72 research outputs found

    Management of insect pest complex of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) with phosphorous-enriched soil and aqueous neem seed extract

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    The study determined the major insect fauna of cowpea and evaluated the effectiveness of neem seed water extract (NSWE) and soil amendments in managing insect pest complex of cowpea at Juaboso in the Western Region. Phospho-compost was applied at the rate of 560 g plot-1 (865 kg ha-1). The NSWE was applied at the rate of 50 g 1-1 (15 kg ha-1). The phosphate rock and cymethoate were applied at the rate of 195 g plot-1 (300 kg ha-1) and 2.5 ml 1-1 (750 ml ha-1), respectively. Insect fauna belonging to eight orders were found associated with cowpea in the field. The major insect pests were Aphis craccivora (Koch), Spodoptera littoralis (F), Empoasca spp., Ootheca mutabilis (Sahlberg), Zonocerus variegatus (L.), Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), and Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fab.). Neem seed extract and cymethoate (synthetic insecticide) significantly reduced the incidence of these insect pests, thereby reducing the damage caused to the leaves and pods in treated plots. The incidence of beneficial insects was higher on NSWE-treated plots than on cymethoate- treated plots. These included Mantis mantis, species of Bombus, Crematogaster and Coccinella, and dragonfly. This suggests that NSWE was less harmful to beneficial insects than cymethoate. The phospho-compost-NSWE treatment recorded grain yield of 1.168 tonnes ha-1, which was 68.5 per cent higher than the no soil amendment-no insecticide treatment (0.368 tonnes ha-1). The phospho- compost-NSWE insecticide treatment had a profit margin of ¢1,804,000.00 (212.2),whilstthenosoilamendment−noinsecticidetreatmenthadalossof¢373,000.00(212.2), whilst the no soil amendment-no insecticide treatment had a loss of ¢373,000.00 (43.9). The use of phospho-compost and neem seed extract may represent an important component of the integrated crop and pest management strategy in traditional farming systems in Ghana.Des études étaient entreprises à Juaboso dans la région ouest du Ghana pour déterminer la faune d'insecte majeure de dolique et pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'extrait d'eau de la graine de margousier (EEGM) et d'amendements du sol dans la lutte contre l'ensemble d'insectes ravageurs de dolique. Le phospho-compost était appliqué à la proportion de 560 g lot-1 (865 kg ha-1). Le EEGM était appliqué à la proportion de 50 g l-1 (15 kg ha-1). La roche de phosphate et la cyméthoate étaient appliquées à la proportion de 195 g lot-1 (300 kg ha-1) et 2.5 ml l-1 (750 ml ha-1), respectivement. La faune d'insecte appartenant à huit ordres était trouvée d'être associé avec la dolique au champ. Les insectes ravageurs majeures étaient Aphis craccivora (Koch); Spodoptera littoralis (F), Empoasca spp., Ootheca mutabilis (Sahlberg), Zonocerus variegatus (L.), Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), et Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fab.). L'extrait de la graine de margousier et la cyméthoate (insecticide sythétique) provoquait une réduction considérable de la fréquence de ces insectes ravageurs avec une réduction qui en a résulté aux ravages faits aux feuilles et aux cosses dans les lots traités. La fréquence d'insectes bénéfiques était plus élevée sur les lots traités d'EEGM que sur les lots traités de cyméthoate. Parmi ceux étaient Mantis mantis, espèces de Bombus, Crematogaster, Coccinella et la libellule. Ceci suggère qu'EEGM était moins nuisible aux insectes bénéfiques que la cyméthoate. Le traitement de phosphocompost – EEGM enregistrait un rendement de grain de 1.168 tonnes ha-1 qui était 68.5 pour cent plus élevé que le traitement de sans-amendement de sol–sans-insecticide (0.368 tonnes ha-1). Le traitement de phospho compost - EEGM avait une marge bénéficiaire de 1,804,000 cedis (212.2)alorsqueletraitementdesans−amendementdesol–sans−insecticideavaitunepertede373,000cedis(212.2) alors que le traitement de sans-amendement de sol–sans-insecticide avait une perte de 373,000 cedis (43.9). L'utilisation de phospho-compost et d'extrait de la graine de margousier pourrait représenter un élément important de la stratégie intégrée de l'amenagement de culture et de la lutte contre les ravageurs dans les systèmes d'agriculture traditionnelle au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (1) 2006: pp. 10

