27 research outputs found

    Denture-related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction

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    Oral inflammation, such as periodontitis, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherosclerosis, and vascular dysfunction. The relationship between vascular dysfunction and other common forms of oral infections such as denture-related stomatitis (DRS) is unknown. Similar risk factors predispose to both conditions including smoking, diabetes, age, and obesity. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate endothelial function and major vascular disease risk factors in 44 consecutive patients with dentures with clinical and microbiological features of DRS (n = 20) and without DRS (n = 24). While there was a tendency for higher occurrence of diabetes and smoking, groups did not differ significantly in respect to major vascular disease risk factors. Groups did not differ in main ambulatory blood pressure, total cholesterol, or even CRP. Importantly, flow mediated dilatation (FMD) was significantly lower in DRS than in non-DRS subjects, while nitroglycerin induced vasorelaxation (NMD) or intima-media thickness (IMT) was similar. Interestingly, while triglyceride levels were normal in both groups, they were higher in DRS subjects, although they did not correlate with either FMD or NMD. Conclusions. Denture related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction in elderly patients with dentures. This is in part related to the fact that diabetes and smoking increase risk of both DRS and cardiovascular disease

    A skeleton of peat-trapped forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Northwestern Poland: a record of life and death of the Eemian large mammals

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    We present a description of an almost complete skeleton of the forest rhino (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) found near Gorzów Wielkopolski (Northwest Poland) in its geological and palaeoenvironmental context. While finds of bones and teeth are common, the importance of this find resides in, that it is the most complete specimen of this species, almost perfectly preserved in a well-studied and dated stratigraphic and sedimentological context, along with other fossil fauna and flora. The OSL dates of glaciofluvial sediments sandwiching skeleton-bearing horizons indicate a Middle Eemian age of the Pleistocene paleolake land. This warm climate is also indicated by the results of sedimentological, geochemical, paleobotanical, and isotopic analyses. The rhino skeleton was deposited in a shallow area near the lake’s littoral zone. Bite marks of a large predator (cave hyena) were recognized on the rhino’s pelvis, which, due to their location, were probably created post-mortem. With an estimated height of 1.82 m at the withers, this was a large adult Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis. The results of osteometric analyses indicate that we are dealing with one of the largest known individuals of this species. Although it suffered from a pathologically deformed spine, the individual died at a relatively old age.Peer reviewe

    Occurrence of the root rot beet pathogens in sugar beet cultivation sites

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    Z plantacji buraka cukrowego na terenie województw: kujawsko-pomorskiego, pomorskiego i warmińsko-mazurskiego dostarczono w 2010 roku do IHAR — PIB w Bydgoszczy 11 prób porażonych korzeni buraka cukrowego i gleby celem zbadania występowania grzybów, w tym Rhizoctonia solani. W próbach gleby oceniono zawartość makroskładników pokarmowych, zasolenie i pH. Glebę umieszczono w kuwetach i wysiano w nich nasiona buraka cukrowego. Na porażonych młodych roślinach buraka stwierdzono obecność grzybów z rodzaju: Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium, Cladosporium i Alternaria. Rhizoctonia solani wykryto w glebie pochodzącej z miejscowości Minikowo i Sypniewo (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie) oraz Wandowo (woj. pomorskie). W wymienionych glebach wykazano następujące porażenie siewek buraka przez R. solani: 15,3% (średnio dla odmian buraka cukrowego: Janosik i Jenna) 7,9% (Janosik) i 15,7% (Janosik). Na preparatach z porażoną tkanką buraka obserwowano wielokrotnie jednoczesne występowanie wielu grzybów, wśród których dominowały rodzaje: Aphanomyces, Fusarium, Pythium, Verticillum i Rhizoctonia. Badania nadesłanych prób korzeni i gleby potwierdziły w 3 przypadkach obecność R. solani w glebie i na roślinie.The IHAR — PIB in Bydgoszcz received in 2010 eleven samples of infected sugar beet roots and soil. The samples were taken from areas of the following provinces: Kujawy-Pomerania, Pomerania and Warmia-Masuria. The main purpose of the tests was to examine the occurrence of Rhizoctonia solani. The content of macronutrients, salinity and pH were evaluated in the samples of the soil. First, the soil was placed on trays and then sugar beet seeds were sown. The occurrence of various fungi genera, including Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium, Cladosporium and Alternaria was noted. R. solani was detected in the soil obtained from Minikowo and Sypniewo areas (Kujawy-Pomerania) and also from Wandowo area (Pomerania). After growth in the mentioned soils the following R. solani infection rates on the sugar beet seedlings were found: 15.3% (on average for Janosik and Jenna sugar beet cultivars), 7.9% (Janosik) and 15.7% (Janosik). Frequent observations and examinations of the microscopic specimen of infected sugar beet tissue showed simultaneous occurrence of many fungi, among which fungi such as genera Aphanomyces, Fusarium, Pythium, Verticillum and Rhizoctonia dominated. The studies of received roots and soils samples confirmed that in three cases R. solani was present in the soil as well as on the plant

    Traces of Aristotle in Public Space in Poland

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    Autorzy artykułu podjęli próbę odszukania śladów Arystotelesa w przestrzeni publicznej w Polsce. Artykuł ma charakter socjologiczno-filozoficzny z komponentem pedagogicznym. W warstwie socjologicznej opisano kwestię przestrzeni publicznej i jej cechy. Następnie dokonano wskazania śladów Arystotelesa występujących w rodzimej przestrzeni publicznej. Na koniec poddano dyskusji zebrane dane i sformułowano stosowne wnioski.The authors of the paper attempt to find traces of Aristotle in public space in Poland. The paper is of a sociological and philosophical nature with a pedagogical component. The sociological aspect describes the issue of public space and its features. Then, traces of Aristotle appearing in Polish public space were identified. Finally, the collected data were discussed and appropriate conclusions were formulated

    Effect of white mustard on density of potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) population in soil

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczenia polowego, przeprowadzonego w latach 2007−2011 w Bydgoszczy w celu określenia wpływu dziesięciu odmian gorczycy białej, uprawianych w międzyplonie ścierniskowym, na zmiany w populacji mątwika ziemniaczanego (Globodera rostochiensis) w glebie. Doświadczenia założono metodą losowanych bloków w czterech powtórzeniach. Analiza prób gleby pobranych przed siewem gorczyc i po ich zbiorze wykazała ok. 30%–50% spadek liczebności populacji mątwika ziemniaczanego, w następstwie uprawy badanych odmian gorczycy białej.Field experiments were carried out in 2007−2011 in Bydgoszcz. The aim was to check effect of 10 white mustard varieties sown as stubble catch crop on nematode population decrease in the soil. Split-plot method was used in four replications. The result of presented study showed that chosen white mustard cultivars can reduce Globodera rostochiensis population by about 30%–50% when sown as stubble catch crop

    Applying Protective Coating on the Turbine Engine Turbine Blades by Means of Plasma Spraying

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    The tendency to increase the temperature of gases and the desire to extend the service life forces the use of a protective coating on the blade. The publication presents the technology of applying a heat-resistant protective coating onto the jet engine turbine blade by means of plasma thermal spraying, taking into account the process of aluminizing and heat treatment after aluminizing. The paper presents the results of work on the possibilities of shaping the thickness of the protective coating on the blade by changing the parameters of the spraying process, such as spraying distance, amount of hydrogen, amount of argon and the number of torch passes