249 research outputs found

    La salud colectiva en Brasil: analizando el proceso de institucionalización

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    This work first analyzes the construction of a typology of the studies on collective health and its institutionalization process in Brazil, in which three stages are proposed: the preventive project, social medicine and collective health. Secondly, the work examines the phases of institutionalization, disciplinarization and professionalization of collective health in Brazil. Within the institutionalization phase, the study analyzes connectivity and communication, regularization of discourses and practices, the construction of a separate identity and political actions, and the incorporation and legitimation of these elements. It is concluded that the trajectory of the construction of collective health is marked by three dimensions: the theoretical-critical, the political-sanitary and the pedagogical-professional.En este trabajo analizamos la construcción de una tipología de estudios sobre la salud colectiva y las principales características del proceso de su institucionalización en Brasil, en el que se plantean como antecedentes tres momentos: el proyecto preventivo, la medicina social y la salud colectiva. Se abordan las etapas de institucionalización, disciplinarización y profesionalización de la salud colectiva en Brasil. Dentro de la etapa de institucionalización se analizan la conectividad y la comunicación; la regularización de los discursos y las prácticas; la construcción de una identidad y de las acciones políticas, y su incorporación y legitimación. Concluimos que la trayectoria de la construcción de la salud colectiva está marcada por tres dimensiones: la teórico-crítica, la político-sanitaria y la pedagógica-profesional

    Aspectos éticos considerados pelos pesquisadores que usam abordagens qualitativas em saúde

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    The paper first analyzes the ethical question of qualitative researches from the philosophical viewpoint, and the bioethical question as an interdisciplinary gap that enlarges from the seventies. Afterwards, the question on qualitative research considered as technique and art is raised and understood in a philosophical way of thinking science as a theoretical body, which is epistemically organized in the face of the social reality investigation, and as a movement instituted to defend and discuss the properties of these methodologies. Anthropology is used as an example, and some parts of the codes of professional ethics of anthropology, sociology and psychology are presented. Finally, particularities of the social science fields are discussed, as well as the need to develop a code of ethics for qualitative research. In addition, ethical ways to work in social researches are suggested.O trabalho analisa a questão da ética nas pesquisas qualitativas a partir da colocação da ética no campo filosófico e da bioética como espaço interdisciplinar, que se expande a partir dos anos setenta. Passa-se, em seguida, à questão da pesquisa qualitativa vista como técnica e arte, entendendo-a como forma filosófica de pensar a ciência, como um corpo teórico, que se estrutura epistemicamente frente à investigação da realidade social e como um movimento que se institui na defesa e argumentação das propriedades dessas metodologias. Destaca-se, como exemplo, a antropologia e apresentam-se alguns trechos dos códigos de ética profissional da antropologia, sociologia e psicologia. Na terceira parte do artigo, discute-se a procedência de um código de ética para a pesquisa qualitativa e as particularidades do campo das ciências sociais e algumas sugestões de como trabalhar de forma ética nas pesquisas sociais.35136

    Merton and medical sociology

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    The article is about the main contributions of the North-American sociologist Robert King Merton (1910-2003), particularly those related to the field of medical sociology. Merton was first to conduct research on medical education, and the working team he formed was fundamental for the introduction of social thought in the medicine field (Patrícia Kendall, Renée Fox, Samuel Bloom and others). Of particular importance are Merton's vocation for sociology and the unique trajectory of his research, which was marked by studies on subjects that were not common in the early XX century, particularly the relationships between science, technology, and society. We provide the most important theoretical ad conceptual contribution brought by the author, as well as the expressions he created and which were soon adopted by researchers, such as 'focused interview', 'Matthew effects', 'Pygmalion effect', 'nonplanned consequences of social actions', 'manifest function', and 'latent function'. The highlight in the field of medical sociology is his work on the socialization process of the student of medicine.Trata das principais contribuições do sociólogo norte-americano Robert King Merton (1910-2003), sobretudo aquelas voltadas para o campo da sociologia médica. Assinala sua contribuição para a implantação de um pensamento social na área da medicina. Destaca sua vocação para a sociologia e o trajeto singular de suas pesquisas, voltadas para temas incomuns no início do século XX, especialmente as relações entre ciência, tecnologia e sociedade. Apresenta a contribuição teórico-conceitual do autor e a cunhagem de conceitos logo adotados pelos pesquisadores. No campo da sociologia médica, ressalta seu trabalho sobre o processo de socialização do estudante de medicina.15917

    Violence in real time

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    Samaja: el epistemólogo de la salud

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    On May 12th., 1997, Juan Alfonso Samaja Toro defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Epistemological Grounds of Health Sciences" in the "Sérgio Arouca" National Public Health School at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in Rio de Janeiro, under the guidance of Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo. In that occasion, as a full Committee member, I presented the comments transcribed here exactly as they were made back then. Samaja, who was a philosopher, sociologist and graduate in Public Health, and worked as a professor in several universities in Argentina and other Latin American countries, died in February 3rd., 2007, leaving an intellectual legacy of vital importance for collective health.El día 12 de mayo de 1997, Juan Samaja (Juan Alfonso Samaja Toro) defendió su tesis de doctorado "Fundamentos Epistemológicos de las Ciencias de la Salud", en la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública "Sérgio Arouca" de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, en Río de Janeiro, bajo la orientación de Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo. En esa ocasión, como Miembro Titular del jurado, presenté los comentarios que son aquí transcritos, exactamente como fueron realizados en aquella fecha. Samaja, filósofo, sociólogo y diplomado en Salud Pública, quien fue profesor de varias universidades argentinas y en diversos países latinoamericanos, falleció el 3 de febrero de 2007, dejando un legado intelectual de fundamental importancia para la Salud Colectiva