102 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suatu produk baru yang berupa modul mengelas dengan proses Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) di SMK N 2 Wonosari. Tujuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tahapan pengembangan dan kelayakan dari modul mengelas dengan proses Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) di SMK N 2 Wonosari sesuai dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) di SMK N 2 Wonosari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Pengembangan produk baru berupa modul mata pelajaran kompetensi jurusan teknik las melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu (1) analisa kebutuhan yang terdiri dari (a) observasi lapangan, (b) analisa kebutuhan media; (2) evaluasi, (3) tahap kedua perancangan yang terdiri atas, (a) menyusun draf awal, (4) evaluasi, (5) tahap ketiga penelitian dan implementasi yang terdiri atas, (a) validasi perangkat, (b) analisa dan revisi, (c) uji coba perorangan, (d) evaluasi, (e) uji coba kelompok, (f) evaluasi, (g) uji lapangan, (6) analisa dan evaluasi, (7) modul. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Siswa kelas X Jurusan Teknik Las SMK N 2 Wonosari. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa angket. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul mengelas dengan proses Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) di SMK N 2 Wonosari. Dari uji kelayakan terhadap modul mengelas dengan proses Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) yang dikembangkan, menurut penilaian dosen ahli materi memperoleh kriteria sangat layak, penilaian Guru Program Studi Teknik Las sebagai ahli materi memperoleh kriteria penilaian sangat layak, penilaian dari ahli media memperoleh kriteria penilaian sangat layak. Dari uji coba perorangan mendapatkan kriteria sangat layak. Dari uji coba kelompok kecil mendapatkan kriteria penilaian sangat layak. dari uji coba lapangan memperoleh kriteria penilaian sangat layak. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul mengelas dengan proses Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) yang dikembangkan sudah baik sehingga layak digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran mengelas dengan proses Shielded metal Arc Welding (SMAW) di SMK N 2 Wonosari

    The Influence Of Total Performance Scorecard To Improving Performance Of Public Sector Organization With Organizational Culture, Innovation Of Management, And Internal Control As Moderating Variables (Case Study In The Hospital Type C In Banyumas)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kabupaten Banyumas dengan objek rumah sakit swasta dan pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membuktikan pengaruh budaya organisasi, inovasi manajemen, dan pengendalian internal terhadap efektivitas implementasi total performance scorecard dalam meningkatkan kinerja rumah sakit, serta menguji implementasikan total performance scorecard untuk mengukur tingkat perbedaan kinerja rumah sakit swasta dan pemerintah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua teknik analisis, yaitu analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis kuantitatif (analisis utama), dan analisis kualitatif deskriptif (analisis tambahan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) Implementasi total performance scorecard berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja rumah sakit, 2) Budaya organisasi, inovasi manajemen, dan pengendalian internal berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas implementasi total performance scorecard dalam meningkatkan kinerja rumah sakit, 3) Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara implementasi total performance scorecard dalam mengukur kinerja pada rumah sakit pemerintah dan rumah sakit swasta Kata Kunci: total performance scorecard, budaya organisasi, inovasi manajemen, pengendalian internal, dan kinerja rumah sakit ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Banyumas with private and government hospitals as the objects. It aimed to analyze and to demonstrate the influence of organizational culture, innovation of management, and internal control to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, and also to examine the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring the differences performance of private and government hospitals. The method of this research was survey method. Techniques of data collection were depth interviews, observation and questionnaires. In this study, the writer used two techniques of analysis; quantitative analysis by the method of quantitative analysis or statistical test (main analysis), and qualitative descriptive analysis (additional analysis). The results showed that: 1) the implementation of total performance scorecard effects on improving hospital performance, 2) Organizational culture, innovation management, and internal control affect to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, 3) There are significant differences between the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring performance in private and government hospitals. Keywords: total performance scorecard, organizational culture, innovation management, internal control and hospital performanc

    The Influence of Total Performance Scorecard to Improving Performance of Public Sector Organization with Organizational Culture, Innovation of Management, and Internal Control as Moderating Variables (Case Study in the Hospital Type C in Banyumas)

