10 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produksi Madu Klanceng di Hutan Rakyat untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat dan Kelestarian Lingkungan di Kemalang, Klaten

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    Tlogowatu Village, Kemalang District, Klaten Regency, is located on the slopes of Merapi Mountain. Currently, sand and stone mining from Merapi Mountain is the primary commodity produced by Tlogowatu Village. If this condition continues, it will cause the damage to the environment. Therefore, several community leaders have cultivated the stingless bee (Trigona laeviceps) as an economic source while adhering to ecological principles through stingless bee farming in community forests. However, community forest and stingless beekeeping need to be appropriately managed, especially in terms of management, production, and marketing aspects. Activities are carried out in several stages, namely starting with pre-activity surveys, counselling and practical development of management, production and marketing aspects, as well as monitoring and evaluation of activities. This activity has increased the knowledge of target partners regarding the livestock of Clanceng in community forests in the form of another type of Clanceng, namely T. biroi, various feed sources, techniques for breaking up split rapid colonies, and good honey packaging. Apart from that, through klanceng livestock in community forests, local communities also gain ecological benefits and build potential for developing agricultural education tourism (edu-agro-tourism) areas.Tlogowatu Village, Kemalang District, Klaten Regency is located on the slopes of Merapi Mountain. Currently, sand and stone mining from Merapi Mountain is the main commodity produced by Tlogowatu Village. Of course, if this condition continue it will causing the damage to environment. Therefore, several community leaders have cultivated the stingless bee (Trigona laeviceps) as an economic source while adhering to ecological principles, through stingless bee farming in community forests. However, community forest and stingless beekeeping have not been managed properly, especially in terms of management, production, and marketing aspects. For example, in the production aspects, farmers obtain stingless bee colony traditionally by taking bee colony from nature and then moving them into a new hive. Thus, colonizing the colony from nature has a negative impact on the sustainability of stingless bees in the wild. In addition, farmers have not paid attention yet to the plant species composition in their community forests. Community forests need to be managed in terms of species composition so they can produce adequate feed for bees with vegetation that produces pollen, nectar, and resin (NPR). Through this service, counseling was given to farmers about community forest management, bee feed management, and the importance of farmer institutions. To increase production, a hive was designed by using the “Rapid Split Technique” that had been introduced for T. biroi. In addition, investment assistance was also provided for more efficient management of community forests and beekeeping as well as product packaging assistance and good packaging knowledge

    Pembuatan Demplot Pertanaman Nilam (Pogostemen cablin Benth.) di Zona Tradisional Tahura K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I

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    Pelestarian kawasan hutan harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan. Salah satunya, tercermin dari kerjasama antara pihak pengelola kawasan hutan dengan masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain yaitu melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Saat ini, di dalam kawasan Tahura K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I terdapat sekitar 300 petani pengaram yang memanfaatkan lahan di bawah tegakan. Namun demikian, diperlukan optimalisasi pemanfaatan lahan dibawah tegakan agar lebih menguntungkan secara ekonomi dan ekologi. Salah satunya yaitu melalui budidaya nilam. Kegiatan pengabdian ini, merupakan tindak lanjut kegiatan pengabdian tahun 2020, bertujuan untuk membangun demplot pertanaman nilam di zona tradisional Tahura K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I agar dapat menjadi contoh bagi pengaram dalam budidaya nilam. Oleh karena itu, pada tahun 2021 dilakukan pembangunan demplot dan dilakukan studi banding penyulingan minyak atsiri nilam. Pembuatan demplot pertanaman nilam dimulai dengan persiapan lahan secara partisipatif dengan memperhatikan tutupan tajuk dan jarak tanam. Penanaman dilakukan dengan bibit nilam Sidikalang dan Lhokseumawe dengan teknik penanaman yang baik serta memanfaatkan pupuk kandang lokal. Studi banding penyulingan minyak atsiri dilakukan di UMKM pengolahan minyak atsiri di Klaten, Jawa Tengah

    Pola Agroforestri yang Diterapkan oleh Petani Hutan Rakyat di Desa Gempolan, Kecamatan Kerjo, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola agroforestri yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat Desa Gempolan dan pendapatan yang diperoleh masyarakat dari tanaman keras dalam sistem agroforestri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan analitik dengan pengambilan sampel melalui Proportionate Random Sampling. Jumlah responden yang diwawancarai dalam penelitian ini adalah 20% (38 orang) dari total masyarakat Desa Gempolan yang memiliki hutan rakyat dengan sistem agroforestri. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dengan kuesioner, pembuatan petak ukur berukuran 40 × 25 m2 di lahan agroforestri dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua pola agroforestri yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat  Desa Gempolan yaitu pola alternate rows dan random mixture. Sebanyak 37 responden mempraktikkan pola agroforestri random mixture dan 1 responden mempraktikkan pola alternate rows. Tanaman keras yang dibudidayakan antara lain meliputi sengon, jati, mahoni, waru, akasia, mindi, dan suren. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa petani memperoleh rerata total penerimaan dari budidaya tanaman keras sebesar Rp.190.349.105/ha dan biaya produksi Rp.4.823.757/ha, sehingga potensi pendapatan adalah Rp.185.525.349/ha

