33 research outputs found

    Dispute Resolution Systems and Collective Bargaining: From the perspective of disputes over dismissal (Japanese)

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    When the Japanese economy went into recession in the 1990s, the number of employees dismissed by companies increased dramatically while the ratio of disputes over dismissals, in the form of labor action and lawsuits, has been in continuous decline since that time. It is true that overall the ratio of lawsuits in relation to the number of dismissals has increased since 2002, but this is because of the reduced cost of access to judicial resources owing to the opening of labor consultation service centers, and not because of any disturbance to legal norms. Thus, looking at dismissal disputes, the case law, particularly in regard to unfair dismissals, has been securely established and continues to provide a stable social norm in the Japanese labor markets. It is important to notice that many of the dismissal cases have been contended as class actions, and collective bargaining has provided the key mechanism of case law for dismissals in Japan. Therefore when we find the relative number of labor lawsuits filed by individuals increasing, as opposed to collective labor action, we have to be cautious that it is not clear what kind of role collective bargaining is playing here. Although current labor laws and regulations depend largely on establishing social norms based upon collective bargaining, studying the course of disputes over dismissals may enable us to present points of discussion with regard to the form that collective bargaining should take.

    Linkage analysis of complex diseases using microsatellites and single-nucleotide polymorphisms: application to alcoholism

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    The efficacy of linkage studies using microsatellites and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was evaluated. Analyzed data were supplied by the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). Alcoholism was analyzed together with a simulated trait caused by a gene of known position, through a nonparametric linkage test (NPL). For the alcoholism trait, four densities of SNPs (1 SNP per 0.2 cM, 0.5 cM, 1 cM and 2 cM) showed higher peaks of NPL z scores and smaller significant p-values than the usual 10-cM density of microsatellites. However, the two highest densities of SNPs had unstable z score signals, and therefore were difficult to interpret. Analyzing a simulated trait with the same markers in the same pedigrees, we confirmed the higher power of all four densities of SNPs compared to the 10-cM microsatellites panel, although the existence of other confounding peaks was confirmed for maps that are denser than 1 SNP/cM. We further showed that estimating the gene position using SNPs is far less biased than using the usual panel of microsatellites (biases of 0–2 cM for SNPs vs. 8.9 cM for microsatellites). We conclude that using dense maps of SNPs in linkage analysis is more powerful and less biased than using the 10-cM maps of microsatellites. However, linkage signals can be unstable and difficult to interpret when several SNPs are genotyped per centimorgan. The power and accuracy of 1 SNP/cM or 1 SNP/2 cM may be sufficient in a genome-wide linkage scan while denser maps may be most useful in fine-gene mapping studies exploiting linkage disequilibrium

    Study of the female sex survival advantage in melanoma—a focus on x-linked epigenetic regulators and immune responses in two cohorts

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    Background: Survival from melanoma is strongly related to patient sex, with females having a survival rate almost twice that of males. Many explanations have been proposed but have not withstood critical scrutiny. Prior analysis of different cancers with a sex bias has identified six X-linked genes that escape X chromosome inactivation in females and are, therefore, potentially involved in sex differences in survival. Four of the genes are well-known epigenetic regulators that are known to influence the expression of hundreds of other genes and signaling pathways in cancer. Methods: Survival and interaction analysis were performed on the skin cutaneous melanoma (SKCM) cohort in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), comparing high vs. low expression of KDM6A, ATRX, KDM5C, and DDX3X. The Leeds melanoma cohort (LMC) on 678 patients with primary melanoma was used as a validation cohort. Results: Analysis of TCGA data revealed that two of these genes—KDM6A and ATRX—were associated with improved survival from melanoma. Tumoral KDM6A was expressed at higher levels in females and was associated with inferred lymphoid infiltration into melanoma. Gene set analysis of high KDM6A showed strong associations with immune responses and downregulation of genes associated with Myc and other oncogenic pathways. The LMC analysis confirmed the prognostic significance of KDM6A and its interaction with EZH2 but also revealed the expression of KDM5C and DDX3X to be prognostically significant. The analysis also confirmed a partial correlation of KDM6A with immune tumor infiltrates. Conclusion: When considered together, the results from these two series are consistent with the involvement of X-linked epigenetic regulators in the improved survival of females from melanoma. The identification of gene signatures associated with their expression presents insights into the development of new treatment initiatives but provides a basis for exploration in future studies

    Two-stage analyses of sequence variants in association with quantitative traits

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    We propose a two-stage design for the analysis of sequence variants in which a proportion of genes that show some evidence of association are identified initially and then followed up in an independent data set. We compare two different approaches. In both approaches the same summary measure (total number of minor alleles) is used for each gene in the initial analysis. In the first (simple) approach the same summary measure is used in the analysis of the independent data set. In the second (alternative) approach a more specific hypothesis is formed for the second stage; the summary measure used is the count of minor alleles in only those variants that in the initial data showed the same direction of association as was seen overall. We applied the methods to the simulated quantitative traits of Genetic Analysis Workshop 17, blind to the simulation model, and then evaluated their performance once the underlying model was known. Performance was similar for most genes, but the simple strategy considerably out-performed the alternative strategy for one gene, where most of the effect was due to very rare variants; this suggests that the alternative approach would not be advisable when the effect is seen in very rare variants. Further simulations are needed to investigate the potential superior power of the alternative method when some variants within a gene have opposing effects. Overall, the power to detect associations was low; this was also true when using a more powerful joint analysis that combined the two stages of the study

    Vitamin D-VDR signaling inhibits Wnt/beta-catenin-mediated melanoma progression and promotes anti-tumor immunity

