20 research outputs found

    Ramond sector of superconformal algebras via quantum reduction

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    Quantum hamiltonian reduction of affine superalgebras is studied in the twisted case. The Ramond sector of "minimal" superconformal W-algebras is described in detail, the determinant formula is obtained. Extensive list of examples includes all the simple Lie superalgebras of rank up to 2. The paper generalizes the results of Kac and Wakimoto (math-ph/0304011) to the twisted case.Comment: 50 pages, 8 figures; v2: examples added, determinant formula derivation modified, section order change

    Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States and their Quasiparticles: from the Pattern of Zeros to Vertex Algebra

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    In the pattern-of-zeros approach to quantum Hall states, a set of data {n;m;S_a|a=1,...,n; n,m,S_a in N} (called the pattern of zeros) is introduced to characterize a quantum Hall wave function. In this paper we find sufficient conditions on the pattern of zeros so that the data correspond to a valid wave function. Some times, a set of data {n;m;S_a} corresponds to a unique quantum Hall state, while other times, a set of data corresponds to several different quantum Hall states. So in the latter cases, the patterns of zeros alone does not completely characterize the quantum Hall states. In this paper, We find that the following expanded set of data {n;m;S_a;c|a=1,...,n; n,m,S_a in N; c in R} provides a more complete characterization of quantum Hall states. Each expanded set of data completely characterize a unique quantum Hall state, at least for the examples discussed in this paper. The result is obtained by combining the pattern of zeros and Z_n simple-current vertex algebra which describes a large class of Abelian and non-Abelian quantum Hall states \Phi_{Z_n}^sc. The more complete characterization in terms of {n;m;S_a;c} allows us to obtain more topological properties of those states, which include the central charge c of edge states, the scaling dimensions and the statistics of quasiparticle excitations.Comment: 42 pages. RevTeX

    Generalised discrete torsion and mirror symmetry for G_2 manifolds

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    A generalisation of discrete torsion is introduced in which different discrete torsion phases are considered for the different fixed points or twist fields of a twisted sector. The constraints that arise from modular invariance are analysed carefully. As an application we show how all the different resolutions of the T^7/Z_2^3 orbifold of Joyce have an interpretation in terms of such generalised discrete torsion orbifolds. Furthermore, we show that these manifolds are pairwise identified under G_2 mirror symmetry. From a conformal field theory point of view, this mirror symmetry arises from an automorphism of the extended chiral algebra of the G_2 compactification.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 1 figure; v2: one reference added and comment about higher loop modular invariance corrected, version to be publishe

    Combined exome and transcriptome sequencing of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: associations between genomic changes, expression subtypes, and clinical outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: Three-quarters of bladder cancer patients present with early-stage disease (non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer, NMIBC, UICC TNM stages Ta, T1 and Tis); however, most next-generation sequencing studies to date have concentrated on later-stage disease (muscle-invasive BC, stages T2+). We used exome and transcriptome sequencing to comprehensively characterise NMIBCs of all grades and stages to identify prognostic genes and pathways that could facilitate treatment decisions. Tumour grading is based upon microscopy and cellular appearances (grade 1 BCs are less aggressive, and grade 3 BCs are most aggressive), and we chose to also focus on the most clinically complex NMIBC subgroup, those patients with grade 3 pathological stage T1 (G3 pT1) disease. METHODS: Whole-exome and RNA sequencing were performed in total on 96 primary NMIBCs including 22 G1 pTa, 14 G3 pTa and 53 G3 pT1s, with both exome and RNA sequencing data generated from 75 of these individual samples. Associations between genomic alterations, expression profiles and progression-free survival (PFS) were investigated. RESULTS: NMIBCs clustered into 3 expression subtypes with different somatic alteration characteristics. Amplifications of ARNT and ERBB2 were significant indicators of worse PFS across all NMIBCs. High APOBEC mutagenesis and high tumour mutation burden were both potential indicators of better PFS in G3pT1 NMIBCs. The expression of individual genes was not prognostic in BCG-treated G3pT1 NMIBCs; however, downregulated interferon-alpha and gamma response pathways were significantly associated with worse PFS (adjusted p-value < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Multi-omic data may facilitate better prognostication and selection of therapeutic interventions in patients with G3pT1 NMIBC. These findings demonstrate the potential for improving the management of high-risk NMIBC patients and warrant further prospective validation

