195 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to evaluate the profitability of Ryanair, a leading low-cost carrier in the European airline industry, while analyzing its value-based strategic pricing approaches. Ryanair, a “no-frills” airline company that was established in Ireland in 1984, still operates as one of the most important market players in Europe. Ryanair’s “lowest fare/lowest cost” model attracted a high number of customers in years. However, Ryanair’s success to achieve the profitability goal lays beneath linking price with value, by charging passengers in accordance with the value they receive. Besides, unbundling the passenger air travel elements and charging those separately increased Ryanair’s profits tremendously and the company gained a substantial market share. So, the success of Ryanair in the highly competitive airline industry is correlated with the effective implementation and control of value-based strategic pricing. Thus, Ryanair’s strategic pricing attempts that boosted the profits and expanded its market share would be dealt through the paper. Ryanair’s value communication with the customers will be explained. A brief comparison with Ryanair’s competitors will be provided and the profitability in the low-cost airline industry would be discussed in light of recent data

    How Does Botulinum Toxin Injection and Physiotherapy Complement Each Other in Cerebral Palsy?

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    Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a clinical condition that describes impairments of motor and sensory systems due to a lesion in immature brain. CP‐related disorders effect movements, balance and posture of the child. Spasticity is most frequent motor disorder seen in CP and effects 70–80% of the children with CP. Spasticity can lead to abnormalities in all motor system levels involving muscles, joints, bones and tendons. If spasticity exists for long period of time, immobilization of muscles in short position and changes in the connective tissue around joints lead to shortening of the muscles and connective tissue. Various methods are used for spasticity management in children with CP. Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) injections, oral medications, selective dorsal rhizotomy and intrathecal baclofen applications are the foremost among them. BoNT injections are most prevalently used one among these applications. BoNT, which is a neurotoxin obtained from Clostridium botulinum bacteria, is frequently used in children with CP to decrease muscle tone for a certain period in the selected muscles, prevent contractures, postpone surgery and decrease frequency of surgeries. During this time frame that muscle tone decreased, it is very important to increase activity and participation levels of children. For achieving better motor outcomes and functional independence, BoNT injections should be combined with physiotherapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT)

    Assessments and Outcome Measures of Cerebral Palsy

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    In cerebral palsy (CP), numerous primary problems are observed including muscle tone problems, muscle weakness, insufficient selective motor control, postural control, and balance problems. In the persistence of these problems for a long period, secondary problems including torsional deformities, joint contractures, scoliosis, and hip dysplasia can occur in time, and strategies formed by children to cope with these problems make up the tertiary problems. Hence, the most accurate and brief assessment of all of these problems mentioned above is crucial to determine an effective and precise physiotherapy program. In the assessment of children with CP, it is very important to receive a detailed story consisting of the birth story, to question underlying medical situations and to carry out physical assessment. In clinics, gross motor function, muscle tone, muscle length, muscle strength, and joint range of motion assessments are the most preferred ones

    Analysis of the Periodic Maintenance Costs of Aircraft Fleet

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    Competition in airline management is strengthening and increasing globally. Aircraft maintenance costs have an important place in this sense. Aircraft maintenance has a direct effect on the airline's ability to keep airplanes constantly in the air. Aircraft maintenance is done in a timely and complete manner, the airline's profit-loss balance affects. The main purpose of aircraft maintenance is to produce safer and more secure maintenance service. This service turns into a sales and marketing service by the airline. The purpose of this study is to investigate the maintenance costs of commercial passenger aircraft over a period of 10 years. The goal of this study is to investigate the maintenance costs aircraft fleet-based profitability with maintenance costs and all other costs. In the intention of the study, it enables the airline company to make profit-loss analysis on the basis of aircraft type. In addition to this, it shows the cost per hour to the airline company on the basis of aircraft type and the cost per seat. This will help the airline to make the right decision when buying an aircraft on a aircraft type basis, thus providing opportunity for the business by adding the option to compare all costs with past and future value

    Metrics for Broadband Networks in the Context of the Digital Economies

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    In a transition to automated digital management of broadband networks, communication service providers must look for new metrics to monitor these networks. Complete metrics frameworks are already emerging whereas majority of the new metrics are being proposed in technical papers. Considering common metrics for broadband networks and related technologies, this chapter offers insights into what metrics are available, and also suggests active areas of research. The broadband networks being a key component of the digital ecosystems are also an enabler to many other digital technologies and services. Reviewing first the metrics for computing systems, websites and digital platforms, the chapter focus then shifts to the most important technical and business metrics which are used for broadband networks. The demand-side and supply-side metrics including the key metrics of broadband speed and broadband availability are touched on. After outlining the broadband metrics which have been standardized and the metrics for measuring Internet traffic, the most commonly used metrics for broadband networks are surveyed in five categories: energy and power metrics, quality of service, quality of experience, security metrics, and robustness and resilience metrics. The chapter concludes with a discussion on machine learning, big data and the associated metrics