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    This research was carried out in Banyumas with private and government hospitals as the objects. It aimed to analyze and to demonstrate the influence of organizational culture, innovation of management, and internal control to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, and also to examine the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring the differences performance of private and government hospitals. The method of this research was survey method. Techniques of data collection were depth interviews, observation and questionnaires. In this study, the writer used two techniques of analysis; quantitative analysis by the method of quantitative analysis or statistical test (main analysis), and qualitative descriptive analysis (additional analysis). The results showed that: 1) the implementation of total performance scorecard effects on improving hospital performance, 2) Organizational culture, innovation management, and internal control affect to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, 3) There are significant differences between the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring performance in private and government hospitals


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    PENG Tuju berupa mod SMK N 2 W pengembang Arc Welding Satuan Pend Meto pengembang modul mata yaitu (1) an kebutuhan m menyusun d yang terdiri perorangan, analisa dan Jurusan Tek instrumen be dan kuanti Shielded Me Dari Metal Arc W materi mem Las sebagai ahli media m mendapatkan kriteria pen penilaian sa modul men dikembangk pembelajara SMK N 2 W Kata kunci : GEMBANG SHIELD uan dari pene dul mengelas Wonosari. T gan dan kela g (SMAW) d didikan (KTS ode penelit gan (Researc a pelajaran k nalisa kebutu media; (2) ev draf awal, (4 i atas, (a) v (d) evaluasi evaluasi, (7 knik Las SMK erupa angke itatif untuk etal Arc Weld i uji kelaya Welding (SM mperoleh krit ahli materi memperoleh n kriteria sa nilaian sang angat layak ngelas denga kan sudah an mengelas Wonosari. pengemban Welding (SM GAN MODU DED META DI SMK Yan 09 A elitian ini ad s dengan pro Tujuan lain d ayakan dari m di SMK N 2 SP) di SMK tian yang ch and Deve kompetensi uhan yang te valuasi, (3) t 4) evaluasi, validasi per i, (e) uji cob 7) modul. P K N 2 Wono t. Teknik an mengetahui ding (SMAW akan terhada MAW) yang teria sangat memperoleh kriteria pen angat layak. at layak. d . Berdasark an proses S baik sehin dengan pro ngan, modul, MAW). vii UL MENGE AL ARC WE K N 2 WONO Oleh : nuar Nugro 9503242005 ABSTRAK dalah mengem oses Shielde dari peneliti modul meng Wonosari N 2 Wonosa digunakan elopment). P jurusan te erdiri dari ( tahap kedua (5) tahap k rangkat, (b) ba kelompok Penelitian in osari. Data d nalisis yang d i kelayakan W) di SMK N ap modul m dikembangk layak, penil h kriteria pen nilaian sanga . Dari uji co dari uji cob kan data ter Shielded Me ngga layak oses Shielde , mengelas d ELAS DEN ELDING (SM OSARI ho 5 mbangkan s ed Metal Ar an ini adala gelas dengan sesuai deng ari. adalah me Pengembanga eknik las m a) observasi a perancanga ketiga peneli analisa dan k, (f) evaluas ni dilakukan dikumpulkan digunakan ad n modul me 2 Wonosar mengelas de kan, menuru laian Guru nilaian sanga at layak. Da oba kelomp ba lapangan rsebut dapa etal Arc W k digunakan ed metal Arc dengan prose GAN PROS MAW) uatu produk rc Welding ( ah mengetah n proses Shie an Kurikulu etode pene an produk b elalui beber i lapangan, an yang terd itian dan im n revisi, (c si, (g) uji lap n pada Sisw n dengan me dalah analisi engelas deng ri. engan prose ut penilaian Program Stu at layak, pen ari uji coba p ok kecil me n memperole at disimpulk Welding (SM n untuk m c Welding ( es Shielded M SES k baru yang SMAW) di hui tahapan elded Metal um Tingkat elitian dan baru berupa rapa tahap, (b) analisa iri atas, (a) mplementasi c) uji coba pangan, (6) wa kelas X nggunakan is kualitatif gan proses es Shielded dosen ahli udi Teknik nilaian dari perorangan endapatkan eh kriteria kan bahwa MAW) yang mendukung SMAW) di Metal Ar


