos en publicaciones apropiadas y específicas de diferentes autores, teorizando sobre un mismo tema. Buscando fundamentar las hipótesis. Se notó en la realización de la investigación y en las lecturas para la ejecución del artículo, que si bien las necesidades tienen un grado de importancia diferente a la estructura de Maslow, en la década del 50, que el hombre tiene necesidades vitales y de acuerdo a su la experiencia familiar, sus grupos sociales, etapa de vida, pueden establecer distintas prioridades. Con la realización de esta investigación, fue posible comprender mejor el proceso de toma de decisiones del consumidor, lo que permitió a los especialistas en marketing desarrollar estrategias más eficientes y efectivas para ayudar a los consumidores en el proceso a una resolución que sea mutuamente beneficiosa.Este artigo buscou uma visão geral das teorias das necessidades e as discutimos no contexto do consumismo, consumo e oportunidades para as empresas. Este estudo examina desenvolvimento da teoria das necessidades hierárquicas de Abraham H. Maslow (incluindo as atualizações nos níveis da sua Pirâmide), estudando autores e suas visões sobre o tema, com intenção de identificar melhor as necessidades dos consumidores.  Autores fornecem uma visão geral das teorias de necessidades semeadas através da teoria motivacional, também com objetivo de descobrir as diferenças e serem necessidades (às vezes conhecidas como necessidades de crescimento) em seguida, vinculá-las a estratégias empresariais, um melhor entendimento do consumidor e melhor exploração do mercado. A metodologia utilizada neste artigo foi a de pesquisa acadêmica qualitativa exploratória. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes primárias, visando a coleta de dados em publicações adequadas e direcionadas de autores diversos, teorizando sobre um mesmo assunto. Buscando fundamentar as hipóteses. Percebeu-se na realização da pesquisa e nas leituras para a execução do artigo, que embora as necessidades tenham grau de importância diferente da estrutura por Maslow, nos anos 50, que o homem possui necessidades vitais e de acordo com a sua experiência familiar, seus grupos sociais, fase da vida, podem definir prioridades diferentes. Com a realização dessa pesquisa foi possível compreender melhor o processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor permite que os profissionais de marketing desenvolvam estratégias mais eficientes e eficazes para ajudar os consumidores no processo a uma resolução que seja mutuamente benéfica.Este artigo buscou uma visão geral das teorias das necessidades e as discutimos no contexto do consumismo, consumo e oportunidades para as empresas. Este estudo examina desenvolvimento da teoria das necessidades hierárquicas de Abraham H. Maslow (incluindo as atualizações nos níveis da sua Pirâmide), estudando autores e suas visões sobre o tema, com intenção de identificar melhor as necessidades dos consumidores.  Autores fornecem uma visão geral das teorias de necessidades semeadas através da teoria motivacional, também com objetivo de descobrir as diferenças e serem necessidades (às vezes conhecidas como necessidades de crescimento) em seguida, vinculá-las a estratégias empresariais, um melhor entendimento do consumidor e melhor exploração do mercado. A metodologia utilizada neste artigo foi a de pesquisa acadêmica qualitativa exploratória. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes primárias, visando a coleta de dados em publicações adequadas e direcionadas de autores diversos, teorizando sobre um mesmo assunto. Buscando fundamentar as hipóteses. Percebeu-se na realização da pesquisa e nas leituras para a execução do artigo, que embora as necessidades tenham grau de importância diferente da estrutura por Maslow, nos anos 50, que o homem possui necessidades vitais e de acordo com a sua experiência familiar, seus grupos sociais, fase da vida, podem definir prioridades diferentes. Com a realização dessa pesquisa foi possível compreender melhor o processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor permite que os profissionais de marketing desenvolvam estratégias mais eficientes e eficazes para ajudar os consumidores no processo a uma resolução que seja mutuamente benéfica