367 research outputs found

    A cross-country assessment of energy and CO₂ emission: An index decomposition approach

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    As the threat of climate change becomes increasingly acknowledged, it becomes more evident that past and current unsustainable energy consumption patterns cannot be pursued or maintained. In order to address this challenging goal for policy makers across the globe, development of decomposition techniques have been widely undertaken, regarding both variations in energy and CO2 emissions. This study aims to promote a cross-country assessment of main energy-related emission drivers, resorting to an approach that diferenciates the contribution of RES and nuclear energy for overall carbon emissions. It resorts to a Log-Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition approach to enable disaggregation of Kaya identity function into main energy-related emission drivers. As main common emission drivers, energy intensity (Cint), affluence (Cypc) and penetration of RES (Crepe) constitute areas that require a more immediate action by energy policy decision makers. Thus, “extended” decomposition approach has enabled to identify key drivers for CO2 emissions, accounting for the contribution of all fuel alternatives – both renewable and non-renewable, including nuclear energy.This research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme, under project NETEP- European Brazilian Network on Energy Planning (PIRSES-GA-2013-612263)

    The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Madeira Island

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    The environmental conditions in Madeira Island are favorable for the presence and dissemination of the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Five hundred Pinus pinaster wood samples were collected in several forest areas and PWN was detected in 22.8 % of the samples. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus isolates from Madeira Island displayed the species-specific diagnostic characters. A morphological variation in the female tail terminus was detected. In most females, the tail presented a broadly rounded terminus and, occasionally, a digitate terminus with a terminal nipple-like extension resembling a mucro. PCR ITS-RFLP analysis revealed that Madeira Island isolates exhibited patterns specific to the species B. xylophilus and similar to virulent isolates. Amplified ITS regions were further sequenced and no genetic diversity was found for this genomic region among 17 Portuguese isolates (Madeira Island and Continental Portugal). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Portuguese isolates grouped with isolates from China, Korea and one isolate from Japa

    Dynamics of drinking water biofilm in flow/non-flow conditions

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    Drinking water biofilm formation on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) was followed in three different reactors operating under stagnant or continuous flow regimes. After one week, a quasi-steady state was achieved where biofilm total cell numbers per unit surface area were not affected by fluctuations in the concentration of suspended cells. Metabolically active cells in biofilms were around 17-35% of the total cells and 6-18% were able to form colony units in R(2)A medium. Microbiological analysis showed that the adhesion material and reactor design did not affect significantly the biofilm growth. However, operating under continuous flow (0.8-1.9 Pa) or stagnant water had a significant effect on biofilm formation: in stagnant waters, biofilm grew to a less extent. By applying mass balances and an asymptotic biofilm formation model to data from biofilms grown on PVC and HDPE surfaces under turbulent flow, specific growth rates of bacteria in the biofilm were found to be similar for both materials (around 0.15 day(-1)) and much lower than the specific growth rates of suspended bacteria (around 1.8 day(-1))