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    1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 signals via the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR). Higher serum vitamin D is associated with thinner primary melanoma and better outcome, although a causal mechanism has not been established. As melanoma patients commonly avoid sun exposure, and consequent vitamin D deficiency might worsen outcomes, we interrogated 703 primary melanoma transcriptomes to understand the role of vitamin D-VDR signalling and replicated the findings in TCGA metastases. VDR expression was independently protective for melanoma death in both primary and metastatic disease. High tumor VDR expression was associated with upregulation of pathways mediating anti-tumor immunity and correspondingly with higher imputed immune cell scores and histologically detected tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). High VDR expressing tumors had downregulation of proliferative pathways, notably Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Deleterious low VDR levels resulted from promoter methylation and gene deletion in metastases. Vitamin D deficiency (< 25 nmol/l ~ 10 ng/ml) shortened survival in primary melanoma in a VDR-dependent manner. In vitro functional validation studies showed that elevated vitamin D-VDR signaling inhibited Wnt/beta-catenin signaling genes. Murine melanoma cells overexpressing VDR produced fewer pulmonary metastases than controls in tail vein metastasis assays. In summary, vitamin D-VDR signaling contributes to controlling pro-proliferative/immunosuppresive Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in melanoma and this is associated with less metastatic disease and stronger host immune responses. This is evidence of the causal relationship between vitamin D-VDR signaling and melanoma survival which should be explored as a therapeutic target in primary resistance to checkpoint blockade

    Identification of 19 new risk loci and potential regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to testicular germ cell tumor

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed understanding of susceptibility to testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs), but much of the heritability remains unexplained. Here we report a new GWAS, a meta-analysis with previous GWAS and a replication series, totaling 7,319 TGCT cases and 23,082 controls. We identify 19 new TGCT risk loci, roughly doubling the number of known TGCT risk loci to 44. By performing in situ Hi-C in TGCT cells, we provide evidence for a network of physical interactions among all 44 TGCT risk SNPs and candidate causal genes. Our findings implicate widespread disruption of developmental transcriptional regulators as a basis of TGCT susceptibility, consistent with failed primordial germ cell differentiation as an initiating step in oncogenesis. Defective microtubule assembly and dysregulation of KIT-MAPK signaling also feature as recurrently disrupted pathways. Our findings support a polygenic model of risk and provide insight into the biological basis of TGCT.We acknowledge National Health Service funding to the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre. Genotyping of the OncoArray was funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) (U19 CA 148537 for Elucidating Loci Involved in Prostate cancer Susceptibility (ELLIPSE) project and X01HG007492 to the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) under contract number HHSN268201200008I). Additional analytical support was provided by NIH NCI U01 CA188392. The PRACTICAL consortium was supported by Cancer Research UK Grants C5047/A7357, C1287/A10118, C1287/A16563, C5047/A3354, C5047/A10692 and C16913/A6135; the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme grant agreement 223175 (HEALTH-F2-2009-223175) (D.F.E., R.E. and Z.K.-J.); and the NIH Cancer Post-Cancer GWAS initiative grant 1 U19 CA 148537-01 (the GAME-ON initiative). We thank the following for funding support: the Institute of Cancer Research and the Everyman Campaign, the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation, Prostate Research Campaign UK (now Prostate Action), the Orchid Cancer Appeal, the National Cancer Research Network UK and the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) UK. We are grateful for NIHR funding to the Biomedical Research Centre at the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. We acknowledge funding from the Swedish Cancer Society (CAN2011/484 and CAN2012/823), the Norwegian Cancer Society (grants 418975-71081-PR-2006-0387 and PK01-2007- 0375) and the Nordic Cancer Union (grant S-12/07). This study was supported by the Movember Foundation and the Institute of Cancer Research. K.L. is supported by a PhD fellowship from Cancer Research UK. R.S.H. and P.B. are supported by Cancer Research UK (C1298/A8362 Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK)

    Contribution to the analysis of linkage disequilibrium in livestock : effects of selection and inbreeding / Contribution à l'analyse du déséquilibre de liaison chez les animaux de rente : effets de la sélection et de la consanguinité/

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    Genetic mapping contributes to the understanding of functional mechanisms that underlie the constitution of living organisms and their physiology. For example, genetic mapping can be used in conceiving new treatments of congenital or infectious diseases and in selecting plants and animals that have a higher and better production. The most common approaches of genetic mapping exploit the allelic segregation in a pedigree during only a few number of generations and, consequently, they do not have a sufficient resolution to allow an effective gene isolation and cloning. An alternative to these approaches is to study allelic associations along the history of a population. This requires accurate models of population demography, genetic inheritance and allelic associations. This thesis contributes to the modelling of allelic associations (linkage disequilibrium, LD) and to the assessment of the effects of selection and inbreeding. In a simulation framework, we fitted the multimarker-multiallelic LD with an exponential function characterised by two parameters: the distance (R) at which LD is independent of the genetic distance and the LD reached at this distance (residual LD, rs). As an application of this approach, the LD was estimated in five populations of pigs. We observed a long range LD (>10cM) that was explained by the random drift. Moreover, significantly increased LD was found in regions harbouring selected QTL (quantitative trait loci), suggesting an effect of selection. Fitting LD with the exponential model proposed in simulations indicated that mapping methods using LD (LDM) can achieve a resolution of ~3cM in the populations of pigs we have studied and can be powerful with a marker spacing of 5-10cM. As illustrated with these data from pigs, the model that we used to fit LD offers opportunities to characterise allelic association in populations, estimate the required marker density for genome-wide LD studies and determine the expected resolution of LDM. It is also shown that the proposed model can help overcoming the assumptions of asymptotic linkage equilibrium and independence between markers that are commonly made in LDM but are not always fulfilled.(AGRO 3)--UCL, 200