    Effect of phospho-compost on growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    The effect of phospho-compost on the growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was studied at Juaboso in the Western Region of Ghana. It was a factorial experiment arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Phospho-compost, prepared from phosphate rock, cocoa pod husk, sawdust and poultry manure, was applied at the rate of 560 g plot-1 (875 kg ha-1) and worked into soil before planting. Phosphate rock was applied at the rate of 195 g plot-1 (300 kg ha-1) 1 week before planting. The triple superphosphate was applied as band placement of 90 g plot-1 (130 kg ha-1), 7 days after sowing. These application rates were equal to 60 kg P205 ha-1. Phospho-compost significantly (P < 0.05) increased number of leaves, number of nodules, plant biomass, number of pods per plant, and grain yield more than the control. Grain yield on the phospho-compost-treated plot was 25.8 per cent higher than the control. Phospho-compost treatment had a profit margin of ¢3,295,000.00 (387.65).Thisfigurecomparedfavourablywiththetreatmentusingconventionaltriplesuperphosphatefertilizer,whichrecorded¢3,422,000.00(387.65). This figure compared favourably with the treatment using conventional triple superphosphate fertilizer, which recorded ¢3,422,000.00 (402.59) profit. The controls had a profit margin of ¢2,515,000.00 (295.88).Theresultsofthestudyindicatethattheuseofphosphocompost(whichislocallyprepared)cansignificantlyincreasetheyieldofcowpea.Resource−poorfarmerscanusephospho−composttoimprovethefertilityofsoilforhigherproductivityofcowpea.UneeˊtudeeˊtaitentrepriseaˋJuabosodanslareˊgiondel′OuestduGhanapourfairedesrecherchesdel′effetdephosphocompostsurlacroissanceetlerendementdedolique.C′eˊtaituneexpeˊriencefactoriellearrangeˊedansundessindebloccompletchoisiauhasardavecquatrereˊplications.Phospho−compost,preˊpareˊderocheduphosphate,del′eˊcaledecossedecacao,desciuredeboisetdefumierdevolaille,eˊtaientappliqueˊsaˋraisonde560g/lot(875kg/ha)etmeˊlangeˊsaveclesolavantlaplantation.Larocheduphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊeaˋraisonde195g/lot(300kg/ha)unesemaineavantlaplantation.Latriplesuperphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊecommeunplacementenbandede90g/lot(130kg/ha),septjoursapreˋslessemailles.Cestauxd′applicationeˊtaienteˊquivalentaˋ60kgP2O5/ha.Phospho−compostaugmentaitconsideˊrablement(P<0.05)lenombredefeuilles,nombredenodules,biomassedeplante,nombredecosseparplanteetlerendementdegraineplusquelecontro^le.Lerendementdegrainesurlelottraiteˊdephospho−composteˊtait25.8295.88). The results of the study indicate that the use of phosphocompost (which is locally prepared) can significantly increase the yield of cowpea. Resource-poor farmers can use phospho-compost to improve the fertility of soil for higher productivity of cowpea.Une étude était entreprise à Juaboso dans la région de l'Ouest du Ghana pour faire des recherches de l'effet de phosphocompost sur la croissance et le rendement de dolique. C'était une expérience factorielle arrangée dans un dessin de bloc complet choisi au hasard avec quatre réplications. Phospho-compost, préparé de roche du phosphate, de l'écale de cosse de cacao, de sciure de bois et de fumier de volaille, étaient appliqués à raison de 560 g/lot (875 kg/ ha) et mélangés avec le sol avant la plantation. La roche du phosphate était appliquée à raison de 195 g/lot (300 kg/ha) une semaine avant la plantation. La triple superphosphate était appliquée comme un placement en bande de 90 g/lot (130 kg/ha), sept jours après les semailles. Ces taux d'application étaient équivalent à 60 kg P2 O5/ ha. Phospho-compost augmentait considérablement (P < 0.05) le nombre de feuilles, nombre de nodules, biomasse de plante, nombre de cosse par plante et le rendement de graine plus que le contrôle. Le rendement de graine sur le lot traité de phospho-compost était 25.8% plus élevé que sur le lot de contrôle. Le traitement de phospho-compost avait une marge bénéficiaire de ¢3,295,000.00 (387.65) et ce chiffre se comparait favorablement avec le traitement appliquant l'engrais conventionnel la triple superphosphate, qui donnait un bénéfice de ¢3,422,000.00 (402.59).Leslotsdecontro^leavaientunemargebeˊneˊficiairede¢2,515,000.00(402.59). Les lots de contrôle avaient une marge bénéficiaire de ¢2,515,000.00 (295.88). Les résultats de l'étude indiquent que l'application de phospho-compost (qui est préparé localement) peut augmenter considérablement le rendement de dolique. Les pauvres agriculteurs ingénieux peuvent appliquer phospho-compost pour améliorer la fertilité du sol pour une productivité plus élevée de dolique. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (2) 2008: pp. 169-17