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    Padi merupakan komoditas pangan pokok bagi mayoritas penduduk Indonesia, ketersediaan yang tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan dapat memicu berbagai permasalahan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut melalui pengembangan prototipe sistem informasi beras yang terintegrasi dan memadai melalui pemanfaatan WebGIS yang dapat mensinergikan informasi ketersediaan dan kebutuhan beras. Metode pengambangan sistem menggunakan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model Rapid Application Development (RAD), yang meliputi: persiapan dan analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, implementasi dan pengembangan, dan evaluasi. Desain arsitektur yang digunakan adalah thin client dengan model three tier. Hasil uji usabilitas menujukan purwarupa sistem informasi padi berbasis WebGIS di Kabupaten Sragen sudah cukup baik dan mampu menjawab kebutuhan stakeholder pangan di Kabupaten Sragen untuk menjadi alternatif metode pendataan dan pengaturan penyelenggaraan pangan yang meliputi aspek pengumpulan, penyimpanan, pengolahan, penganalisisan, penyajian, penyebaran data dan informasi tentang pangan berkelanjuta


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    To create production downtime report-making using an information system at PT. Apparel One Indonesia 2 is still very important to investigate daily production time. Moreover, this report is also used to find out some of the problems that occur every day so that the company can prevent the occurrence of same problem in the future. So, it is expected that the problem will be resolved more effectively in reporting production downtime in PT. Apparel One Indonesia 2. Currently, the company’s reporting process is still manual, using the paper and then inputting to Microsoft Excel software by the administrator.  This makes the administrator takes longer time for making the production of production downtime reports and requires a lot of paper to make. The risk of misreporting all the company’s problems and processes is also high. The downtime reporting using information system has been successfully implemented. It is expected that the built of information system can be used for faster and more accurate data processing. This information system produces several reports, including production downtime reports, borrowing reports (machines, needles, and spare parts), expenditure reports, return reports and stock reports (machines), needles, and spare parts) which are useful for monitoring so that downtime is minimized. The results of the questionnaire test from the built PKK information system were measured using a Likert scale, and the results were 95% in the very satisfied category.To create production downtime report-making using an information system at PT. Apparel One Indonesia 2 is still very important to investigate daily production time. Moreover, this report is also used to find out some of the problems that occur every day so that the company can prevent the occurrence of the same problem in the future. So, it is expected that the problem will be resolved more effectively in reporting production downtime in PT. Apparel One Indonesia 2. Currently, the company's reporting process is still manual, using the paper and then inputting to Microsoft Excel software by the administrator. This makes the administrator takes longer time for making the production of production downtime reports and requires a lot of paper to make. The risk of misreporting all the company's problems and processes is also high. The downtime reporting using information system has been successfully implemented. It is expected that the built of information system can be used for faster and more accurate data processing. This information system produces several reports, including production downtime reports, borrowing reports (machines, needles, and spare parts), expenditure reports, return reports and stock reports (machines), needles, and spare parts) which are useful for monitoring so that downtime is minimized. The results of the questionnaire test from the built PKK information system were measured using a Likert scale, and the results were 95% in the very satisfied category

    Rural Sector Reform and Internet Adoption in NGOs: The Case of Indonesia

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    Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction Among Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia: An Observational Study

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder that can lead to multiple long-term complications in the human body including erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is a condition that commonly affects men and may reduce their quality of life. However, ED amongst men with type 2 DM (T2DM) has rarely been assessed and addressed by nurses who have an essential role in providing holistic patient care.Objective: This study aimed to describe ED among men with T2DM based on their demographic characteristics and health profiles.Methods: This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach of 32 male respondents who were selected through convenience sampling in the outpatient department of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data was collected by using the erectile function’s domain of Indonesian version of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Descriptive statistics were used to present this study’s findings.Results: The results showed that  62.5% of the participants had uncontrolled blood glucose levels with an average random blood glucose of 207.75 ± 77.21 mg/dl. Only four respondents (12.5%) had received sexual counselling. Twenty-nine respondents (90,6%) had ED which were categorized into mild (17.2%), mild to moderate (6.9%), moderate (24.1%) and severe (51.7%).Conclusion: ED levels varied across age, duration of T2DM, random blood glucose levels, previous history of smoking, current smoking status, sexual counselling experience, complications, and occupation levels. Severe ED was common amongst men with T2DM in this study. Nurses should assess patient’s sexual function regularly and identify the effects of ED in men with T2DM. Early detection of ED could allow nurses to plan adequate intervention and health education to provide better outcomes for men with T2DM
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