9 research outputs found

    Neolithic woodland in the north Mediterranean basin: A review on Olea europaea L.

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    The aim of this paper is to specify the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. during the Early Holocene in the Northern Mediterranean by means of the identification of wood charcoal remains of this species at prehistoric sites. For this purpose, we have reviewed the relevant literature and extracted the data in which Olea charcoal has been identified. We have taken into consideration the biogeographical and chrono-cultural contexts in which the species is present, its frequency of occurrence at different locations and the associated plant taxa with the aim of tracking the Holocene history of the oleaster. Based on this information we suggest that the species started expanding during the Preboreal from Pleistocene thermophilous tree refugia located in the Levant, Cyprus, Sicily and the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Its presence was confined to the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level. The expansion dynamics of Olea after the Boreal are better understood in the western Mediterranean. There the species becomes very abundant or dominant in the thermophilous plant formations of the Atlantic period and expands to favorable enclaves outside the limits of the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level.The aim of this paper is to specify the natural distribution of Olea europaea L. during the Early Holocene in the Northern Mediterranean by means of the identification of wood charcoal remains of this species at prehistoric sites. For this purpose, we have reviewed the relevant literature and extracted the data in which Olea charcoal has been identified. We have taken into consideration the biogeographical and chrono-cultural contexts in which the species is present, its frequency of occurrence at different locations and the associated plant taxa with the aim of tracking the Holocene history of the oleaster. Based on this information we suggest that the species started expanding during the Preboreal from Pleistocene thermophilous tree refugia located in the Levant, Cyprus, Sicily and the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Its presence was confined to the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level. The expansion dynamics of Olea after the Boreal are better understood in the western Mediterranean. There the species becomes very abundant or dominant in the thermophilous plant formations of the Atlantic period and expands to favorable enclaves outside the limits of the thermomediterraenan bioclimatic level

    Comida para la eternidad

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    �From the real to the imagery� (Hum2004/04939HIST) is a research project which examines Iberian Iron Age flora (VI-I centuries BC) from a number of perspectives in order to understand the use of plants and their symbolism in ancient Iberia. The primary aim of this study was the development of a database of plants that were recognised and used by the Iberians and to highlight their uses (�the realness�) and their representation on artefacts (�the imagery�). This data set is now available for public access online: http://www.uv.es/floraiberica or http://www.florayfaunaiberica. org. In this paper we present a practical example of how to use this database as a research tool. We focus here on the information relating to funeral offerings of vegetables (�food for the eternity�), but also the offerings of material culture that contain iconographic representations of fruits. The goal of this analysis is to approach what goes beyond live after death in Iberian Culture

    De lo real a lo imaginario : aproximación a la flora ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro

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    "De lo real a lo imaginario" es el título de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es hacer un estudio de la flora de los iberos desde distintos puntos de vista con el fin de aproximarnos al uso y simbolismo de las plantas por parte de las sociedades antiguas. Para ello se va a combinar una visión estrictamente paleobotánica, basada en estudios palinológicos, antracológicos y paleocarpológicos, con la iconográfica, recogiendo todas las representaciones de plantas que aparecen en cerámica, escultura en piedra, objetos metálicos y monedas. Todos los datos se catalogan teniendo en cuenta su contexto y cronología. Con ello se pretende elaborar un catálogo de plantas conocidas y utilizadas, en diferentes contextos, con todos los usos posibles (lo real) y las imágenes de plantas recogidas en diversos soportes (lo imaginario). Como ejemplo, se presenta el estudio realizado sobre dos plantas: la adormidera (Papaver sp.) y la palmera (Phoenix datylifera L.)."From the real to the imagery" is the translation of the project"s title we present in this paper. Our main goal is the study of the Iberian Iron Age fl ora from several points of view in order to come close to the use and the simbolism of plants among the ancient societies, specially the Iberian Culture. The method we use is a combination of a paleobotanical approach, based on palinology, anthracology and paleocarpology, together with an iconographic one. Then, we record all the representations of plants on pottery, stone sculpture, metallic objects and coins. All these data are catalogued taking in to account the context and chronology of the archaeological remains we are dealing with. The aim of this research project is to create a database of the used and known plants among the Iberians, to reconstruct the possible uses ("the real") and the images of plants represented on the artefacts ("the imagery"). This paper offers preliminary results of our method by presenting an analytical example based on two species: the poppy (Papaver sp.) and the palm tree (Phoenix datylifera L.)

    Wood charcoal analysis: the local vegetation

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    Estudio arqueobotánico de los niveles neolíticos de Knossos (creta). Por medio de los carbones se reconstruye la vegetación, el clima y el paisaje del yacimiento.Archaeobotanical study of Neolithic levels of Knossos (Crete). Through charcoal remains vegetation, climate and landscape of the site is rebuilt

    Lo real y lo imaginario : el proyecto HUM2004-04939 sobre flora en el mundo ibérico

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    “De lo real a lo imaginario. Aproximación a la flora ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro” es el título del proyecto Hum2004-04939 financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. El objetivo es hacer un estudio multidisciplinar de la flora con el fin de aproximarnos al uso y simbolismo de las plantas por parte de los Iberos. El método ha consistido en la combinación de datos paleobotánicos tomados de la antracología,la palinología y la paleocarpología, junto con los iconográficos. Se ha realizado un banco de datos con todos los restos arqueobotánicos y representaciones iconográficas de vegetales documentados en los yacimientos Ibéricos. En ambos casos se aplican criterios de identificación estrictamente botánicos,basados esencialmente en la anatomía y morfología vegetal. Todos estos datos están disponibles en la página de internet: www.florayfaunaiberica.org. En este artículo, para ilustrar nuestro método de trabajo y los beneficios del mismo hemos elegido una planta genuinamente ibérica: la vid (Vitis vinifera L).“From the real to the imagery: Approaching the Iberian Iron Age Flora” is a multidisciplinary research project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Hum2004-04939). Our field of interest is the study of the Iberian Iron Age flora (6th-1st centuries BC) in order to better understand the use and the symbolism of plants in ancient societies, especially among ancient Iberians. The method conducted is a combination of a paleobotanical approach, based on anthracology, palinology and paleocarpology,together with an iconographic one. Accordingly, we have compiled in a database all archaeobotanical remains and iconographical vegetal items documented in Iberian archaeological sites. In both cases we have identified the items by botanical criteria, based essentially on the anatomical and morphological attributes. All this data is available in our web: www.florayfaunaiberica.org. The aim of this paper is to offer an example of our methodology of research and its benefits through the analysis of a genuine Iberian species:the common Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)