    Metodologias de desenvolvimento de novos produtos industriais

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    O produto é o principal meio que a empresa pode utilizar na orientação dos seus recursos para as exigências do mercado, no sentido de proporcionar valor aos clientes e alcançar, deste modo, os objectivos da organização. No entanto, a estratégia de produto contem decisões complexas que afectam e condicionam a organização, quer interna quer externamente. O desenvolvimento de novos produtos, ou a alteração da carteira de produtos actual, exige o compromisso de todas as áreas funcionais para configurar, de forma integrada e sólida, a oferta proporcionada ao mercado. Actualmente, um dos principais objectivos das empresas consiste em desenvolver e introduzir novos produtos no mercado num período de tempo reduzido. Este objectivo originou o aparecimento de uma nova forma de gestão do processo de concepção e desenvolvimento de novos produtos – o Desenvolvimento Acelerado de Novos Produtos. A possibilidade de criar e sustentar uma vantagem competitiva, baseada na redução do time-to-market dos novos produtos, justifica que os gestores do processo de concepção e desenvolvimento procurem definir uma série de técnicas e metodologias que permitam essa redução. A revisão bibliográfica realizada permitiu desenvolver um questionário com o objectivo de caracterizar o sector industrial e o meio envolvente das empresas, analisar a estratégia de inovação de produtos e as actividades de concepção e desenvolvimento de novos produtos da empresa no mercado e determinar o nível de utilização de algumas técnicas e metodologias que permitem reduzir o time-to-market dos novos produtos. Esta redução permite melhorar a eficiência do processo de concepção e desenvolvimento de novos produtos. No estudo realizado identificam-se algumas técnicas e metodologias que permitem reduzir o time-to-market dos novos produtos. Com base numa amostra de 32 empresas do sector dos componentes para a indústria automóvel em Portugal, analisa-se a relação entre essas técnicas e metodologias e o time-to-market, e, entre essas técnicas e metodologias e o êxito de novos componentes no mercado. A análise estatística dos dados, realizada no âmbito deste projecto de investigação, permitiu verificar que existe uma relação directa entre o êxito dos novos produtos e a utilização de algumas técnicas de fabrico/industrialização, tecnologias da informação e técnicas de design. A análise efectuada indica também a existência de factores determinantes do êxito dos novos produtos, como a redução do time-to-market e o grau de participação no processo de concepção e desenvolvimento do departamento de marketing, do departamento de produção, dos engenheiros e designers, dos clientes e dos fornecedores. Os factores que emergem do mercado global actual determinam a existência de produtos com um ciclo de vida cada vez mais reduzido. Isto implica a necessidade de procurar meios que permitam a redução do time-to-market dos novos produtos e o êxito desses produtos no mercado. Nesta dissertação, após a análise fundamentada da problemática da inovação de produtos nos mercados industriais, procurou-se desenvolver um conjunto de técnicas e metodologias que permitem reduzir o time-to-market dos novos produtos. No entanto, importa salientar que o objectivo não é optimizar o ciclo de desenvolvimento dos novos produtos nas empresas. O objectivo é procurar determinar o time-to-market mais adequado, através da utilização de um conjunto de técnicas e metodologias que permitam melhorar a eficiência do processo de concepção e desenvolvimento de novos produtos nas empresas do sector dos componentes para a indústria automóvel em Portugal.The product is the main instrument a company has to direct its resources in order to meet market needs, offer value to its customers and, in this way, attain the organization’s goals. However, the product strategies involve complex decisions which affect the organization, internally and externally. New product development or changes in the current product portfolio demand a commitment from all functional areas in an organisation in order to configure the market supply in an integrated and solid way. Presently, one of the companies’ main goals consists of developing and introducing new products in the market in shortest period of time. This led to the emergence of a new type of management in process conception and development of new products – the Accelerated Product Development. The possibility of creating and maintaining a competitive advantage based on the reduction of time-to-market of the new product explains the fact that, increasingly, managers try to define a series of techniques and methodologies which make this reduction possible in the conception and development of new product process. The bibliography research that was undertaken constituted the basis for building the questionnaire that was used in this project, which aimed at (a) characterising the industrial sector and the environment where companies operate, (b) analysing the product innovation strategy and the companies activities of conception and developing new products in the markets, (c) determining the rate of utilization of techniques and methodologies that reduce time-to-market of new products. In the present study, a number of techniques and methodologies which help reducing the new products time-to-market were identified. Based on a sample of 32 companies belonging to the industry car components in Portugal, an analysis was made of the relationship between these techniques and methodologies and the time-to-market, and between former and the success of new components in the market. According to the statistic analysis made, there is a direct relationship between success of the new products and the use of some techniques of manufacture/industrialization, information and design technologies. The analysis made also indicates the existence of other determining factors in the success of new products, such as the reduction of new product time-to-market and the participation level of marketing and production departments, engineers and designers, clients and suppliers in process of conception and development of new products. One of the most important factors that characterize current market globalization is the increasing reduction in product life cycles. This indicates the need to find means that promote reductions in new product’s time-to-market and its success in the market. In this dissertation there is a comprehensive analysis of product innovation in industrial markets and a number of techniques and methodologies that reduce new product’s time-to-market are presented. However, it is important to point out that the objective of this research was not the optimization of the development cycle of new products. The objective was to determine a number of techniques and methodologies susceptible of improving the process of conception and development of new products, with a view to reducing their time-to-market. The case studied was that of the industry of car components in Portugal

    A cross-country assessment of energy-related CO2 emissions: An extended Kaya Index Decomposition Approach

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    As the threat of climate change becomes increasingly acknowledged, it becomes more evident that past and current unsustainable energy consumption patterns cannot be pursued or maintained. In order to help policy makers across the globe to address this challenging goal, decomposition techniques have been applied to identify the main drivers of changes in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This study presents a cross-country assessment of main energy- related CO2 emission drivers for Portugal, United Kingdom, Brazil and China, resorting to an approach that differentiates the contribution of all fuel alternatives – both renewable and non-renewable, including nuclear energy. The results obtained have shown the relevance of energy intensity and affluence effects as well as RES contribution as main emission drivers which means that their relationships constitute areas that require a more immediate action by energy policy decision-makers. In terms of policy implications, it seems clear that Brazil and Portugal need to focus on measures improving energy efficiency whereas China and UK need to prioritize issues regarding the weight of non-renewable energy sources in their energy mix. Another important implication is the need to promote synergies within the energy sector, regarding energy security, climate change and pollution mitigation goals.This research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme, under project NETEP- European Brazilian Network on Energy Planning (PIRSES-GA-2013-612263) and by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. Support from CNPq is also acknowledged

    Cross-country multi-sectorial LMDI decomposition of aggregate energy consumption

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    Although a cornerstone for development, past and current energy uses have often posed a major challenge for policy makers regarding energy planning and management. Within this context, in this paper an updated multi-sectorial cross-country assessment of energy consumption trends was undertaken, contributing to existing literature and to the public debate over policy efforts towards sustainable development of the energy sector. This cross-country assessment encompasses a set of developed and emerging countries (United Kingdom, Portugal, Brazil and China). Resorting to a Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI), aggregate energy consumption was decomposed into three main explanatory effects: activity, structure and intensity. The major findings achieved reflect the relevance of intensity and activity effects in detriment of structural effect, since for all countries the main variations have been associated to both overall activity and intensity effect. Assessment of energy consumption trends through decomposition lens provides critical information regarding which is the dominant factor that should be focused during policy design, in order to improve overall energy consumption.This research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme, under project NETEP- European Brazilian Network on Energy Planning (PIRSES-GA-2013-612263)

