15 research outputs found
Comparison Study of Flow in a Compound Channel: Experimental and Numerical Method Using Large Eddy Simulation SDS-2DH Model
Flow modeling in a compound channel is a complex matter. Indeed, due to the smaller velocities in the floodplains than in the main channel, shear layers develop at the interfaces between two stage channels, and a momentum transfer corresponding to this shear layer affects the channel conveyance. Since a compound channel is characterized by a deep main channel flanked by relatively shallow flood plains, the interaction between the faster fluid velocities in the main channel and the slower moving flow on the floodplains causes shear stresses at their interface which significantly distort flow and boundary shear stress patterns. The distortion implies that flow field in rivers is highly non homogeneous turbulent, which lateral transport of fluid momentum and suspended sediment are influenced by the characteristics of flow in rivers. The nature of mechanism of lateral transport needs to be understood for the design of river engineering schemes that rely upon realistic flow. Furthermore, the flows in river are also almost turbulent. This means that the fluid motion is highly random, unsteady, and three -dimensional. Due to these complexities, the flow cannot be properly predicted by using approximate analytical solutions to the governing equations of motion. With the complexity of the problems, the solution of turbulent is simplified with mathematics equation. The momentum transfer due to turbulent exchanges is then studied experimentally and numerically. Experimental data is obtained by using ElectroMagnetic Velocimetry and Wave Height Gauge. The Large Eddy Simulation Sub Depth Scale (LES SDS)-2 Dimensional Horizontal (2DH) Model is used to solve the turbulent problem. Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) method is employed to solve the numerical computation based ob finite difference discretization. The model has been applied to the compound channel with smooth roughness. Some organized large eddies were found in the boundary between main channel and flood channel. At this boundary the transverse velocity profile exhibits a steep gradient, which induces significant mass and momentum exchange, acts as a source of vorticity, and generates high Reynolds stresses. The Large Eddy Simulation SDS-2DH model enables to predict quite successfully the wavelength of some observed vortices. The estimated vortex wavelengths agree again with the measurements and the theoretical predictions. The present model is proven to be a useful tool for engineering applications, as it can simulate the dynamic development of large eddies
The Effect of Dadap Port Structure in Indramayu on Coastal Morphology
Human activities in coastal area will generally lead to a greater erosion rate due to the loss of natural protection or inappropriate structure. Dadap Beach, located at Juntinyuat District, Indramayu, West Java is one of the locations experiencing problems above. In 2003, a Fishing Port was built on Dadap Beach, with structure jutted 200 m from the shoreline to prevent sedimentation. However, currently there has been a massive sediment deposition in the port pool and behind the port. This study aims to determine the sedimentation pattern in Dadap Port, and the influence of the port structure on the coastal morphology, using a numerical model simulation. The results of this study indicate that the presence of the port structure has caused wave diffraction that forms a circulation flow behind the port structure and around the entrance area to the port pool, that lead to the formation of a tombolo behind the port and the sediment from the longshore currents and local scour enters the port pool area. Furthermore, the existence of Dadap port structure causes the obstruction of longshore currents so that the supply of sediment to the area around the port is reduced and the erosion rate is increasing.
Keywords : Erosion, coastal morphology, numerical model.
Aktivitas manusia di wilayah pesisir umumnya akan menyebabkan bertambahnya laju erosi, yang disebabkan oleh hilangnya perlindungan alami atau pembangunan struktur yang tidak sesuai. Pantai Dadap yang terletak di Kecamatan Juntinyuat, Indramayu, Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu lokasi yang mengalami permasalahan di atas. Pada tahun 2003, dibangun Pelabuhan Perikanan di Pantai Dadap, dengan struktur menjorok 200 m dari garis pantai untuk mencegah sedimentasi. Namun, pada saat ini telah terjadi pengendapan sedimen yang masif di kolam pelabuhan dan di belakang pelabuhan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sedimentasi di Pelabuhan Dadap, dan pengaruh struktur pelabuhan terhadap morfologi pantai, dengan menggunakan simulasi model numerik. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan struktur pelabuhan telah menyebabkan difraksi gelombang yang membentuk aliran sirkulasi di belakang struktur pelabuhan dan di sekitar area pintu masuk ke kolam pelabuhan, yang menyebabkan terbentuknya tombolo di belakang pelabuhan dan sedimen dari arus sejajar pantai dan gerusan lokal memasuki area kolam pelabuhan. Selain itu, keberadaan struktur pelabuhan Dadap menyebabkan terhambatnya arus sejajar pantai sehingga suplai sedimen ke daerah sekitar pelabuhan berkurang dan laju erosi semakin meningkat..
Kata-kata Kunci : Erosi, morfologi pantai, model numerik.
Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan bekerjasama dengan Bank Sampah Induk Kabupaten Karawang. Permasalahan sampah yang menumpuk dan tidak tertampung pada TPA Jalupang membuat perlunya dikembangkan inovasi pemanfaatan ulang sampah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat. Pihak dosen Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang dan Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pemanfaatan tersebut dilakukan dengan mengolah sampah plastic non ekonomis untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan campuran pembuatan paving block. Peningkatkan kompetensi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat ini telah mengolah minimal 100 gram sampah menjadi bahan campuran paving yang juga telah dilakukan penentuan harga pokok produksinya. Sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang diberikan dosen diberikan kepada BSI Karawang dalam menghitung biaya HPP Paving Block untuk setiap bentuk persegi, hexagonal, dan grassblock. Perhitungan bahan, peralatan, overhead dan profit ditentukan dalam menghitung HPP. Sehingga, melalui kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan diberikan rekomendasi HPP Paving Block per satuan pada bentuk persegi sebesar Rp. 2.134,-. , bentuk hexagonal sebesar Rp. 6.870,- dan bentuk grassblock sebesar Rp. 29.284,-. Harga ini masih dapat bersaing dengan harga paving block pada umumnya dan juga didukung dengan keunggulan ramah lingkungan
Prediksi Distribusi Sedimentasi Terhadap Usia Guna Waduk Ameroro, Sulawesi Tenggara
The Ameroro River experiences significant sedimentation rates from year to year, along with rapid land cover changes. Due to the considerable benefits of the Ameroro River for the sustainability of life in Konawe Regency, it was decided to construct the Ameroro Reservoir as a means to fulfill irrigation needs and provide raw water for the community. Given the high sedimentation in reservoirs in Indonesia, it rapidly accelerates the aging of the Reservoir. One of the issues is the inadequate representation of sediment distribution in the reservoir, reducing the effectiveness of sediment control and management in the Reservoir. Predictions using HEC-RAS 2D reveal the sediment distribution in the Ameroro reservoir at locations STA 13872 in the upstream river and STA 4446 at the inlet, which is 7.7 km from the main river length from the Reservoir's axis and 4.5 km from the inlet river length. Sedimentation rates, based on riverbed material modeling and land cover, show an influx of sediment into the reservoir at 1,192,015 m3/year, comprising 662,275 m3/year from the upstream river and 529,739 m3/year from the inlet river. Calculations using the sedimentation deposition composition method and Brune's trap efficiency method indicate that the original Reservoir's lifespan of 107 years will be reduced to 85 years, deviating by 22 years from the plan. This implies that the Reservoir will reach the end of its useful life sooner than anticipated
Kajian Banjir dan Perubahan Dasar Sungai Banger Akibat Penutupan Regulator Gate, Kota Pekalongan, Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Dalam sistem pengembangan daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Pemerintah provinsi menetapkan Kota Pekalongan sebagai salah satu wilayah strategis untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi. Meskipun memiliki potensi yang signifikan, Kota Pekalongan masih perlu mencari solusi untuk mengurangi banjir yang merupakan masalah berulang. Banjir di Kota Pekalongan disebabkan oleh gelombang pasang (rob) dan luapan banjir yang terjadi di sungai-sungai yang melintasi kota. Menurut Bappeda Kota Pekalongan, pada tahun 2020 terjadi genangan banjir seluas 1.177,86 hektar. Untuk mengatasi masalah banjir, pemerintah telah membuat beberapa infrastruktur pengendalian banjir di Kota Pekalongan, diantaranya regulator gate dan tanggul parapet. Pembangunan regulator gate ini bertujuan untuk mengatur aliran yang masuk ke sistem Sungai Loji, sehingga kedepannya seluruh aliran ke Sungai Banger sepenuhnya. Studi ini mensimulasikan banjir di wilayah Kota Pekalongan untuk menilai dampak pembangunan regulator gate dan tanggul sungai khususnya di sekitar Sungai Banger menggunakan HEC-RAS 6.4 dengan dibagi menjadi 4 skenario. Simulasi dilakukan dengan debit banjir periode ulang 25 tahun dan 50 tahun. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan area terkena banjir sebelum pembangunan regulator gate adalah 710,06 hektar, dan setelah pembangunan regulator gate, area banjir berkurang menjadi 363,02 hektar. Banjir yang tersisa terjadi di muara Sungai Banger, tetapi setelah normalisasi penambahan tanggul parapet dilakukan, banjir di Kota Pekalongan dapat diselesaikan
Comparative study on wave hindcasting using wind downscaling data at Bojong Salawe Beach
The wind data have a crucial role in shore construction engineering, but the availability data is commonly rare. Some research and recording station provide wind data with four times data record in a day. This research calculated the wave as resulted of the downscaled wind data from four times a day to twenty four times a day recording. The research done by comparing several data obtained from satellite record and land-station record. The results show similarity in wind velocity and dominance direction but have significant differences of wave height and the direction of wave from difference record locations