    A Realization of N=1 SW(3/2,2){\cal SW}(3/2,2) Algebras with Wolf Spaces

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    We find out that some unitary minimal models of the N=1 SW(3/2,2){\cal SW}(3/2,2) superconformal algebra can be realized as the level one coset models based on the Wolf spaces SU(n)/(SU(n−2)×SU(2))SU(n)/(SU(n-2)\times SU(2)). We obtain the expression of the fermionic current with the conformal weight 5/2 in the algebra. Then, these models are twisted to give the topological conformal field theories.Comment: 7 pages, references added, published versio

    Comments on M Theory Dynamics on G2 Holonomy Manifolds

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    We study the dynamics of M-theory on G2 holonomy manifolds, and consider in detail the manifolds realized as the quotient of the spin bundle over S^3 by discrete groups. We analyse, in particular, the class of quotients where the triality symmetry is broken. We study the structure of the moduli space, construct its defining equations and show that three different types of classical geometries are interpolated smoothly. We derive the N=1 superpotentials of M-theory on the quotients and comment on the membrane instanton physics. Finally, we turn on Wilson lines that break gauge symmetry and discuss some of the implications.Comment: 21pages, Latex2e. v2: minor change

    Orientifolds of K3 and Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Intersecting D-branes

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    We investigate orientifolds of type II string theory on K3 and Calabi-Yau 3-folds with intersecting D-branes wrapping special Lagrangian cycles. We determine quite generically the chiral massless spectrum in terms of topological invariants and discuss both orbifold examples and algebraic realizations in detail. Intriguingly, the developed techniques provide an elegant way to figure out the chiral sector of orientifold models without computing any explicit string partition function. As a new example we derive a non-supersymmetric Standard-like Model from an orientifold of type IIA on the quintic Calabi-Yau 3-fold with wrapped D6-branes. In the case of supersymmetric intersecting brane models on Calabi-Yau manifolds we discuss the D-term and F-term potentials, the effective gauge couplings and the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The mirror symmetric formulation of this construction is provided within type IIB theory. We finally include a short discussion about the lift of these models from type IIB on K3 to F-theory and from type IIA on Calabi-Yau 3-folds to M-theory on G_2 manifolds.Comment: 82 pages, harvmac, 5 figures. v2: references added. v3: T^6 orientifold corrected, JHEP versio

    Instanton partition functions in N=2 SU(N) gauge theories with a general surface operator, and their W-algebra duals

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    We write down an explicit conjecture for the instanton partition functions in 4d N=2 SU(N) gauge theories in the presence of a certain type of surface operator. These surface operators are classified by partitions of N, and for each partition there is an associated partition function. For the partition N=N we recover the Nekrasov formalism, and when N=1+...+1 we reproduce the result of Feigin et. al. For the case N=1+(N-1) our expression is consistent with an alternative formulation in terms of a restricted SU(N)xSU(N) instanton partition function. When N=1+...+1+2 the partition functions can also be obtained perturbatively from certain W-algebras known as quasi-superconformal algebras, in agreement with a recent general proposal.Comment: 20 page

    Genome-wide association analyses for lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identify new loci and potential druggable targets

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by reduced lung function and is the third leading cause of death globally. Through genome-wide association discovery in 48,943 individuals, selected from extremes of the lung function distribution in UK Biobank, and follow-up in 95,375 individuals, we increased the yield of independent signals for lung function from 54 to 97. A genetic risk score was associated with COPD susceptibility (odds ratio per 1 s.d. of the risk score (∌6 alleles) (95% confidence interval) = 1.24 (1.20-1.27), P = 5.05 × 10‟⁎âč), and we observed a 3.7-fold difference in COPD risk between individuals in the highest and lowest genetic risk score deciles in UK Biobank. The 97 signals show enrichment in genes for development, elastic fibers and epigenetic regulation pathways. We highlight targets for drugs and compounds in development for COPD and asthma (genes in the inositol phosphate metabolism pathway and CHRM3) and describe targets for potential drug repositioning from other clinical indications.This work was funded by a Medical Research Council (MRC) strategic award to M.D.T., I.P.H., D.S. and L.V.W. (MC_PC_12010). This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under application 648. This article presents independent research funded partially by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the UK Department of Health. This research used the ALICE and SPECTRE High-Performance Computing Facilities at the University of Leicester. Additional acknowledgments and funding details can be found in the Supplementary Note