Coating in Primary Reformer’s Radiant Section


Kaltim Parna Industri (KPI) mengalami masalah pada coil heat exchanger pada bagian konveksi primary reformer yang memanfaatkan panas flue gas yaitu berupa fouling pada bagian luar tube coil exchanger (finned tube). Pada awalnya belum diketahui sumber penyebab fouling, namun dari hasil analisis laboratorium diketahui bahwa komponen penyusun fouling sama dengan komponen firebrick (batu tahan api). Oleh karena itu diambil kesimpulan bahwa penyebab fouling adalah firebrick yang tererosi lalu terbawa aliran flue gas. Salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan sumber fouling adalah dengan melakukan coating pada ruang bakar yang terdapat firebrick di dalamnya. Coating dilakukan dengan menggunakan cat khusus yang tahan suhu tinggi yang mampu menahan permukaan fire brick dari erosi. Kata kunci: seksi konveksi, fouling, pelapisan, firebrick, reformer Kaltim Parna Industri, (KPI), experienced severe fouling on the flue gas side of the coil heat exchangers. This happened on the outer tube side, which some were finned tubes. Although the cause had not clearly been identified, laboratory analysis indicated that the fouling had similar composition with the firebrick. Therefore, preliminary assumption of what causes the problem was firebrick erosion that was carried away by flue gas flow. In order to completely eliminate fouling source and hopefully to reduce cleaning frequency, we planned to coat combustion chamber with special high temperature resistance coating.The result was promising that the material was stable against high temperature and even further helped the operation. Keywords: convection section, fouling, coating, firebrick, reforme

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