249 research outputs found

    Etniczna tożsamość Arumunów/Wlachów w XXI stuleciu

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    The article is devoted to recent development in the community of Aromanians, a dispersed transnational ethnic group of the Balkans. I trace various forms of Aromanian identity. I consider discussions around the desired directions of community development, its political and cultural strategies. I define the residual identity referring to activities that are available. The key criterion of ethnic affiliation becomes the origin, having Vlach ancestors. Aromanian/Vlach intellectuals focused, on the one hand, on preservation of the endangered language and culture, and on the other hand, on the memory of ancestors. The article is based on anthropological fieldwork during several summer seasons from 2007 to 2014. Observation and unstructured interviews with Aromanian local intellectuals, teachers, artists, cultural activists and organisation leaders have furnished empirical material for analysis.Artykuł jest poświęcony współczesnym zjawiskom w ramach społeczności Arumunów/Wlachów, rozproszonej na całych Bałkanach transnacjonalnej zbiorowości. Przedstawiam zróżnicowane formy współczesnej arumuńskiej tożsamości etnicznej/narodowej. Rozważam dyskusje wokół pożądanych kierunków rozwoju społeczności, jej strategii kulturowych i politycznych. Podstawowym kryterium afiliacji etnicznej/narodowej wśród Arumunów jest obecnie pochodzenie, rodzinna genealogia, posiadanie przodków Arumunów. Intelektualiści arumuńscy koncentrują uwagę zarówno na konieczności zachowania określonych cech kulturowych (języka, obyczajowości), jak i na pamięci przodków. Artykuł powstał na podstawie materiału empirycznego zebranego w trakcie antropologicznych badań terenowychz kilku sezonów letnich w latach 2007–2014. Przeprowadziłam obserwację oraz wywiady z lokalnymi intelektualistami, nauczycielami, artystami, działaczami kultury oraz przywódcami lokalnych i regionalnych organizacji

    Taniec w kręgu: nowe i dawne communitas

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    Circle dance: Old and new communitasCircle dances are observed in various cultures and times. The paper indicates certain social, political and situational contexts of the phenomenon of communal circle dances in remote territories: Catalonia, Balcans, Sakha (Yakutia), Buriatya and USA. The author offers an interpretation of chosen cases in terms of Victor Turner’s concept of communitas. During the communal dances – sardana, corlu mari, yokhor, osuokhai and ghost dance – the idea of community, equality and unity is dominating over social structure divisions and resulting in forming the psychological and social communitas. This is why all analysed circle dances arise in the context of serious menace and destruction of ethnic integrity. Being together in a very literal sense through physical closeness during the same motoric behaviours, common singing produces feeling of power and unifications, reinforcing social identity and affirmation to a group. Circle dances are analysed in association with attempts to preserve group cultural and oft en even biological integrity

    Invented tradition and the new regionalism. The revival of pastoralism in Ochotnica Górna (Polish Carpathian village)

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    The article is based on anthropological fieldwork in Ochotnica Górna, a village belonging to Podhale region (southern Poland). The study was focused on the revival of transhumance – the type of pastoralism, characteristic for Valachian villages of the entire range of Carpathians. The transhumance has been destroyed by global economic transformation in Poland. Recently it is revived on the new ideological basis connected with the idea of Carpathian and Valachian regionalism.The article is based on anthropological fieldwork in Ochotnica Górna, a village belonging to Podhale region (southern Poland). The study was focused on the revival of transhumance – the type of pastoralism, characteristic for Valachian villages of the entire range of Carpathians. The transhumance has been destroyed by global economic transformation in Poland. Recently it is revived on the new ideological basis connected with the idea of Carpathian and Valachian regionalism

    Forced emigration and desired return: the social and psychological consequences of the wartime evacuation of Greeks

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    The subject of this article is the fate of the Greek political refugees – specifically personsforcibly resettled in Poland and other countries of the Soviet Bloc, evacuated from territoriesengrossed in the Civil War of 1946-1949. After a long period in exile, some returned to theirhome country and began a new life, struggling with economic, familial, social, linguistic and cultural problems. The history of the Greek refugees and their re-immigration illustrates the irreversibility and irreparability of the social and psychological damage done by forcedmigration. Returns to the homeland did not reinstate balance, and did not ease the dilemmasinitiated by the first resettlement. History is stuck in the memories as well as the everyday lives of the return migrants and their social milieus; this creates divides, mutual strangeness, and social tensions. Compulsory movement of populations – leading to the severance of connections with one’s fatherland, hometown, mother tongue, and home culture – causes subsequent conflicts and identity problems which continue to haunt those who returned to their birthplace

    „Command of Fathers”. A Discourse of Sorrow and Enthusiasm in the Struggle of Aromanians for Their Language and Ethnicity in Multicultural Balkan Societies