Assistance in Designing Citarum River Cliff Protection to Control River Erosion in Atirompe Village, Majalaya District, Bandung Regency
Rivers are often used as a water source for agriculture, transportation, and water supply needs. One of the causes of riverbank damage is scouring the cliff's foot, which cannot withstand scouring currents. If not addressed immediately, it will cause more severe damage. Citarum River is one river that passes through Atirompe Village, Majalaya District. The riverbanks in the area have a risk of cliff failure. The study objective was to analyze the problem, design the protection, and calculate the budget. The hydrology and riverbank analysis of the Majalaya River has been performed. The steps were essential to analyze the depth and width of the scour caused by the flow of the Citarum River water. Sediment data were collected at three locations, namely the upstream, middle, and downstream of the river segment that will be reviewed. In data processing, to obtain a sediment rating curve, it is necessary to measure the flow velocity, which will later be calculated and used as the flow rate during Total Suspended Solid (TSS) data collection. Using the Hydrology Engineering Center – River Analysis System (HEC – RAS) 6.2 software, the calculations with the Ripley Equation were compared to obtain the scour depth. For the design alternative, constructing a steel sheet pile-type cliff protection structure is one form of planning to protect riverbanks. This study also analyzed the recapitulation of the budgeting for protecting the Citarum riverbanks in Atirompe Village, Majalaya District. Using a standardized unit price, the total cost for the protection is 1.8 billion rupiahs
Penanganan Sedimentasi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api pada Sungai Banyuasin Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
ABSTRAKPenumpukan sedimentasi adalah salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh terminal pelabuhan. Terminal pelabuhan dituntut memberikan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana serta pelayanan sebaik-baiknya agar sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor 51 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelabuhan Penyebrangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penanganan sedimentasi yang terjadi pada Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api. Sedimentasi yang terjadi pada Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api dihitung dengan perhitungan numerik menggunakan aplikasi MIKE 21. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa batimetri, pasang surut, gelombang, dan debit. Dari hasil pemodelan didapatkan penumpukan sedimentasi pada pelabuhan penyebrangan sebesar 0,24 mdalam 3 bulan dan dipilih penanganan dengan cara melakukan pengerukan alur hingga -5 m.Kata kunci: pelabuhan, sedimentasi, alur ABSTRACTSedimentation is one of the problems in the port terminals. Port terminals are required to provide facilities, infrastructure and services as written in the regulation PM 51 2015 on the Port Distribution Port. This research aims to explore how to deal with the sedimentation at Tanjung Api-Api Port. Sedimentation that at Tanjung Api-Api Port was calculated by numerical calculation using MIKE 21 application. The data input for numerical model is used form previous study. The input data are bathimetry, tidal, wave, and discharge. The computation shows than the dredging channel by –5 m is proven to be the best design among afters scenario. The calculation of sedimentation depth is similar as primary data and has acknowledge 0,24 in 3 month.Keywords: port, sedimentation, channe
Kajian Risiko Banjir Pada Saluran Drainase Jalan Ir.H.Juanda Bandung
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota-kota besar di Indonesia tergolong cukup pesat. Khususnya kota Bandung yang merupakan pusat pariwisata di wilayah Jawa Barat. Salah satu akses menuju tempat pariwisata di Kota Bandung dan merupakan ikon Kota Bandung. Disamping itu, Jalan Ir.H Juanda memiliki permasalahan yaitu tingkat kemacetan yang tinggi dan banjir pada musim penghujan. Sepuluh tahun terakhir kawasan Jalan Ir.H. Djuanda selalu banjir jika terjadi hujan deras. Hal ini menyebabkan genangan air masuk ke ruas Jalan Ir.H Juanda yakni dari Pasar Simpang menuju Terminal Dago. Hal ini berdampak pada kerusakan jalan, drainase, dan kemacetan. Untuk mengetahui risiko terjadinya luapan saluran pada wilayah kajian sebagai akibat berbagai besaran debit banjir, dilakukan analisis metode safety factor dan first order-second moment. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 2 titik yang memiliki peluang untuk terjadinya luapan yaitu di lokasi Masjid Al-Ihsan dan Bengkel Honda. Solusi yang diberikan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah melakukan normalisasi drainase dengan ukuran 1.5 m x 1.5 m dari hulu hingga hilir. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keandalan saluran meningkat menjadi 92.96 % (Q2), 88.54 % (Q5) dan 85.81 % (Q10) untuk saluran Masjid Al-Ihsan serta 100 % (Q2), 99.98 % (Q5) dan 99.92 % (Q10) untuk saluran Bengkel Honda. Metoda pada analisis risiko di atas dapat menghubungkan probabilitas kegagalan atau pelampauan dengan harapan keberhasilan fungsi suatu struktur penampang drainase dalam menampung aliran banjir