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    Ticari limanlar ve yat limanları, deniz taşımacılığı ve tekne turizmi açısından hayati önem taşımaktadırlar. Limanların tasarımında en önemli aşamalardan biri, konaklayan gemi ve teknelere güvenli bir demirleme sağlayacak olan liman koruma yapısının tasarımıdır. Liman koruma yapısı tasarımını etkileyecek dalga özelliklerini belirten dalga iklimi, göz önüne alınması gereken temel unsurdur. Dalga iklimin modellenmesi koruma yapısı tasarımın sağlıklı olabilmesi açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bugün dünyada olduğu gibi, Türkiye'de de dalga tahminleri, rüzgar ölçümlerine ya da modellerine dayanmaktadır. Ancak, Türkiye Kıyılarında dalga iklimi çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek ölçülmüş dalga verisi bulunmadığından tasarım sürecinde dalga modelleri tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye Kıyıları için geliştirilmiş üç boyutlu hidrodinamik taşıma modeli olan HYDROTAM-3D modelinin rüzgar ve dalga iklimi alt modelleri anlatılmakta ve uygulama çalışması olarak Edremit, Balıkesir bölgesinin rüzgar ve dalga iklimi sunulmaktadır Ports and marinas have a vital importance in sea transportation and boat tourism. In the design of these areas, one of the most important steps is the design of the coastal defence structure which provides the safe berthing of the ships and the boats calling ports and marinas. Wave climate providing information on the wave characteristics that will affect the design of the defence structure is the basic aspect of the design process. Modelling the wave climate is of great importance in reaching on sound coastal defence structure. Like the overall practice in the world, wave prediction studies in Turkey are based on either the data gained out of wave measurements or models. However, as there is no continuous wave measurement data along the Turkish coasts, models of wave climate are preferred in the design process. In this study, the wind and wave climate sub-models of HYDROTAM-3D, a three dimensional hydrodynamic transport model are used and and developed for Turkish coasts, and the results of a case study for Edremit, Balıkesir are discussed

    The Results of Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy Following Radical Prostatectomy

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    Objective:The aim of the study is to evaluate the contribution of postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy (ART) and salvage radiotherapy (SRT) to oncological outcomes and side effects related to treatment in prostate cancer patients with adverse prognostic factors.Method:Between January 2000 and January 2020, 105 patients who received the diagnosis of prostate cancer and underwent ART or SRT in our clinic after open or robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy were evaluated retrospectively and 93 patients whose follow-ups were still ongoing were included in the study. Fifty-two patients received ART and 41 patients received SRT. External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) was applied to prostate bed (PB) with a median EBRT of 70 Gy (66-72 Gy) and/or pelvic lymphatics with 50 Gy. Biochemical relapse-free survival (bRFS) and treatment-related acute and late gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary (GU) toxicities were evaluated. The Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests were used for univariate analysis to analyze clinicopathological variables associated with biochemical relapse-free and overall survival and to evaluate side effects. Logistic regression model was used for multivariate analysis to investigate the risk factors associated with toxicities.Results:The median age of the patients included in the study was 64 (50-82) years. The median follow-up period of the entire patient population was 30 months (range, 3-234 months). Adjuvant RT was applied to 52 patients with adverse pathological features such as postoperative surgical margin positivity, extracapsular extension and seminal vesicle involvement, while SRT was applied to 41 patients with a prostate-specific antigen level ≥0.2 ng/mL detected during follow-up and considered to have biochemical relapse. bRFS rates at 3 years were detected as 100% in the ART and 97.4% in the SRT arm. Acute and late side effects were evaluated according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer system, and acute and late GI and GU side effects were found to be similar in patients who underwent ART or SRT. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis in which the factors predicting the development of acute toxicity were investigated, the risk of developing acute toxicity was found to be higher in patients with lymph node involvement (p=0.047) and those who underwent whole pelvic RT (WPRT) compared to those who received RT applied only to PB (p= 0.002). When the patients who received WPRT using volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) were compared with those who had radiotherapy delivered only to PB, grade ≥2 acute GI side effects were detected in 4.2% and 1.4% of the patients, respectively (p=0.002). On the other hand, grade ≥2 acute GU side effects were found in 12.5% and 5.7% of the patients, respectively. When WPRT vs only PB was compared, any statistically significant difference was not found in terms of late toxicity.Conclusion:Postoperative radiotherapy improves biochemical relapse-free survival in patients with adverse prognostic factors. Despite low incidence of side effects, postoperative pelvic radiotherapy results in significant increases in the acute gastrointestinal toxicity rates. Advanced treatment techniques such as VMAT should be considered in pelvic radiotherapy so as to reduce the incidence of these side effects. It should be noted that in order to improve the quality of life of the patients, timely administration of early SRT showed comparable cancer control rates while reducing potential overtreatment toxicity

    Dede Efendi'nin evi huzur dağıtıyor

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 101-Dellalzade İsmail Ded

    Eğitimde Toplam Kalite Yönetimi

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    Yirminci yüzyılın başlarında bilimsel bovut kazanmaya başlayan yönetim kavramı, disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşımla çok kısa bir sürede gelişerek, 1990'11 yılların başlarından itibaren ülkemizde de anılmaya başlayan Toplam Kalite Yönetimi (TKİ') anlayışını doğurmuştur. Bil makalede de TKY'den bahsedilerek, günümüzde en önemli hizmet sektörlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen eğilimde TK)' anlayışının "müşteri” kavramı üzerinde biçimlenme şekli irdelenmeye çalışılacaktır