6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Psychometric Characteristics of A Logical Reasoning Tool With The Classic Test Theory Approach

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    Research on logical reasoning began to be carried out in Indonesia, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation of the psychometric characteristics possessed by logical reasoning measurement tools made by researchers. Logical reasoning measurement tools made by researchers need to be re-evaluated considering there are weaknesses in terms of using a relatively small number of subjects, so that it can affect the standardization of logical reasoning measuring devices. This study aims to obtain an overview of item difficulty index, item discrimination index, effectiveness of the distractors, validity, reliability, and error measurement from the logical reasoning measurement tool. Respondents in this study amounted to 7.730 students, consisting of 3.897 men and 3.833 women with an age range of 15-19 years. The research data were analyzed with the help of Microsoft Excel 2007, SPSS version 22.00, and ITEMAN version 3.6. The results of this study indicate that the item difficulty index moves from 0.35 to 0.80 which belongs to the easy and medium category. This study also shows that the item discrimination index moves from 0.10 to 0.71 with four items rejected and need to be aborted. This study also shows that the effectiveness of the distractors contained in each item in the logical reasoning measure is in the effective category. This study also shows that each item in the logical reasoning measure is considered valid in terms of factorial validity through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) procedures. This study also shows that the measurement of logical reasoning is relatively reliable with a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.906. This study also shows that the measurement error obtained in this study is ± 3.92 of the total score obtained using a logical reasoning measure with a confidence level of 95%, with the actual score estimate obtained by respondents moving from 12.08 to 19.92, if the scores obtained by respondents sixteen.Penelitian tentang penalaran logis mulai banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, maka perlu untuk melakukan evaluasi mengenai karakteristik psikometrik yang dimiliki oleh alat ukur penalaran logis yang dibuat oleh peneliti. Alat ukur penalaran logis yang dibuat oleh peneliti perlu dievaluasi kembali mengingat terdapat kelemahan dari segi penggunaan jumlah subjek yang relatif sedikit, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi standarisasi pada alat ukur penalaran logis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran indeks kesukaran item, daya diskriminasi item, efektivitas distraktor, validitas, reliabilitas, dan kesalahan pengukuran dari alat ukur penalaran logis. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7.730 siswa, yang terdiri atas 3.897 laki-laki dan 3.833 perempuan dengan rentang usia 15-19 tahun. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan bantuan program Microsoft Excel 2007, SPSS versi 22.00, dan ITEMAN versi 3.6. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks kesukaran item bergerak dari 0,35 sampai 0,80 yang tergolong pada kategori mudah dan sedang. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa daya diskriminasi item bergerak dari 0,10 sampai 0,71 dengan empat item yang ditolak dan perlu digugurkan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas distraktor yang terdapat pada setiap item dalam alat ukur penalaran logis berada pada kategori yang efektif. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa setiap item dalam alat ukur penalaran logis tergolong valid ditinjau dari validitas faktorial melalui prosedur exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur penalaran logis tergolong reliabel dengan koefisien Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0,906. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan pengukuran yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu ±3,92 dari skor total yang diperoleh menggunakan alat ukur penalaran logis dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, dengan estimasi skor yang sebenarnya didapatkan oleh responden bergerak dari nilai 12,08 sampai 19,92, jika skor yang diperoleh oleh responden sebesar enam belas

    Self efficacy: psychoeducation program on facing the computer-based national exam

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    The emergence of anxiety on students facing the national exam is caused by the lack of self-efficacy. The low self-efficacy of students has an impact on the psychological state that can create feelings of fear and pressure on students, thus hampering students' success in facing the national exam. This study wants to see an increase in students' self-efficacy through psychoeducation programs. The design in this study uses The One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The number of participants in this study was 100 participants, obtained using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using a self-efficacy scale consisting of 11 items. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon with SOFA software version 1.5.2. The results of this study indicate that the pretest score obtained M = 25.0 and the post-test score obtained M = 31.0. The results of testing the hypothesis obtained values ??W (486.5) and p (.000 < 0.05), so there is an increase in self-efficacy through psychoeducation programs. The difference in the pretest and posttest scores shows that the psychoeducation program is an activity that can improve students' self-efficacy, especially for students of  4 senior high school Bone which will face the national exam

    The Psychological Response of Society on the Expansion of Coronavirus Disease Cases (Covid-19)

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has become a major health problem and has become an international concern. In Indonesia, the plague has become a serious concern by the government. Especially in the Province of South Sulawesi, the number of COVID-19 cases has a very significant increase every day. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the level of community anxiety in South Sulawesi, Indonesia during the COVID-19 outbreak. Data in this study will also be used for reference in future research. The study began from 27 January to 29 March 2020, researchers conducted a survey either directly by distributing it to the public, or by an online questionnaire with a purposive sampling technique using the STAI questionnaire. This study involved 3146 respondents. Overall, community anxiety about COVID-19 outbreaks was in the high category (35.0%), community state anxiety was in the moderate category (94.5%), and trait anxiety was moderate (94.6%). During the development of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia, reported levels of public anxiety were in the high category. The findings of our study can be used to formulate and develop psychological interventions to reduce public anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Increasing prosocial behavior through caring scout activities

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    Prosocial behavior must always be possessed by every student, especially student scout members. The low prosocial behavior possessed by students of the scout members of SMAN 4 Bone, is very influential in establishing interactions in their environment. This research wants to see an increase in prosocial behavior through caring boy scout activities. The design in this study uses The One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The number of participants in this study were 22 students who were members of the scouts of SMAN 4 Bone using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using a scale of prosocial behavior consisting of 40 items. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon with RStudio software version 1.2.1335. The results of this study indicate that the pretest score was M = 108.6 and the post-test score was M = 120.4. The results of testing the hypothesis obtained values ??Z (-4.06) and p (.00 < .05), so there is an increase in prosocial behavior through scout care activities. The difference in the pretest and posttest scores shows that the scout care activities are activities that can improve the prosocial behavior of students, especially for students who are members of the Boy Scouts of SMAN 4 Bone

    The Mediating Effect of Motivation and Competitive Experience Variables on The Effect of Mental Toughness and Competitive Anxiety on Athletes

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    The purpose of this study is to examine whether mental toughness can predict competitive anxiety through the motivation and competitive experience possessed by athletes. Respondents involved were 175 athletes who were students (93 female and 82 male). Path analysis reports that there are direct and indirect effects of the measured variable. Our results show the influence of mental toughness on competitive anxiety. However, the influence of exerted is a positive effect that if athletes have good mental toughness, then their competitive anxiety increases as well. Researchers suspect that there are other constructs that accompany mental toughness in influencing competitive anxiety in athletes. The mediation model also shows that athletes who have high motivation and competitive experience significantly mediate the influence between mental toughness and athlete’s competitive anxiety. Concluded that mental toughness, motivation, competitive experience, have a reciprocal relationship from competitive anxiety. In addition, the results of this study also reported that mental toughness, motivation, and competitive experience are able to predict competitive anxiety