    Energy indicators: crucial tool towards sustainability assessment

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    Energy has been considered an intrinsic factor to attain Sustainable Development (SD). However, it has not always been viewed, projected or recognized within sustainability’s scope. To address this issue, the use of indicators, namely Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD), allows to convey to policy-makers multidimensional implications of energy related decision-making. Besides contributing to assess current energy trends at a national level, this tool, contextualized within a country’s economic and energy mix, allows to establish a comparison between different countries. This effectively contributes to identifying common concerns and strategies to overcome barriers towards sustainable development. This paper compares the path to SD in Portugal and Brazil by making use of the EISD framework

    Driving forces for aggregate energy consumption: a cross-country approach

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    Although a cornerstone for development, past and current energy use has often posed a major challenge for policymakers with respect to planning and management. Within this context, in this paper an updated multi-sectorial cross-country assessment of energy consumption trends was undertaken, aiming at identifying the main drivers of changes in aggregate energy consumption. These drivers have been interpreted in the light of the policy measures that have been implemented over the years by different countries to achieve a sustainable development of the energy sector. The cross-country assessment encompasses a set of developed (United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain) and emerging (Brazil, China, and India) countries. Resorting to the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition method, changes in the aggregate energy consumption were decomposed into three main explanatory effects: activity, structure and intensity. The major findings achieved reflect the relevance of intensity and activity effects in detriment of the structural effect. The assessment of energy consumption trends using the LMDI decomposition method provides critical information regarding which is the dominant factor that should be focused in policy design.This research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme, under project NETEP-European Brazilian Network on Energy Planning (PIRSES-GA-2013-612263). Support from CNPq is also acknowledged, as well as the support of ALGORITMI, a research Centre at the University of Minho. This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Conceptualizing a credits trading approach towards corporate social responsibility credits

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    Life Cycles of both products and services significantly consume renewable and non-renewable resources across a worldwide scale. Thus, eliciting an enormous environmental impact, that is known to disproportionately instigate crises into the socio-economic and political domains of our civilization. Therefore, Creation of Shared Value and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have been considered by Policy makers, Public and Private Institutions. In addition to Corporate Philanthropy, CSR practices also encompass a wide spectrum of activities, including Stakeholder safety/welfare, designing sustainable products and ecological restoration to name a few which are ascertained to capital and knowledge intensive in nature. Therefore, this paper primarily structures the scope of CSR and proposes a mechanism for trading Corporate Social Responsibility credits in order to incentivize stakeholder centered business practices. Furthermore, the CSR credits trading methodology would entail similar mechanisms used by its remotely successful predecessors namely, tax incentives, tradable credits/certificates and flexible mechanisms for implementing sustainable projects. The CSR credits trading methodology is envisioned to entail a more holistic approach towards overall Sustainability when compared to Carbon Offsets/Renewable Energy Certificates which are more focused towards reducing the environmental footprint.The author acknowledges the contribution of MIT Portugal Program, University of Minho and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (Foundation Of Science and Technology, Portugal) for the scholarship grant SFRH / BD / 33794 / 2009

    Uma análise crítica e comparativa de experiências de ensino do empreendedorismo baseadas na abordagem de aprendizagem por projeto

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    Este artigo debruça-se sobre a aplicação da abordagem de aprendizagem por projeto no ensino do empreendedorismo ou da formação empresarial em cursos de engenharia. A literatura sobre o tema é ainda escassa e persiste um debate que se tem mostrado inconclusivo sobre determinadas questões fundamentais. Neste projeto de investigação estudaram-se diversas experiências educacionais que permitem tirar ilações sobre a abordagem da aprendizagem baseada em projeto utilizada em 6 unidades curriculares de diferentes cursos de engenharia da Universidade do Minho. O período de análise compreende os últimos 10 anos, remontando a 2006 quando estas experiências foram iniciadas. A estratégia de pesquisa foi essencialmente qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória, tendo-se seguido uma metodologia iminentemente etnográfica. O artigo descreve e explora a utilização desta abordagem educacional no ensino universitário e na área da gestão empresarial ou do empreendedorismo através de um conjunto de casos que se traduzem numa diversidade de situações muito interessante. É feita uma breve descrição de cada experiência, referindo particularmente o seu contexto e a sua evolução, assim como os resultados diretos e indiretos que lhe estão subjacentes. É importante compreender a motivação que esteve na origem da implementação e na adoção da abordagem da aprendizagem baseada em projetos, as dificuldades encontradas e as alterações realizadas.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PEst- OE/EME/UI0252/2011Algoritmi (PEst2015-2020) UID/CEC/00319/201