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    Since  1962,  when  Zbigniew  Gołąb  has  published  his  fundamental  study  on Aromanian  language in Macedonia, in Polish literature, beyond his study, there was a little interest in Aromanians as an ethnic group and in their language. In this article, the author focuses on 1) the changes the Aromanian language has been undergoing in the recent times, 2) how the transformation of the social situation of Aromanians  influences  the  development  of  the  language.  In  the  present  days, the  social  function of the ethnic language is transformed from the language of everyday use to the language as a symbol, label, marker of ethnicity, used in the special occasions. Opinions expressed by Aromanian intellectuals about their ethnic language, role in Aromanian social life, and their dilemmas, sorrows and enthusiasm, as well as activities around the ethnic language are the main objects of interest in the paper. The empirical material, applied to this study, was collected during the anthropological field research the author conducted in the summer seasons from 2007 till 2010 in all countries of residence of Aromanians: Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania. The empirical material includes more than 50 recorded and transcribed interviews with the leaders of Aromanian ethnic movement, informal conversations and observation notes taken during Aromanian public events.Since  1962,  when  Zbigniew  Gołąb  has  published  his  fundamental  study  on Aromanian  language in Macedonia, in Polish literature, beyond his study, there was a little interest in Aromanians as an ethnic group and in their language. In this article, the author focuses on 1) the changes the Aromanian language has been undergoing in the recent times, 2) how the transformation of the social situation of Aromanians  influences  the  development  of  the  language.  In  the  present  days, the  social  function of the ethnic language is transformed from the language of everyday use to the language as a symbol, label, marker of ethnicity, used in the special occasions. Opinions expressed by Aromanian intellectuals about their ethnic language, role in Aromanian social life, and their dilemmas, sorrows and enthusiasm, as well as activities around the ethnic language are the main objects of interest in the paper. The empirical material, applied to this study, was collected during the anthropological field research the author conducted in the summer seasons from 2007 till 2010 in all countries of residence of Aromanians: Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania. The empirical material includes more than 50 recorded and transcribed interviews with the leaders of Aromanian ethnic movement, informal conversations and observation notes taken during Aromanian public events

    Identity on the borderland. Romance population of Eastern Serbia

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    Artykuł koncentruje się na analizie tożsamości etnicznej dwóch grup romańskojęzycznych, zamieszkałych na obszarze wschodniej Serbii: Wlachów i Cincarów (Arumunów). Jest to obszar pogranicza kulturowego, językowego i politycznego, a sytuacja ta w różnym stopniu kształtuje etniczne samookreślenie dwóch badanych grup. Artykuł jest oparty na materiale terenowym, zebranym podczas trzech wyjazdów terenowych: w latach 2015, 2016 i 2017. Autorka analizuje wypowiedzi Wlachów i Cincarów, zaangażowanych w ruchy etniczne Autorka analizuje wypowiedzi Wlachów i Cincarów (Arumunów) zaangażowanych w działalność etnicznych organizacji i ruchów społecznych. Analizie poddane zostały oba aspekty etnicznej tożsamości: psychologiczny i behawioralny, z jednej strony wyrażające się w wypowiedziach, a z drugiej strony w zachowaniach i działalności członków obu badanych zbiorowości.The article concentrates on the analysis of ethnic identity of two romance groups living on the territory of Eastern Serbia: Vlachs and Cincars Aromanians).This area is a borderland, culturally, linguistically and politically; the situation significantly influences the ethnic identity choices of the two studied groups. The article is based on the data collected during three field studies: in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The author analyses in-depth interviews with Vlachs and Cincars, active in ethnic organizations and movements. Both aspects of the identity: psychological and behavioural are investigated, on one hand these aspects find expression  in utterances, and on the other hand in behaviours and activities of both studied groups

    Organizacje polonijne i tożsamość narodowa. Polacy w Bośni i Hercegowinie (BiH)

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    The article is based on anthropological fieldwork basing on participant observation andinterviews conducted in 2014 during Program „Sigma” Erazmus Mundus 2 in Tuzla,Lukavac, Sarayevoand Mostar. The interviewees were the members of Polish minority inBosnia and Herzegovina engaged in Polish cultural organisations. The study aimed atunderstanding various types of bonds with Poland as a state or the culture and even familyhistories, as presented in interviews and behaviours. The author poses the question: whyintence development of Polish organisations flourished in the period of war in 1991-1995,inspite of the fact that Polish emigration to Bosnia started in the second half of 19th century. Presently the organizations are fading and even dissapearing. The author traces manifestations of Polish identity and national ties in Bosnia and presents typology, linking particular types of Polish identity withtime and character ofemigration.The article is based on anthropological fieldwork basing on participant observation andinterviews conducted in 2014 during Program „Sigma” Erazmus Mundus 2 in Tuzla,Lukavac, Sarayevoand Mostar. The interviewees were the members of Polish minority inBosnia and Herzegovina engaged in Polish cultural organisations. The study aimed atunderstanding various types of bonds with Poland as a state or the culture and even familyhistories, as presented in interviews and behaviours. The author poses the question: whyintence development of Polish organisations flourished in the period of war in 1991-1995,inspite of the fact that Polish emigration to Bosnia started in the second half of 19th century. Presently the organizations are fading and even dissapearing. The author traces manifestations of Polish identity and national ties in Bosnia and presents typology, linking particular types of Polish identity with time and character of emigration