    Pola Agroforestri yang Diterapkan oleh Petani Hutan Rakyat di Desa Gempolan, Kecamatan Kerjo, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola agroforestri yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat Desa Gempolan dan pendapatan yang diperoleh masyarakat dari tanaman keras dalam sistem agroforestri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan analitik dengan pengambilan sampel melalui Proportionate Random Sampling. Jumlah responden yang diwawancarai dalam penelitian ini adalah 20% (38 orang) dari total masyarakat Desa Gempolan yang memiliki hutan rakyat dengan sistem agroforestri. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dengan kuesioner, pembuatan petak ukur berukuran 40 × 25 m2 di lahan agroforestri dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua pola agroforestri yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat  Desa Gempolan yaitu pola alternate rows dan random mixture. Sebanyak 37 responden mempraktikkan pola agroforestri random mixture dan 1 responden mempraktikkan pola alternate rows. Tanaman keras yang dibudidayakan antara lain meliputi sengon, jati, mahoni, waru, akasia, mindi, dan suren. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa petani memperoleh rerata total penerimaan dari budidaya tanaman keras sebesar Rp.190.349.105/ha dan biaya produksi Rp.4.823.757/ha, sehingga potensi pendapatan adalah Rp.185.525.349/ha

    Variations of Soil Properties on Post Shifting Cultivation area in Primary Forest

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    Shifting cultivation in tropical forest was presumed as the major cause of soil degradation and soil nutrient depletion, and need several years--namely forest-fallow periods-- to be recovered. Soil properties dynamic monitoring has been done in the tropical forest in Central Kalimantan at one, five and ten year after abandonment, and compared to primary forest, to predict the time for soil recovery in term of Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Natrium (Na) content and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The soil properties status can be beneficial for rehabilitation activities through practicing agroforestry by the forest dwellers. The results showed that soil properties (i.e. Ca, Mg, K, CEC) were significantly different among soil depth (P<0.05), but not for Na. Highest value of Ca, Mg, K and Na were observed in the soil surface (0-20 cm), Soil nutrient contents were significantly changed with the time of abandonment, the highest value of CEC, Ca, K, and pH were found in five years after the abandonment. It suggested that soil nutrients were distributed in the soil surface composed from litter of pioneer trees. The research suggested that soil recovery was probably occurred during early fallows, and agroforestry can be practiced at five year after the abandonment

    Upaya Optimalisasi Lahan Bawah Tegakan pada Zona Tradisional melalui Sosialisasi Budidaya Nilam kepada Pengaram di Taman Hutan Raya K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I

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    The socialization of patchouli cultivation was conducted at Forest Park (Tahura) K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I, located at Mount Lawu, in Berjo Village, Ngargoyoso District Karanganyar Regency. Tahura K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I was divided into several zones. The most critical zone for the local community is the traditional zone. So far, the traditional zone was used by the community/forest farmers (pengaram) to plant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) under the main stand. The grass was planted mainly for animal feed or sale. During the dry season, the main problem was that the grass did not grow well. Thus, forest farmers do not have additional income from the traditional zone. For this reason, it was necessary to enrich understorey species that mainly have high economic and ecological values. One of the potential plants to be developed understands at traditional zone was patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.). Patchouli is an essential oil-producing plant. It is easy to cultivate and has high economic value. The purpose of this community service was to provide knowledge to forest farmers about patchouli plants. The activities carried out in this program were providing counseling to forest farmers about the theory related to patchouli cultivation and its benefits, business opportunities, oil processing, and mentioned costs and income from patchouli cultivation. The result shows that the knowledge about patchouli cultivation was new for the forest farmers. Forest farmers and Tahura K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I staff showed interest in cultivating patchouli under forest stands in traditional zones


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    K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I Forest Park is the one and only forest park in Central Java. As area of protection, life support system, and biodiversity preservation, K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I Forest Park plays an important role for life, especially for people around the forest area. To ensure this function, the sustainability of forest functions is determined by the presence of vegetation in the forest area. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of species, biomass and carbon stock of bamboo in K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I Forest Park. The diversity of bamboo species was observed by exploration method with an inventory. Then, based on the inventory data obtained, one species of bamboo was selected based on its number of clumps to determine the biomass and carbon storage. In the present study, there were 20 species bamboo at K.G.P.A.A. Mangkunagoro I Forest Park namely Bambusa balcoa, B. balcoa var. Capensis, B. bambos, B. blumeana, B. multiplex-green hedge, B. multiplex-alphanse karr, B. oldhami, B. tuldoides, B. vulgaris vulgaris, B. vulgaris vitata, B. vulgaris wamin budha, Dendrocalmus asper, D. asper thai, D. asper black, D. hamiltoni, Guadua amplexifolia, G. agustifolia, Oxytenanthera abysinica, Phyllostacys aurea, dan P. nigra. Furthermore, D. asper (petung bamboo) was the most dominated bamboo species. The number of D. asper were 758 clumps/ha and 3,213 reeds/ha. The average D. asper biomass was 6.02 kg/reed. Thus, the estimated biomass per ha was 19.5 tonnes/ha. In addition, D. asper has the ability to store carbon of 9.1 tonnes/ha.