3 research outputs found

    Coating in Primary Reformer’s Radiant Section

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    Kaltim Parna Industri (KPI) mengalami masalah pada coil heat exchanger pada bagian konveksi primary reformer yang memanfaatkan panas flue gas yaitu berupa fouling pada bagian luar tube coil exchanger (finned tube). Pada awalnya belum diketahui sumber penyebab fouling, namun dari hasil analisis laboratorium diketahui bahwa komponen penyusun fouling sama dengan komponen firebrick (batu tahan api). Oleh karena itu diambil kesimpulan bahwa penyebab fouling adalah firebrick yang tererosi lalu terbawa aliran flue gas. Salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan sumber fouling adalah dengan melakukan coating pada ruang bakar yang terdapat firebrick di dalamnya. Coating dilakukan dengan menggunakan cat khusus yang tahan suhu tinggi yang mampu menahan permukaan fire brick dari erosi. Kata kunci: seksi konveksi, fouling, pelapisan, firebrick, reformer Kaltim Parna Industri, (KPI), experienced severe fouling on the flue gas side of the coil heat exchangers. This happened on the outer tube side, which some were finned tubes. Although the cause had not clearly been identified, laboratory analysis indicated that the fouling had similar composition with the firebrick. Therefore, preliminary assumption of what causes the problem was firebrick erosion that was carried away by flue gas flow. In order to completely eliminate fouling source and hopefully to reduce cleaning frequency, we planned to coat combustion chamber with special high temperature resistance coating.The result was promising that the material was stable against high temperature and even further helped the operation. Keywords: convection section, fouling, coating, firebrick, reforme

    Solubilisasi Fosfat Anorganik oleh Burkholderia spp. pada Rizosfer Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Tanah Mineral Masam

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    Nugraha et al, 2019. Solubilization of Inorganic Phospate by Burkholderia spp. Associated with Oil Palm Rhizosphere in Mineral Acid Soil. JSLO 8(1):86-93.Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) play important role by enhancing phosphate availability bounded with Al3+ or  Fe3+ in acidic soils to oil palm plants through release the inorganic phosphate by enzyme or organic acids solubilization. The aims of this study were to isolate of PSB from oil palm rhizosphere and to conduct a comparative analysis of the solubility inorganic phosphates source by selected PSB. The ability of 15 selected PSB to grow and solubilize aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) and iron phosphate (FePO4) was examined and identified. The highest phospate solubilising efficiency showed K3.1 isolate with phosphate solubilization index 3.2 on NBRIP media. Quantitative analysis revealed that isolate K3.1 solubilized 53.52 mg/mL phosphate in 5 days after being inoculated in AlPO4 containing liquid medium, isolate A4 solubilized 63.45 mg/mL phosphate in 5 days after being inoculated in FePO4 containing liquid medium accompanied by a decrease in pH of the growth medium. Based on the 16s rRNA gene sequence analysis, isolate K3.1 and A.4 were closely related to Burkholderia arboris and Burkholderia gladioli. This potential isolates can be used in order to make oil palm crops more sustainable especially on marginal soil with low pH and less dependent on inorganic P fertilizers.Â

    An Improvement of Livestock Feed Quality Through the Production of Fermented Complete Feed in the Karya Manunggal Livestock Group, Donokerto, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    This community service aimed to assist farmers in improving their knowledge and quality of feed by producing fermented complete feed (FCF). The community service occurred from June to November 2019 in the Karya Manunggal livestock group in Donokerto, Turi, Sleman. The activities included observing the initial conditions of the group, providing counseling, conducting FCF production training, evaluating the products, and utilizing the trained products for the livestock. The results of the activities indicated an increase in farmers' knowledge about manufacturing concentrate and feed supplements, feed preservation technology, and FCF, each by 80%, 73%, and 95%, respectively. Farmers successfully produced FCF with good quality, as indicated by the acidic pH of 4.31. The palatability of FCF was also excellent for livestock. The average daily gain in sheep with FCF supplementation was 0.156 grams/head/day, while the farmers' feed supplementation was 0.113 grams/head/day. The community service activities in the Karya Manunggal livestock group conclude the improvement of farmers' knowledge and skills in terms of livestock nutritional needs, balanced feed formulation, and the utilization of fermentation technology in feed production. The success of these activities is also evident in the increased effectiveness of feed and cost efficiency following the implementation of FCF