    Znikanie etnosu i nowe formy walki o tożsamość: wschodnioromańscy mieszkańcy Istrii

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    The paper is based on the results of two anthropological researches conducted within the communities living in the Istria Peninsula. Until recently they have used specific local Eastern Romance dialects. The text is dedicated to the process of violent changes which endangered the existence of this population in the context of its language and identity. The described groups are being assimilated and integrated to the Croatian-speaking majority and Croatian national culture. On the base of interviews with representatives of local communities from Žejane and Šušnjevica the historical traditions, social status of these groups and the character of their relations with neighbouring population will be described. Moreover, social and educational activities towards the cultural revival of these communities, taken by the local intelligentsia, will be discussed.Artykuł jest oparty na dwóch intensywnych antropologicznych badaniach terenowych. Poświęcony jest gwałtownie zachodzącym procesom kulturowym wśród zbiorowości posługujących się do niedawna (a obecnie szczątkowo) wschodnioromańskimi dialektami wśród mieszkańców Istrii, tracących tożsamość językową, „rozpływających się” wśród chorwackiej większości, ulegających radykalnej integracji tożsamościowej i asymilacji do narodowej kultury chorwackiej. Interesuje mnie nie tyle historyczne pochodzenie grupy, ile jej samookreślenie, jak się okazuje, skomplikowana tożsamość wewnętrzna zbiorowości a także podejmowane przez lokalną inteligencję próby jej regeneracji poprzez naukę regionalnego języka romańskiego. Uwzględniony zostaje także aspekt miejsca w hierarchii społecznej lokalnych grup wschodnioromańskich Istrii w oczach sąsiadów i kulturowa walka o jego zmianę

    Turystyczne wykorzystanie krajobrazu kulturowego w gminie Koronowo = Tourist use of the cultural landscape in Gmina Koronowo

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    Nowicka Ewa, Podgórski Zbigniew, Gonia Alicja. Turystyczne wykorzystanie krajobrazu kulturowego w gminie Koronowo = Tourist use of the cultural landscape in Gmina Koronowo. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(5):413-426. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.18035http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%285%29%3A413-426https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/562072http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.18035Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011 – 2014 http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.03.2015. Revised 18.04.2015. Accepted: 24.05.2015. Turystyczne wykorzystanie krajobrazu kulturowego w gminie KoronowoTourist use of the cultural landscape in Gmina Koronowo Ewa Nowicka, Zbigniew Podgórski, Alicja Gonia Instytut Geografii, Wydział Kultury Fizycznej, Zdrowia i Turystyki, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, 85-428 Bydgoszcz, ul. Mińska [email protected]  Słowa kluczowe: krajobraz kulturowy, turystyka, gmina Koronowo, metoda inwentaryzacji krajoznawczej, szlaki turystyczne. Key words: cultural landscape, tourism, Gmina Koronowo, sightseeing inventory method, hiking trails. Zarys treści Gmina Koronowo jest powszechnie uznawana za teren atrakcyjnego krajobrazu, cenną i interesującą przestrzeń turystyczną. Predyspozycje obszaru do uprawiania różnych form turystyki potwierdza wynik oceny atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu.W artykule scharakteryzowano zasoby krajobrazu kulturowego gminy Koronowo. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że niemal każda miejscowość posiada obiekt o dużej wartości historycznej bądź kulturowej oraz walory krajoznawcze. Znaczna ich część znajduje się w Koronowie, z uwagi na wielkość miasta i jego bogatą historię. Powszechna opinia dowodzi, że Zalew Koronowski stanowi największy walor turystyczny gminy Koronowo. Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż jest on najmocniejszym atutem oraz marką turystyczną. Świadczy o tym m.in. wzrost intensywności ruchu turystycznego w sezonie letnim. Na podstawie wyników analizy SWOT stwierdzono, że gmina Koronowo ma nadal nie w pełni wykorzystany potencjał turystyczny. Fakt ten ze względu na przeciętną wielkość presji turystycznej potwierdza potrzebę dalszych działań na rzecz rozwoju turystyki na analizowanym obszarze. AbstractThe gmina (third tier administrative unit) of Koronowo is widely regarded an area of attractive landscape, as well as valuable and interesting tourist space. Its suitability for various forms of tourism is confirmed by the assessment of visual attractiveness of the landscape. The article describes the resources of the cultural landscape of Gmina Koronowo. The results indicate that almost every locality has an object of high cultural or historical value as well as sightseeing potential. Most of those objects, however, are located in Koronowo itself, given the size of the town and its rich history. The common opinion proves that the Koronowo Reservoir is the biggest tourist value of Gmina Koronowo. Undoubtedly, it is the strongest asset and a tourist brand. This is evidenced by e.g. intensification of tourist traffic in the summer. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis it was found out that Gmina Koronowo is not fully exploiting its tourism potential. Due to the average size of the tourist pressure, this confirms the need for further action to develop tourism in the analysed area. Translated by Aleksandara Zaparucha