    A rapid tree diversity assessment method for cocoa agroforestry systems

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    Biodiversity is recognized as an essential part of sustainable development efforts, however reducing biodiversity loss is a key global challenge that requires updated data on biodiversity status at different scales. Cocoa agro-forests include tree species besides cocoa, a practice beneficial to biodiversity, ecosystem conservation and farming households. We present a stepwise procedure to test and select a method that rapidly assesses biodi-versity in cocoa agroforests based primarily on species richness and counts of non-cocoa trees. Three rapid assessment methodologies (RapidBAM) with different sampling procedures were tested in three phases: cali-bration, testing and evaluation. Results showed the method using the lowest number of sample plots with a minimum area coverage and a consistent sampling time (regardless of farm context) provided the most accurate and straightforward assessment. Farmers accurately reported qualitatively on species, complimenting quanti-tative data produced by RapidBAM. Collecting biodiversity data with RapidBAM proved valuable to collect data at large-scales and is applicable to different landscapes. Monitoring biodiversity with fewer required resources than conventional methods is a relevant outcome, which can help defining efficient biodiversity-friendly farming practices

    Macrophages orchestrate the expansion of a proangiogenic perivascular niche during cancer progression

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    Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are a highly plastic stromal cell type that support cancer progression. Using single-cell RNA sequencing of TAMs from a spontaneous murine model of mammary adenocarcinoma (MMTV-PyMT), we characterize a subset of these cells expressing lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor 1 (Lyve-1) that spatially reside proximal to blood vasculature. We demonstrate that Lyve-1+ TAMs support tumor growth and identify a pivotal role for these cells in maintaining a population of perivascular mesenchymal cells that express α-smooth muscle actin and phenotypically resemble pericytes. Using photolabeling techniques, we show that mesenchymal cells maintain their prevalence in the growing tumor through proliferation and uncover a role for Lyve-1+ TAMs in orchestrating a selective platelet-derived growth factor–CC–dependent expansion of the perivascular mesenchymal population, creating a proangiogenic niche. This study highlights the inter-reliance of the immune and nonimmune stromal network that supports cancer progression and provides therapeutic opportunities for tackling the disease

    Vitamin D accelerates resolution of inflammatory responses during tuberculosis treatment

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    Calcidiol, the major circulating metabolite of vitamin D, supports induction of pleiotropic antimicrobial responses in vitro. Vitamin D supplementation elevates circulating calcidiol concentrations, and thus has a potential role in the prevention and treatment of infection. The immunomodulatory effects of administering vitamin D to humans with an infectious disease have not previously been reported. To characterize these effects, we conducted a detailed longitudinal study of circulating and antigen-stimulated immune responses in ninety-five patients receiving antimicrobial therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis who were randomized to receive adjunctive high-dose vitamin D or placebo in a clinical trial, and who fulfilled criteria for per-protocol analysis. Vitamin D supplementation accelerated sputum smear conversion and enhanced treatment-induced resolution of lymphopaenia, monocytosis, hypercytokinaemia, and hyperchemokinaemia. Administration of vitamin D also suppressed antigen-stimulated proinflammatory cytokine responses, but attenuated the suppressive effect of antimicrobial therapy on antigen-stimulated secretion of IL-4, CC chemokine ligand 5, and IFN-α. We demonstrate a previously unappreciated role for vitamin D supplementation in accelerating resolution of inflammatory responses during tuberculosis treatment. Our findings suggest a potential role for adjunctive vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of pulmonary infections to accelerate resolution of inflammatory responses associated with increased risk of mortality

    Fanconi anaemia with bilateral diffuse pulmonary arterio venous fistulae: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We report a patient with cytogenetically confirmed Fanconi anaemia with associated diffuse bilateral pulmonary arterio-venous fistulae. This is only the second reported case of diffuse pulmonary arterio-venous fistulae with Fanconi anaemia.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A 16 year old Sri Lankan boy, with a cytogenetically confirmed Fanconi anaemia was admitted to University Medical Unit, National Hospital of Sri Lanka for further assessment and treatment. Both central and peripheral cyanosis plus clubbing were noted on examination. The peripheral saturation was persistently low on room air and did not improve with supplementary Oxygen. Contrast echocardiography failed to demonstrate an intra cardiac shunt but showed early crossover of contrast, suggesting the possibility of pulmonary arterio-venous fistulae. Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram was inconclusive. Subsequent right heart catheterisation revealed bilateral diffuse arterio-venous fistulae not amenable for device closure or surgical intervention.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the second reported patient with diffuse pulmonary arterio-venous fistulae associated with Fanconi anaemia. We report this case to create awareness among clinicians regarding this elusive association. We recommend screening patients with Fanconi anaemia using contrast echocardiography at the time of assessment with transthoracic echocardiogram. Though universal screening may be impossible given the cost constraints, such screening should at least be performed in patients with clinical evidence of desaturation or when a therapeutic option such as haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is considered. Treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae would improve patient outcome as desaturation by shunting worsens the anaemic symptoms by reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.</p

    Genome-wide association study of survival from sepsis due to pneumonia: an observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Sepsis continues to be a major cause of death, disability, and health-care expenditure worldwide. Despite evidence suggesting that host genetics can influence sepsis outcomes, no specific loci have yet been convincingly replicated. The aim of this study was to identify genetic variants that influence sepsis survival. METHODS: We did a genome-wide association study in three independent cohorts of white adult patients admitted to intensive care units with sepsis, severe sepsis, or septic shock (as defined by the International Consensus Criteria) due to pneumonia or intra-abdominal infection (cohorts 1-3, n=2534 patients). The primary outcome was 28 day survival. Results for the cohort of patients with sepsis due to pneumonia were combined in a meta-analysis of 1553 patients from all three cohorts, of whom 359 died within 28 days of admission to the intensive-care unit. The most significantly associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in a further 538 white patients with sepsis due to pneumonia (cohort 4), of whom 106 died. FINDINGS: In the genome-wide meta-analysis of three independent pneumonia cohorts (cohorts 1-3), common variants in the FER gene were strongly associated with survival (p=9·7 × 10(-8)). Further genotyping of the top associated SNP (rs4957796) in the additional cohort (cohort 4) resulted in a combined p value of 5·6 × 10(-8) (odds ratio 0·56, 95% CI 0·45-0·69). In a time-to-event analysis, each allele reduced the mortality over 28 days by 44% (hazard ratio for death 0·56, 95% CI 0·45-0·69; likelihood ratio test p=3·4 × 10(-9), after adjustment for age and stratification by cohort). Mortality was 9·5% in patients carrying the CC genotype, 15·2% in those carrying the TC genotype, and 25·3% in those carrying the TT genotype. No significant genetic associations were identified when patients with sepsis due to pneumonia and intra-abdominal infection were combined. INTERPRETATION: We have identified common variants in the FER gene that associate with a reduced risk of death from sepsis due to pneumonia. The FER gene and associated molecular pathways are potential novel targets for therapy or prevention and candidates for the development of biomarkers for risk stratification. FUNDING: European Commission and the Wellcome Trust

    Utility of Repeated Praziquantel Dosing in the Treatment of Schistosomiasis in High-Risk Communities in Africa: A Systematic Review

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    Infection by Schistosoma worms causes serious disease among people who live in areas of Africa, South America, and Asia where these parasites are regularly transmitted. Although yearly treatment with the drug praziquantel is fairly effective in reducing or eliminating active infection, it does not cure everyone, and reinfection remains a continuing problem in high-risk communities. Studies have suggested that a repeat dose of praziquantel, given 2 to 8 weeks after the first dose, can improve cure rates and reduce remaining intensity of infections in population-based programs. Our systematic review of published research found that, on average, in Africa, such repeated dosing appears to offer particular advantages in the treatment of S. mansoni, the cause of intestinal schistosomiasis, but there was less consistent improvement after double-dosing for S. haematobium, the cause of urogenital schistosomiasis. Based on this evidence, we used a calibrated life-path model to predict the costs and benefits of a single-dose vs. a double-dose strategy in a typical high-risk community. Our projections suggest cost-effective incremental benefits from double dosing in terms of i) limiting a person's total years spent infected and ii) limiting the number of years they spend with heavy infection, with consequent improvements in quality of life
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